Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2051702-Spirit-An-Elemental-Novel
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2051702
Andy discovers something powerful within her and must find her brother and sister elements

An          Elemental novel

A Word from the Author

I know of the clich first person stories of The Hunger Games, Divergent, Percy Jackson, and many more. I hate to constitute another to the growing franchise, BUT here ya go.

Chapter 1

That noise... That god-for-saken NOISE! I roll over and hit repeatedly until I locate the snooze button to my overly obnoxious alarm clock, and realize it's Monday... Shit... another day of torment. Of course there is to get me through the day, but sometimes it's just too much to bare.
         My name is Andrea. Andy for short. I live in the middle of a national forest in Texas. Which is basically in the middle of nowhere. I am sixteen years of age, and I love what most humans of their adolescent years love. Music, art, writing, running, reading, Netflix, my mom, my sister, my cat, and my dog.
         My life, like any other teenager now-a-days, is a train wreck. I'm not even counting the thing that I found out about myself one cold night in February either. The reason I found out what little I did, was because of the events prior. I guess I just had enough of the hippie,-dippy-bull, and it triggered it. I don't know where it came from, but I would like to understand it a tad bit more. Two weeks ago was prom. JUNIOR PROM! I had the best time with my good friends. I was actually happy... So, so happy. My friends made me forget about what was going on back at home. They made me live in the moment and forget all of the horrible things that were happening outside of that building. They kept stepping on my feet, but I didn't care at all... I was just laughing, dancing, and being in love with life. When I woke up the morning, I was in such a good mood that I decided to clean house. That was shattered when my parents and grandparents got home. One thing to remember about my family, is we aren't the most loving of each other. That particular day my parents were forced to sign paperwork signing land that would produce money back over to my grandparents. This made me mad because they owe my parents thousands of dollars and expect my parents to put that aside until "they feel comfortable paying that debt back."
The pain turned to anger and hate, and one night I was burning trash. It was lightly misting and the sky was a deep black. The fire was roaring and growing as the trash burned. Then the strangest thing happened. The fire reached out towards me, but didn't burn me or singe my clothes. It actually felt amazing. Like a tingling sensation throughout my body. I loved every millisecond of it... and I needed more.
I reached out to touch it, and as I got closer it felt better and better. When my hand was in the middle of the flames, it felt like electricity was running through me. The warmth was flooding my veins and it felt like I was one with the flames. Reaching the sky and scorching all that was around me. When I opened my eyes again, the fire was about dead, but MY ARM WAS ON FIRE! I started jumping around and waving my arm until I realized it wasn't burning me... it was a part of me. Suddenly I didn't feel so angry. I let the fire take hold and it started growing up my arm and eventually overtook my body. I just stood with my arms outstretched and legs apart... burning... radiating heat and power. It felt so good. I felt like I was unstoppable, and then it stopped. Just like that it was here and then gone again. All that was left was a light burning sensation on my left wrist and on my upper back. When I got back up to the house, I ran to the bathroom to see if I had burn marks anywhere. Nothing... except a small red triangle on the inner part of my left wrist and a red and orange phoenix with its wings spread like it was taking off for flight on my upper back. They looked exactly like tattoos, but... I don't have any tattoos... Feeling officially freaked the hell out, I ran to my room, shut and locked the door, and grabbed my candle off of its respected shelf. With the red, apple cinnamon candle in front of me, I stared at it... touched it... and nothing happened. I just decided to put the lid on it and go to bed.
Chapter 2

That brings us to today. Waking up for yet another Monday of high school... remembering what had happened that night always sends chills down my spine. It also brings a yearning feeling inside of my chest. After about thirty minutes of lying in bed, I decided to get up and start getting ready for school. Looking in the mirror at my new phoenix tattoo thing, I can't help but wait to know when I will get the feeling back. Trying to forget about it all and be a normal person, I grab my candle and reach for my lighter to light it, but when I do it burns the shit out of my hand, I instinctively drop it and jump away from it. I get on my hands and knees and examine it on the floor. There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with it, so I slowly reach out to grab it again, but the closer I get to it, I get this sickening feeling inside of my stomach. I decide to put my candle away and just stay away from all things fire related. Little did I know, that trying to stay away from fire would make it attract itself to me.
After I put my makeup on and got dressed, I went outside to wait for the bus. I pull out a cigarette from underneath our little building outside where I hide them and feel better that some things will make me calm. When I put it to my mouth I remember that my lighter was still on the floor of my bedroom... Shit... Right before I went to pull the cigarette from my mouth, it lit... on its own... I just decided to not question what just happened and enjoy my it before the bus got here to pick me up. After a couple of drags, I saw the headlights to the bus coming down my dirt road. I take one last long drag and put the rest out while walking towards the bus. When the bus door opens, I see Mr. Stevens in his typical flannel shirt and khaki pants. He smiles from ear to ear and says, "Good morning. How was your weekend?" Before answering, I thought to myself, how is he always so cheery?? Just to be nice since he is my favorite teacher, I replied with, "Morning and it was the same as always. Yours?"
         "Same as always. Just been working."
         Mr. Stevens is my bus driver, my algebra II honors teacher, my honorary dad (since my real dad is doing a pretty shitty job lately), sometimes my only source of a smile or laugh, and my confidant up until recently. He has six jobs; being a husband, being a dad/honorary dad for his kids and the student that need a father figure, the driver of bus two, the schools math teacher, tending to cattle, and tending to his Tyson chicken houses. He does each job with ease and no objection either. So, you could say he is pretty great. I plop down into my seat at the back and get my headphones out so I can tune out the little demons that people call children. I don't really know what song I pick, but I know that I want to know what is up with this whole fire thing. I look at my hands and concentrate on the feeling I had that night and nothing happens. I sit and wait, but nothing happens...
         I just start to get mad and notice that the more anger I feel, my hands start to glow... Anger... I need to get angry. I start thinking about everything that has been happening, and it happened... My fingertips had little strands of fire connecting them. It looks strange. I think to myself, stand on end... All of a sudden, the flames release from each other and stand on end like the tips of my fingers were candle wicks. The feeling is back... I hold onto it like you hold onto your mom before you start your first day of kindergarten. All of the power that comes with just this little bit of flame. It is unbelievable! When my entire hands catch I just stare into the beautiful flames... mesmerized. I don't want this feeling gone, but I know how to call to it. I let the flames die slowly before someone sees what is happening and lose myself in my music.
         What I didn't know was that it was very noticeable, and someone saw. My bus comes at about 6:25 every morning and I am the first one on it. It's just me and Mr. Stevens, and he saw me. I know because the bus stopped. It stopped hard, and in one swift motion I roll to the floor and land with a thud. I touch my forehead and when I pull my hand back and see dark liquid that must be blood. When I finally get up I see Mr. Stevens standing with the most awestricken look I had ever seen.
         Slowly, he opened his mouth and uttered, "Come sit at the front. We need to talk." In the almost inaudible of tones. I started walking behind him and sat in the seat adjacent to him.
"I'm only gonna say this once. Don't interrupt, and listen carefully."
"Yes sir..."
He began driving the bus again and started to speak, "What you have, not very many other people have. It's an enormous gift, but it can also be an enormous tragedy. When I discovered it for myself I asked my parents to take me to the doctor and it resulted in torturous tests on the mind and body. It took a piece of my soul away from me as well. I couldn't believe that scientists would do this to another human. When I had the chance, I ran. I didn't stop until I wound up here. That's when my dad took me in and I began an entirely new life. You mustn't tell anyone about this for your own safety. And NEVER," he stressed the word with the most dire importance I had ever heard. "Use your gift in public or where there is ever a place you could be seen."
         Please let the silence end. This silence is the most uncomfortable thing I've ever had to endure. "Am I the only other one you know of..?"
"I have my suspicions about some others. Not many, but a few."
I don't know why, but that made me feel so much better about this. Knowing I wasn't alone.
"Now none of them have the same power as you. I suspect one of each category. Now that we have fire, the circle may begin."
"What circle are you talking about?"
"If an elder is in an area, the other elements will be drawn to that area. The elder being me I guess. Now that you, my new apprentice, is here, the others powers will come soon. The circle is the circle of elements. There are five. Fire, you and I, Earth, Water, Air, and Spirit. It is now rare to have a spirit that will complete a circle. The only other known to be alive is in the Elder's Circle."
"Okay so I'm an apprentice now?"
"Yes. I will teach you all of what you need to know about your element and what knowledge I have of the others."
I can't speak. I can't move. But I can ask a question.
"How will we know when there are others?"
"You will sense each other. You will feel it deep in your bones like a magnetic pull, but only when the powers have been awakened. No sooner, and no later. Now go back to your seat and think about it. You need some time to yourself."
"Yes sir." What about my tattoos... I need to know what they mean...
"Yes, Andy?"
"What about the tattoos?"
"You have a tattoo...S? Not just one?"
"After it all happened, I felt a burning and searing sensation on my wrist and upper back. When I got inside, I looked and saw there was a small red triangle on my wrist, and a red, orange, and yellow phoenix on my back."
He just kept sitting there as if in a daze. Slowly reaching my hand out, I ask, "Stevens... Are you alright?"
"Just go sit in the back. I cannot say anymore until I talk to the elder circle."
"Alright." Strange... he was so eager to tell me about this. Why can't he say more? I need to know. I can't just go on about my day like this didn't happen. I won't be able to look at him the same as I did before. The cool and nerdy math teacher that went to A&M and is wickedly smart, yet so nice and protective like I am his own daughter.
"Do it again!"
I lift my hands to where they are visible and pull the anger out. It comes much easier this time. I don't need to find as much anger. The most beautiful flame illuminates the entire bus and warms me inside. And he just smiles and pulls into the next dirt road to pick up the next few passengers.

Chapter 3

         Why did this have to happen to me...? What did I do to deserve this? I never asked to be this way, and it's not fair that I have this dumped on me on top of everything else. When will all of this end? Stevens said that this was some kind of honor... or gift... I don't think so. This is just another ring of hell on earth for me to live in. It's getting to be way too much, way too fast. If I'm living like this while I'm a teenager... I don't want to see adulthood and be this sad. Life isn't supposed to be this way. In my life there have only been a few moments of true happiness. When will my life turn from rarely having happiness to eternal happiness? Teenagers are supposed to live carefree, only worrying about school and sports, if they play them. Not family issues and magical fire powers.
         I suddenly get a warm sensation on my leg and jostle awake. Rhadona, a freshman supposed to be sophomore that lives toward the end of my dirt road, signaling me that we have arrived at school, hell to be frank. I nod a sleepy thank you to her which she returns with what looks to be the same amount of exhaustion I possess. Great... it's raining outside and there are two busses in front of us... time to run for the doors and get my makeup I put on this morning, with practically one eye closed I might add, messed up even more than it already is. The rain is cold and the wind I'm running against doesn't help the situation much either. When I walk through the threshold of the schools front entrance, I find that the building is still as cold as ever and my soaked jacket does nothing but add to my bones feeling compelled to shiver.
         Like normal, I turn left down the first hallway and find my friend Faith walking by herself to the girls restroom and I start to jog to catch up with her. "Faith, Wait up!"
"Oh no, I need to run away before it catches me!" She exclaims with a hint of laughter in her voice.
"Oh whatever you little shit!" I reply laughing. She turns and smiles one of her smiles that will always make you feel not so sad inside and stops to wait for me to catch up. Once I'm close enough she turns and we fall into step next to each other.
"So missy, how was your weekend?" I say eager to find out if I was the only one without a life.
"Pretty good I guess. Kota came over Saturday and hung out with me and Erron."
"Erron and I actually..." I said in a mocking tone.
Faith looks at me like she is about to slap me playfully and says, "Whatever miss grammar natzi!"
"It's what I do best and you know it makes you laugh!"
"You're very right. Now let's see the damage done to my eyeliner by the rain this morning, shall we?" She takes a double take and asks me what the hell happened to my forehead and not knowing what she is talking about I feel around my forehead. Shit! When Stevens hit the brakes and I hit my head.
"I rolled off of the seat in my sleep on the bus and hit my head..." I look at her pleading with my eyes that she doesn't ask anymore questions.
"You are the clumsiest person to ever exist Andy..." and with that, life went on like it always thank goodness.
         We walk into the bathroom and I'm angered at what I see... My contour and highlighting I spent almost half an hour on this morning is smeared and I look like a two year old tried to do it. Immediately I feel a surge of warmth and my clothes dried by themselves. Faith was in one of the stalls, so I was happy she didn't see that and ask me what the hell was going on when I don't even know what's going on... I check my phone, and see that I have ten minutes to fix my makeup before school starts so I quickly fix the contour lines and make my highlight not look caked from the rain. By the time Faith comes out of the stall, I'm all normal and non drenched looking and she is ready to face the masses of our classmates in the cafeteria. Faith washed her hands and checked herself in the mirror one last time before we left for the cafeteria.
         Walking to the cafeteria we run into Stevens and he looks bewildered... Was talking to the "Elder Circle" really that bad? He didn't even have his normal cup of coffee in his hands which was a sign something was up. I do not like where this s going... at all.
"Faith you go ahead. I'll catch up with you in first period. Will you tell jacks I'm with Stevens?"
"Sure. Just don't take forever cause you know Jacks will get pissed." And with that I went into his room and was shocked with what I saw. On Stevens overhead projector, were five people that looked about mid fifties and all very clean cut and professional.
"She has the phoenix. This is the start of something incredible. We need to send her to the institute right away." Stevens was being frantic and practically jumping with every word.
"You said she just discovered her powers. She may just be a partial." Said the man at the head of the table which must mean he is the head honcho of the circle. He looks short and stubby, but none the less had a very friendly ora and I felt drawn to him like I had known him my entire life and he was the best person in the world.
Stevens looked kind of angry and ready to burst at that statement. "You know she can't be a partial if she has the phoenix! She was chosen! She and the rest of her circle could save us as a race. Her training needs to start NOW."
Another one of the people on the screen spoke up, but this time it was a woman and she seemed very assertive and haughty when she spoke, "There is your flaw, Hank. She needs to stay to draw out the rest of the circles power, and they can't do anything if they don't have a spirit representation. We have to wait until we know for sure."
The head honcho guy spoke again and still had a perfect grace about him that was mixed with the same assertive tone the woman possessed, "I adjourn this meeting and request you to come forth as soon as the school year ends to report here in New York. Thank you Hank."
And with that, the screen went black and Stevens seemed so infuriated it was a little bit frightening, but I had some questions that needed answering and I wasn't going to take no for an answer. "Stevens? I'm sorry to intrude, but I need some answers."
He didn't even look up, "Thank you for staying out of the cameras sight and staying quiet."
"Did you know I was here?"
"Of course. I can sense you. Your aura is very strong."
"Okay... so what is a partial?"
"A partial is someone who has an element, but not to its full extent. Only certain aspects of the element represent itself and they can't completely control one."
"What is so special about my phoenix?"
"It is a sign of the savior circle, and one of you will be able to conquer all five elements, but we won't know for sure until every element has come forth within the circle."
"So, how long until everyone else starts forming their abilities?"
"How long have you had yours? Like when was the first occurrence?"
"About two weeks ago."
"Shit! It should be any day now! You need to keep your senses on high alert. If you feel a close attraction to anyone like a magnetic pull in your gut, you need to follow it and if it burns when you touch them, then bring them straight to me. Understand?"
"Whoa wait... so you are telling me to hunt them down? Why can't you do it?"
"It isn't the start of my circle. This is an entirely new one. The only reason I can sense you is because I am your mentor. Now go to class and keep your radar on."
"Radar? Really Stevens..."
Walking through his door the bell that signaled the start of school rang and I found Faith and our other friend, Raini, moseying to Wildlife. The most thrilling class ever... for people who like to stare at walls for an hour every morning. Falling into step beside them I get the recent scoop on their lives at home and their late night conversations with their boyfriends. Same thing every day, like my life is on a constant repeating loop. Except today was to change this loop.

Chapter 4

         The bell chimes to sound that we are released to second period and per the norm Faith, Raini, and I walk across the school's teacher parking lot to get to the gym for P.E. The closer I get to the gym I feel nauseous and like I'm about to pass out for no apparent reason. When we get inside I immediately sit in the bleachers by where we hang out and try to make the dizziness cease.
"Are you alright Andy? Do I need to get the nurse? You look pale and like you're about to pass out" A voice that provides me comfort and a feeling of clarity said behind me.
"No. Thanks though Kota. Will you just help me stand up and maybe get my balance back?" As soon as he reaches out for me my stomach tightens and I feel the need to jerk away, but in my nauseous state I'm not fast enough. As soon as he wraps his hand around my arm a burning sensation I felt like I've had before comes around my upper body starting from my finger tips to my shoulders and down to my waist. Immediately Kota pulls away like I just shocked or burned the daylights out of him and starts rubbing his arms as if they were on fire.
"Kota. Come with me now."
"Andy. What in the hell was that?" Looking at his face I could see that he was terrified and terribly confused.
I gave him the most sympathetic look I could and said, "Just come with me and this will all make sense. I promise" He nodded and I take off at a jog with him close on my heels across the gym to the hallway doors to Stevens' room. The hallway is still quite crowded on the way to Stevens' room and I try not to look as tense as I feel when all of a sudden a hand rests on my shoulder and it felt as if my frustration and anxiety washed away and I was able to focus once more. When I look behind me, I see it's Kota and I give him a grateful smile and return to making my way through the crowd towards Stevens room. Like always Stevens is standing outside of his class greeting students as they enter the class. I come up behind him and don't say anything, because I know that he can sense me and will address me when all of his students enter the class and the hallway is clear. When the last few students enter their respective classes, he turns to us and says, "Go to the back of the library and wait there. I'll find an educational video on YouTube to keep these kids busy whilst we talk."
         Immediately I grab Kota's arm and drag him into the library, and when we make it to the back behind the bookshelves I turn to him, "Roll up your sleeves and show me your left wrist. Please" He hesitates and looks at me with a strange look I hadn't seen on his face before."Just please trust me Kota." Slowly he rolls up his sleeves and his eyes go wide. Covering his left arm were blue patterns that looked as if he were a rock the ocean was beating against. Covering his right arm were red roaring flames... not real ones... tattoo like flames. He lifted his shirt exposing his upper stomach and it was a mix of the two with light grey infused into it looking as if it were steam of the colliding elements. They stopped jaggedly halfway down his abdomen but looked as if an upside down crescent was a barrier in the middle of the "tattoo."
"Andy. What the hell is this? I don't have tattoos. How did these get here?" All I could do was stare at him and wonder why he had to be brought into this world of confusion like I had.
"Kota. Be careful who you flash. Most people would get the wrong idea with you two being alone back here." Stevens was calmly walking toward us and examining Kota like I had been earlier, but from a distance. "Now I'm sure you're really confused and would just like some answers, so listen carefully and don't interrupt. I'll let you ask questions when I finish. As you know there are many elements, and not the ones on the periodic table of elements. I'm talking about fire, earth, air, water, and spirit. Andy and I possess control over fire, and judging by your tattoos you possess control over water. Don't worry, Andy is new to this just like you are and will be learning at the same pace as you are. With every fire, or in your case water, wielder, there is a circle in which each element is represented. Now sometimes spirit isn't represented, but it is likely one of you will also possess spirit because of the particular back tattoo Andy has. I am Andy's mentor because we share the same element, but until we move to the institute and you come in contact with the aquatic professor, I will also be your mentor. Now, any questions...or would you like more time to take it all in?"
"I'd like to know why Andy gets fire and I only get water. Is it just like by luck that she gets to be close with fire?" With shock Stevens and I both look at him like he has lost his mind, and Stevens is the first to speak up and tell Kota why it isn't lucky to control fire.
"Kota, each element comes with characteristics that it associates closest with. Now when you think of fire, you think of destructive, angry, impulsive like a spark, and very powerful. Wielding fire means you will have anger built up inside you that if you aren't careful could take your mind over. You have control over water and one of the main characteristics is clarity." And then something made sense.
"Like in the hallway when you touched my shoulder. I was feeling frustrated and scared because of all the people in the hall, but when you touched my shoulder, it all seemed to wash away and I could think clearly again." Nobody is speaking and I'm becoming even more worried when Kota finally says, "I guess that explains it. I felt your anxiety in my gut. At first I thought it was just mine, but now I can differentiate your soul from mine. It's still really fucking crazy because I have never felt your soul before. It was like instinct when I reached out for your shoulder. I knew I needed to do something."
         As if on cue, Kota and I both looked to Stevens for answers we still did not have. "What? It's normal for people from the same circle to sense each other, but never to feel like your souls are connected. This I haven't heard of before which doesn't make sense, because I was one of the test subjects in the elemental experiment trials. I saw all of their data they had collected before my escape."
"So, you are saying that we have special tattoos and special connections not many, if any, others have or will ever have." I know I sounded scared and confused when I asked this, but there was no way to try and hide my emotions from my voice at this point.
"That is basically what I am saying. Kota, have you had any occurrences to let you know water was your element?"
Kota looked like he was about to fall out from shock and fear, and I'm guessing I looked the same way. As if we read each others' minds we moved closer and locked arms as if to find comfort. It was then that I could feel him shaking, but the longer our arms were interlocked it started to fade and his expression became more relaxed. "No sir. I went to help Savannah help and take her to the nurse, even though she advised against it, and it felt like she shocked me and then I felt a burning sensation on my arms abdomen and my upper back."
         Immediately Stevens rushed behind Kota, "Hold still and don't freak out." He lifted the back of Kota's sweater up and stared in awe. "What is it?" I let go of Kota's arm to get a better view and saw the most beautiful shark tattoo. Its teeth showing, eyes black, menacing scars, and tail positioned as if to smack something approaching. I pulled my phone out of my pocket to take a picture to show Kota, but when I looked in my gallery to show him... his back was bare. Nothing was there. No shark tattoo to speak of. "Andy let me see it."
"Kota you can't." I can't take my eyes off of the picture. Are my eyes playing some sick trick on my mind?
"What do you mean I can't? It's on my body. I have the right to see it." The next thing I know he has my phone and his face goes blank. "Stevens, pardon my French, but what the hell? You said there was a shark tattoo on my back. I'm not exactly in the mood for these games."
"I have no idea why it isn't in the picture Kota, but it's really there. Andy, how did you know you had a phoenix?" Stevens looked at me like I had looked at him before when I had no idea what was going on, which scared the daylights out of me.
"I was looking at it in a mirror not a picture."
Stevens turned to Kota and said, "Go to the bathroom. Make sure nobody else is in there and come back to tell us if you can see it in the mirror."
Apparently nobody needed to tell Kota twice because he took off at a sprint as soon as Stevens finished his sentence. "We're still in school! No running or I will write you up!" All I could do was laugh at what Stevens had said. "What? I'm still a teacher."
"Nothing Stevens, but I did get more burning feelings on my body like Kota did... I haven't looked to see if they are tattoos. I'm too scared." He gave me his all knowing smile and said, "I know you don't like to look at your scars, but maybe the tattoo covers them. Go ahead and look."
I close my eyes and start to take off my jacket and take off my long-sleeved shirt to reveal my tank top. Stevens gasped and said, "You should really open your eyes." About that time Kota came rushing back and was saying, "I can seen it in the mirror!" over and over again. When he turned the corner around the very last shelf, he stopped and stared at me with wide eyes. When I finally had the courage to look down I saw that the right side of my upper body was covered with blue tattoos and I had a upside down triangle on my right wrist. It didn't stop there. I lifted my shirt up exposing my stomach to see that as the blue went from my wrist to the center of my body to infuse with the red and orange, they started to infuse and create a purple swirling circle with an addition symbol in the center of it. It looks like a cross, but it is proportional on all sides unlike a cross and more like an addition symbol.
"You should go look in the mirror at your back Andy." Kota's voice was filled with awe and a hint of bewilderment, but I put my jacket quickly back on and headed towards the bathroom. Halfway to the bathroom, Faith, Raini, and our other friend Erik caught up with me and looked worried. "Andy, are you okay? We can't find Kota anywhere and I'm getting really worried about you two. You've been acting strange all morning." Faith did sound concerned, but she also sounded very upset and angry. "I'm fine guys. I haven't really talked to Kota today so I don't know." I felt guilty for lying to them like I just did about Kota, but I didn't want them to get very suspicious and ask even more questions. "Will you tell coach Deverau that I'm talking to Stevens about some things and I'll be back in class in a minute?"
This time Raini spoke up and sounded even more angry than Faith. I think she is catching on to me keeping things from them. "Andy, if you and Kota have a thing going behind Faith's back, that is NOT cool!"
Now I see where the amount of questions was really coming from, and about that time Kota and Stevens come around the corner and stop. "What are all of you doing out of class? You need to come with me right now!" I catch up with Stevens leading the way to his classroom and look at him with a troubled look, but he returns it with a smile and a wink. Thank god he has a plan because I don't know how to handle this situation and get it over with so that my other friends will stop asking me questions. He turns and opens the door to his classroom, "You five wait here and don't move or speak. The rest of you, yes my class, please go to the gym and tell coach Deverau that I have these five for disciplinary reasons and not to worry about them for the rest of the class period. Alex, I will need you to go get the counselor and tell her that I need to see her immediately." After the room was cleared except for the six of us he spoke again, "Stand in a circle please." None of us moved, and he spoke again, but this time with more force like a spark of anger raged within him, "Now!" Immediately we all stood in a circle at random, but I felt like I was in the wrong position. I was drawn to the center and had trouble keeping my footing to stay where I was. "Now, which of you is being drawn to the center of the circle?" Slowly I raised my hand and moved towards the center. "Good Andy. I had a feeling it would be you."
"Excuse me, but what the hell is going on here?" I realized then that faith was the true fire element if there was to be a circle because of her immense temper and impatience.
"No questions just yet from any of you. The rest of you should feel a pull to stand at a particular point of this circle around Andy. Get there quickly, and stand arm length apart from each other. Kota immediately moved to my left which confused me because of he H
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© Copyright 2015 Savannah Lee Lee (slee3314 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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