Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2051504-Imperium-Chapter-2-Part-2-first-draft
Rated: ASR · Chapter · Sci-fi · #2051504
Thrilling scifi/fantasy set in post-apocalyptic Earth.
Hudson found some solace in the fact that it was much easier to leave the Warsong than it was entering it. None of the traps triggered from the opposite direction allowing the weakened peacemaker to leisurely leave the building. As he squeezed through the heavy stone door to the outside he was greeted by a dozen Volcrum, all their M.I.D.Ds locked on him. Hudson raised his hands in surrender; his face and legs were covered in blood, his body was coated in glass, how he must have looked to his comrades. "It's just Lieutenant Colonel Matthews," Miles voice rang relieved, "We got this one!" The other peacemakers dropped their M.I.D.Ds and set off to their normal routes leaving Miles and Wes alone with Hudson.
"Vir, we gotta take you in." Wes' words were filled with apprehension. "I'm well aware of the consequences of my actions," Hudson stated to him, "you can put your M.I.D.Ds down, I'm not going to fight you on this." Wes and Miles gingerly strapped their M.I.D.Ds onto their shoulders and escorted him to the precinct in silence. They didn't distrust Hudson, but Wes and Miles knew exactly what he was capable of. Since their first missions together he had swooped in to save them against overwhelming odds and had always triumphed. He was slow to anger, but easily annoyed and they didn't know what would rub him the wrong way. He was private and introverted to the point that they didn't know what to expect of him.
As they entered the precinct's door and closed in on General Mou's Miles put a hand on Hudson's shoulder. "I hope you have a good reason for this." Miles murmured with concern. If Hudson didn't have an explanation, he would not go unpunished. "I did." Hudson said as he gave Miles an annoyed glance and knocked his hand off his shoulder. He didn't like being touched; the oils of another person's skin seeping onto him and the intimacy contained in a grasp made him uneasy.
He entered the room to find General Mou sitting at his desk with a scowl on his face. "Sit." He ordered Hudson with a strong hand gesture. Hudson preferred to stand in other men's offices, but he figured now was not the time to argue. He sat down uncomfortably, his legs being too long for the chair, and fixed onto General Mou's glare. "That arsonist we've been having problems with struck again tonight," General Mou started, "He tried to burn down one of the power plants. We could have used your help. We saved the plant, but people lost their homes."
Hudson stayed silent, so Mou continued, "Dammit Hudson!" Mou slammed his fist on his desk, "We can't afford to loose one of those plants, we barely have enough energy to go around! Not only was your radio off, not only were you not there when we needed you, but the boys radioed in that YOU broke into the Warsong! What in the White Tiger's name do you think you are doing?!" "General-" "Don't feed me any bull, boy." Mou interrupted Hudson pointing a finger in his face.
"General, I never turn my radio on and I probably won't start. It drives me crazy listening to idiots all day, " Hudson confessed, "I apologize for not being there tonight, but I ran into the Azure Bandit breaking into the Warsong. I had to try and stop her." "Why would you not call for backup Lieutenant Colonel?" Mou questioned, shaking his head. "You know as well as I do that more men would have went in than came out." Hudson answered in all seriousness. "Did you stop her?" Mou queried. "No, the Warsong is damaged and the Coronation Emblem is gone."
"Oh, White Tiger help us." Mou pinched the bridge of his nose as if to push out a headache. "There is more than you're telling me, I've know yah long enough to know that for sure." General Mou sighed, "We can't afford to loose anymore officers. You have too much experience, you're worth more alive than dead." "Thank you sir." Hudson's reply sounded rehearsed. The General's demeanor changed as he spoke again, "Don't let her pull you in boy. She's killed a lot of people you know and don't pretend it doesn't affect you, 'cause it's affected all of us. If you let her control your emotions or snare you with the idea of vengeance, she'll eat you alive. You can't do everything alone, you have to let your comrades help you sometimes." "Noted sir, am I excused?" Hudson asked with an empty expression. "Excused, I expect a full report!" General Mou waved him out. Hudson caught a glimpse of the General rubbing his temples and muttering to himself as he left.
Hudson had opened the door to find Wes and Miles keenly eavesdropping. "Amicus! Sounds like it's all eximius! I'm happy to hear that!" Wes boomed at Hudson with his hand up for a high five. Hudson looked down at Wes, way to tired to deal with him, and walked passed as he heard General Mou reprimand them from inside his office for listening in. Hudson went outside of the building to see dawn rising on the prism. The gentle warmth felt good on his skin, he spread his arms, closed his eyes and let it sink in for a couple minutes. These moments were precious to him, he rarely felt good.Whether it was his body or his mind, Hudson was rarely at peace.
He was tired and injured, but the Coronation Emblem couldn't wait; it wouldn't be long before Mou sent Volcrum out looking for it anyway. Hudson curled his lips around a lit cigarette before going directly to Tokio's clinic. People were even more frightened of him than usual; he tauntingly picked glass out of his skin as they looked on in terrified awe. Citizens shouldn't be afraid of the Volcrum, but they were called peacemakers and not peacekeepers for a reason. When Hudson reached the clinic he barged in and, much to Alli's dismay, searched the rooms for Tokio.
"What are you doing!?" She screamed at him with her hands waving wildly in the air. "Tokio." Hudson barked at her as he pushed open sliding doors. "Well, she's kinda busy right now!" She yelled at him in a matter-of-factly tone. "I don't care. Where is she?" The way Hudson towered over her made it clear answering wasn't voluntary. She lowered her eyes and stepped back from him, "Her room is at the end of the hall, but you can't just go in there!" Hudson was already on his way with Alli chasing after.
He flung open Tokio's door to find her scantly clothed wrapping her chest with bandages. "I'm so sorry my lady, I tried to stop him!" Alli tweeted behind Hudson, wriggling her way into the threshold. "It's fine Ms.Yewth." Tokio responded casually. "Um, no it's really not." "Yes, it is. Hudson and I need to talk." "But!" "Alli, don't you have something medical you could be doing?" Tokio had dismissed her and Alli glared darkly at Hudson as she left. "Shut the door behind you." Tokio asked Hudson as he was welcomed into her room.
Her chamber was plain, it looked the same as her surgical rooms. It was empty except for a cot and stand, there were two windows that lit the small space. Tokio was sitting on her cot, medical supplies surrounding her, now binding her waist. There were small coverings on the worse of her glass cuts and her leg was heavily bandaged; Hudson was bewildered that she was able to get here. Tokio was more completely covered in tattoos than Hudson had first thought. He could see that all the way up her thighs was printed and the inking continued to what he could see of her waist. Hudson wondered why she would mark her porcelain skin so thoroughly.
"Well, did you come to stare at me or did you need something?" Tokio inquired, a little annoyed. "Where is it?" Hudson questioned bluntly. "Wheres what?" Tokio answered, eyebrows raised. "Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about!" Hudson said forcibly, "The Coronation Emblem, where is it?!" "Well, I suppose," she sassed, "that its in the Warsong where it usually is." Hudson's temper flared and he came towards her with fierce intent. Her face quickly changed as she grabbed a blade from behind her, "If you kill me now, not only will you die for it as a criminal, but you won't ever find what you're looking for."
Hudson was trapped between a rock and a hard place, the peacemaker was loosing his cool. "I'm going to find out who you are and what you're planning," Hudson was holding back shouting at her, "then I'm going to end this." He barged out as swiftly as he came in, almost knocking Alli over as he brushed by her. Hudson had let the Azure Bandit get to him, it didn't help that he was injured and exhausted when he confronted her. I need to take the General's advice to heart, I can't let her get in my head. Hudson cooled down on his long walk home, where he dropped into his bed and fell asleep immediately.
Hudson slept more deeply than he had for years, yet it only lasted a few hours. He was woken by little pin pricks on his ears, which was Snug's way of telling him it was time to get up. The little bug found a way to crawl out from between Hudson and the bed; now it was feeling a bit lonely with it's master unconscious. Hudson was glad to see that his small companion hadn't sustained any damage during his fight with Tokio, in all the commotion Hudson had forgotten to check on it. He grabbed Snug off his face and put it on his shoulder as he got out of bed. It was passed noon now and Hudson had somewhere he wanted to go.
After he cleaned himself up and put on fresh clothes, Hudson and Snug headed out. Snug had found a comfortable place in Hudson's pant pocket, it's little head barely peeping out to see. He was going to the Memlock, it was his best chance to find out anything about Tokio. It was in the his district, making it just a stones throw away from his apartment. With Hudson out of his Vocrum uniform people were more receptive to him, a group of young woman clad in clockwork pieces and leather corsets even smiled as he passed. When he reached the Memlock he took a moment to appreciate how different was from the rest of the prism's architecture.
The building was very old and made of some kind of white stone, probably marble. Pillars and steps surrounded the entire building, which made it seem even larger than the massive structure it already was. It was obviously from a different age, because the marble was hand carved with decorative art. People didn't really create like that anymore, art had become a lost form of expression. Most of the world's art had been destroyed during WWIII. It had been eradicated easily, the galleries and museums were all gone. Humanity saw the futility of it after that; they stopped picking up brushes and clay and tools.
The Memlock had two giant doors made of solid bronze and carved into them were the Eight Tenets. These supreme laws were passed after the war to control human nature ensuring the mass devastation of Earth was never repeated. A year after the end of WWIII the Eight Tenets were set in place, the lawmakers had to take a scrutinizing look into the heart of humanity to find out how to cast out its demons. Once extremely controversial, the Eight Tenets were unanimously accepted. They were posted on the Memlock as follows:
The world almost broke into civil war again after this law started being enforced. It outlawed all religions and ideas that could not be proven. Countless wars had been fought throughout history on the basis of opinion. Though religion was preached as a way to bring peace and love into the world, it's followers usually used their beliefs as an excuse to hate and discriminate others. In order to maintain everlasting peace, it only made sense to outlaw views that did not have a factual foundation. In the beginning it was difficult for people to change. A majority of the population was imprisoned causing mass chaos in the prisms, but in time future generations embraced the law and abandoned their parents outdated ideals.
The nuclear weapons used to destroy the Earth were prohibited and the technology used to make them tabooed. It was also decided that any explosive was a weapon of mass destruction and all were disposed of. Next guns were taken apart and melted down. Mass shootings were a frequent occurrence in the old world. Guns were the hardest to dispose of because every household had one and felt defenseless without. They couldn't simply be banned, then the bad would have them and the good would be unarmed. It took years, but eventually they were wiped from the planet. Some outlaws have manage to build their own in current times, but they're no match for Volcrum's M.I.D.Ds; the M.I.D.Ds are considered a means of defense. Otherwise, only weapons such as knives and swords for self defense are legal.
The United Countries owns all and citizens are issued the entirety of their belongings. The government pays the people and owns the establishments where they spend money insuring a constant economy. In order to buy provisions from the Badlands the prisms use a trade system; United Counties' currency never leaves the prism walls. The government decides who and where all provisions go, from the citizens inside to the villages within the Boundary that depend on the prisms to survive.
This law outlawed marriage, family ties and allowed parents to legally donate their children. Marriage was a choice made in the old world that bonded two people in lifelong commitment. More often than not, the couple would end up hating each other causing a huge legal battle and intense animosity. Family ties became irrelevant under this tenant, though many people still find a connection with their relatives, they are not expected to claim or have any contact with them. The old world ran rampant with parents aborting, neglecting and abusing their children. By letting parents donate their children to society to be raised, citizens no longer had to give up their lives for their offspring's ending the horrific practices.
People used to live off of others before the war. Citizens who worked hard payed for the food and housing of the ones who did not. Inevitably, people saw this as a way of life. Instead of working they would over produce to collect bigger welfare payments and their children grew up to do the same. Soon the amount of people on welfare could not be supported by those who still worked. The economy collapsed all over the world. Counties turned on each other looking for a scapegoat to blame their problems on; hate for one another was fueled by differences in nationality and race. This was one of the main factors leading to WWIII. Performance of your designated occupation is the only way to ensure food, housing and medical assistance will be provided.
Humans used to consider themselves created equal, giving people a reason to believe that the world owed them something. This contributed to the welfare problem, but more so people always used their supposed equality as an excuse. Now individuals are held accountable for where they get in life. Everyone is measured and set in their designated place in society. If citizens do not work hard their future reflects that, but anyone from anywhere can become anything based on their ability.
The judicial system was once very flawed. People could get out of any crime if they had enough money or power, more over many crimes used the payment of money as a punishment. Prisons were like resorts, crime ran rampant through the world and officers were limited by the law they swore to uphold. It was very evident that things had to change. Severe punishments were put in place that actually deterred crime. Rapists were castrated, murders were executed, thieves were exiled and prisons were made inhospitable. Crime had become intolerable.
The world used to be ruled by many different types of government: democracy, communism, parliamentary etc.; none of these systems to work. Corrupt politicians made promises of a better life for their citizens, but instead would make decisions that only benefited themselves. The people would languish, but the politicians would become richer as the economy suffered. The current system was set in place so only those who cared about their citizens and had the intelligence to run a country would lead the people. The ones with the highest intelligence and moral convictions would decide the world's future.
Hudson put one of his hands on the door; it detected the heat generated by his palm causing it to inch open. The place was extensive; everywhere in sight were ancient remnants of human history. On a circular platform in front of him was parked a car, through illegal now personal transport vehicles were popular in the old world. This one was believed to be a prominent model called a Bugatti. It had a majestic body with slick curves, Hudson always wanted to touch it but never did. The paint was too old and he feared the oil from his hands would damage it. Around the car were endless rows filled with artifacts from Earth's darker ages.
After Hudson made his way around the Bugatti, he found himself at a desk surrounded by towering papers that hid a Vapara behind them. One of the other main species from Rishka, the Vapara were oddly ravishing. Being a water species their skin was soft and smooth like that of an eel's and ranged from dark greens to pale blues in color. Their backs adorned a set of wings: one small and one large similar to butterflies. Their characteristically wide eyes with large pupils gave them a youthful appearance and helped with seeing underwater. This particular Vapara was very cute, her tentacle-like hair was pulled up in a messy ponytail and she was clothed in a darling layered dress. "Kini, I need you to research someone for me." Hudson asked as he handed her a small note with Tokio's information on it. She looked up from her work, with vast cocoa eyes, and took the paper from Hudson.
"Hmm, I didn't know you were dating," she remarked passively while inputting the information on a console in her desk with her webbed hands, "you can just ask girls these things, you know." "It's for a case, Kini." Hudson refuted sternly. Ignoring him she continued to search through the database, "Well, that's interesting." "What?" Hudson exclaimed as he made his way around to look over Kini's shoulder; he had to position himself around her set of wings. They looked like flying fish wings and were usually folded up, but when extra energy was needed the wings unfurled and the Vapara used them for photosynthesis."As you can see," Kini explained pointing at her screen, "this person was born about 500 years ago, which can't be right. Is she a Morgoth like this says?" "Yeah." Hudson confirmed. "The oldest living Morgoth was only recorded at 167 years and this one doesn't even have a death date." Kini pondered.
"She stole her chip and someone's identity then. You can't help me get any closer than I was before." Hudson stated with apparent frustration. "She stole an I.D. chip though, that's enough to throw her in prison." Kini assured slightly confused, her deep breathing made it hard for him to concentrate. Vapara have two sets of lungs: one for breathing in water and one for living on land. "You don't understand," Hudson countered, "she won't pay for her crimes that way. Its bigger than that." "This Rishkian has to really be something, it's not often someone stumps you." "Yeah, I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around this one." "Well, I do have a book on Morgoths in the vault, maybe it could help shed some light on this woman, if you want it?" Kini suggested. "Ok, sure. No help is bad help at this point." Hudson agreed.
She started to lead him through the tiers of history. They passed a section that was all music, Hudson caught glimpses of titles like Carry On My Wayward Son and Eye of the Tiger, but didn't recognize anything. Vaparas were known for their incredible memory. The Memlock used to be run by ten humans, each having to memorize a certain section. Kini, on the other hand, could remember it all. She was the only Vapara Hudson had ever met and she was the only one that lived in the prism. She had been taken in by humans when she was very young; her human family found her hiding under the bodies of her parents after they had been killed by raiders trying to cross the Badlands.
After many twists and turns they came to the vault. Kini spoke a password into a panel on the wall in her native tongue. Vapara spoke a musical language, frequently singing multiple notes at once, it was almost impossible for humans to master. The outside band of the vault twisted, then the inside rim. Large gears in the center started to rotate and hulking panels shifted. With a booming clunk the vault door came forward and rolled open for them to enter. The lights took a moment to flicker on to reveal books everywhere. Stacked high, low and all around, Hudson could barely move because of the novels. Kini could move fine and found her way to a pile of paperbacks. In the distance Hudson could see another vault door where the more forbidden items were held, only the Chancellor could go in there. She blew and patted the dust off of a book from the pile and came back to Hudson. "Well this is it!" She handed Hudson the musty book.
He took it reluctantly, it was old and filthy, he didn't really want to touch it. "You'll live with a little dust on your hands." She told with a flip of her hair. He hadn't noticed this in all the times he had seen Kini, but she had a small fish attached to the back of her neck. "You have something on your...." Hudson started to motion around his own neck, not sure what to say to her. "Yes, its called an Apari." She giggled, "It's part of the Vapara coming of age ceremony! I went back to my homeland to complete it a couple years ago." "So...you get a fish attached to you." Hudson didn't understand Rishkians. "Go on, get to work! I don't have time to explain all this too you, I still have work to do myself." She demanded with a roll of her eyes.
With a wave Hudson weaved his way through to leave the Memlock. As he went out the front doors, someone was running in and crashed right into him. Hudson was unaffected, the Ilvan bounced off of him and stumbled back. He was clothed for winter with a sweater and mask that covered his face, How could anyone be cold this time of year? "Geez, I'm sorry!" said the man in a jumble, "Oh hey! This is for you!" The Ilvan shoved a brown package into Hudson's hands, almost making him drop his grimy book. Hudson looked at every side of the package, there was no writing on it, how could it be for him? He turned his attention to ask, but the deliverer was gone. He disappeared as suddenly as he had arrived, making Hudson decide it was best to open this parcel in the safety of his Volcrum office.
After arriving Hudson sat down at his desk with the package in front of him. He wasn't there very often and the empty room showed it. The office had his desk and a sparsely used shelf that held nothing except for his awards. Snug was much more excited about the mystery delivery than Hudson was; it crawled out of Hudson's pocket and jumped on the table to help open it. Its front legs tore into the paper leaving little holes, but Snug wasn't making any notable progress. Hudson let Snug have it's fun before he opened the package with one tear. Inside was a box that he opened warily listening to every creak of the hinges. He reached his hand around a gold chain and found himself eyeing the blush color of rubies: the Coronation Emblem.
Hudson's mind started to race, why would she send this to me!? If he was caught with this it would mean execution. I need to get rid of this, fast! Hudson couldn't return it to the Warsong, by now it would be guarded by officers and filled with crews cleaning up his and the Azure Bandit's mess. He couldn't tell the truth to the Volcrum, he was the only one seen leaving the Warsong the night it was taken; they would never believe him. Snug was playing carefree on the necklace's ruby pendant while Hudson was having a small panic attack in his chair.
A plan finally came to the peacemaker, I'll return it during the Coronation. It should be easy enough for me to get in there with Cristo. I'll set it somewhere and when it's found people will think the criminal came to their senses for the greater good. No sooner had Hudson finished this thought that he heard his doorknob rattle. Faster than he had ever moved before he snatched the Coronation Emblem and threw it in a drawer, flinging poor Snug onto it's back. "Where in the White Tiger's name have you been?!" Cristo came through the door and Hudson released a deep sigh of relief. "I've been working." Hudson said as he helped Snug flip over.
"In your civilian clothes?" Cristo asked with a smirk, "You can tell me if you met up with a woman last night. Normal people talk about that kind of stuff!" "No, I was working." Hudson reaffirmed, "Did you need something?" "You don't have to get defensive, just asking, and yes. I have my historical speech in twenty minutes and you said you would come, but I figured you would forget so here I am." "Please Cristo, I've had a long day. Can I get out of this one?" Hudson pleaded. "Well, that's up to you," Cristo replied, "a man is only as good as his word." Which meant no, get your lazy ass up and come watch me talk.
After tucking Snug into his pocket once again Hudson reluctantly followed Cristo to the Upper district, listening to his chatter the whole time. Hudson did his best to take it all in as Cristo told him all about his night, his day and the ordeal of trying to find him. Him and Alli are defiantly family, Hudson made himself smile. He had been listening to Cristo talk since they first met. Hudson was living in the Institution, where all orphans or donated children were raised.
The Institution had a very strict schedule, everything was controlled from when you showered to when you slept. Since Hudson didn't eat like a normal person, this system didn't work out well for him. He wouldn't be able to eat at most of his meals and would wake up starving one day with no food to satisfy his gluttonous hunger. Cristo found him on one of these days while he was digging in the trash behind the Institution for food. Cristo had invited him home, where he fed him almost everything in their fridge. Hudson scarfed down food and Cristo talked to him about anything he had on his mind; they've been friends ever since.
They finally reached the Amphitheater where Cristo would be giving his speech, it had seemed like an endless journey to Hudson. The Amphitheater was large and dull, though made out of the finest materials, it lacked character. They walked in and the pews were packed, people swarmed to say hello to Cristo. Upper district citizens from all prisms would come to these events in hopes of getting in good graces with the new Chancellor. Cristo was swept away by his crowd of admirers, but managed to shout, "Alli saved you a seat over there!" before he was out of sight. Hudson scanned the sections until he saw an empty seat next to Alli and Tokio.
They had thoughtfully saved Hudson the isle seat, he would be able to put his long legs somewhere, but Alli shot him a dirty look as he sat down. Guess she is still mad for me barging in this morning. "Alli please!" Tokio said from beside her and gave her a light slap on the arm. Though obviously still huffy, Alli stopped glaring at him. Tokio popped out to smile and wave at him, he found himself smiling back unintentionally. Maybe it was because both of them had been dragged here and were kindred spirits in their inescapable boredom. The trio enduringly listened to the other Candidates, waiting for Cristo's finale.
When Cristo finally took the stage, Hudson and Tokio adjusted their seating positions at the same moment. It was time to actually listen, they had been forced to live through all the history of Earth up to WWIII, and the two had slumped in their chairs. Cristo was clothed in his Candidate robes which were too heavy, too decorated and too white. His supporters were clapping and cheering for him as if their applause was being measured. In every one of these affairs the Candidates were being judged, the current Chancellor and his advisers evaluated who would be most fit to take over.
"In the year 2420, the element Solythiem was first engineered by Dr. Gregory Hammond. He was commissioned by the United Nations to find a material to protect the people of Earth from the nuclear war they were predicting. In 2437 there was finally enough of this radiation resistant element to build the prisms, construction started that same year." Cristo took a steady breath and continued, "Though tensions were building, the United Nations managed to stave off war until the prisms were finished in 2506. During their construction the most healthy and intelligent people from all nations were chosen to fill them. Many parents were chosen without their children and vise versa, only 20% humanity was saved."
Hudson saw the crowd drop their heads in remembrance, but he knew better. These people only cared about their place in society and how the next Chancellor could raise their status; it was all for show. "The first nuclear warheads were dropped by Asia on November 13th, 2506 and all other countries followed suit. Our world was destroyed, but we continued to fight each other." Cristo said with dignified poise, "We fought one another in the Badlands for fifty years before The Landing. The first Rishkians were confronted by Dr. Jacques Dubois and his team from France while researching radiation resistant plants in South Africa. Due to a misunderstanding only two humans survived this encounter, Dr. Dubois and a scientist by the name of Monique Molyneux who was taken hostage."
"It is common knowledge that," Cristo assumed, "Monique Molyneux is where most of our early information on Rishkians comes from. She also wrote the first Human to Rishkians dictionaries. In the year 2556, after failing to eradicate the Rishkians within the first months of the invasion humanity united with the Kimera Project in which we researched the Rishkians and developed our own weapons from their technology. This was the turning point in the war. Both sides were being decimated and the war came to its climax on 2570 where both sides met around the world. At this point the mysterious figure we call the White Tiger appeared and put a barrier between the two forces, refusing to bring it down until a peaceful solution was reached. Through much debate we formed an agreement with the Rishkians and later the Eight Tenets that have stood strong for over 400 years."
Cristo was finally done! As he bowed and dismissed himself, Hudson was fighting to stay awake. Everyone got up to leave, except Hudson, Alli and Tokio who waited quite a while for Cristo to fight his way through the crowd. "Well, how did I do!?" Cristo asked with a big smile on his face. "Great as always," Hudson replied, "Can we leave now?" "Why don't we all go out for a drink?" Tokio suggested casually. "Yes!" Alli and Cristo exclaimed. Hudson couldn't help but glower at the Azure Bandit as Cristo and Alli went into party mode. Tokio simply beamed back at him,"I could use some help walking." Hudson had already forgotten how injured Tokio was, their altercation in the Warsong seemed ages ago not last night.
Hudson stood and helped Tokio out of her chair, then offered her his arm which she gratefully took. The embrace of her hand on him was faint and light. He could hardly feel her on him and he was surprisingly not repulsed by her touch. The two followed Cristo and Alli as fast as they could, but due to Tokio's limp found themselves at the bar reasonably later. It was a little outdoor place in the Upper district with a fancy, luau theme and decorative glass crammed wherever they could fit it. Hudson and Tokio sat at a table where they scanned their chips and glasses were brought to them. Cristo and Alli had already downed some shots and were singing loudly in the karaoke area, Hudson shook his head but Tokio laughed joyfully.
Hudson had things he wanted to ask her, like why she sent him the Coronation Emblem, but he decided not to. It was alright for them to forget about their secret lives for a while and enjoy their ridiculous friends. They sat together like war buddies, she was sipping Sake and he was savoring some Whisky. There was a table of Upper district men in the corner behind them, who apparently took a liking to Tokio. In the Upper district citizens of the lower districts could become prostitutes in order to gain more income, resulting in a vulgar culture between men of the Upper district and women of Rishkian descent.
They were saying some cruel things about what they would do to her and apparently thought themselves amusing since they would regularly burst out in laughter. Hudson could hear it, so he knew Tokio could hear it too, but she remained unaffected. "This is a nice night, perfectly chill." she remarked, "I enjoy relaxing like this." He wanted to protest speaking to her, but couldn't, "It wouldn't be terrible to do things like this more often." He took a large gulp of his Whiskey, letting the bite settle in his mouth before swallowing. "I'd love that." she said tucking a hair behind his ear to which he grumbled. Their leader had downed enough liquid courage to come talk to Tokio himself and waltzed over to her chair. He placed a hand on her shoulder and whispered something in her ear. In reply Tokio grabbed his arm and twisted it, Hudson heard the man's wrist snap and his elbow pop out of place. He dropped to his knees as Tokio stood up. She grabbed him by the neck and lifted him off the ground, her enraged strength was astonishing.
The way she looked at this man was a way she had never looked at Hudson. One of his gang came to help him, but Tokio grabbed a knife from inside her kimono and threw it into his groin. He fell and started to cry on the ground, his other "friends" did not attempt to save him from her. "Listen to me," Her voice was a turbulent storm, "I have a soul, I have a mind and I WILL NOT be treated like a piece of MEAT!" She gripped his neck tighter, the man clawed at her trying to get free. "I will find you where ever you hide, I will be the lingering shadow of death AT YOUR DOORSTEP!"
The man reached out to Hudson, who promptly said, "I'm off duty," then went back to drinking and admiring the simplicity of his metal ring. "If you ever speak of a woman the way you spoke of me I will do each of those horrible things you described up your backside with a dagger." The man was turning slightly blue. "I will toss you out into the street clothed in nothing but naked humiliation so you may be shamed like the WHORE YOU ARE! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?!" He shook his head the best he could, "LOOK INTO MY EYES AND SAY IT!" He looked at her and squeaked out a yes, then Tokio threw him to the floor. His group collected him and the other injured man as they ran away.
Tokio sat back down next to Hudson, rage still in her eyes. "Well, that was...fantastic." Hudson said it seriously enough to crack Tokio up, "Did you just say fantastic?" "I thought the situation called for it." "I don't think this guy will ever cease to surprise me." Tokio said to no one beside her. "Who are you talking to?" Hudson puzzled, this was the third time he saw her talking to nothing. "Oh, well, he goes by many names. Today I've been calling him Testiel. I'm thinking of calling him Gabriel tomorrow." Tokio informed. "No one is there." Hudson pointed out. "Well, of course he's there, because you can't see him you assume he isn't." Tokio informed him. "I think you might be crazy, just a little bit." Hudson told her with a laugh.
She laughed back and the two chatted for the rest of the night like new friends instead of the old enemies they really were. She had a certain familiarity about her; he wasn't sure if it made it seem that she belonged or he did. It was late when Hudson and Tokio were ready to cut Cristo and Alli off. Alli and Tokio somehow managed to balanced themselves between the injury and the drunkenness to get home; Hudson mostly carried Cristo. Hudson decided to take him back to his apartment; he didn't want to make another stop and he despised sleeping at Cristo's.
He laid Cristo on the couch and covered him with a blanket from his bed. With Cristo passed out, Hudson went about his nightly routine. He froze in the shower while Snug jumped around his feet getting clean. Hudson fell asleep and awoke often during the night, but Snug stayed by his side giving him something to chuckle at. For lack of a better phrase, Hudson "woke up" early to make breakfast. Cristo rose to the smell of Quidlio, a large bird raised by Vixens, meat omelets. Hudson made Cristo a plate and they ate on opposite sides of the kitchen counter.
"This is just how Dad used to make them!" Cristo complimented, "Am I right, don't these taste like Dad's?" "Yeah, Victor made some good eggs." Hudson said passively. "You know you can call him Dad, he was your dad too." "He wasn't my dad Cristo." Hudson insisted. "What do you mean he wasn't your dad? He took you in and raised you." Cristo flared, "You've been like this since he died, you can't pretend he wasn't there because it hurts!" "Cristo! Victor was your dad, not mine! Can we just not talk about it?!" Hudson demanded. "Well, I guess that means we aren't brothers either!" Cristo threw a metal ring on the ground and stormed out.
Hudson stood staring at Cristo's food, half eaten and still steaming. The commotion had woken up Snug who walked down the hallway and into the living room, retrieving the metal band and taking it to Hudson. Hudson held the ring in his hand that matched his own. Cristo and Hudson had been such good friends as kids that Victor decided to welcome Hudson into their home. Victor, Cristo's dad, had given them these rings when he took Hudson out of the Institution. It was supposed to symbolize their new bond as a family. Hudson still went to classes at the Institution, but lived at Cristo's house for the remainder of his youth.
Victor died when the boys were fourteen, leaving Hudson and Cristo alone. Cristo's mother was out there somewhere, but per the Eight Tenets she had donated Cristo having nothing to do with him. By choosing to keep him instead of giving him to the Institution, Victor had to raise Cristo completely on his own.
They lived together through the rest of their schooling, picking up random jobs to pay for Cristo's childhood home. Hudson became a Volcrum officer and moved to Medial district while Cristo was moved to the Upper district to continue learning as a Candidate. Hudson was still upset over the confrontation and figured that some air would help calm his nerves. Taking Cristo's ring with him, Hudson left for a walk, leaving Snug to discover all the messes that could be made with leftover omelet. Putting a cigarette in his mouth he ambled in a daze around the town, his mind wandering and his feet leading.
He found himself at a familiar place, at sliding door to a small clinic that looked like it was made out of wood. Hudson let himself in quietly, it was still early and he didn't want to wake Alli. He imagined Alli would be even more annoying in the morning. He walked down to the end of the hall and stopped in front of Tokio's room. He didn't know why he came or why he thought seeing her would make it better. He paused before he made the resolution to knock softly. He was greeted by a dazed Tokio, dressed in a white robe and graceful as ever with her tangled, morning hair.
"Can I, uh, come in?" Hudson felt a little awkward. "Of course." Tokio's answer seemed to be filled with genuine concern. He went inside and stood by one of her windows, letting the morning air fill his lungs. "Have you ever done something unforgivable to someone you care about?" Tokio was kneeling on her bed when she answered, "Yes, I have." Her anger, her violence, he knew she would understand. "How do you live with it?" Hudson could feel his eyes start to water as he thought back on it. Tokio came up and squeezed his shoulder, "The people who care about you will love you no matter what you have done. Real love is unconditional and undying. Ultimately, you have to forgive yourself before the pain can subside."
Hudson put his hand over his eyes as tears started to stream down his face. She knew he didn't deserve the pain he was going through, he was a good man, but he didn't. "I should never talk to him again, I shouldn't be in his life," Hudson said, "but I'm too selfish." The Azure Bandit rested her head on the Volcrum peacemaker and wrapped an arm around him. Her eyes reddened with held back sadness, but she didn't let him see. The two stood there together as long as they needed to.
© Copyright 2015 Cassandra Marie (cassandramarie at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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