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Rated: E · Article · Inspirational · #2054518
A view on life
I often wonder why in life we categorise everything or brand everything so to speak. Every aspect of everything, everyday falls into a way of thinking, a something or a someone. We ignore individuality because who you become or decide to be is already somebody else. Growing up you are guided towards a way of life that you can bet your bottom dollar is not what you had in mind. It wasnt part of your plan. But that is the reality of the world today. It really just depends on how you look at it. The way kids grow up and enter the teenage years is generally influenced by their environment, their surroundings. You will smoke because the generation before you smoked. You will drink because the generation before you drank. You will do drugs because the generation before you did drugs. You get the idea. You will think, feel and respond in the same way that the generation before you did. This is what they call the domino effect. A chain of events that once it has started, is generally impossible to stop or even slow down. I disagree.

They say if you look into the future, then it has already changed. If this is true than surely enough, if you look at what you could potentially become before you become it, than you can choose whether that is the person you will be. Life is about choice. You always have one. There is never just one path. Though every path that lies before you is not a one way street. You can always move forward, however if it is not one way than the potential to do a u-turn will also linger. You will always be faced with problems, issues, bad luck, whatever it is you want to call it, and it will test your resilience, these are the times that will determine who you are as a person. These are the times that will challenge how you view the world and what your perspective on things are. This is where you come to a road block and you are forced to make a choice. Do you go around or go back? A man once said obstacles are what you see, when you take your eyes off your goals. Never lose sight of where you want to go or who you want to be, for that is your goal. This is the time that determines whether you are hungry for life or you are just sweeping by until your train to the next world pulls in. How will you spend your time here? What impact will you have on life?

A man asked me once if i believed in Heaven and Hell. Now, i see the reality in everything, for any idea, thought, action, response or spoken word can not exist if there is no reality in the source to begin with. So i said to the man that i believe that Heaven and Hell is very real. Now, my father once painted a picture for me, he said to me when i was a kid, Heaven and Hell are what you make of life. He did not at all mean that depending on how you spend your life it is where you end up. He meant that at some point during your life, you will end up in both. He asked me, if you are having a picnic with your two kids and a beautiful wife on a summer afternoon, is that not Heaven? Then he asked me, if you are a drug addict lying on the floor of an empty apartment, wondering where your next hit is coming from, trapped within the four walls of your own mind, is that not Hell? Pretty picture isnt it. Now i ask you does building a fake reality seem like a good time? Because that's all it is. A fake reality and those who spend their lives there are fake people. People who ignore choice, will, and become victims of the domino effect. I believe we are all born with a blank piece of paper and a pencil. That the only thing we are designed to do is draw a map. Choices come into it when you start drawing your map. Where will your map lead you? Who will you be when you get there? I call these forgotten thoughts. Because it has become apparent that no one has a response to them anymore.

I have realized now who and where i want to be. I do not want to be one of the flock, a sheep. I want to be the shepard holding the staff on top of the hill.
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