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Latest entry in 52 week challenge |
Laura skipped along the path, her snow boots kicking up fine clouds of loose snow as she travelled down the path through the forest. The sun was at its highest point on a cloud free day after a weekend of heavy snowfall. Its golden rays broke through the naked branches bathing the area in a magical glow. Her heart felt as light as the powdery snow disturbed by her movements as she hurried along. Up ahead, her parents, aunts, uncles and cousins ambled along the path heading towards the break in the trees that would lead them to where the magnificent fir trees soared up towards the sky above. Today they were going to pick the most impressive fir tree in the forest to stand in the vast entrance hall of their cabin. In a few days it would be Christmas and she could not wait. The group paused at the tree break, her father in front, his axe held comfortably in his large, strong hands. She could hear the excited chatter amongst her relatives and felt blessed to be part of such a vast but close family. There was no better feeling than being surrounded by your family at their gatherings. No matter how long since they had been together they always slotted together and fell into step as though the days apart had never passed. Conversation ceased as an uneasy silence settled over the animated group. Laura’s footsteps slowed as she sensed the tension emanating from those ahead of her. She slowed to a stop, her body tense as she watched a small group of men approach. They were dressed in black with an aura just as dark and menacing hanging around them. She wanted to call out to her family for them to get away, to run as far and as fast as they could but her voice seemed frozen in her throat. Something bad was going to happen, something that would change her world forever and there was nothing she could do to stop it. She saw her father approach the group, heard the quiet rumble of his voice as he spoke to them, his axe held protectively across his body. There was no response from the strange group, their silence sending shivers racing across her body. Time seemed to slow down, each second passing by in infinite slowness. Only the sound of her father’s voice could be heard in the forest, no animal noises or trees creaking disturbed to solitude of the moment. Her mother’s anguished cry broke through the silence of the moment, shattering the calm into thousands of fractured pieces. Laura’s eyes opened wide as agony ripped through her body as she watched one of the strangers leap at her mother. Even at the distance she was from the group, Laura could see long fangs erupt from his mouth, talons outstretch to slice through her soft flesh. Blood erupted from the ragged tears, spraying out from her body to taint the snow a violent red. The attacker lunged forward, his jaws latching around her mother’s neck. She could hear the sickening sound of his slurping at the life blood echoing throughout the silence of the forest. The others, taking their lead from their companion, leapt upon the rest of the family group. The grotesque sound of their drinking of the blood of their victims chilling Laura far more than the cold bite of winter ever could. She stumbled backwards, needing to get away from the carnage before her. Her heart broke with each cry of her dying family, their screams tearing at her soul, ripping her apart from inside out. She wanted to stay with them but knew there was nothing she could do to save them. She could only save herself and pray that her family would find each other in the next life. A twig snapped beneath her feet, the sound echoing across the clearing like a thunderclap. She froze as one of the attackers stopped his actions and looked across the clearing at her. His eyes widened, black coals tinged with red that glowed menacingly in the wrecked tranquillity of the clearing. He licked his lips, smearing the blood staining his mouth. She could see his teeth, savage points of devastation pulling his face into an evil grimace. He stalked across the fallen snow towards her, menace radiating from every inch of him. She tried to run but her legs were like rubber, her feet tripping over the slightest obstacle. She stumbled to the ground, her feet struggling to find purchase in the loose snow. She could feel the cold, wet snow seeping through her jacket, chilling her flesh, soaking into her bones. If the man stalking towards her didn’t kill her then she was sure she would freeze to death for she could feel no warmth within her body. Snow, displaced from somewhere above, fell to the ground around her as a gentle push of air swirled around her. The cries from where her family had fallen changed from the anguished cries of the innocent to the surprised, angry cries of their attackers. She risked a glance over to where the sounds came from and saw strange creatures attacking those who had slain her family with an equalling level of ferocity. None were spared as heads were separated from bodies and carelessly tossed aside. The man stalking her ignored the plight of his companions or the threat to his own safety. His attention was focused solely upon her as he walked with determined strides across the snow covered ground. Laura’s heart pounded loudly in her chest, its thumping beat echoing in her ears drowning out all other sounds around her. The coppery scent of blood was heavy in the air, she could taste it in her mouth, churning her stomach into a tight band of knots. Inch by inch she pushed away from her pursuer, her breathing ragged as though she had run a marathon. “Mine, little girl,” the man rasped, his face twisting into some form of sick smile. “I can taste your blood, all sweet with your fear.” He licked his lips in anticipation. “Yes, you will taste the best this evening, of that I am sure.” “Are you?” The voice was low and hard, a menacing rasp of promised retribution. The man whirled around to see who had spoken. His hands curled into tight fists, the rage he was feeling emanating off him in waves. “This is nothing to do with you, Lucien. Nothing.” “Isn’t it? You and your friends have just murdered an innocent family, something that you know is against our ways. I think that makes it our business.” Lucien strode towards them, his movements appearing relaxed yet there was a lethal edge about him. “Your business is old. Times are changing yet you are not. Soon you will be as obsolete as those humans. We are the masters here, not you.” “I beg to differ.” He moved so fast that Laura could not track his motion. One second he was facing her would be attacker the next he was behind him, lethal talons extended to punch through his chest and shred the heart before coldly separating the head from the body. She gasped as the attacker crumpled to the ground to lie beside his dismembered head. Her involuntary sound alerted the man identified as Lucien for he turned and looked right at her. Eyes as black and deep as the night met hers, flames glowing in their depths before he blinked and they disappeared. “Are you injured?” his voice had a slight accent she could not place, a soothing cadence that calmed her ragged nerves. Unable to speak through the fear clenching her vocal chords she shook her head, watching as he came and knelt by her side. His dark eyes raked her body as though searching for any injuries she had not disclosed. “My parents?” she whispered as her terror ebbed slightly. “I will tend to them. Do not worry over them. We must get you somewhere safe.” He moved towards her as though to pick her up but she stiffened, still traumatised from the events of the day. “I want my parents.” Her voice wavered, threatening to break as her control tested its limits. A sad smile flickered across his features before his stern mask was once more in place. “I know, little one, I know.” He placed his hand lightly upon her forehead. “Sleep, la lishka, sleep and let this day leave your mind.” Her eyelids felt heavy and a lethargic warmth spread through her body, weighing her down. She felt as though she lay in her bed, wrapped in a thick, feather filled duvet, protected from the world around her. She gave up the struggle to stay awake and succumbed to the darkness rushing to overtake her. Lucien looked down at the sleeping girl, feeling his heart twist at the anguish he could feel emanating from her. What happened today should never have taken place and he felt guilty that she had been subjected to the horror of his kind when they went rogue. He could only hope they would be able to bury those memories deep within her mind so that they never tainted her life ahead. “Is she untouched?” Lucien nodded. “He did not get to her although her mind will always be scarred by what has happened here.” “Perhaps Ram can do something for her. No child should have to live with these memories.” “What of her people?” “Talon is checking them out but it does not look good. Most of them are dead from the blood loss but a couple still live. Talon’s checking to see if they’re turning.” Lucien walked over to the scene of such devastation. The pure white snow was now tinged with angry red patches where blood had been spilt. Eyes stared sightlessly out at him, features frozen with the horror of their deaths. He left his young charge with the other man before crossing over to where Talon stood over the still moving bodies of a young couple. From the scent of their blood he recognised that these were the girl’s parents. Her mother, attacked first, was in the grip of a brutal change. Her body jerked in random spasms as saliva frothed at her mouth. Her eyes stared up at the sky, black against the whiteness of her skin. Lips moved but no words were uttered, her vocals chords severed in the attack. There was nothing Lucien could for her save to send her into the afterlife and end what her attackers had started. With brutal ease he plunged his taloned fingers into her chest and shredded the rapidly beating heart. Her body jerked violently as the poison in her system tried to heal the damage he had inflicted. He watched as she twitched with random movements before stilling as the heart was unable to keep pumping precious fluids around her body. He glanced across at the man, her husband and the father of the young girl. Like his wife he too was in the process of changing yet he was fighting it with every breath he sucked into his lungs. He looked across at his wife, saw that she was dead and closed his eyes briefly before opening them and fixing Lucien with a fierce stare. “My daughter?” he rasped around the damage to his neck. “She is unharmed.” “Look after her. She is special. Promise me you will keep her safe.” Lucien wanted to dismiss the man’s plea but there was something in his words that had him nodding his agreement. “I will.” The man relaxed, ready to accept his fate. His eyes met Lucien’s, already darkening as the change started to advance through his body. “Thank you,” he rasped. “I will go to the afterlife knowing she is safe.” Lucien looked down at him before allowing his talons to extend. He felt regretful for what he had to do but knew there was no alternative. “Shi la tomaka, tanate,” he whispered as he plunged his hand into the man’s chest. The ancient words would ensure his soul had safe passage into the afterlife, a journey befitting a brave warrior. “It is time to go,” he said to the others as he gathered up the sleeping child. “Have Caros cleanse the scene before they are discovered.” The others nodded before bright light flooded the small clearing. The would be rescuers had disappeared and the sky was filled with three, large dragons as they climbed upwards into the empty sky. |