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It's finally more than just fantasy. |
Disclaimer I do not own Neon Genesis Evangelion or the Rebuild of Evangelion, nor any of the characters from them. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. Chapter 5 - ActualityAsuka never did come the previous night, and her loins ached frustratingly; it was another obnoxious day of various Eva training exercises. One thing that kept Asuka’s hopes up a bit throughout the day was the chance encounter with Mari in the facility again. “Asuka! Your synchronization ratio is sinking! What’s the matter?!” Misato’s voice beamed loudly into the Eva cockpit. “It’s nothing, Misato. I’m fine! Maybe you should check the stupid computer; it sounds like it's broken!” Asuka shouted back. Asuka pushed back the arousal which had been welling up continuously since she woke up this morning; she was intensely sexually frustrated. “Are we almost done yet, Misato? We’ve done this a million times; I could do it in my sleep!” “Seriously, Asuka? You’re going to ask to be let out this early when your synchronization ratio has been suffering because of ‘the machine’ all day? Give me a break.” “Grrrr!” Asuka growled. Is it so much for a girl to want to come? she thought. Asuka briefly fantasized about what it would be like to finger herself with Mari’s tongue running up and down her soles. Asuka repressed the sexual rise it elicited and focused on the task at hand. She wasn’t leaving anytime soon. Her sexual frustration and discomfort almost led to her undoing today. It made the testing session take abnormally long and kept it exceedingly arduous. Asuka was exhausted from her exertions, but managed to jog across the scaffolding out of Unit 02’s holding area. She slowed her pace and caught her breath before resuming her departure from NERV with a slow gait. The hallways were refreshingly cool and well ventilated; the faint hum of machinery never ceased here. Asuka was feeling rather dismayed, having not yet encountered Mari. She approached another hallway and, as she neared, caught the sound of something barely audible above the background noise. It was indiscernible at first, but as she rounded the corner, it became increasingly distinct. Asuka heard stifled moans and brief, escaping gasps coming from close by. Asuka cautiously peered around the corner into a hallway off the main route; there were maintenance access doors and several vending machines whose windows dimly lit the area. Towards the end of the hallway Asuka could see a figure bracing against the wall, somewhat hunched over; the pink plugsuit was unmistakable; it was Mari. Is she masturbating? “Just what the hell are you doing?” Asuka said somewhat loudly -- loudly enough to shock Mari. Mari jerked her head up and pulled her hand off of her crotch. “N-nothing!” “--wait, no.” Mari corrected herself upon realizing it was Asuka. “I was masturbating, of course.” Mari said, smiling gleefully. Asuka gave her a look of disgust. “That’s right! I was fingering my cunt! Rubbing my pussy! Erm, ...diddling myself?” Mari added, running out of things to say. “Flicking the be--” Asuka interrupted her. “You’re insane. I see what you’re doing, you idiot!” Mari was positively ecstatic to see Asuka. “I was hoping you’d come this way again; I wanted to see you again!” Mari exclaimed excitedly. Her attitude shifted suddenly, becoming more serious. She looked Asuka square in the eye. “I really missed you.” Mari confessed. Asuka had hoped to run into Mari, but showing delight in situations like this wasn’t Asuka’s style. Asuka walked up to her, “You don’t even know me. All you did was basically assault me yesterday! What are you, an idiot?” Mari moved from being serious to being overtly sexual. She closed the distance between herself and Asuka and pressed her sweltering body up against Asuka, whispering in her ear. “I’m whatever you want right now.” She slid her warm crotch down against Asuka’s leg. “Get off of me!” she shoved Mari backward with considerable force. Asuka continued, “What makes you think I want anything to do with you?” Mari’s mood changed again as rapidly as before. She looked Asuka dead in the eye again, now a combination of seriousness and sexual energy were emanating from her disposition. Mari smirked, “Fuck you, Asuka. I know you want everything to do with me. You know I’m not an idiot; I can see right through that thin veneer you call indignation. You’re dirty little pussy is practically on fire with desire for me. I saw it in your eyes yesterday and I see it in you right now. I can see right through you.” Asuka began to stammer; she was shaking out of rage and anxiousness. Who was this nobody to call her out on her true intentions? I’m supposed to call you out! Yet, Asuka was anxious -- sexually -- to have been called out. Every time her fingers struck her clit when she was masturbating the previous night she imagined that it was Mari doing it. There were a flurry of fantasies that Asuka wanted to carry out with her. “I--” Mari cut her off. “I bet you touched yourself thinking about me last night, didn’t you?” Mari asserted. Asuka lit up, her face burning a scarlet red. “You’re as red as your plugsuit!” Mari giggled. Mari pushed up against Asuka again, this time kissing her. Asuka’s surprise caused her to recoil slightly, but Mari only pursued. Asuka felt Mari’s tongue slink its way around her mouth. Her tongue is so long! Asuka thought as she felt its tip nearly descend into her throat. “Now listen,” Mari began, this time with a kind, warmhearted tone, “we both want each other” she said, “obviously” Mari gingerly ran her hand over Asuka’s crotch, feeling its arousal. “No. You listen!” Asuka demanded, throwing Mari off and away from her. Asuka pursued her, pinning her against the wall. “You’re mine,” Asuka declared, reasserting her control “my body and scent won you over, so that means you do what I want.” Mari didn’t blink, but Asuka could hear her swallow. After all, Asuka never denied anything Mari accused her of. “Can you leave the facility?” “Mhm!” Mari said grinning; “I can basically do anything I want around here; why do you think I’m always skulking around the hallways?” “Good.” Asuka said, “So this is what we’re going to do. We’re going to fool around down here for a short while, and then you’re coming back to Misato’s with me. We’ll beat her and that idiot Shinji back with plenty of time to spare. I have some ... ideas for when we get there.” Mari swallowed heavily again, “Good,” she remarked, “I’ve got some things I was thinking about, too” she said with a wink. “You’ll be pleasantly surprised. I know it.” Asuka stated in her trademark overly confident, nearly mocking tone. “Now,” Asuka began, “come breath in my scent that I know you love so much… and… touch my pussy” that last part eked out rather sheepishly; despite her domineering approach, she was both unsure and overly anxious, not quite sure how to take this whole situation in. Mari slinked around behind Asuka and began releasing her plugsuit; it expanded and fell around Asuka’s feet; she did the same with her own. Mari pressed her soft breasts against Asuka’s naked back. “Mmm..” Asuka couldn’t help but respond to Mari’s body; Mari pressed her sharp nose into Asuka’s hair and began taking in her favorite smell -- LCL. Mari was both entranced and energized by the odor, moving to gingerly cup and grope Asuka’s modest chest with both hands. “Mmm, fuck!” Asuka grunted involuntarily, feeling her nipples becoming stiff and erect. Mari squeezed Asuka’s tits more firmly now, and pinched and rolled her nipples between her slender fingers. Asuka reared her head back against Mari’s shoulder and moaned. “You have fabulous tits, Asuka.” Mari cooed right into her ear, tickling it ever so slightly. “I bet that Shinji of yours thinks about doing this all of the time, huh? I bet he jerks off thinking about you.” “Please,” Asuka responded between heavy breaths, “he’s a useless coward. I’d be surprised if he even has a cock between those scrawny legs.” “Aww, that’s no way to speak about someone you like!” Mari teased. “Wha- I don’t like hi--” Mari pushed her tongue into Asuka’s ear, cutting her off. “Oh-- Fuck! Fuck, fuck..” Asuka panted, her whole body trembling; “Mein Gott!, that’s nice!” Asuka’s legs shook involuntarily when she felt Mari’s tongue swirl around her ear again, this time accompanied by another deep inhalation of her scent. Mari departed Asuka’s ear and hair briefly and raised Asuka’s arm, “What are yo--” Asuka began, but Mari cut her off with a deep inhalation, this one directed under Asuka’s arm. So it’s not just the LCL she likes… good. “Forget that for now and touch my pussy,” Asuka instructed, “mmm!.. now!” she cried, her nipples abused by Mari’s adept fingers. Mari released one of Asuka’s breasts and moved that hand between her legs. Asuka’s fiery pussy radiated heat, and Mari’s fingers slid skillfully around in Asuka’s natural lube. Asuka felt around behind her, eventually feeling the bushel of pubic hair concealing Mari’s comparably wet orifice. “I fantasized about you having a hairy pussy.” Asuka declared proudly. Mari just smiled and continued jilling Asuka off. “Asuka, please ma’am,” she begged, “stick your fingers in me!” Asuka found Mari’s entrance and did as she requested. Asuka and Mari masturbated one another, their sticky sweaty bodies reeking of LCL. “Isn’t the LCL wonderful?” Mari panted, Asuka teased her fingers firmly over Mari’s clit saying nothing. Asuka didn’t need to respond; she didn’t think Mari really knew how much the scent of LCL was fostering her sexual depravity at this point. Asuka climaxed soon after Mari and both were left more aroused than before, the brief foreplay merely foreshadowing things to come. They re-equipped their plugsuits and hurriedly left NERV for Misato’s apartment. |