Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2053504-I-am-better-than-you
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2053504
That's right! Not really, though. Just a man trying to go through some personal issues.
"Ah, reader. Being uncivilized has its benefits... I don't have to worry about pleasing anybody, for they all despise me!"

That is right, Kent. Whatever shall you do, now?

"I will go to bed, narrator. I must clear my mind of all the rubbish people from the past and the now put onto me."

Okay, Kent, do what you will!

Kent, who finished his short conversation with that narrator, fell into slumber. Hours later, Kent heard a knock at the door. Demonstrating his superior common sense among the rest of the world, Kent approached the door, and opened it. Not able to recognize who the person is, Kent began to speak.

"Who are you?"

The man made no response.

"I'm asking you, again... who are-"

The man headbutted Kent, sending him to the floor in an unconscious state. As Kent became unconscious, the man and the other comrades who waited for the time is right grabbed Kent, and escorted themselves to an unknown location. Unknown of how long he had been unconscious, Kent finally awoke to find himself with a bag on his head, with things around him not entirely transparent. Kent, who heard a man speak, listened.

"Now, we are all men here, are we not?!"

"Yes, we are men", said the crowd who followed the man's question, in an intoxicated manner.

"Now, being men here, we all want some money! Well, have I a deal for you! We have a VERY SPECIAL man on this ship! A man by the name of Kent Blakeman!"

"Kent Blakeman?!"

"Yes, you idiots, Kent Blakeman! For this man is famous! Lord Ambrosio keeps him in all his stories!"

"Lord Ambrosio?!"

The man smacks his forehead with his hand, sighing in a deep tone, obviously annoyed by the groups stupidity. Groaning angrily, the man speaks once more.

"Why, yes, my friends, Lord Ambrosio! Now, moving on to more important matters!"

The man clasped his hands together, and spoke once more.

"My friends, I have quite the offer for you: your very own ship... Your very OWN PIECE OF LAND... Your very own ticket to heaven... FOR THE HEAD OF KENT BLAKEMAN!"

Kent, who heard that his name was going to be on everyone's hit list. tried to remove the bag from his head. Unfortunately, Kent did not realize his hands were tied. To his aid, Kent noticed a sword in a corner nearby. Kent stood, walked to the sword, and sat in front of it, with his hands upon the sharp point of the sword. Moving his hands in the direction of up and down, Kent successfully removed the rope from his wrist, removed the bag from his head, and tried to find a way out. Noticing a door open, Kent, yet again using his common sense, escorted himself out of the room.

"I need to find out where the heck am I, and leave this damnable place," Kent said to himself.

Kent eventually noticed a man smoking a cigarette, with his back facing Kent.

"I should take him out, and steal his outfit, so they will not think it is me," Kent said to himself.

Kent crouched down to suppress the noise of his feet, put his hand on the man's mouth and getting him to pass out from the lack of breathing. Kent then removed the clothes from the unconscious body. Ignoring the man's penis, Kent grabbed the sword he used to cut the rope, and stealthily stabbed the man to the neck. Kent, who needed a spot to hid the corpse, managed to find an opening to outside, and pushed the corpse into the water, forever to be forgotten by everyone. Kent dressed himself in the dead man's clothes, and walked his way upstairs to the ship. A man, who presumed Kent to be one of them, began to speak to him.

"Hey, man!"


"Did you hear about Kent Blakeman? I want that man dead, so I can receive paradise!"

"Yes, I did. How do you plan to end him?"

"Well, I heard that Kent is actually on this ship! He's hidden somewhere... Don't tell anyone, or else this ship may end up having a frenzy of determined men! Okay, I am off, now. Goodbye, man."


The man Kent spoke with walked away, leaving Kent to wonder what he should do in his situation. Kent continued to walk to another room, who, unaware of it, meets the man who declared Kent as a wanted man. As the man saw Kent, the man knew it was Kent who entered.

"Ah. So, you found a way out."

"Who are you? Why am I here? Why am I wanted?!"

"Why, you're the famous Kent Blakeman! The whole world talks about you. Are you so ill-informed of your popularity?"

"I am going to put an end to all this."

The man scoffed, drank his tea, and began to speak.

"You? YOU?! You're nothing but a man! Look at you! You against my crew?! Surely you must be out of your mind to even assume you're capable of killing each and every one of us! Sure, you can kill me, but what will that do? You have the rest of my crew to deal with. So, Kent, I'm giving you two choices: kill me, and take my crew out on your own, or stay hidden, and do as I say, or else I will have to unfortunately tell my crew of your presence here. So, what shall it be, cracker?"

"I don't need your help. Damn you to hell."

"Well, Kent, you have made your decision. Go on and behead me with the sword you have obtained."

Kent did what he wanted, and killed the man. As easily as the kill was, Kent now had bigger problems to deal with. Shortly after the kill, a man walked into the room, and noticed the crime Kent has just committed.

"Murder! Someone, get over here! We have Kent-"

Kent ran up to the man who was yelling, and also beheaded him. Unfortunately for Kent, everyone had heard of the alertness. Numerous footsteps being heard approaching Kent, Kent looked around to find another weapon. To his surprise, there was a gun on the man's corpse Kent has recently killed. Grabbing the gun and waiting for the men to arrive in distance to fire, Kent stood there. As the men arrived in his sight, Kent fired the gun immediately, killing all five men. After their deaths, Kent ran his way upstairs, to get a better view of the ship from the outside. Clinging the sword to his waist upon arriving to the outside of the ship, Kent noticed a man running his way. Kent, who noticed that he was on a higher vantage point then the man, jumped off the vantage point, descending down towards the man, planning to pierce his body with his sword. As Kent's feet landed themselves onto the stomach of the man, Kent sliced the head off of the man he stood upon, and ran his way to find other adversaries.

Alerting the attention of Kent, the man noticed Kent committed yet another murder.

"Help! Everyone, Kent Blakeman is here! KENT BLAKEMAN IS HERE!"

Kent fired a bullet towards the man's head, leaving the corpse to rot. Running past the corpse, Kent bumped into another man, who he stabbed immediately. Upon stabbing, Kent noticed another man coming right at him from a few feet. Kicking the corpse towards the approaching man, the man fell to the floor, giving Kent the opportunity to strike. Fixing his grip with the sword, Kent tried to stab the man. To his unfortunate luck, the man put his feet in the air, kicking Kent in the face, and sending Kent to fall overboard. Grabbing onto the edge of the ship, Kent shimmed his way away from the man. The man, who noticed Kent trying to escape, ran towards Kent, firing shots towards Kent's stomach, which eventually got Kent to let go of the edge, and fall into the water, sinking. Knowing of his inevitable doom, Kent closed his eyes, and died.

"It is unfortunate we were not able to obtain the corpse, but we now have our ticket to heaven..."



Kent, who awoke from his doom, opened his eyes to see a hand. Accepting the hand, Kent rose, and looked at who it is. To his surprise, Kent gasped, knowing it is The Psychologist.

"Hello, Mr. Blakeman."

"I-it's you!"

"Yes, it is me. It's been quite some time since we have last seen each other, Mr. Blakeman."

"But why, though?"

"Kent, you are dead; you are in heaven, again. Those men on that ship wanted your head for a trip to heaven with Jesus."

"That bastard doesn't know when to quit! The Psychologist, what are we going to do?"

"We will confront him! Sadly, he is aware now that you are coming after him! We must arm ourselves with heavenly (ohhhhhhh the pun) weapons to take him down. Are you up for a bit of spiritual warfare?"

"Of course I am!"

"Be aware, though, that we may have to face the father of Jesus..."

"Let us go."

As Kent and The Psychologist ran their way towards the location of Jesus, they noticed men in heavenly uniforms aimed to shoot at them. Dropping down to avoid the shot, The Psychologist fired rounds towards the man, with Kent throwing a knife to his neck. Advancing towards Jesus yet again, they stumble across a door with Jesus' full name...

"Don't you think this is some kind of trap, The Psychologist?

"Do you think I am a fool, Kent? With my intellectual abilities I can obviously decipher that this damnable door is nothing but a trap!"

"Let us open it, then."

As the two opened the door, they noticed a man with black sunglasses, dancing a abnormal dance that was popular in 2012, and is the most viewed video on YouTube. Kent and The Psychologist, knowing what this is, closed the door, in silence.

"Well, Kent, now you see that-"

Kent slapped The Psychologist across the face.

"I see," said The Psychologist, who whimpered at the pain Kent inflicted.

"Are you going to be some weak emo kid who is going to cut themselves, now?"

"Let us just continue our journey to Jesus, please!"

"Sensitive spirit."

"Masochistic whore."

Hey, you two. I don't want any fighting. I need to continue this story or else the reader will not know how it ends because of you two fighting.

"But, narrator, he called me an emo man!"

I do not care! Continue on with the story!

Kent and The Psychologist, after their immature fighting, ran their way to Jesus. Noticing from their current position, there is a man from below that they know are out to kill them.

"I will jump on top of him," Kent said, with an overconfident tone in this voice.

"You can't always do the Death From Above move from FarCry3, Kent."

"I will, this time! You will join me after I kill him."

Kent waited for the man to get directly below him to execute the fall. Noticing the opportunity, Kent jumped off his current position, and down towards the man, piercing the sword toward the man, Kent lands on the man's back, sword entirely through the body. Doing as he was told, The Psychologist comes down to join Kent, and continue running. Minutes after running on a white cloud, Kent and The Psychologist noticed a big, golden door, which shined of its own color.

"Well, my friend, this is it," said The Psychologist, in a tone, as if he is doubting they are to survive the event, and accepts death as the inevitable conclusion.

"Yes, let us-"

Upon finishing his sentence, Kent and The Psychologist heard a voice that roared upon their ears.

"So, you two have returned to my paradise to confront my father and I. What are you to gain from my death? I am to die, and we will return! What you're doing is completely futile. I am Jesus Christ. You, Kent Blakeman, are just some mortal lucky enough to return with this so-called Psychologist to fight me. The Psychologist, why did your parents name you such a name? For your name is the most abnormal one I have come across in my days on the planet, and in heaven. Now, you two stand in front of me, with weapons, containing the determination to eliminate me. What shall you do if I were to die, along with my father? Your home, Kent Blakeman, will belong to the devil! Hell will break loose, and every one will blame it on YOU. What do you plan to accomplish? Revenge? For what? You are the one who brought the fame onto your own self. But, being the human being my father created you as, they feel they always have the need to prove themselves to someone that is clearly better than them. That is right, Kent Blakeman, I am BETTER than you! Look at what I've done for this world: civilization, humans, everything! EVERYTHING! What has a mere mortal like yourself done? Lose yourself to an insane woman, being the masochistic whore that we all know that you are? Enter a temporary state of tranquility? Oh, Kent, all these events you've been through... they won't help you in the end! Even the reader knows I am better than you! Kent, you are nothing. Look at my greatest work, the bible. It is the most well known book IN THE WORLD! I have been remembered for millenniums, Kent Blakeman! How long will you be remembered for? None! Uneless the writer happens to become very popular from your writing that he continues to write about you in every single book, then perhaps you'd be remembered! Sadly, for you of course, not in the manner that is serious. I will always be remembered for dying for your damnable sins! Yet you human beings still commit them... I have regretted my father making scumbags like you, Kent Blakeman. But as I said before, you mortals always feel like you must prove your sense of worth to people who are better than you... Well, Kent Blakeman, here is your chance! Come through the gates, and make your final decision for the sake of your planet..."

After the long speech Jesus has given the two men, the large gates began to open, giving them the ability to advance forward, in silence. Passing through the gates, they see Jesus sitting on his holy throne, looking at the two, expressionless. Jesus rises from the throne, and advances himself towards the two men.

"Well, you two know why you're here. Let us not commit excessive and futile acts of socialization, and finish your objective. You two already know what will happen if you are to kill me. I do not need to elaborate. Well, go on! Let us finish this."

Jesus grabs Kent's hand, and guides it to his head, giving him the opportunity to end him. Kent, who spent a few seconds to reflect on that Jesus has done to him for these past few stories. Anger rising from his bosom, Kent lowered his hand back down to his waist. Jesus, who stared at Kent, expressionless, did so in a manner that Kent couldn't understand what he was trying to say through his eyes.

"I am better than you, Kent Blakeman."

Kent punches Jesus across the face and kicks him towards the stomach, sending him to the floor. Kent walks towards the laying Jesus, and aims his gun towards his face. Jesus, still holding an expressionless face, spits blood onto Kent's face.

"Go on, kill me, since you feel it is your destiny to end me, since you are nothing but a sensitive twat."

Kent also stares at Jesus with an expressionless face. After an unknown time, Kent aims the gun at Jesus' head, and fires. Blood covering the entirety of Kent's face, Kent gets himself off the heavenly corpse, and looks at The Psychologist, in silence.

"It is done. Now let us advance to his father."

The Psychologist nods, and follows Kent past Jesus' throne, and to Yahweh. Walking past Jesus' golden throne, the two advanced their way to the enormous golden gate. Knowing it is the gate to Yahweh, the two stood away from the gate, observing the entirety of it for an unknown amount of time. After their reflection, the two walked towards the gate, looking at the entrance. The Psychologist, who put his hand on the gate to open it, looked at Kent, and spoke.

"My friend, this is it. Are you ready to do this, or do you need more time to prepare yourself? Because once we go past this gate, we cannot turn back from what we have done."

"I am ready to take on the creator of the universe. Let's go."

The Psychologist nodded at Kent, and pushed the gates open. Upon pushing, a rush of wind flies past their faces, giving them a slight feeling of coldness. After the wind passed them, the great and powerful Yahweh appeared among them, expressionless, just like his son!

"You know why you are here. Do not speak. I understand. My own creation is now turning themselves against me, for I have given them the ability to feel emotions. I must be punished for it, I understand. You will want to end me, I know, and I will not hesitate on your decision. Let us get this over with."

Kent and The Psychologist spoke no words, and only fired the heavenly bullet towards the head of Yahweh. As the bullet entered, Yahweh screamed a deep scream that nearly got Kent and The Psychologist to become deaf. Yahweh drew in his last spiritual breath, and became part of the heavenly deceased. The corpse of the great and powerful Yahweh immediately became dust after death, and the environment of heaven began to collapse. Kent, who was alarmed, screamed.

"What's going on?!"

"It appears without Yahweh here, heaven has no way to support itself! We are most likely going to return to back to Earth!"

"How will you?! You're a spiritual being! My body still in contact!"

"I know. I will not be able to join you after this, Kent. It truly was an honor to have you as an acquaintance. Goodbye. "

"What will happen when I return?"

"As Jesus described it, Earth will now belong to the devil. It's up to you now to stop Lucifer, for I cannot continue onward. Once heaven becomes nonexistent, as will I."

"What about me?!"

"You will be transported back into your body! Goodbye, Kent Blakeman! Make this world in your vision, for you're the only one that can, now..."

The Psychologist, who now became ash upon Kent's very eyes, flew away into nonexistence. As the shattering heaven became more and more broken, Kent eventually went into a state of complete darkness. Kent, who awoke to find himself back in his apartment, looked at his hands, and everything else he could. Speechless, Kent immediately went out of his apartment complex. Kent noticed not a single person was in sight. As the skies were completely filled with red and black, and the abnormal heat Kent felt, made him regret having to kill Jesus. Knowing that there is no going back, Kent ran where ever he could to see if he could find anyone.

"Where the hell is everyone..."

Kent, who eventually ran to find someone, tapped them on the shoulder. To his unfortunate self, it was Lucifer, in the form of a human being, who eventually transformed into his true self.

"I must thank you, Kent Blakeman, for all your help. Surely without you killing the two most important figures since the first human that has ever existed, this world would not be mine! Now, Mr. Blakeman, surely you'd like to have a this power, too..."

"What are you trying to say, Lucifer?"

"What I am saying, you clueless human being, is that I am offering you to by my right-hand man! You'll help me rule over this world..."

"You cannot be serious!"

"Oh, but I am, Kent Blakeman. I can see the real you... Yes, the real you... Kent Blakeman, your entire life, you have been nothing but someone to walk over by people. I understand you. Deep down, you always wanted to be better than everyone, go farther than everyone you've known your entire life in life, and laugh in their faces, because you are more successful. Deep down, Kent, whether or not you want to accept it, you thrive to be better than everyone else. Your rather shy personality has made every one forgotten you, and now, Kent, you have no one. They have gone to do things with people who they deem more entertaining, leaving you to die alone, and in your own pool of sorrow. Kent, I am here to help you. I AM the GOOD GUY, if your mortal eyes have not noticed. Kent, if you accept my offer, I can give you all the power in the world, everything you ever wanted, to you! I will bring the people who always had a immense disdain towards you to their feet, begging for their life. You will rule them all, Kent. And then, Kent, until then you will truly be better than all of them. They are nothing to you, Kent, once you accept my offer. They are nothing but jealous, insecure mortals, not worthy to befriend an extraordinary mortal like yourself, Kent! So, Kent, now that we both know your deepest, DARKEST desires, will you accept my offer?"

Kent, who witnessed such honesty, too much honesty to handle, remained in silence. The thoughts, the desires that he tried so hard to suppress into the back of his mind, revealed to himself... Kent, who then thought of how he could be better than everyone who hated him to see him like this, made him develop a malicious, satisfied smile. Forgetting The Psychologist, and the "good guy" nonsense, Kent took this opportunity to join Lucifer...

"Yes, Lucifer, I accept you offer. Let me become better than those who hated me, despised me, and, subconsciously, envied me."

Lucifer, who smiled at Kent accepting his offer, teleported him to his own throne.

"Now, Kent, would you like all the people here before you knees?"

"Yes, please! I want to show them all!"

Lucifer gathered all the people Kent knew did not like him. Kent, who sat on this throne with bones, saw all of their faces, full of confusion, and fear. One of the girls from the crowd spoke.

"What's going on?! Where are we?!"

"Why, you're here to worship Kent, for he is better than you,"said Lucifer.

"Why do we have to worship him? What have we done to deserve-"

"You bastards ruined me! You all, all of you, have ruined my personality, and made me doubt myself! You are all malicious, dangerous people, and I am here to get rid of you all, for you all must pay for what you have done to me. I have killed Jesus Christ and Yahweh. What have you done? Gain 50,000 dollars a year? I killed the CREATOR OF THIS ENTIRE UNIVERSE! Surely such a feat as this will deem me better than all of you in others eyes! Kneel before me, or I will behead all of you.

"You're insane, Kent! This is why we do not like you! For you're-"

Kent rushes down from his throne, dashes towards the girl, and grabs her throat. Kent releases, pushes her to the ground, punching her until his hands were covered in her own blood. Feeling the anger through him, every punch Kent did only got more and more intense. Kent, who felt the woman deserved enough pain, got off her, and spat on her face.

"If any of you dare to talk like that again to me in that manner, you will all end up like her. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?!"

"This is absurd! You cannot treat us like this! It's not our fault you can't accept that not everyone will like you in this world! Get over yourself, Kent! Jesus!"

Kent looked at the man who said that, and ordered Lucifer at once to behead him. Without hesitation, Lucifer grabbed the man's head, and pulled it off from the body, with blood squishing from the top, and the body going to it's knees, then the floor, laying in a pool of its own blood.

"Does anyone else DARE to talk to me again like that?"

Everyone there nodded in silence. After knowing that they understand their fate for speaking out of the norm, Kent returned to his throne. Lucifer then approaches him, and asks him a question.

"So, Kent Blakeman, what are you to do with these people?"

"I will torture them. Bring them all to the chambers."

"As you wish."

Lucifer teleported the group of people to the chamber Kent ordered him to take them. Upon arriving, Lucifer placed all the people in chains, with no way of escaping unless Kent orders them too. From the victims eyes, they could not dare to spend too long here. The filth around them, the potential insects that will feast on their wounds, would just be too gruesome to fathom. Kent, who arrived to bring indescribable pain to the people, started off with a female. Her slightly circular, porcelain face, and brown hair that Kent always remembered, started off with her.

"It's been quite a while."

"W-why are you doing this?!"

Kent touches her cheek and looks deep into her brown eyes, filled with fear. Opening his mouth to show his malicious teeth, Kent approached the woman closer, who witnessed Kent's saliva fall from his mouth. Not risking to spit on Kent and receive everlasting slumber, the woman did nothing. Touching the rest of her soft body, Kent chuckles.

"Oh, you already know why, unless you were deaf and didn't listen to what I was saying." Kent chuckles again, and continues to speak.

"I can't blame you for not knowing. I always saw you as a deaf, incompetent woman, who pretends to be happy. You are a malicious woman, and you will pay for what you have done to me."

The woman begins to cry, and scream in Kent's face.

"You monster! I knew there something wrong with you in high-school! Now I am proven right! You're a-"

Kent punches the woman across her porcelain face, and inserts his two fingers into her eye sockets, removing her eyeballs. Shrieking from the pain, Kent kissed her so silence her screaming. Leaving her to scream in her own agony, Kent moved on to the next person...

As the man saw the woman continue to shriek from the immense pain brought onto her, his eyes focused on Kent when he approached.

"Stay away from-"

Kent, who grabbed a knife, dashed it across the man's face. The man, cried from the pain, and Kent spat on him. After the two have been wounded, Lucifer returns to Kent.

"Leave the rest, Kent. They will scream in terror once the insects dine on the corpses you have just wounded."

"I thank you, Lucifer, for embracing my true self. Yes, yes, YES! I have done it! I AM BETTER THAN THEM! All that I have achieved... All my work... All of it... He-he! Oh, Lucifer, this is a glorious day for me. I have embraced my true self! No one, and I mean no one, Lucifer, does this. I have done it! Me! ME! ME!!! Not those idiotic humans! Lucifer, I did not need them for a time like this! I have wounded that damnable woman, and that damnable man, and I will hear them scream as the worms enter her eye sockets! Yes, oh, yes, Lucifer, you truly are the good guy, not Yahweh! How can anyone deny you! Oh, Lucifer, I thank you to my greatest extent! You have freed me! SHOWN ME THE TRUTH! Ha-ha!"

"My dear Kent Blakeman, it is what I do. Would you like me to insert worms into that woman's eye sockets?"

"YES. Please, Lucifer, I want her to suffer. I NEED her to suffer!"

"Then come, let us go to that worthless woman! Kent, I know you have a desire to rape. Would you like me to summon her back from the dead, and be raped?"

"Oh, Lucifer... of course!" said Kent, with a large, malicious smile, showing all of his teeth.

Kent and Lucifer walked their way towards the screaming woman. Lucifer, who had the worms, placed them into the eye sockets of the woman. Once feeling them move about inside her, the woman shirked immensely, up to the point the man next to her ears began to bleed.

The woman tried her best to beg for mercy, for sympathy, but Kent had none. Instead, he watched her fate, the bright and wonderful fate Kent saw upon her. Once her body gave up on life, Lucifer, who told Kent of what he will do, summoned her back from the dead. Removed from the chains, Kent could not suppress the desire to attack her worm-infested body. Ripping off the remainder of her clothes, Kent began the intercourse. The woman, who could do nothing but yell not only at being raped, but at the worms digging deeper into her body. After the intercourse, Kent pushed the woman to the wall, continuously punching her stomach until she coughed off the worms within her stomach. After the punching, Kent released her, which sent her to the floor, gagging from the punches. Kent spat on her once more, and kicked her in the stomach, leaving her to die once more, and for good this time. Witnessing the entire event, the man who Kent dashed his knife across his face, could do nothing but whimper at the fact that he will be facing his inevitable demise.

Kent felt an immense relief through his bosom after the beating, and sighed. Hugging Lucifer, the two continued their way back to the throne, where all the people Kent brought to the chamber rotted. One by one, eventually, everyone has died...

Days later, Kent returned to the chamber, only to witness everyone has died from lack of food. Kent, who was overjoyed, went to his knees, and yelled out all the anger he has suppressed from what the people have done to him for all these years... All the anger, the hate, the revenge, released from his bosom, forever. After his act of screaming, Kent returned to his feet, and walked out of the chamber. With Lucifer now as Kent's savior, the two ruled over this planet, casting down their depravity. From the offer Lucifer gave Kent, Kent achieved immortality, as did Lucifer. The two continued their acts of murder, of torture, of embracing the dark sides of the human being, for the rest of eternity.
© Copyright 2015 Simple Man (lordambrosio at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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