Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2049403-Cronicles-of-chasmius-orilio
Rated: E · Fiction · Sci-fi · #2049403
Chapter 1of a lot
          The smell of fresh Leshite biscuits swept through the small single level home, aided by the warm morning breeze from an open window. Chasmius smiled as he stepped from the steam bath into a pre-heated robe.

         Humming a half remembered song, Leeta set the tray of biscuits and coffie on the table and admired the strong man her son was growing into. His bed ruffled hair making him look three years younger than his seventeen years. Lost in thought she yelped as her husband Chasmius slipped his arms around her waist and snagged a biscuit from the tray.

"Well goodmorning to you too.", Leeta smiled, as she gave her husband a kiss

          A retching noise sounded from across the table and Chasmius shot his son a withering look, as he pulled away from his wife's embrace and took a bite of the to hot biscuit.

"Knock it off Darius.", Chasmius chuckled, as he took his seat.
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