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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #2052839
Wake up! Why won't you wake up... We can't have fun until you wake up...
You open your eyes. You are sitting down at a table. Bookshelves surround you. And your only though is to get out of here. You get up, and walk through seemingly endless rows of bookshelves. You cannot see very far before you, or behind.

You see a book on the floor. You pick it up. The title reads: "Mother Goose Rhymes". You open it, and it is blank. You flip through the book, until you see the rhyme: Mary's Lamb.

Mary's Lamb
Mary had a little lamb,
His fleece was white as snow,
And everywhere that MaRy went,
The lamb was sure to go.

He followed her to scho0l one d@y,
Which was aGaInSt the rulee,
It made the cHiLdReN laugh and play
To see a l@mB at sch0*l.

And s0 the tEaChEr tErNeD it 0ut,
But $ti l iT li ge ed n @R,
And w@ te pati\ .3ently about,
Till M@Aa ;[y d2'd a2';ear.

"32hy d32['2es wa;he uP lWa@ke Mary so?"
The wake childUPn cry.
"Why, m@MRj lovW@l;asds the lamb, you know."
The t2e[ac3[er did WAKE UP.


Chills run up your spine as you finish the rhyme.
Who did this to this book?
Who is trying to wake me up, and why?
Am I really asleep?

You drop the book, and back away. You continue through the library, until you wander into a small museum, which exhibited some art. You look at each piece, recognizing some, until you see another book, laying on the floor.
You open it, and it flips to page 285:
...E.M. sleep. The deepest known possible sleep is only experienced when a person is in great trouble or in a horrific situation. This type of sleep was common among Jews in Nazi concentration camp. Survivors described person would keep coming to them, begging for them to please WAKE UP. Survivors would also see signs and books filled with the words WAKE UP. Some survivors would flee this person, in fear that the real world would be worse. But eventually, all survivors did WAKE UP. The longest recorded sleep was 10.32 years, and th...

You stop reading.
Could you be in this state of sleep? Could there have been a world war 3, and you are a victim?
You keep walking, passively viewing the art. As you think, you stop, and look up.
A painting that just says: WAKE UP.

You laugh nervously.
Yo begin to walk out of the painting whe-
You stop.
Suddenly, a blood-curdling yell rings out of the darkness, and a man with a face that looked like it had gone through a lawnmower flies at you from the dark. You freeze in fear, then sprint out of the room, passing countless more men screaming at you to WAKE UP. Your legs feel like they are on fire, and your lungs about to burst. You see a small storage room, and run to it. You dash in, and slam the door behind you. A hundredth of a second later, bodies slam into the door, but you hold firm. The screaming stops, and you look at the door. There are two slots that a thick piece of wood can fit into, just like in the movies. You look around, and a perfect fit of wood is on the floor.

You pray a silent thanks to whoever you thought was above, and fit it into the slots. you look around the room, and on the floor, along with a small cassette, a portable cassette player. You pick up the player, and fit the cassette in.

You press the play button, and the speakers begin to play.

*Okay, I hope this is working. Anyway, my name is Evan. I don't know where I am, but I was just chased into this storage room by bloody men. I think they are trying to wake me up. I don't know why.. If anyone finds this, please try to find me. I am scared, and I don't know what to do.. Keep this player with you.. I will leave other cassettes around.*

You get up, and put your ear to the door. You don't hear anything, so you take the wood away, and slowly open the door. You poke your head outside, and when you see nothing, you tiptoe away from the storage room. You walk down a dark hallway, until you reach a large set of double doors. You open them, and step into a large room, filled with more dusty bookshelves. You see more doors on the other side of the room, but there is a another cassette at your feet.

You pick it up, and put it into the player.
Evan here. I just fou-Little girls begin to sing ring around the roses in the player.W-what is that? Wh- HOLY CRAP!

Even seems to be breathing heavily, until a door slams, and the cassette ends.
You put the cassette player into your pocket, and finally step into the room. The doors slam behind you, and little girls begin to sing.
Not needing any more motivation, you sprint on aching legs through the other set of double doors.
Another cassette, stained with blood, is on a a small table across a few feet away.
You look around you, but see nothing.
You walk to the cassette, and put it in the player.
I figured it out. Do not let them wake you up. Whatever is in the real world, is much, much worse then what is in here... I am trapped by the men, and they are breaking down the doors.. As if on cue, the doors in the background of the player's noise shudder. It may be to late for me to stay asleep, but not for whoever you might be. Whatever you do, don't let them wake you up. There is a sound of splintering wood, and Evan screams.
The cassette ends.

You are shocked, and not sure what to do. You barricade the doors, and they begin to shake.

You desperately look around you, but there is no way out.
You look for a way of escape, to go anywhere, to do anything so you may stay asleep, but there is no way.

The doors shatter, and hundreds of bloodied men rush into the room, screaming, and begin to scratch and bite you, making you scream in pain, until your eyes open.

You wake up with a shout, screaming "NO!"

You see a red ceiling, and look across the tiny room, only to see a bloodied man, grinning at you.

The bloody man speaks, "Glad to see you have returned once again, Evan. How many times will you try to escape? You should know there is no escape by now."
He disappears, and reappears in your room, across the steel bars that separated you.
Chains suddenly spring from the ground, and bind you to the wall.
He draws a cruel knife from behind his back.

The walls echo with screaming once again. And all you want to do, is sleep.

Wake up.
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