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Rated: E · Fiction · Other · #2054702
Will Martha ever be happy??
It dose not have to be by choice, I mean who would want to end up being called the Black Sheep of any family or group of people...
we all want to fit in or do we?

Some people follow the crowd cause they are so used to it they no nothing else,
Others follow the crowd for fear of what would be said if they done something different or said no not today I have other plans!!

Well a little Black Sheep tale of my own :)

She was a quiet girl grew up in a small town with her five sisters, her name is Martha she is the second youngest of the six girls she know's she's different from the rest even her mother says so.. Martha's not joining in, Martha's in her room again drawing or reading but really it was not Martha who excluded herself it was her sisters who would ignore her and do stuff without her like few examples::

WALKING: Sisters would ask each other if they would go for a walk together never asked Martha :(
HAIR: Sisters would do each others hair without asking Martha :(
SHOPS: Sisters would go shopping together without asking Martha :( ( Martha would always try to join in until she gave up trying)

No wonder Martha felt so excluded that she would find her own entertainment in the things she loved, it did bother Martha at first when she was left out of things but as time went on she got used to it.. and it was the way it was, she new this would be how it would always be she did not hate her sisters infact she found them quiet amusing at times! Like some days when her mother would ask one of her sisters to go to the local shop for a bread or a milk her sisters faces looked like they'd seen a ghost and they would run around asking one of the other sisters to tag along with them or walking they would never walk alone always needed company made Martha laugh or giggle to herself, her sisters seriously needed to learn to like and love being in there own company and that is the reason Martha never hated her sisters for leaving her out of things maybe they never realised it really but they certainly helped Martha in the long run in life, Martha would walk alone to wherever she needed to go would shop alone often meeting her Mother and Sisters shopping together in town she would never shop with them they would often leave without her anyway Martha actually loved to shop alone not waiting outside shops for anyone or going where they wanted and never getting to where she needed to go as the daylight would be fadeing :)
The look Martha's Mother gave her sometimes was a proud, reassuring look that Martha new she would be ok and that her mother actually wished her sisters were more like her but she would never say it Martha just new..

As the years past Martha's sisters married had children they seemed happy with there jobs there life's still would not be without each other, still makes Martha giggle :D but she loves them so much because they made her strong and the woman she is today and she no's they love her to in there own ways!!

Martha also met a man and was very happy until her strengths are put to the test when she meets the inlaws....

So much more is to come for Martha good times and bad... She believes everything happens for a reason that's why in her younger years her sisters were like that towards her because it would teach Martha how to be strong with the test's that were in front of her the test that is LIFE...

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