Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2052938-SMOKYS-NEW-CAT-BOX
Rated: E · Non-fiction · Animal · #2052938
If you're squeamish, do not read. Smokey has the habit of...beware of the cat
Smokey, I love you, but you have to stop!
For many people they would have been either outraged or sick to their stomachs depending on their particular responses to the situation I am about to show to you. Imagine your world running smoothly and everything wonderful. Then imagine very, very suddenly making a discovery which drastically and irrevocably changing the happiness, peace, and joy of the beautiful day when you are thinking only about going to bed and having sweet dreams. Go ahead, take in this situation fully and then read to find the outcome of my challenging situation which I shall share with you in these paragraphs. Oh, caution, if you are squeamish or sensitive, perhaps it would be better to scroll past these paragraphs and find the ending or just skip this entirely. Perhaps you want to stretch your reading/strengthen your stomach muscles to be able to handle reading difficult word art. The choice is yours, to read or not to read, that is the question.

I am very exhausted and more than ready to go to bed. All my energies, what's left of my energy is focused on getting into that nice comfortable bed and having the support and safety I need for a good night sleep. Then to my absolute horror and surprise things are not the way I left them. There is a major change.

This is when and where I had this thought, "I want to kill a cat!" Yet even though the very worse thing imaginable has just happened, I still love my feline friend. The time is now for controlling the thoughts and emotions which could rear their ugly heads and cause more stress, dismay, anger, and all sorts of unwanted responses to the surprise which has entered my serene life and turned my world upside down.

All I could do is try to think of how on earth I'll manage to get through the night. My comfortable relaxing night is now my absolutely worst horror story from which it is very, very difficult to recover.

I had these events happen to me last night. which under normal circumstances would have been a major inconvenience. For me it is life shattering because I have vision loss, hearing loss, and use a power wheelchair., and no aid to lend a helping hand in my time of distress and need. aid a person who helps people who are señor citizens or who live with disabilities

Have I caused enough suspense yet? Are you wondering what could this be which is so earth shattering? If not, perhaps I should give this more effort and tell you the rest of the story later, right?

Now that it's at least a few seconds later, I will continue explaining about my situation and the horror which befell me as I almost settled into bed. Getting into bed requires transferring from my wheelchair with the help of a trapeze or three. trapeze medical device which helps a person maneuver from one place to another by inches such as from wheelchair to another chair, sofa, bed or perhaps some other surface by allowing them to slightly lift or pull themselves toward the intended place they want to be.

Fortunately, I looked over my bed before removing the plastic runner I use to keep Smoky and the other cats off my bed. I noticed rumpled sheets and bed spread in a somewhat circular configuration. The alarm bell went off, as I though Oh, no I hope this isn't what I may be. Sure enough it was as I suspected. Smokey had for some reason turned my bed into his personal litter box. Horrors and followed by the stench abounded as I took a closer look to examine for the sake of reconfirming what I recognized as viv's bed turned into a litter box. Now what do I do?

A few weeks ago, ,my aid/helper quit (long story for some other time), which left me mostly on my own to survive as best I could. My cousin who was occasionally helping me wasn't available in the middle of the night, that's what happens when you wait until very late to go to bed. So my choices were, stay up all night, or try to sleep in my power wheelchair. If I stayed up all night I would do my best to keep busy using the computer, or reading or something. If I tried to sleep in my power wheelchair, I would raise the foot rests, tilt back and hope sleep would come soon and stay for the night. Nope, Unfortunately, I sleep some, awoke some, more sleep, more awake, and this pattern continued through out the night.

Why you wonder, or perhaps not, did I not strip my bed, put the linens in the washer, make up my bed with clean linens and got to bed in my bed? I'm very glad you asked.

I have a challenge for you. Sit in a chair in front of your bed, and make your bed without getting out of the chair. It is difficult yet can be done. In my situation, there is more to this story.

My balance isn't reliable.
My neck and back couse pain and problems if I try to over reach what can be tolerated.
Using a power wheelchair means being further away from an object than if you were standing or sitting.

I'm not finished and shall return. It's been weeks and so here I am finally. Hey! Where are you? Oh, there you are, thank you for waiting for my return. I hope your accommodations have been wonderful and that you have enjoyed staying around WdC. Glad you are here to finish reading about my nightmare.

And the list goes on:
From my power chair I am unable to throw or flip the sheets/bed linens so that they open over the bed nicely and neatly.
Tucking in everything is impossible.
Managing to get everything on the bed without dragging things where they weren't supposed to be is almost impossible.
My energy usually doesn't last long enough to completely make my bed, and this list continues. I will not bother you with more details.

I am able with super great effort and using as much strength as possible grasp my bedding, tug, and tug, and tug more until everything finally is removed. Bells can not help me with this because there isn't enough room for both of us to be at the bedside at the sometime and she knows how to tun wash out of the dryer but not how to remove bedding from my bed.

Next I had to bundle everything and as carefully as possible (not get me wet and smelly) move the wet stinky bedding into the lanudry room. After that it was the usual soak things in the washer until the shining of the sun.

Sleeping in my power wheel chair wasn't fun but better than staying awake.

Smokey was forever banned from my bedroom. Yes, I still love him and think he is wonderful. Oh, my cousin made up my bed the next day. I do not recommend having any bed used as a kitty litter box, however should you find problems with unacceptable urinating, there are ways and means to extract/remove the stench from cloth and similar materials as well as sometimes other materials.

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