Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2051568-Wolf-Among-Sheep-Awakening-Finale
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #2051568
Filled with rage over Wicard's action Aner finally lets his wolf blood run wild.
Part 4

         Aner threw his head back and screamed into the sky as he felt the beast blood coursing through his vain. At first it hurt feeling his body change, but then he could feel all the weariness and pain flow away as he dropped to all fours. When he opened his eyes he stood taller than Wicard when he looked down at his terrifying face. He could see him getting ready to flee, but before he get more than a couple of steps Aner lunged at him and pinned him to the ground with a paw on his chest. His claws dug into Wicard's skin as he glared down at him. Some of the soldiers tried to come towards him, but Aner snarled at them causing them to stop. The other wolves didn't hesitate to move up to Aner and bared their teeth as well causing the soldiers to fall back in line.
         Wicard just stared up at Aner, he tried to push Aner's paw off him but lacked the strength. "You're a wolf...when...how!"
         Aner looked at him with malice. "I have been this way my whole life, but I never allowed myself to change. To accept this gift was all my brother wanted, to run the wilds with me at his side...because of my hesitation I had to watch him die before my eyes." He could feel the rage building up in him again. "You took the only family I had from me!" He roared.
         Wicard was almost in tears as he pleaded. "Please I am sorry, I didn't know...please don't kill me I will do anything you want!"
         Aner took a second to calm down, then after a huge sigh he spoke. "I won't kill you and darken my kin's reputation anymore. You will take your men and leave here...understand?"
         Wicard was trembling, but still managed to glare at him. "I will never retreat to you beasts!"
         Aner was beginning to lose his patience, he raised his other paw and brought it down on Wicard's arm, everyone who heard the bones crack cringed in fear. "I wonder how much pain I can put you in without killing you, but the true question is will your ideals hold firm against your pain."
         Wicard was screaming in pain, but when he finally stopped he cried out. "I yield! Please just stop, I will order my men to leave!" Aner didn't budge, so Wicard turned to his men and yelled. "What are you fools waiting for, retreat at once!" The soldiers moved without question, but it took some time before all the men were out of the city. As the last men were about to leave through the gate Aner stepped off Wicard so he could be carried off. "This isn't over Aner, I will make sure everyone knows what you are! These walls won't protect you from that!"
         Aner took human form as he watched them leave, he didn't move until they vanished over the horizon. The whole time he could feel the eyes of his citizens staring at him. He heard one of the knights walking up, and didn't turn to face him as he spoke. "What will you do now?"
         "I don't understand what you mean Lord Aner." The knight responded.
         Aner turned to look at him, he could still see pillars of smoke rising from the city. "I have lied to you all this time about my true connections to the werewolves, and I allowed the enemy to invade our city and destroy our homes. I cannot ask you to remain loyal to me after all that has happened." Everyone just stared at him, even the knight stood silent as he spoke.
         "You're an idiot." Aner perked up as he looked into the crowd and Orell walked up. "Wolf or not you are our Lord...we followed you because we believed in what you believed, and fought for what you wanted to fight for. You invited that horrible man here to try to make our lives easier and then chased him away when he threatened us. I can't speak for everyone, but I have no plans of abandoning you."
         The wolves all stood together and were talking amongst themselves. One of them stepped forward, a young man, and he spoke loud enough for everyone to hear. "We all chose to come here. You knew the risks and welcomed us anyway. We are all grateful to Iturri for what he did and respect his judgement, if he truly believes you are the person to lead us then we will all stand by you."
         The soldiers all made their way through the crowd and knelt before him. The man in front of Aner spoke. "We all swore an oath to pledge our lives to you, and you have not disappointed us. It does not matter if you are a wolf or not, we still plan to fulfill our service to you my lord." The people started to cry out to Aner, about how they believed in him and wanted to stay under his rule.
         Aner pulled his sword from his belt and looked it over. "Do you all truly plan to follow me?" They all nodded in response. Aner threw his sword to the ground and stood as tall as he could. "Then we have much work to do."
         "What do you plan to do my lord?" One of the soldiers asked.
         "Wicard will surely tell everyone about what I am, and until the day comes when wolves and humans live in peace it is not safe for us here." Aner explained. "So we must take everyone we can and flee the castle. I know it will be a hard change for most of you, but if we join the wolves that Iturri has gathered we can stand against any foe who stands against us."
         One of the wolves quickly jumped forward. "We can help carry what we can, load up as many carts as you can and we will pull them!" The other wolves cheered as they quickly paired off with the people and got to work.
         Aner turned to his knights. "Gather what horses you can and spread the word to all those protecting the border, I don't want them left behind." They nodded and quickly ran off to fulfill his orders.
         Orell walked up to him with a sigh. "So we must truly give up our home?"
         Aner nodded. "It is the only way keep everyone safe, we will scavenge everything we can but we have to travel light for now." He looked to Iturri's body, the sight of it still made him sick. "If you could please make arrangements for my brother's body to be moved I would be grateful."
         "What do you plan to do with it?" She asked.
         "He deserves to be buried in his homeland among his people, I won't leave him here to rot." Aner told her before sending her off. The next day was spent preparing for the move as the people grabbed whatever they thought they would need and loaded up the many carts that lined the streets. What few horses they had left were hitched to the lighter wagons while the wolves pulled the heaver ones up to the gate before going back to grab more supplies. Aner stood watching the gate and didn't move as he watched for danger.
         The following morning everyone was ready, with bags on their backs and determination in their hearts. A few of Aner's soldiers volunteered to pull the cart that held Iturri's body so Aner could focus on the journey ahead. After doing one last check one of the knights walked up to Aner and bowed. "Everyone is ready to move on your order my Lord."
         Aner looked back at the city one last time and nodded. "Then let's go, if we hurry we should be able to get their within a fortnight."

         Lasos sat under the tree that overlooked the village with a groan. "He should have been back by now...what is that fool thinking." Lasos knew the city wasn't that far to travel by himself, so he was becoming worried why Iturri had not returned. He sighed deeply as he stood up and kicked a rock. "He is always doing things like this, I swear this time I will kill him."
         One of the wolves who watched the border ran up to him. "Lasos, a large group is heading to our border!"
         Lasos cleared his thoughts and then shook his head. "Do we have any idea who they are?"
         "Our scouts have spotted wolves with them, but they haven't let out a call so they are not of our pack. They also said they have soldiers among them." The wolf explained.
         Lasos was confused and crossed his arms in thought. "I have no idea who this could be, but if wolves travel with them then we must greet them as allies for now. Tell the scouts to hold off until I get there, I will deal with this." The wolf nodded and ran off. Lasos put a hand on the tree and took a moment before he ran off to meet the group approaching their border. As he approached the border he could see the group waiting for them, they were no longer advancing, instead they waited. Lasos raised a brow as he walked free of the tree line and stepped forward to great their leader. "I am Lasos, what business do you have here?"
         Aner stepped forward and bowed. "I am Aner, I am sure you know of me."
         Lasos froze in place before he quick started asking questions. "Aner, but where is Iturri, surely he would have signaled his return!"
         Aner looked away as the cart baring Iturri's body was rolled forward. "He gave his life to save me, now my people are without a home and me without a brother."
         Lasos felt something inside him crack in half as he almost stumbled on his feet. He focused himself and motioned for the scouts. "Escort them to the village!" He pointed to Aner. "I want you to explain to me everything that happened, and follow me with Iturri's body." Aner took hold of the cart and wheeled it behind Lasos as the wolves from the village escorted Aner's group to the village. On the way through the forest Aner explained everything had happened since Aner arrived from start to finish.
         Aner tried not to look back at the cart as he wheeled it through the village in view of everyone who watched in awe and shock. "He seemed to believe I was meant to lead our kin to the future, he believed it so much he gave his life up for it. I am not so sure."
         Lasos barely said a word as he helped Aner pull the wagon up to hill to the tree. He took wolf form as he began to dig. "Iturri was never one to think about his actions, but when he believed in something he was willing to give up his life in its defense. In truth I knew he didn't have the patience to be a leader, but still he had such a strong will I thought he could overcome his faults." He didn't say much as he finished the whole. "Place his body here."
         "Is this where he would want to be buried?" Aner asked.
         Lasos smiled. "That fool spent more time under this tree then the roots, we grew up close to here and he always liked to come here and stare out over the trees. Spending some time here myself I am beginning to understand why." He waited for Aner to put Iturri's body in the hole before he began to cover it up. "Did he really say he thought you were the one to lead us?"
         "That is what he believed, but I am not convinced." Aner told him.
         Lasos huffed. "You're as quick to object to leading as Iturri was. May I ask why you don't feel you can lead?"
         Aner had to think about it for a moment. He looked over the village and took it all in. "I don't believe I'm strong enough...Iturri told me I have what he lacks. Mercy, patience, understand of how my actions affects others, but in the end my decision just lost my people their home. What right do I have to ask these people to follow me? I watched them suffer all these years, lied to my own subjects, and let my doubt and fear keep me from being what I have always meant to be. I am hardly worthy as a leader."
         Lasos took human form and took a spot under the tree, the grave by his side. "You know...you're right. You have quite a few mistakes under your belt, but few men would admit that they have faults. No man is perfect, but knowing that allows you to overcome your faults. Do you want to know what I think?" Aner nodded his head as he sat next to Lasos. "Iturri didn't give his life because he thought you were the perfect man for the job, what he saw was potential...he knew that if you could get over your doubt, that one day you could be the kind of wolf that turn this little village into the country it once was."
         "But what if I fail?" Aner asked him.
         "You survive long enough to learn from it. And you get by knowing that there are those who will help you through the hard times, in support for a brighter future." He explained.
         Aner smiled a bit. "You would make a fine leader yourself Lasos."
         Lasos burst out laughing. "I'm more hotheaded then Iturri, but in the calm moments I can pull some wisdom from my thick skull." He stood up and brushed himself off. "I must inform everyone of Iturri's passing, but after they've had time to mourn they will want to know who will take the mantle as the Alpha. I suggest you take this time to decide what you want to do." Lasos then left Aner alone with his thoughts.
The next morning Aner walked over to the crowd forming in the center of the village. Lasos stood at the front as he called out. "I know we are all still mourning the death of Iturri, the man who helped us rise up from tyranny and make this new life for ourselves. Sadly our enemies will not wait for us to mourn, so instead we must choose a new leader and start moving forward."
         One of the wolves raised his hand and yelled over the crowd. "But Lasos, you were closer to Iturri then anyone, surely you can lead us!"
         Lasos just shook his head. "Even if I felt like I was fit to lead I would have to object. Iturri never planned to truly take over as leader, but seeing as our numbers were so low he did what he knew he had to. But with this new group of citizens I feel it is finally time to enact Iturri's finally wish, for us to choose our own ruler. Please feel free to say who you think should take charge as leader." People quickly began shouting names, Lasos being mentioned the most. Lasos let them talk amongst themselves for a moment before he spoke. "If the will of the pack says I should lead I will, but I have one more I would like to nominate." He turned to Aner. "I would like to have Aner lead us."
         Those already living in the village almost instantly began to object. "The son of the Lord?! Why should we let him rule?!" "We left the city to get away from him!" "Why did you even let him in here?!" The crowd quickly between those who supported Aner and those who opposed him. Some were already starting to fight as the arguments grew in ferocity.
         Lasos stomped his foot and yelled. "All you stop right now, we do not settle our manners like savages!" Everyone stopped almost instantly and the crowd went quiet. "I know how most of you feel about the lord, be you human or wolf, but there are many things you do not know. Iturri was kin to the lord, and Aner is his brother who he gave his life for. He believed Aner is the right man to lead us, and I trust his judgement!"
At first no one believed his statement, and those who opposed Aner turned their hate on Lasos for defending them. Some even began to throw things at him as they began to rile up again in furry. Aner watched as they all fought and couldn't help but feel guilty. It was his fault that this was happening. If Iturri was still alive he would know what to say to calm his people.
Lasos felt his anger boil as he took their verbal abuse. "You all looked up to Iturri, but you never understood the kind of person he was!" He yelled out to silence them. Lasos took a long breath and sighed. "I grew up with Iturri, he was like family to me. We ran through these forests as pup, we hunted and fought as bitter rivals. When his mother told stories about the old ways we would listen intensely. Iturri dreamed of this village, he believed in it more than anything, so much so he walked into a city of people who despised him in order to find the only family he had. He was always one to act without thinking, he could be cruel to those who opposed him, and he would never yield no matter how foolish his ideas seemed. Iturri knew that he lacked the skills to lead. He was a dreamer and a warrior...and that is how he died. Do not let his dying wish fall on death ears." They all didn't seem convinced as they let what Lasos say sink in.
Aner listened to Lasos. He had no idea how close his brother was to him. Even after death he still believed in Iturri. He couldn't let all this effort be for nothing. He walked up to Lasos and put a hand on his shoulder. "Please allow me to speak." Lasos nodded and stepped back. "Let me be the first to say I agree with you all, I am the last person who should be leading you. In truth I have no desire to, but just as I became Lord of the city I feel I have a responsible to those who are gone. I want to fix my father's mistakes, and I want to realize Iturri's dream. Until recently I didn't know what it meant to be a wolf, but I realize the pride and strength you all carry. I want to see this village grow, so that all will acknowledge who we are. Will I be the perfect leader, certainly not? Will I always know what is best for the pack, I highly doubt that having never been a part of one. But I will promise you this, if you let me lead you I assure you I will build this village into the place Iturri dreamed of."
It was quite for a moment, no one said a word. Aner was starting to doubt they would put their faith in him when he saw movement in the crowd. Those who came with him from the city stood before him and knelt down before him, both wolf and human alike. It didn't take long before those that left with Iturri that fateful day stepped behind them and bowed as well. One by one they all stood before him and knelt, accepting him as their leader. Even those who were opposed to him at first finally gave in to his promise and knelt before him.
Aner turned to see Lasos and Orell knelt in front of him. Lasos lifted his head with a smirk. "We are yours to lead Alpha. What would you have us do?"
Aner looked book to his people and smiled. "The first thing we must do is build homes for all our kin. The city is still ripe with material for us to use if you are willing to retrieve them."
Lasos stood and nodded. "I will assemble a team and be ready to move by nightfall, we must move swiftly if we are to salvage what we can before our enemies return in force." He quickly went about gathering volunteers to help move material as the rest began to break off from the group to help the newcomers settle in.
Aner heaved a big sigh and went back to the tree and sat next to his brother's grave. He watched over the village with a lot on his mind. He felt someone tap his shoulder, but when he turned he did a double take. A boy stood next to him with a bandaged left eye.
"You are Iturri's brother right?" Taino asked him.
Aner looked at the boy and nodded. "Yes I am."
"I wish I could have spent more time with him, so he could have taught me how to be a warrior." Taino said as he looked at the grave.
Aner put a hand on his head. "I would have like to spend more time with him too, but perhaps we can learn to be warriors together?" He said with a smile.
Taino laughed as he sat next to him. "You're not a warrior already, but you are so old."
Aner looked at the boy and laughed. "Yes I am, but I still have a ways to go before I truly become a warrior."
Taino crossed his arms and smiled. "Well I won't lose to you, just know that!"
Aner just smiled with him as he leaned against the tree. "I would expect nothing less." This boy's enthusiasm made the hole in his heart feel a bit lighter. As he watched over village he made a promise to himself, he would become the leader Iturri believed he could be, and one day he would make his brother's dream come true.

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