Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2054181-The-Meta-War-Side-story
by Ghost
Rated: E · Chapter · Sci-fi · #2054181
This is a side story for a much bigger piece I am working on right now.
In the year 2110, humanity unleashed a power that it couldnât possibly contain. We created biological weapons that we referred to as meta-humans. We made the first one as powerful as possible. That was our first mistake.
Two months after completion, the sixteen year old lost control. He created an energy storm that tore across the country from Alcatraz Island to Washington D.C. Thousands were killed, injured, or homeless. Entire cities were leveled.
But that wasnât the worst part. Many of those who survived the storm had suddenly became Metas. Their powers were unstable, with the most powerful capable of creating massive natural disasters. In an effort to figure out what we were dealing with in terms of abilities, the government ordered that all Metas be quarantined in what was later called Mutant City. This was our second mistake.
Our third mistake was the worst one we couldâve made. We began to realize that the Metas wouldnât go quietly, but instead that they would fight us every step of the way. This created tension in Mutant City. When a unit in the district was attacked, my men and I were on the first wave to secure the city. This was our final mistake. We underestimated both their abilities and their resolve.
While I was part of the first wave, my squad was the last one to enter the district. We had just crossed a bridge into Mutant City when the entire street was bathed in red light. A second later, the entire truck flew forward as the entire world seemed to be crumbling. When I opened my eyes and the world settled, I realized that the bridge we just crossed was gone, a column of smoke rose into the sky. As the ringing in my ears died, I began to hear the first shots of the war. Or rather, the first explosions. You could hear it over the radio. Only a quarter of the forces had made into the district before the Metas attacked. Those forces were now being attacked from every side. The Metas had ambushed us using the very defenses we had used to keep them in.
As my only remaining squad mate and I moved further into the city with the jeeps in front of us, the radios continued to run rampant.
âMayday, mayday, we are under attack. The entire line has fallen apart. They put Mutant City into lockdown mode and are firing on units from all angles. Almost all of my men have been wounded, and all forward squadrons are reporting similar casualties...â
The rest of the message was cut off, when three of the jeeps were sent flying by some sort of shockwave. There was now only one jeep left in the street to cover me and my partner. The five men inside got out and prepared for a fight. One of them, I guess he was the driver, was several cuts from where debris from the blast flew through the windshield. There was nothing serious, but he couldnât fight like he wanted to. Suddenly, a man went down. He had been hit by spikes in his leg and arm. Before I could help him, two more men went down. I could feel a slight breeze a second later. The last three of us pointed our guns in different directions, for all the good it did us. Suddenly, two Metas dropped between us. I didnât see what happened to the others. I just felt a kick in the back and went flying into a truck. I heard one of the Metas talk right before I blacked out.
âWhy are they attacking us?â
I realized that the voice wasnât that of a soldier or terrorist, it was that of a horrified child. It reminded me of my son back at home. Thatâs when I realized the true extent of the war that had just begun. This wasnât an enemy from foreign soil that didnât speak English. This was a war that would tear apart families and end relationships. This would be civil war.

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