Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2054185-In-the-Belly-of-a-Town
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Sci-fi · #2054185
One of my better known series from deviantART
by 15thatguy


“So, have any clue of what happened out here, Michelle?” My partner Tonya asks me, shining her flashlight around the colony, only to find everything and everyone asleep.

“I have no idea. I mean, one moment everything’s fine, then the next, women are flooding the hospital.” I aim my flashlight down at my radio, starting to unhook it from my belt.

“Aren’t you the sheriff? We need to figure this out, fast, before people start worrying too much.” Tonya climbs onto her horse.

“Well, looks like we got work to do, Lieutenant. If we don’t find the source, then I won’t be the Sheriff of Giger, LV Four-Two-Six.” I adjust my hat.

The residents of Giger, LV-426 have a… fondness of the Old West. We’re all armed, everyone carries their own weight. Committing crime? Well, go ahead, at your own risk. Every vigilante that rolls through my office typically walks out untouched, unless new evidence arises that they weren’t exactly acting for vigilantism.

I adjust the knot in my shirt, which is tied up to expose my stomach, which I’m proud of- all the crunches didn’t result in nothing, y’know. Yet I still have a couple buttons done to… contain my assets. I let my sleeves stay rolled out, while it’s still pretty warm out, I like how fuzzy the outside warmth makes my sleeves. My jeans hug my legs tightly, and my boots have the rough and worn look. I wear leather gloves meant for harder work, and of course, the hat. Tonya wears the same thing, while her shirt is white whilst mine is red, but she left her hat at the office.

My partner Tonya is a pretty thing, her fiance being one lucky son of a gun, I’ll say that. Her pretty red hair always stayed up in a bun, her green eyes always glancing about. Her short stature made her fiance look like even more of a giant than he already looked like when he stood by himself.

Me, on the other hand, well… I always kept my black hair back in a ponytail, my blue eyes did get some compliments from the boys. Yet I think my job has them a bit intimidated.

“What’s that?” I hear Tonya ask, quickly shining her torch in a direction, at an alleyway.

“I’ll check it out. Stay here.” I walk away from the horses, pulling my revolver from the holster. Getting low to the ground, I step into the alley, flashlight on.

“Alright, you can come out. We’re in the middle of an investigation here, we don’t need any teens needing to be sent back home to their parents to ground them.” I chuckle, only for nothing to happen.

“I am Michelle Donner, Sheriff of Giger, LV Four-Two-Six. In the name of the law, step out now.” I bark, only for nothing to happen, again.

I look back out of the alley, “Tonya, ya sure you’re not crazy?”

“Michelle, I swear I heard something.” Tonya yells back. Well I’ll be a monkey’s uncle.

I turn back around, hearing something crash right behind me. Turning again, I get low to the ground, only to find a freakishly large peach-colored tarantula, with a tail… Curse my affection for arachnids.

“Aww… come here little guy…” I beckon him to come over to me. He complies, climbing up my arm.

I walk back out of the alleyway with the giant spider on my shoulder.

“Jeez, Michelle! Could you come out with anything that didn’t look like a growth?!” Tonya asks me.

“We’re going back, it’s getting late.” I climb on my horse, riding back to the station.
“So, little guy, what are we gonna call ya?” I ask the spider as it climbs on my desk.

“I don’t know, Michelle, that thing might give the wrong idea to some people.” Tonya says, dropping her badge on my desk.

“Well, I wasn’t just gonna leave it out in the cold alley.” I say.

Suddenly, the spider jumps up, hugging around Tonya’s stomach.

“Hey! Whoa! Hey now! That tickles!” Tonya starts to giggle.

“Okay, that’s enough, little guy.” I say as I pry it off of Tonya, only for it to hug to me.

“Well, it certainly likes us.” Tonya giggles.

I can’t help but giggle as it tickles my belly button twice before jumping back on the desk. It looks puppyeyed.

“Aww… stay here, little guy. We gotta drop by the hospital.” I pet its head before walking back out the door.

“Wait up!” Tonya shouts to me, as I can hear her fumble with her badge.
“Ah, Doctor Renson! Tell me, how are the patients?” I ask the good doctor as we enter the hospital.

“Well…” She starts, putting her hand to her stomach. I look down to find it swollen, as if she were pregnant!

“Whoa! Doctor, I wasn’t aware you were expecting!” I approach her, putting a hand on her belly.

“Well, sheriff, to be honest, I’ve only been expecting for an hour.” The blonde doctor looks down at her swell.

“Well, what about the women that have been coming in-” I stop asking as I see a large black creature, with a freakishly long cranium start to stand up behind the doctor. “D-doctor… what is that behind you?”

“Oh!” She turns around, petting the creature on the head. “This is the firstborn! We have no idea what to call them, but they get so big, so fast!”

I suddenly start feeling full, putting a hand on my own stomach.

“Oh, sheriff! You’re pregnant, too! Quickly, let’s get you in a bed!” The doctor waddles behind me, gently nudging me.

“Whoa, whoa whoa! Don’t recall being pregnant, doctor-” I stop as I realize my stomach has swollen slightly into a bit of a belly. “What is this?” I ask.

“You’re growing faster than the other patients, sheriff. We should get you an ultrasound.” She keeps nudging me into a room.

“B-but- I’m in the middle of an investigation-” It suddenly dawned on me. Did that spider in the office have anything to do with it? “I think I know what started this- but it’s back at the office.” I’m now in a room with a bed and a bunch of equipment.

“Sheriff, please! At least have this one ultrasound!” The doctor pleads.

“Ok, fine…” I grumble, lying down on the bed. I look back down at my stomach- well, now, it’s a belly.

My partner Tonya takes a seat on a stool near the bed, but allowing the doctor to have some space as she scuttles around the room, grabbing various equipment.

“Alright, now we can- oh my!” The doctor gasps.

“What is it?” I ask her, putting a hand on my belly. I look like I’m already ending the second trimester.

“You really are growing the fastest out of all of our patients so far!” She suddenly squirts the jelly on me.

“Ooh… doctor… why is it so cold?” I ask her.

“Because…” She puts the wand on my stomach. “You’re having twins!”

“TWINS?!” I begin to freak out.

“Yep, and the first to have ‘em. That’s strange…” She analyzes the monitor closely.

“What is it?” I ask, suddenly feeling a squirming in my belly.

“The one looks like every other bellybirther we’ve seen-”

“Bellybirther? What’s that?” I ask her.

“Well, it’s what I’m calling the infantile stage of these creatures.” She turns the monitor to face me, I can see two snake-like things.

“You see… this one is the normal one, but this one... “ She points to another, which has these weird growths on it. “This one’s different.”

“Hoo… uhh… doctor? I think I’m in need of help…” My partner Tonya randomly pants.

Doctor Renson and I turn back to Tonya, who’s blowing up!

“Uhh… Tonya? Your belly’s blowing up!” I point out.

“Yeah, and it looks like your little bellybirther wants out!” She shouts as thrusting appears at the front of her stomach.

I look back to my belly, which looks full term, and I think they want out with all the squirming.

“Oh my! You’re giving birth!” Doctor Renson runs over to Tonya, who’s groaning loudly.

“HOOOOO!” She shouts, before the bellybirther is suddenly sticking out of her belly button. Aww… it’s puppyeyed. “Can… can I have another one?” Tonya asks, panting.

“Yeah… to be honest… they’re kinda- cute!” I say between thrusts.

“That’s fantastic to hear, sheriff!” The doctor waddles over to me as my first bellybirther comes out of my belly button.

“Umm… doctor? The other one isn’t moving?” I ask out of concern.

“Hmm…” She starts, collecting my bellybirther. “Well, stay here for the night so we can figure out why the one with the growth is laying dormant.” She suggests.

“So… what do we do about the bellybirthers?” Tonya asks. “And my belly still looks like I have more to give birth to.”

“Hmm… sheriff, did your belly button get two tickles?” The doctor asks.

“Yeah, why?”

“And deputy, did your belly button only get one tickle?”


“Well, if my theory is correct, then that bellyhugger must’ve put the eggs in our belly when we felt that tickle on our belly buttons. You’re clear, Miss Deputy. But, Sheriff, I’m gonna keep you overnight.”

“Ok…” I mumble, a bit bitter I have to stay off the field for a little while.

“But you haven’t answered the question about the bellybirthers, doctor.” Tonya points out.

“Well… oh!” The doctor gasps, before her bellybirther is out of her belly button. “Well… until daylight comes, it’s gonna be a bit chilly for them, we could keep them in our bellies for the night.” She suggests.

“But it’s already pretty warm outside.” I respond.

“Well, they like it when it’s really warm.” The doctor says.

“I’ll take yours, doctor. I just don’t want your bellybirther to distract you while you take care of the Sheriff.” Tonya says.

“Oh, ok, then.” The doctor says, bringing both mine and hers to Tonya.

“Come on, kiddos, in ya go.” Tonya says as hers immediately retreats back into her belly. The others quickly follow suit, before her belly button pops loudly. “Well… I’m gonna hit up the maternity store, sheriff. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Tonya walks out.

“Bye.” I say, rubbing my belly.
© Copyright 2015 15thatguy (15thatguy at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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