Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2051562-Wolf-Among-Sheep
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #2051562
A young man is told about a part of himself he never knew.
Wolf Among Sheep

         The maid walked through the halls of the castle, she was going about her business when she heard noise coming from the prince's room. She cautiously opened the door to see the room in shambles and the prince was hunched over his bed. She ran to his side and put a hand on his back. He turned to her and his eyes were yellow and his teeth were now sharp like a wolves. The maid gasped and backed up as the prince staggered over to the mirror and within a few moments his eyes and teeth were back to normal.
         The maid made her way over to soothe him. "Prince Aner, you must seek help. You're getting worse by the day!"
         Aner sighed and rubber his eye. "I can't...you know how father feels about wolves. I have suppressed it for ten years...I won't give in now. Orell...you mustn't tell anyone." Orell had watched over him since he was a child. She was the only person he trusted with this secret.
         She sighed as she started straightening the room. "Ten years since that wolf bit you...damn beasts. I am glad that king Rodolf has been hunting them down. They cause nothing but trouble." Over the last twenty years the kingdom was having trouble with werewolves. The king sent his soldiers to hunt them down but they were elusive.
         Aner sighed and rubbed his arm, the scar from the bite was still quite visible. "We can only hope that this passes. I must go into town to get more wolves' bane. Can you get my room back together before someone sees it?"
         Orell smiled. "I have done a decent job thus far. I think I can handle it. Just be careful. The streets have been a bit uneasy as of late."
         Aner put on his cloak and left the castle silently. As soon as he was out of sight of the castle he put his hood up, he told no one what he was doing. He needed the root of a plant called wolves' bane to make a special tea that helped him suppress the wolf in him. Lucky for him someone in town sold it as a novelty. He was walking down the streets when some guards ran past him, and people ran past him screaming about a wolf in town. Aner quickly picked up the pace and ran to where the people were screaming. Aner arrived to see the wolf snapping at the guard. Werewolves were bigger than wild wolves, and almost as tall as a human. The soldiers had it surrounded. The prince ran into the fray and pulled his sword and sung at the wolf. The wolf had a scar over its left eye.
         The soldiers turned to him. "Prince Aner, we didn't expect to see you here."
         "Worry about that later, we have more pressing concerns." He said as the wolf was surrounded on all sides. Behind the wolf was a shop and the wolf bared its teeth at him. "Surrender now, there is no escape." Aner said to it.
         The wolf looked at him and sniffed the air and smiled. The wolf slowly started to morph until a young man stood before them, he raised his hands and smiled. "Alright...I know when I have been beaten." The soldiers quickly moved in and put him in shackles and walked him away. Aner looked around and saw the five viciously torn up bodies that littered the area and it made him sick to his stomach. He quickly finished his errand and returned to the castle. He made his way down to the dungeon where his father was yelling at the chained up young man.
         "Filthy wolf brat! Did you really think you could come into my city and cause trouble? I will enjoy watching you get beheaded tomorrow. The whole city will be there to watch! Until then though enjoy your last fleeting moments of life!" Rodolf spat at the young man before walking over to Aner. "It's good to hear you administering justice Aner. This filth will get what he deserved. Do not get to close, who knows what disease he may have." With that he left. Aner walked over to the cell where the young man was chained up. He sat with his back against the wall, staring at the floor.
         When he heard him walk over he lifted his head and smirked. "Ah the prince, and what do I owe the joy of your visit?"
         Aner felt uncomfortable around this young man, but he wouldn't allow it to show. "How do you live with yourself? With the sins you have committed?" He asked the young man.
         The young man chuckled a bit. "The only sin I committed was using my gift to help the people your king ignores."
         Aner grit his teeth. "Those were innocent people you mauled!"
         The young man looked up with a stern gaze. "You call them innocent yet you were not even there to see their crimes. Get your facts straight before you stand here and judge me!"
         Aner crossed his arms. "Then enlighten me, what happened in the square."
         The young man looked away and huffed. "What do I know? I am just a filthy sinner." Aner tried to question him but he refused to speak to him anymore. Aner left the cell and went about his day, but the more he thought about it the more it bothered him. He finally gave in and grabbed his cloak and went into town.
         He went around the square asking everyone what had happened. Every person seemed to have the same story. They were going about their day as normal then a young man attacked one of the shops and then turned into a wolf and attacked them. Aner spent three hours asking everyone, but he didn't get any signs that what the young man said was different from what he assumed happened. He made his way into the tavern and sat down at the bar.
         Aner looked up at the bartender as he came over. "Do you know about the incident that happened earlier today?"
         The bartender was stiff for a moment then went back to cleaning a glass. "A wolf attacked some people, what's there to know?"
         Aner sighed and ordered a drink. "Never mind then. I guess it was as it seemed." He took his drink and thought about it some more. All the stories he was told pointed to the young man attacking those people. For some reason he still felt like something was missing. He felt a hand tap him on the shoulder and he turned to see an older man. "Can I help you?"
         "You want to know what happened during the wolf attack. I will tell you." The old man said.
         Aner turned around to face him. "You will?"
         A woman carrying a baby ran over to him. "Arbitio, please don't. You will just cause more trouble!"
         The older man huffed at her. "I don't care, he stood up for us and I won't just ignore it."
         Aner raised a brow. "He stood up for you...how so?"
         Arbitio nodded and sat down next to you. "Everyone knows how the king feels about wolves. They are afraid to speak, but I will tell you what happened."

         In the countryside Arbitio was standing next to his wagon with a sigh. "Marz dear, I don't think we will be going anywhere. Not with this broken wheel." They were bringing their crop into town to sell it but their wheel had broken a ways from the town. Without some help he would never get the wagon up enough to fix it. "I guess we will have to abandon it..."
         Marz looked at him with a frown. "But this is the only wagon we have. If we don't sell these crops we won't have enough money to buy a new one..." The child she held in her hands was starting to fuss as they spoke.
         "I know but what choice do we have..." He said.
         "Do you folks need help?" Arbitio turned to see a cloaked man behind him, he screamed and pulled a dagger from his belt. The young man jumped back and threw up his hands. "Please I mean no harm. I was just passing by when I saw your broken wheel, I was wondering if you needed help to repair it."
         Arbitio was a bit cautious but sighed. "Even if you truly mean to help I don't think you will be able to help. I need to lift the wagon in order to replace the wheel. And with it loaded with goods it is almost impossible."
         The young man smiled as he took off his cloak. He was dressed in plain looking clothes and his hair was messy. "I think I can handle it, I am stronger then I look." He tossed the cloak in the wagon and got his hands up under it, with a grunt he heaved it up off the ground. "Will this do?"
         Arbitio was beside himself, but he quickly got into motion. "That is perfect just stay right there!" He grabbed the wagon from the back and got to work. "I can't thank you enough for your help stranger. Most folks wouldn't waste their time helping old folks like us. What is your name anyway?"
         The young man laughed. "My name is Iturri, and it is no trouble. Times are tough and sometimes you need all the help you can get, which requires you to give help as well."
         "A fine way to live indeed." He commented as he fixed up the wheel. "I wish I had a way to repay you. Sadly I need all that I have to help pay for a new horse."
         Iturri raised a brow and looked to the front of the cart. "You don't have a horse, then how do you pull your cart."
         Arbitio sighed and laughed. "Well I do of course, it isn't easy on the back but since we lost our last horse during winter I have had to plow the fields and pull the cart. Got to provide for the family though, so it is worth the effort."
         Iturri turned to him. "Where are you heading?"
         "We are going into town to sell what we have. Hopefully we will catch a good price."
         Iturri smirked and got in front of the cart and grabbed the handle. "Then allow me to give you a hand. I am heading that way myself and I could use something to make it more interesting."
         Arbitio didn't know what to say. "If more people were like you the world would be a fine place to live." He said as he got next to Iturri and pushed the cart.
         Iturri smiled. "If more people were like me I would be a very happy person." The trip into town was uneventful. The three exchanged friendly conversation about the world and the places they lived. Soon they entered the town and pulled in front of the shop. "I wish I could help you get your cart back home, but I have business in the city."
         "What business does a young man like you have?" Marz asked.
         "I am looking for family. We have been apart a long time, hopefully they are doing well." He said to them.
         Arbitio put a hand on his shoulder. "I wish you safe travels friend. Hopefully if all goes well we can get a horse to ride us home." They said their goodbyes and Iturri turned to walk away. Arbitio went to the shop with some of his goods in his hands. "I would like to sell my crops. I need money for goods and supplies."
         The trader looked over some of the produce and shoved it off the table. "This is all garbage, but I guess I can use some of it for animal feed or compost...I will give you one hundred gold for the whole load." Iturri stopped and turned slightly to see the trade.
         Arbitio looked at the destroyed crops on the ground. "But that won't even cover the cost to resupply my seeds."
         The trader stood up and looked Arbitio straight in the eye. "Maybe next time you will think before you grow terrible crops."
         "Perhaps you should actually take the time to look over the things you sell before you pass judgment." Iturri said as he walked over and put his hand on the table. "Is there a problem here?"
         "This is none of your business boy!" The trader spat.
         Iturri picked one of the discarded fruits from the floor and bit into it. "A little dirty but easily some of the better fruit I have seen. Better than any of the garbage you sell here." After he finished chewing he spat the seeds in the trader's face.
         The trader reached over and grabbed him by his shirt. "Perhaps you would like another scar across your face you brat!" He reached for his belt but caught nothing but empty air.
         Iturri smirked as he held up the sword. "Looking for this." He said holding it in front of the trader's face. The trader let him go and stepped back as Iturri turned the hilt in his hands. "Nice sword, I wonder who you stole it from...seems out of your price range."
         "Boys we got a trouble maker!" The trader called into the back. Five big men came out with swords as Iturri moved back and motioned for the couple to move back. They came at him full force but their swings hit nothing as Iturri stepped back out of range. They flanked around him and swung at him Iturri swung the sword to defend himself. The blow caused him to lose his grip and sword was sent sliding away. The trader bent down and picked it up with a smirk. "You shouldn't play with toys you don't know how to use."
         Iturri laughed as he stood up rubbing his hand. "I will admit I am no swordsman...but I find my natural gifts far more useful." He stared at the trader with yellow eyes, making the man freeze with fear. Iturri then dropped to all fours and turned into a beast before their very eyes.

         "The rest you already know. That young man may be a wolf, but he stood up for my goods. We even managed to find a better dealer in town. Now the king may not have the best opinion of his kind but he was merely teaching those no good thieves a lesson!" Arbitio said finishing his story. "And I swear I am telling the truth. I would bet my farm on it."
         Aner listened to the old man and tapped his finger on the bar. "Your story has left me a lot to think about. Please accept my thanks." He said standing up and leaving the bar, leaving the man and woman to argue about running his mouth.
         When Aner returned to the cell Iturri seemed to be sleeping but as he drew closer he lifted his head up. "Come back to talk down to me again? I was starting to get bored." He said with a smirk.
         "Why did you do it...?" Aner asked.
         "Do what?" Iturri questioned.
         "Why did you help that couple in the square?" Aner asked with a bit more assertion.
         Iturri yawned a bit. "Arbitio and Marz...you actually believe what they had to say?" He asked listening intently to the answer.
         Aner sighed and crossed his arms. "I have seen enough people stand before the chopping block tell tales to save their own skin. But very rarely have I seen a man willing to take prosecution defending someone else."
         "Then I guess you haven't met a lot of kind hearted people..."
         "We are not talking about the good in people. I am asking you why you helped those people!" Aner yelled.
         Iturri smiled and leaned back. "I helped them because I could, and no other reason than that. Those men would do them wrong so I stood up for them because I believed in their cause. They attacked me and I defended myself the only way I could. End of story."
         "But that isn't the end of the story is it?" Aner said getting Iturri's attention. "The old man said you were here looking for something. Your family. Was that true as well, or a lie to cover your true intentions."
         Iturri grinned a wolfish grin. "Ah so they told you that to. Well I guess I could tell you about that. But it is a long story, one I don't think you want to hear."
         Aner tapped his foot a bit irritated. "For whatever reason, you have helped someone that caused your own destruction. I cannot undo your death sentence, but if I can perhaps...leave you with your mind at ease. Maybe it will put my mind at ease as well."
         Iturri rubbed his chin. "I guess telling my story would allow me to die with no regrets."
         Aner sighed and pulled up a chair. "Then tell away, Iturri was it? Explain to me why you were in this city."
         Iturri was quiet for a moment before he spoke. "Do you know how the wolf hunts began?"
         Aner narrowed his eyes. "I do...a wolf killed my mother. The body was so torn up it was barely recognizable."
         Iturri huffed. "So the story goes...but it is good you know about it. Before I tell you my tale I have a bit of lead up to it." Aner listened intently as Iturri spoke. "Twenty years ago a wolf woman was happily married, but her husband didn't know about her true self. People feared wolves because no one knew much about them and tended to stay among their own kind...at least publically. One night an assassin was sent to kill the man, for he was a man of authority, but their main target was to kill the child they had. The assassin was about to kill the child when the woman entered the room. The assassin was also a woman and they met eyes for a moment before the assassin went for her as well. The woman couldn't take the assassin as she was. So taking her true form she killed the woman who dared threaten her family. Before she could take her normal form the father, having heard the noise, came in to see bloody remains. Fearing the worst the woman fled the kingdom."
         Aner spoke up then. "Not that this fairy tale isn't nice, and you probably have fond memories of this story being told to you as a child. But what does this have to do with you."
         Iturri held back a laugh. "This story is very close to me, but don't worry the good part is coming." He took a moment to collect his thoughts before speaking again. "Turns out the woman was pregnant with another child, the man told no one, wanting to surprise the land with his second heir. The child ended up being born in the wilds. The mother raised him as best as she could but she couldn't forget the child she left behind. He was wolf too, and when he came of age he would begin to experience the changes. She feared that once he became a wolf the people would fear him and then slay him. So one night she returned to her home to confront him. She tried to tell him...tell him that he wasn't what he thought. That his dreams of running through the trees was his mind telling him to accept who he was. The young boy thought she was mad, and her persistence scared him. He pulled his knife from his belt and swung at her to keep her away. Little did the mother know her other son had followed her. Not knowing what was going on he leapt out to protect his mother. In wolf form he attacked the boy and bit his arm with all his might. The boy cried out and swung his knife at the wolf's face, leaving a cut over his left eye. The mother quickly grabbed her injured child and fled, leaving the scared boy behind."
         Aner felt his skin crawl as he felt the memories return. The dreams of the wilds, the woman coming to him in the night as he walked the garden and trying to take him away...the wolf biting him. "How do you know about that night...no one is supposed to know about that!"
         Iturri smiled and looked at him. "Come now...it has only been ten years. Surely you remember the mark I gave you, and the one you gave me." Pointing to his scared and useless eye.
         Aner felt the rage building in him, he slammed on the bars of the cage. "It was you! You did this to me, you gave me this curse!"
         Iturri shakes his head. "You don't listen very well do you?" Aner was silent for a minute. "It is true the bite from a wolf can turn a human into a wolf, but I cannot give you something you didn't already have." He stood up and moved closer. "You have always been a wolf! Mother returned here to try and save you! All those years ago, when you were but a baby in your crib our mother used her gift to save you from an assassin's blade! Then she fled fearing persecution!"
         Aner stepped away from him. "You're lying...that can't be true, what proof do you have that your story is true."
         Iturri looked at him and stuck his finger down his throat, causing himself to vomit. He pulled something metal from the vile and cleaned it off before presenting it to Aner. A necklace bearing the royal crest. "This was mother's necklace, she gave it to me as she passed. Her worry for you made her sick. A sickness she could never recover from. Her only desire was for you to know the truth. She wanted our people to run free once again. That is why I am here, to save my brother, and my people..."
         Aner took the necklace and looked at it. He recognized it from the paintings of his mother. "But why? Why would you come here?! It doesn't make sense, I took your eye from you! And how do I know your mother didn't steal this from mother when she killed her?"
         Iturri face was becoming more and more enraged. "I came here because I forgave you! I attacked you because I didn't know who you were. I deserved the punishment for my foolish mistake!" His face softened as he sighed. "If that is not enough proof for you...I have one last thing to show you..." He lifted his shirt, and on his right hip was a crescent moon. "You have one to, don't you?"
         Aner froze as he saw it and he grabbed his side. "But that's..."
         "A birthmark, all wolves have them, and each family has their own. Mother had one as well." He was silent for a moment before he lowered his shirt and sat back down. "I spent the last two years finding this place. Using the clues from my memories and mother's stories to find the kingdom where I would find my brother. When I caught your scent I knew you were the one. So now you know. What you do with it is your choice."
         Aner just stared at him for a moment. Then backing up he left the dungeon and went to his room. His mind couldn't handle the facts. Was he truly a wolf? Did his mother truly come to save him, and now his brother? His head was spinning until he heard the door of his room opening. He quickly tucked the necklace away as his father walked in.
         "The staff says you have been acting odd lately, is something wrong?" Rodolf asked his son.
         Aner sighed. Ideas running through his heads. Finally he spoke. "That wolf in the dungeon got me thinking about mother."
         He sat down next to Aner and put an arm around her. "Your mother was a fine woman. She was sweet and kind, but had an unbreakable spirit."
         Aner took a deep breath and then asked the question. "I was talking to the staff about mother. I heard a rumor that she was pregnant when she died...was that true."
         Rodolf was wide-eyed for a second, then he rubbed his beard. "I guess the staff is more observant then I thought. Yes she was. I didn't tell anyone about it. It was going to be a surprise to the kingdom. She was about three months pregnant when she was killed. I guess someone must have noticed." His face became sad. "That wolf took both my beloved and my unborn child. Luckily I came in time to save you...I would have done anything to make sure you were safe. To my relief the wolf ran when I arrived."
         Aner felt his heart skip a beat...what Iturri told him was true. At least that is how it seemed. "Did you have an opinion about wolves before that day?"
         Rodolf grumped as he crossed his arms. "I always saw them as pests and trouble makers, but I didn't think they were violent enough to attack us...I guess the world is full of surprises."
         Aner had just one more question to confirm Iturri's story. "And she really had the same birthmark on her hip as me?"
         "Those staff sure are nosey...but yes she did. She was always very proud of it. Sometimes she would even wore clothes that exposed her stomach so people could see it." Rodolf said, but then he became very sad. "I miss her every day, I would do anything to have her back...but alas such a thing can never happen. Take it easy son. Everything will be better after that filthy wolf is out of our lives." With that he left, leaving Aner with the truth...that he was indeed a wolf, and his brother was now wasting away in the dungeon.

         The next morning came and everyone was waiting at the execution stand. Iturri was brought out in chains. Rodolf stood there with a big smile on his face. "Look at all the people who have come to see you die. Must be saddening to know how many people want you dead."
         "You seem to get by so I think I will be fine." Iturri said with a huff. Rodolf was not amused as he motioned for the executioner to come up to the stand. Iturri looked at Aner who stepped up to the platform. They shared a look for a moment before Iturri cleared his throat. "Before I meet my end may I say my final words?"
         Rodolf seemed amused by this and stepped back. "Oh please go on. You wolves always seem to have something interesting to say before you die."
         Iturri walked to the edge of the platform and took a deep breath. "There was a reason I came to this city. Now that you are all here I have something I want to tell you. You don't have to live in fear anymore! For so long you have lived...like sheep, hiding under the cane of a cruel man. NO MORE! It is time to throw off your oppression and live up to your potential! Be free, be strong...be what you were meant to be! Stand up and fight!" His voice carried across the whole crowd, but no one moved. They all looked on with confused and scared faces. Iturri lowered his head, defeated.
         Rodolf couldn't help but burst out laughing. "What were you planning to do, get the people to revolt under you? The people have no love for your kind. Though your little speech amused me." Rodolf stepped up next to Iturri. "So do indulge me, does anyone here wish to stand up for the wolf? Anyone at all? Don't be shy." Everyone was quiet. "No one? None of you feel for the poor boys cause?"
         Rodolf smirked and turned to walk back to the chopping block when he heard a voice. "I will!" He spun back around and Arbitio was there, and before Marz could stop him he raised his hand. "That young man saved me and my family. He didn't have to. We didn't pay him. He helped us at of the kindness in his heart." He turned towards the people. "And I am not the only one! I remember a time when wolves and humans lived in peace. Sure we were not very close but we respected each other. How many of you have seen a wolf perform an act of kindness?"
         A few people started talking among themselves until someone finally stepped up. "My farm was being raided by bandits almost every day. Until they were chased off by a pack of wolves..."
         "My daughter got lost in the wood. She came back riding a wolf who had found her in the woods."
         "Before the soldiers chased him off, the young boy who lived nearby used to come by every week to chase the wild dogs out of my hen house."
         The people were starting to get riled up and some were even beginning to question why they hunted wolves to begin with. Rodolf was starting to get annoyed and called down to the guards around the platform. "Control the crowd! I don't want them getting in the way of this execution."
         As the guards started making a wall someone cried out. "Least the guards do something! They have spent so much time out on wild goose chases they can't even stop street criminals!"
         The king was starting to get irritated now and turned to the executioner. "Cut him down now! Send a message to all who argue with my rule."
         The executioner looked at Iturri and then at his axe. "My wife was a wolf..." Iturri looked at him with surprise, as did Aner and Rodolf. "I didn't know it until she was taken away but...she was the kindest and sweetest woman you would ever meet. I still regret not helping her." He threw down his axe and began unchaining Iturri. "I am sorry for all your people who I have killed."
         Iturri smiled and put a hand on his shoulder. "It was not your intention. I know you feel regret." Rodolf was enraged as Iturri walked to the edge of the platform again and called out one more time. "You see this...the people do not fear us! What they fear is the hand that oppresses them! It is time we stood up for ourselves and those who stand with us. No more are we wolves among sheep! Rise up brothers and sisters. Fight for your freedom!" Aner looked at Iturri, confused as to who he was calling out to. Then in the crowd he saw people starting to make space around certain people. They dropped on all fours and before his eyes they became wolves. The people stood aside as they moved to the front of the group and stood between the people and the soldiers. They protected the people with teeth bared. Marz handed her child to Arbitio and to the surprise of Arbitio, Iturri, and Aner she became a wolf herself.
         Iturri smiled as he turned to the king. "You have no power over us anymore. We will not hide in fear of your tyranny!"
         Rodolf was shocked to see so many wolves living among his people, there was at least fifteen of them. He screamed out. "Kill them, kill them all!"
         The soldiers stared at the wolves in front of them. One soldier lowered his weapon and tossed it aside. "No...I am tired of this fight. Every day I leave my family alone and undefended chasing the king's vendetta. We should be defending our homes, not chasing those who have done nothing to us." The other soldiers were hesitant for a moment, but then also threw down their weapons and joined the crowd who was now near ready to riot. Iturri looked over the crowd and couldn't help but smile.
         Rodolf couldn't believe what he was seeing. His people had turned against him, and it was all the fault of this young wolf. He reached for his sword and lunged at Iturri. Iturri still had his back turned. Iturri heard him coming and turned in surprise, but he wasn't fast enough to avoid the blade. The blade never hit him, Aner had grabbed Rodolf's arm to stop his attack. Rodolf looked at his son with sadness in his eyes. "You too, how could you do this? Do you forget what they did to your mother!?"
         Aner clenched his arm tighter and then yelled to him. "Wolves never killed mother! She was that wolf that night, she took that form to protect me! Then ran in fear of your hatred. Wolves didn't take her away from you...you chased her away."
         Rodolf was at a loss for words, he threw him off and held his head. "No...it's not true, she was not a wolf! She couldn't have been." Aner looked to Iturri, his look told Iturri what he needed to do. Iturri pulled up his shirt, the birthmark visible on his hip. Rodolf saw it and he started to go pale.
         Aner put an arm on him. "You said you would do anything to protect me, does the same not apply to him. He is of your blood as I am..."
         Rodolf fell to his knees, holding his head as he cursed himself. "How could I have been so blind...what terrible things have I done? My love I...I didn't know, please...please forgive me!" He kept crying out for someone who couldn't hear him. Iturri walked over to him and Rodolf looked into his eyes. Behind the look of hatred on Iturri's face he could see sadness.
         "She still cared for you...even as you slaughtered her kin she still felt love for the man she took as a mate. Even to the last of her days. To kill you here would dishonor her memory and undermine all I have done here today. So leave this place and never return. But I swear to you...if I ever catch your scent in this country again I will hunt you down and tear the flesh from your bones!" He screamed at Rodolf. He looked at Iturri for a moment before getting up and running off the platform, his crown falling off in the process. The crowd booed him as he ran by, and they even threw things at him. Iturri watched him go and sighed in relief. The wolves all raised their heads to the sky and let out a joyous howl.
         Aner walked over to Iturri and put a hand on him. "What will you do now...brother?"
         Iturri looked to the wolves, who now looked to him for guidance. "They all must have business to attend to. Most of them have made lives here. But after that I plan to lead them away, back to our homeland where I can hopefully rebuild our clan the way mother always wanted." He looked to Aner with a sad smile. "You should come with us...you don't belong here anymore then we do."
         Aner picked up the crown and sighed. "That is true, but our father has caused a lot of damage since that fateful day. I have to fix what he has destroyed before I can ever think of returning to my roots."
         Iturri smiled and offered a hand. "Just make sure you let yourself run wild every now again. Or I might have to come bite you again."
         Aner took his hand with a laugh. "Be careful, you only have one eye left to spare." They both laughed as they hugged each other.
         Iturri walked down from the platform and turned to his kin. "We have all endured a lot, but now it is time to rebuild. I am sure you all have loose ends to attend to, but come sunrise we will return home to start anew!" They all cheered as they started to leave the square, even the people started to clear out. Others cheered for Aner's reign.
         Iturri looked over to see wolf Marz and Arbitio talking. She had her head low. "I should have told you a long time ago..."
         Arbitio huffed at her. "You should have. I could have had you pull that damned wagon...but I could never stay mad at you." He wrapped his free arm around her neck. "What will you do now?"
         She sighed and glanced towards Iturri. "I want nothing more than to return to my kind. To live how we once did."
         "I wish I could join you..." Arbitio said with sorrow.
         "Well why can't you?" Iturri asked, walking over to them. "We are still few...we need to start rebuilding our family again. I am sure your mate would gladly carry you through the harder parts. Perhaps she might even turn you if that is what you desired."
         "Do you really mean that?" Marz asked.
         Iturri laughed. "Of course, the more the merrier." He was thrown off a bit when Arbitio hugged him. Aner watched over the crowd as Iturri walked off with Marz and Arbitio. He wished he could join them, but he had a service to fulfill. And perhaps when the kingdom was at peace again...he could run the wilds with the brother he never knew he had.

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