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by reaper
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Supernatural · #2049788
a story based on death note idea. only its goods note book.

I read one of these stories a long time ago and thought I could improve upon it. This of course is my opinion and welcome any feedback both negative and hopefully positive.

Although this first chapter is pretty light I should warn you that the next few chapters will lead you to dark places.

Standard disclaimer: Don't read unless you over 18 and may have god have mercy on your sole.


Adam was wondering when the bell would finally ring as he looked into the classroom window reflection thinking about how smart he is and how he didn't need this stupid class. He would much rather find something new to do but the shackles of school held him down. It was such a nice day outside. There were Birds singing, trees standing tall and long glistening grass that awaited him. And most of all....Solitude.

Adam was very different from most 17 year olds. He was very observant, awkward and smart....very smart. But his smartness was his greatest fault. He thought too fast for everyone, learned too much for everyone and was too weird for everyone. Even Adam himself sometimes wished that he wouldn't see the world differently from everyone.

The teacher used to praise him. Like it was their teaching skills that inspired his flawless grades. That was of course until he started correcting them. Now for the most part they left him to his own devices.

Finally like heaven to his ears the bell rang and he was free to go. Adams school life was pretty bare, He didn't do clubs, sports or anything like that anymore. Nothing was challenging enough. He was just the weird kid in a way. Most of the kids avoided him unless the teachers forced interaction or they needed help with their grades. Adam shut that thought down. Thinking about his ex-girlfriend / study buddy was not going to help his mood.

He exited the school by the back gate and slowly walked towards his house enjoying the soft breeze pressing itself against his face thankful it was a Friday. It was a short walk to his suburban home the sun glared in his eyes causing his vision to be blurry but he could still see something on the sidewalk. As he got closer he discovered it was a book. Picking it up he glanced around for its owner but no one was around. The leather book was made of real leather which felt good on a hot day like this. A good look at the book cover revealed the title to be "Reality Note". Shrugging he slid the book away for further investigation later and headed onwards to home.

He had read every book in the local library before he was 12 so the opportunity for something new was always welcome.

Adam creaked open the front door to his house only to be greeted by his little sister who was sitting on the couch eating potato chips. His sister Lilly was 15 years old but she didn't look the part. She was a late bloomer and looked to be a few years younger than she actually was. She had long streaks of blonde hair and green eyes unlike Adam. She was always referred to as the pretty one while he was just the weird one.

"Hey big bro" She said while stuffing chips into her mouth

"Heyyyy...."Adam said with an eager tone in his voice.

"So are you just gonna go hide in your room as usual" She said.

"Yep" He said trying to avoid his sister as kindly as he could.

Adam rushed up the stairs till he found his door and hid in his room. So he could finally discover the book. He unzipped the backpack and retrieved the book. The books soft leather cover had cooled and the words REALITY NOTE reflected the sunlight from his window. Almost magically. With that thought in mind he flipped open the book only to see a list of what appeared to be rules where the table of contents would usually be. Adam read through the rules.

-This is the reality note whatever is written in this note will become reality.

(The texts was beautifully inked in with old fashion designs and embellishments)

-If you have ever used a reality note before you will retain your memory whenever a change happens unless the reality note says otherwise.

-Anything can be altered by this book.....ANYTHING

- Readers and writers have been warned

Adam laughed at the words he was seeing. But he would have to test it. (Wouldn't you)

He was open minded about magic in the way that he thought it was possible of science to do the impossible. And magic was just unexplained science.

Adam sat the book down on his study desk. Witch had remnants of his many hobby's that no longer held his attention. As he rummage through the draws searching for a pencil (if the book did work he wanted to be able to erase) he found one under his proto type battle ship blue prints. He drawn them up for a class assignment and the military had "appropriated" the completed plans for national security.

The pencil was a standard 2B and was naturally broken so he was forced to go in search of a sharpener. It was times like these that he wished he was more organized. He scanned his book shelf thinking he remembered seeing one there a week ago when he was hanging his new game poster on the wall.

His walls were covered in posters and sticky notes. Accentuating his love of console games and short attention span.

His memory served him well as he was rewarded with a star wars Wookiee pencil sharpener.

Adam leant over his bin as he returned the 2B to operational order. His dead beat dads lame attempt at buying him off still on top. STOCK MARKET TRADING 101. Adam had read it out of a combo of boredom and prenatal manipulation on his dad's part.

He had found it a bit of a bore as a lot of the terminology had been dumbed down, but it did give him the knowledge to make a few exchanges on the market, which was what his dad had in mind when he gave it to him. He was always trying to make money of his freak son. Hence Adams 3 month stay at the government recherchclinic. Or "shoe box' as Adam and the other kids had come to call it. It was more like a think tank and while his dad was paid hazily for the loan of his son. Adam had just found it morally compromising. So quit once he had enough evidence to ensure he and his family would be left alone.

Then came the divorce and the legal battle over his custody. Were his mum had almost lost him.

In the end Adam himself had spoken up and after he had fired their layer and won the case quoting legal scripture at a Harvard level.

That was around then that Adam had learned he had an eidetic memory...

Eidetic memory is the ability to recall images and text in great detail. It is found in children between ages 6 - 12 and fades during puberty.

He only had access to the legal library of three days but it was enough to win the trial and sway the judge. He was by law to be raised by his mother and attend school in his own age group until his 18th birth day when he became a legal adult. His father got to see him every fortnight and every other holiday.

Adam would be shipped up to Vegas where his dad would get him to hedge his bets and help out with his taxes. Nothing illegal jut very shady.

When he was 10 he used to take ice cream for payment now it was more like 45% plus expenses. Considering his dad now lived in the penthouse of the 4th biggest casinos in the world and Adam had enough money to go to college any were in the world it was an ideal arrangement.

Adam opened the REALITY NOTE and flipped to the first page it was blank save for the standard blue spacing lines that divided up the page. He flipped thru the book cover to cover and found that it was 207 pages long and just as blank.

Sighing he flipped back to page one and wrote neatly on the top line...

"My mum is a billionaire and my sister owns land on the moon"

The words dint sparkle or disappear into the page so he was pretty shore he had just been the victim of a practical joke.

"Still no harm done" he thought to himself as he close the would-be REALITY NOTE and chucked it on his book shelf. Before heading for the kitchen and a teenage snack.


The kitchen was down stairs at the back of the house so Adam had to walk past his sister in the lounge/ dining area (open plan house) to get to the kitchen. Except His sister wasn't lazing on the couch. He was just starting to wonder where she had gone when his attention was drawn to the TV witch was some reality TV game show his sister had been watching. Where their despite his pinching himself was his mother and sister receiving their prizes.

His mum smiled in to the camera as she held her large novelty check for (you guessed it) one billion dollars.

His sister dint look half as happy with her miniature second place Moon trophy. Witch the show host was explaining to the in house audience. Came with 400 acers of moon land rights.

Adam fell back on to the couch. For lack of a better word dumb struck.


It took the entire credits and a phone call from his mum for him to believe it.

She apologized that he had to go to school rather than be in the live audience. She reminded him that they would fly home tomorrow "first class" and that he wasn't to burn anything.

She probable would have told him not to throw a party or have friends over but she knew he was more responsible than that. Or that's what he led her to believe. Being smarter then you average teen he had gotten away with quite a lot. Unfortunately those days of having friends were behind him.

Of course the fire warning was necessary as he had set fire to his old desk last year when testing his theory of turning lead into gold.

Adam said his goodbyes and hung up his mobile.

"It worked" he mouthed and was instantly up and running. Clearing the stairs and into his room before having another conscious thought.

He located his 2B pencil and retrieved the reality note book from his shelf. Flipping it open he found it once more blank. His last entire seemingly vanished when he closed the book.

"Could have put that into the instructions" he joked out loud. That got him thinking, what other secrets this 'magic' book was hiding... and were had it come from?

Being smart about his next move he tried trial and error. Writhing:

"My desk is painted blue" this was the reality already. The book still open he noticed no change. So he closed it. Immediately the desk changed from a sky blue to a dark blue.

"Interesting" Adam thought aloud "I wonder... if I use more information to restrict the change..."

And so it went long into the night. Changing the wording of the reality note commands.

He learned several more rules and he added them to the reality book list using the book to do so as nothing else could change them. Even ripping the page out. Every time the book opened it was like bran new again.

Updated Rules:

1. This is the reality note whatever is written in this note will become reality.

2. Language is not a factor but Grammar is. So is spelling.

3. Anything can be altered by this book.....ANYTHING.

4. Changes only take place after book is closed.

5. This book is nearly indestructible and cannot be destroyed by mortal means.

6. Pages ripped from the book lose their power.

7. If you have ever used a reality note before you will retain your memory whenever a change happens unless the reality note says otherwise.


Side note on 5: the book seems to be able to choose when to react like a normal book and when to become total indestructible. More test required. E.g.: you can tear out pages but can't burn it.


Adam woke up slowly. His stomach was growling for breakfast after skipping dinner last night. He sat up taking in his surroundings. He had fallen asleep at his desk again. He noted just as his eyes landed on his new REALITY NOTE BOOK. Memories came back to him then as he stretched.

The book was closed and reality was as he remembered it so that was good. (His desk was still the new shade of blue) but otherwise it was the same reality that he remembered.

His stomach spoke up again and he smiled at the irony. The book granted its author Infinite cosmic power and he was hungry.

Adam checked his phone as he made some toast.

His sister had left a message complaining about her second place prize of moon land rights that wouldn't be of any value in her life time. Still she was hopeful that she still be able to salvage the trip. By having fun with mum as the two of them did a bit of site seeing and shopping before flying home in the afternoon.

It was then that Adam had his first evil thought. He knew power corrupts. He had seen it in his dad but right then and there it was such a good idea. That he refined as he climbed the stairs back to his room.

He opened the REALITY NOTE book and wrote:


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