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Your kinda gross crush finds you shrunken. |
You go to an all male high school. You were a type of person who stuck out from most people, but never had trouble making friends. A friend you made there was a pretty well known kid named Wyatt. He wasn't your best friend or anything like that. You just weren't enemies and you wouldn't mind working together or talking. Acquaintes at best. Wyatt and you were pretty similar. He was shy to admit he played the same video games as you, even the obscure ones. He was nice and he honestly was really cute. He was shorter than you, tan skinned, brown hair, green eyes, and freckles. He was a little pudgy but your favorite thing to look at was his plump butt, that he often used to fart around his friends. A classmate introduced you to him one day, but you can't remember the context. You had a crush, but you knew you shouldn't. You had a bad habit of eavesdropping and you heard him admit he'd done some pretty awful things. Yet somehow when you saw him smile and heard him laugh you were dragged by your hands and feet and thrown into the vast ocean of your love. A class you had together was Biology. Often Wyatt worked with his friends, and you worked with your friends from that class, but rarely the stars aligned and certain people would be absent and Wyatt would ask you to work with him. Today was one of those days! Unfortunately, it was a bad day for you, honestly. You hadn't gotten much sleep last night due to the heat of Autumn, and you were dead tired. You couldn't even remember how to convert units right now. You told Wyatt this and he very politely dismissed your absent mindedness. You wish he didn't treat you like an adult or stranger, and that instead he'd try and make a joke or funny comment about it, like he would his other friends. You still tried to contribute but you were on the verge of falling asleep ontop of your lab partner. A lot of what you said was wrong but you were too tired to think critically. You felt your eyes close and your head slam against something. You blacked out. --- Waking up, you saw the floor. Strangely, the tiled floor was much more vast than you remembered. And what was casting such a huge shadow? You looked up. You could hardly see anything because of the light. But even the light seemed further away than usual. Why did everything seem so big? Where was everyone? You figured you were still dreaming. No way could furniture change size randomly. Suddenly, you hear a voice. It makes you tremble and fall. You swear it said your name. The lights got brighter and you heard a door close. Footsteps. Loud ones. This is just a dream, you tell yourself. But as the noises grow more frequent suddenly you're not so sure. You look around and see someone approaching, still calling your name. "Huh?" it said. An enormous shadow was cast over you, and a giant hand grabbed the back of your shirt and lifted you up. You were brought to a face. But this wasn't anybody's face. It was Wyatt's! He'd come to look for you? "There you are. What even happened? How did you get this small?" He asked, giggling and looking at you. "I don't know. I just remember passing out." You replied. Wyatt shrugged. "Well, since you're my lab partner, you're my responsibility." He stated. Huh? What was he gonna do with you? Wyatt smiled at you and patted your head. "Don't worry. I won't hurt you. I'm at study hall right now and there's still three periods left in the day. Wanna come with me?" He asked. "What's the alternative?" You asked, jokingly. Wyatt only winked as a response, and stuck you in his shirt pocket. The rest of the day was peaceful, and you didn't have to lift a finger. You took naps frequently. Wyatt talked to you often and at the end of the school day he took you out of his pocket. Looking around you noticed you were in the restroom. "School's out, but I gotta take a dump, and I don't know what to do with you. What do you suggest?" He asked. "I'll come with you I guess. Saves you the trouble." You reply. Wyatt shrugged. "Alright but don't say you weren't warned." He joked, walking into a stall and shutting the door. He set me down on the toilet paper holder and dropped his pants. I got a clear view of his rotund ass for a brief moment before he plopped down on the toilet and unleashed a bowel storm. Deep, gutteral gas blasted out if him and lasted for awhile, trailing off into nothing but a loud hiss that would get cut off and another loud but shorter noise would erupt out. Wyatt moaned occasionally, or grunted when trying to squeeze a log out. He sighed with relief when he peed. The smell was weird. It smelt like cooked food, but really vaguely, and really weirdly. It was simultaneously bad and good. Most people would probably stop being attracted to their crush after an experience like this but somehow you weren't fazed at all. Wyatt wiped his ass and flushed, then pulled up his pants. "Stay there. I don't wanna grab you with these hands." He commanded. After listening to the furious hiss of the sink for a while, you watch Wyatt return and look down at you. He didn't scoop you up or grab you, he just looked. You felt kind of unnerved suddenly. Wyatt turned around and pointed his khaki-clad mountainous ass at you, letting a big one rip at you. He laughed mischievously. "Eww, gross!" You chuckled. "Haha, you know you like it." He joked, hitting his butt lightly. You laughed. Wyatt turned to face you and picked you up again; returning you to his shirt pocket, where you poked your head out. "...So, do you wanna come home with me? I'm the only one who knows about you, so taking you home with me seems like the only choice." He said. You figured having Wyatt show you to people could be dangerous, so going with him seemed like the best choice. Not only that, but who doesn't like spending time with their crush? Maybe this shrinking thing wasn't so bad after all. Wyatt took you to his house. Immediately, he scuttled up to his room and set you on his bed. He undressed out of his uniform and put on casual clothes--with you right there! You flustered from seeing his entire body like that. You were definitely even more in love now. "You said you were tired, right? Let's take a nap. I'm beat. We can find some other stuff to do when we wake up." Wyatt said, flopping onto the bed. "Where can I sleep?" You ask. Wyatt gestured to himself. "I'll be your bed. You can sleep anywhere on me." He replied, winking. That was a tough decision. There was so many places to choose from. His chest, on his belly, on his back, on his ass-- it was hard to decide. You figured the chest was the least risky area, so you told Wyatt you'd sleep on his chest. Wyatt laid down on his back and set you on his chest. Wyatt seemed to be struggling to fall asleep. "Y'know, I usually sleep on my belly. How about you sleep on my back?" He suggested. You shrugged. You were kind of sinking into his mild cleavage anyway. Wyatt placed you on his pillow, flipped over and set you on his back. "Oh, this is a future apology--sorry for farting." He said, before settling in and closing his eyes. You smirked, looking down the descending curve of his back and then comparing it with the rising and rolling hills that were his ass. You could get used to this. |