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Alex, a teenager who experiences life and its surprises... |
Opening scene is of the hustle and bustle of Suva City. EXT. MHCC- DAY ALEX TIKO. 20. Average built. Rectangular glasses. Short black hair. Nervously pacing back and forth while occasionally scanning the busy crowd of people. Wearing a bag and clutching his phone. ALEX Geez, where the heck is this fella? Makes a call while staring towards Tappoo City and sees the face he anxiously had waited for. Puts his phone away and runs toward that person, stopping by the roadside. ALEX (CONT'D) Chris! What the heck? Do you know what time it is now? CHRIS BALE. Same age, slightly chubby. Medium black hair, his best friend. Struggling to cross the road while carrying two duffel bags. CHRIS Hey man, sorry I overslept. When's the bus leaving again? ALEX Uh like in 10 minutes! Of all days to be late... CHRIS OK chill will ya? We'll make it. Both hurry to a waiting taxi and bundle in. ALEX (to the driver) ANZ National Stadium, as fast as you can! INT. TAXI- DAY As the taxi nears their destination, Alex is uneasily trying to catch a glimpse of the bus. ALEX I don't see the bus. You don't think its left already, right? (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 2. CHRIS Can't be. Chris looks at his phone. CHRIS (CONT'D) Three minutes left. ALEX Oh crap!!! CHRIS (startled) What? What? ALEX Its gone! They've left without us! CHRIS Eh? So early? Alex looks at Chris unbelievably as the taxi arrives. EXT. ANZ NATIONAL STADIUM- DAY The taxi stops in the car park and Alex jumps out, looking around, panicking. Chris gets out and joins him. ALEX Do you have anyone's number? Quick, call someone! CHRIS (confused) Huh? Call who? Alex looks as if he's about to have a meltdown. ALEX Someone who might be on the bus! CHRIS Oh, geez why didn't you say so? Chris takes his phone and scrolls through his contact list. CHRIS (CONT'D) Seriously, you don't have anyone else's number except mine? Gosh, I feel so special! (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 3. ALEX You know I hardly talk to them so why should I keep their number? CHRIS Well duh, obviously for emergency cases like this! ALEX (exasperate) Have you found anyone yet? CHRIS Hmm...Ian said he wasn't coming, Nina's sick, Paul's gone to Lautoka...Ah! Evan... Chris dials the number and Alex leans in to listen. CHRIS (CONT'D) Evan? Hey where are you guys? In school? Huh? How come?... Oh OK...could you tell the driver to hold on? Alex and I are coming. OK set. ALEX Why is the bus in school? CHRIS Adam thought it would be better to meet there instead. Sheesh, this guy...didn't even tell us. Both hurriedly board the taxi and head off again. EXT. YAT SEN CAR PARK- DAY Taxi arrives and stops. INT. TAXI- DAY Alex lets out a sigh of relief and gets off. Chris digs around in his pockets and brings out some coins. CHRIS How much? DRIVER $4.50 (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 4. CHRIS Woo...OK, here you go. Thanks. DRIVER Vinaka. Chris gets out and tries to catch up to Alex. INT. BUS- DAY As they both enter, shouts of remarks fire at them. STUDENT 1 Gosh, you guys. STUDENT 2 Chris Bale, always late. STUDENT 3 We should have left you guys...I bluff. Student 3 laughs. CHRIS OK guys enough already geez. We're here, let's go! Alex finds a seat and plops down hugging his bag. Chris stuffs one of his bags into the above compartment and sits with the other at his feet. ALEX If we had missed the bus, I would have killed you. CHRIS Aw, you don't mean that do ya? Alex gives him an annoyed look as the bus pulls out of the car park. INT. BUS- DAY (LATER, TRAVELLING) Alex looks out the window at the passing scenery. Music plays while mixed with the chatter of others on board. Chris is eating a packet of chips and waves it in front of Alex. CHRIS Do you want some? (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 5. ALEX (looks at it) No, thanks. Chris shrugs and stuffs a mouthful, crumbs dropping onto his shirt. CHRIS (muffled) Wonder what Tsulu's gonna be like. ALEX I googled it, looks nice enough. CHRIS Uh-huh...so, what are your plans for next year? ALEX Going to USP, you? CHRIS It's a secret. ALEX Huh? What do you mean? CHRIS I'll tell you later. ALEX Are you not planning to go to uni? CHRIS I am, just that I'll tell you about it later. ALEX Why not now? CHRIS Just cause. Alex continues to stare out the window. The warm afternoon sun and breeze causes his eyes to slowly close and he drifts off to sleep. (Black Screen) Alex hears an echo of Chris's voice. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 6. CHRIS Alex! Alex! Then it becomes clear. CHRIS (CONT'D) Get up! We're here! ALEX (groggily) Huh?...Oh! Chris points at Alex's cheek. CHRIS You might wanna clean that up. Alex wipes off the drool and follows Chris out of the bus to reception with the others to check-in. INT. ROOM- NIGHT Alex, Chris and two other boys enter. A window and two sets of bunk beds are all there is. Chris rushes over to one and throws his bags on top. CHRIS Top bunk's mine! Alex puts his bag on the lower bunk and lies down. The other two, MATT and TOM do the same. TOM Chris, why'd you bring two bags? We're here for only a night you know. Chris walks to the window and looks out. CHRIS Its filled with goodies, in case I get hungry...don't worry I'll share with you guys. MATT When's dinner? I'm starving! TOM It's at 7. Tom looks at his watch. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 7. TOM (CONT'D) 45 minutes to go. CHRIS Guys, let's go exploring! Silence. Chris goes to Alex and tugs at him. CHRIS (CONT'D) C'mon man! Where's your sense of adventure? ALEX Please let me sleep. After all you put me through today. CHRIS Hey, I'm sorry about that. My alarm clock was really weird. Plus, I paid the taxi fare so I should be forgiven right? ALEX I'm not mad, just tired. CHRIS Why are you tired? You slept on the bus! Chris starts to pull Alex out of bed. Alex grabs onto the mattress. CHRIS (CONT'D) Alex, we've been friends for as long as I can remember and you won't go with me? EXT. AROUND TSULU- NIGHT Alex and Chris are walking about and checking out the place. CHRIS This place is so cool! ALEX Yeah, its like a small town here. CHRIS Hey, look! Chris is pointing at a sign outside a shop. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 8. CHRIS (CONT'D) They've got that new Magnum flavour, the champagne one! ALEX We're gonna have dinner soon. Shouldn't you have actual food before dessert? CHRIS Alex, how can I deny my rumbling tummy something so delicious that I'm salivating as we speak? Chris runs to the shop and enters while Alex goes after him and waits outside. INT. SHOP- NIGHT Chris walks to the fridge and gets the ice cream. He then goes to the cashier and pays. The cashier checks his coin. CASHIER Excuse me, that's $2. You only gave me a dollar. CHRIS Huh? Isn't that a two dollar coin? CASHIER No. See? The cashier shows him the coin. CHRIS Ay karaik...why they gotta make these coins the same eh? The cashier smirks while Chris digs around in his pockets and finds only a 10c coin. He smiles sheepishly and calls out to Alex. CHRIS (CONT'D) Alex! Psssstt! Chris gestures for Alex to enter the shop. Alex goes in. CHRIS (CONT'D) I'm short of a dollar. Do you have any money with you? (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 9. ALEX What happened to all yours? CHRIS That taxi fare wasn't cheap you know...and I spent most of it on the snacks. Alex sighs, taking a coin out of his pocket and hands it to Chris. EXT. SHOP- NIGHT CHRIS Thanks man... I owe you. Chris holds his ice cream as if it were a bar of gold. ALEX Never mind it. CHRIS In that case... Chris unwraps the ice cream and takes a bite. CHRIS (CONT'D) Do you want some? I bit this side so you can try some here. Chris points at the still uneaten part. ALEX I'll wait for dinner. CHRIS You sure? This is yummy! EXT. AROUND TSULU- NIGHT They continue to explore Tsulu while Chris enjoys his ice cream. ALEX We should be getting back. My stomach's growling. CHRIS Right, me too. All that walking is working up an appetite. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 10. ALEX Geez, I'm surprised you're still hungry after all those snacks. Chris suddenly jumps in front of Alex and looks him in the eye. CHRIS (creepily) I've got a monster inside of me... Chris giggles hysterically. EXT. BALCONY OUTSIDE DORMS- NIGHT Everyone is gathered, some distributing the food onto plates, others chatting. ADAM is trying to get everyone's attention. ADAM Guys, we're gonna have dinner now... No one seems to be listening. ADAM (CONT'D) Dinner is about to be served... No response. He walks to the table and searches for something. He finds a serving spoon and a pot. ADAM (CONT'D) Yo! Attention! Adam bangs the serving spoon against the pot. This time the chatter dies away and everyone looks at him. ADAM (CONT'D) Finally! OK, everyone take a plate each, juice is there and if you want seconds, just help yourself. After this, we're gonna build a bonfire by the poolside beach. That is all. Everyone lines up to get a plate and then huddle in their little groups. Alex and Chris get theirs and sit near the balcony railing overlooking Tsulu. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 11. CHRIS This smells sooo good! He eats a few forkfuls and sighs. CHRIS (CONT'D) What are your plans for the break? Anything interesting? ALEX My parent's anniversary is coming up...and Grandpa's staying with us for two weeks. Chris's forkful of food stops in mid-air. CHRIS Oh no. ALEX Oh yes, my nightmare is coming again. Alex eats. Chris's face shows a sign of worry. CHRIS I feel for you man, I really do. What kind of Grandparent doesn't like their own Grandkid? ALEX Dunno. Maybe his old age is making him cranky. Or he just plain doesn't like me for some reason. CHRIS At least you got Mrs. Ward there with you,..and your sis since your parents are busy and all. ALEX Yeah. You should come over more often during that time. He won't be able to do anything to me while you're there. Alex laughs. CHRIS Maybe. Matt spots them and walks over with his plate and sits down. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 12. MATT You guys know about the going back in time thingy video right? CHRIS What's that? A piece of food flies out from Chris's mouth. Matt clearly disgusted, flicks the offending particle off his arm while Chris gives an apologetic smile. MATT As I was saying. They're gonna show pictures and videos of the class as far back as possible. You know since we're going our separate ways after this. ALEX I didn't hear anything about that. MATT Guess Adam forgot to mention it. Anyway everyone's gonna be at the common room for that. I'm thinking of bailing. ALEX Why? MATT Cos its gonna be embarrassing that's why! No doubt they're gonna bring up the time I pooped in class! CHRIS Hey man, there's nothing bad about that. Its all part of our memories together. ALEX Now that you mentioned it, I kinda forgot about that time! Alex laughs. MATT See what I mean? That was like in Class 2 so I think no one remembers that...but this video thing is gonna remind everyone again! (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 13. CHRIS OK, if that's what you want then yeah...you can hide out in our room until its over. MATT Yup, good thing I brought my PSP with me. Matt eats. ALEX Where's Tom? MATT He's hanging with Joseph and them. They're also not going to the video thing. They gonna be playing cards. CHRIS You know, I don't get why you and them don't wanna go to the video thing. I mean that's what this whole break-up party is about man! MATT I didn't want to come in the first place. But since Summer was so... CHRIS Oh man...seriously? Just because of her you came? MATT What? She's going to New Zealand soon and it'll be my last time to see her. CHRIS Geez..you can still see her on Facebook you know. Matt takes a bite of his food while Chris mutters away. ALEX Have you guys decided what to study yet? MATT I'm doing Law. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 14. CHRIS Whoa, Law?! Chi chi man...Lawyer Matt. ALEX What about you, Chris? CHRIS I can't decide really...I've always wanted to be a pilot but then I watched Criminal Minds so I thought maybe a Detective. And then I saw how cool doctors were with their white coats and stethoscopes. MATT Geez Chris...make up your mind. CHRIS I dunno! Maybe I should close my eyes and pick one out. MATT And you, Alex? ALEX Literature. CHRIS Ah, no doubt about that you bookworm. MATT Mrs. Chand would have been proud of you. I don't know how you liked her class, so boring. ALEX It's the teacher, not the subject. MATT Anyway, waiting for the FSLC results is nerve wrecking. CHRIS I just hope I pass...I'm not aiming too high but a pass on the dot is all I ask for. Adam is tapping on the pot to get everyone's attention again. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 15. ADAM Guys, I forgot to mention that we're also having a trip back down memory lane in the common room. So please make your way there after this. ALEX I'm done. Chris, hurry up. Alex gets up and drinks. Chris nods and stuffs his mouth with his last bits of food. Choking, Matt passes a cup of juice for him to drink. CHRIS Thanks, woo almost had an accident there. Chris laughs. CHRIS (CONT'D) Set, let's go. MATT (sarcastically) Have fun. INT. COMMON ROOM- NIGHT Everyone is seated, waiting. A laptop and projector is set up with Adam standing next to it. ADAM We live in a circle of life. We're born, learn to walk and talk, go to school, graduate and get a job. Then we get married, have kids and raise a family. Then it starts all over again. We've all been together since kindergarten. While some of you joined throughout the years until now. For the last 13 years, you all were my second family away from home. I'm sure most of you would share my sentiments. After tonight, we will be going our separate ways. Some, overseas and the rest, here in Fiji, to continue on this circle of life. (MORE) (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 16. ADAM (cont'd) Its been a wonderful journey guys... (beat) ...I wish you all the best and one day we will meet again. Adam plays the video. At the end of it, an applause breaks out followed by a cheer. EXT. TIKI POOL- NIGHT Everyone is gathered. Some swimming, others sitting around and some building the bonfire. Alex and Chris sit at the pool edge, feet in the water, overhearing various conversations. STUDENT 1 OMG I totally forgot all about Matt's poop incident! I can't believe someone took a picture of it! STUDENT 2 I remember I was sitting behind him and asked for his sharpener when I smelt something funky. At least we got the whole afternoon off! Laughter ensues. STUDENT 3 Man, that picture of Carl, Sean and Fred with their cardboard trays going around selling for our Bring N Buy...that was gold! STUDENT 4 That time we prepared for talent quest was so fun. Even cooler when we won! They sigh. STUDENT 5 Remember how we made Ms. Ledua cry during Teacher's Day? So emotional that speech Adam gave back then. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 17. STUDENT 6 And when we were about to sit for FSLC where Mr. Yadua gave us that pep talk in the PEMAC room...isa. Alex gazes around. ALEX After that video I'm feeling so nostalgic, it's crazy. CHRIS Yeah, it helps you think about all those things we did together as a class. Adam was right, it was like a second family. ALEX Mmmhmm...we should go to school and take some pictures. CHRIS The only thing I'll not miss about school is Mrs. Nui, that bully. Alex laughs and nods. CHRIS (CONT'D) That evil witch, always putting me on toilet duty and on detention just cos I was eating in class. ALEX She was nice to me though. CHRIS Only because your parents gave her discounts! Alex smiles and leans back, looking up. ALEX Wow, look at all those stars! Both of them look up and admire the beautiful night sky. ALEX (CONT'D) Wanna know something cool? CHRIS What? (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 18. ALEX I learnt in Church that God's thoughts toward man are more in number than the stars in the sky and the sand on the beach. Pretty amazing, huh? CHRIS Really? Wow... ALEX Yeah, you should join sometime. Hey, come this Sunday. We're having a Sports Day Competition. CHRIS Sounds great but... ALEX But what? I know you're free on Sundays playing League of Legends. Unless you got a very good excuse. CHRIS I won't be able to go... ALEX Why? Got something planned? CHRIS I'm leaving... ALEX Leaving? What are you talking about? CHRIS We're going to Canada... (beat) ...and we're not coming back. (Silence) CHRIS (CONT'D) Dad got a job offer that he couldn't refuse... Aren't you gonna say anything? ALEX Is this one of your pranks? Cos if it is you nearly got me there. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 19. CHRIS Alex, do I look like I'm bluffing? Chris stares Alex seriously in the eye and Alex looks as if his whole world came crashing down. ALEX So that's why you didn't want to tell me yet. CHRIS I didn't want my leaving to spoil the break-up party. ALEX When are you leaving? CHRIS Tomorrow afternoon. ALEX So soon?! CHRIS I know. Both of them stare ahead. The others are gathering for a picture in front of the bonfire which is burning away. CHRIS (CONT'D) They're taking a photo, c'mon let's go. Getting out of the pool, they make their way to take the group photo. There's a bit of shuffling around as people get into position. Once its done, Alex and Chris walk over to a bench and sit. ALEX When did you find out that you were leaving? CHRIS Last week. Sorry I didn't tell you earlier, I didn't know when or how to. ALEX It's OK. I'm not angry, I'm happy for you. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 20. CHRIS (voice breaking) You're a great friend, Alex, one could ever ask for. I'll email you as often as I can. ALEX (pained) Who's gonna be my partner in crime when you're gone? Alex gives a little laugh. CHRIS Don't worry, I'm sure you'll make another friend in USP. ALEX I wanna watch TV...I'm going back in. You? CHRIS Sure, it'll be my last time to watch Shortland Street anyway. They both laugh as they make their way back to their room. INT. ROOM- NIGHT Alex, Chris and Matt are siting on the floor. Varieties of snacks are open and being eaten. CHRIS I can never get tired of eating Twisties. I was born to eat them! Chris pops a handful into his mouth. Alex is munching on a Milky Bar while Matt has a lollipop stuck between his lips. ALEX I think UFOs is better. Chris throws him a surprised look. CHRIS No, Twisties is better. They come in different flavours. Chris counts off his fingers. CHRIS (CONT'D) There's Chicken, Cheese, Pizza and Extra Cheese! And then there's the Blue Tongue one. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 21. ALEX OK, OK. This Milky Bar is a bit plain. I prefer the Milk n Cookies one. MATT Chris, why did you buy so much snacks? We won't be able to finish them all! CHRIS I'll give the leftovers to the others tomorrow...for breakfast! Chris laughs and Twisties bits fly out. Alex and Matt look at each other then at Chris. MATT I'm going to sleep. CHRIS So early? MATT It's been a long day, I'm tired. ALEX Night then. Matt gets up and heads to his bed. Alex also does the same. CHRIS You guys are such party poopers. The night's still young! Chris after watching them both in bed starts to pack up the snacks and puts them back into his bags. INT. ROOM- EARLY MORNING Alex is having trouble sleeping. Sounds of gentle snores fill the room. Suddenly, there's a commotion of noise from outside the common room. Alex slides out of bed and stands next to the door listening. MATT Why's it so noisy? ALEX They're drunk. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 22. Alex shuffles back to bed, lies down, trying to block the noise with his pillow. He then gets up again after a while, taking his iPod out of his bag, he goes to stand by the window staring out. Westlife's song "Too Hard to Say Goodbye" plays. Alex closes his eyes and flashbacks of him and Chris are shown. Scenes of them sitting together in class, taking the bus home, playing video games, and having lunch behind the Home Economics room. ALEX (singing along quietly) "I can't turn the page or hold back the time. It's too hard to say goodbye. There will come a day I'll have to walk alone. And I'll have to make it on my own. Just can't say goodbye" He then looks at Chris and his eyes get teary. THE END. |