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by bobo
Rated: 18+ · Other · Other · #2049399
the last story
Ryan's eyes flew open, and he spent the next few minutes staring intently at the ceiling. He was lying perfectly still in bed, but his mind was buzzing like a hornet's nest. After a while he closed his eyes, willing himself to just fall asleep, but he couldn't. He knew from experience that nothing he did would work but, as always, he still tried.

It was happening again.

He rolled over onto his side and glanced at the clock next to the bed. The glowing green display read 3:23 AM; he hadn't even been asleep two hours. A car passed outside the window, briefly illuminating Ryan with its headlights. His tanned, muscular body, covered sparsely in dark hair, lay on one side of his queen-sized bed. The light lingered for a second on his tired face before the car moved on, leaving him alone with his thoughts. He tried to go back to sleep, forcing himself to listen to the sound of his own breathing, and for a while he felt a bit calmer... but a light rustling from behind him snapped him back to wakefulness. His mouth started to water. Slowly, as if every fiber of his being was fighting against him, he turned to face the other side of the bed.

There was Kurt, stretching a little in his sleep. His blanket had partially slipped off some time in the night, exposing his slim, well-toned body. Ryan's eyes traced a path from Kurt's face down past his smooth chest, cute belly, and to the top of his soft dick, just barely visible under the sheet. Unconsciously, he ran a large hand down Kurt's arm; Kurt just sighed happily in his sleep and squirmed closer to the bigger man. Ryan leaned in a bit, reaching around with a muscular arm to pull Kurt nearer, and buried his face in Kurt's mass of light brown hair. He started to open his mouth...

Horrified, Ryan jerked backward and turned his eyes back to the ceiling. Next to him, Kurt yawned and rolled over, completely oblivious to Ryan's mental struggle. The big man's stomach growled in protest as he continued to fight his hunger. He had experienced these unendurable urges ever since he was a teen, when he had made a meal of his best friend before he even knew what he was doing. The sensation of having a live man stewing in his gut was like no other, and Ryan had sated that hunger for years by talking guys at the bar into staying for the night... or longer, as it turned out.

But Kurt was different. Ryan thought he could be the One. He was smart, funny, ridiculously cute and, most importantly, he had known him for almost a week. Most guys didn't last one night. To Ryan, men didn't normally stand out as anything but meals, but the second he saw Kurt he knew something was up. They hit it off right away, and for a while he was able to forget about his weird urges and think about settling down with a guy... but, that was over now. The hunger was back, and about to take all that away from him.

Ryan moved to get out of bed, to get away from the temptation, but he felt rooted to the spot. He could hear his pulse pounding in his head, and he started to sweat as the image of Kurt's nude body forced itself into his mind. He turned his head to look, some drool escaping his mouth as he took in the sight of Kurt's firm back. Ryan's cock jumped a little; he hadn't even noticed himself getting hard, but now his arousal was resting thick against his abs. The tiny, panicked voice of his conscience continued to buzz somewhere in the back of his brain, but it was soon drowned out by the clamor of his hunger. It was time to make his move.

He gently grabbed Kurt's shoulder, turning him onto his back, before pulling off the blanket and tossing it to the floor. He moaned softly as he gazed up and down the smaller man's body. Ryan climbed over Kurt, more stealthily than one would have expected from a man his size, and straddled him with his thick legs. Kurt's chest rose and fell steadily as he slept on, blissfully unaware of what was to come. Acting more on instinct than reason, Ryan leaned in close, carefully pulled Kurt's head towards him, and opened his mouth. His wide, flat tongue quivered in anticipation as he guided Kurt past his large white teeth and towards his throat.

Ryan closed his mouth around Kurt, burying the man's face in his tongue as he prepared to take his first swallow. His muscles tensed, expecting resistance, but Kurt was apparently so deeply asleep that he didn't notice the sudden warmth and wetness surrounding him. Any lingering doubts Ryan may have had vanished as he got his first taste, and his eyes rolled up in his head in ecstasy. His mouth stretched impossibly wide as he gulped, stretching around Kurt's shoulders while his face slid into the tight confines of Ryan's throat. Kurt's slender arms slid down to his sides as Ryan pulled him up from the bed, and it was at that point that he finally woke.

Kurt's world was all darkness, heat, and wetness, and for a few seconds he thought he was still dreaming. Ryan just swallowed again, taking Kurt in up to his chest. Kurt's efforts to figure out what was happening were hampered by his sleepy brain, which started replaying the events of the night. He had gone on a third date with this hot guy, Ryan, and had a wild night at his place... he fell asleep in Ryan's bed, and then...?


Kurt started to squirm weakly as Ryan continued to work his way down, but his arms were pinned to his sides by the huge mouth and his legs were trapped by Ryan's thick thighs. He could feel Ryan moaning around him as his head pushed through a tight ring of muscle and into the big man's smelly gut. Kurt coughed and sputtered as he was forced face-first into the stomach while Ryan's tongue slathered his body. He couldn't believe that something like this could happen at all, much less happen to him... but he couldn't deny the sounds and feeling of the stomach gurgling all around him. Kurt screamed as loudly as he could, but the only person who heard him through the muscly gut was Ryan... and only just.

Kurt's legs slid free of Ryan's grip, giving him the freedom to kick, but they immediately froze as Ryan's tongue reached his crotch. Ryan, maybe out of some leftover affection, gave special attention to Kurt's sudden arousal, causing the young man to wriggle in shameful lust. Kurt's cock slid up and down along the wet tongue, driving him dangerously close to orgasm, but soon Ryan's hunger took over. His stomach rumbled like an engine, surprising them both, and Ryan instinctively swallowed Kurt's cock and round ass into his throat. Kurt's pleasure was cut off as he was suddenly forced to curl up against the slimy stomach wall.

Ryan appreciated Kurt's long, smooth legs - his favorite part of him - as he swallowed, stroking them with his rough hands. His insatiable appetite and Kurt's own struggles ensured that they slid quickly down his throat until only Kurt's feet remained wriggling against his lips. Ryan gulped thickly, and the feet slipped slowly through his lips as he savored the last bit of his meal. His mouth filled with flavor until a jerk from the squirming Kurt forced him to finally swallow him completely. With a loud squelch, the huge bulge disappeared into Ryan's gut. The young man inside whimpered as the strong throat forced his legs into the stomach with him, painfully squeezing him into a fetal position.

Ryan wheezed and collapsed against the back of his bed, holding his bloated belly in both hands. As the haze cleared a bit from his mind, he realized what he had done... Kurt was inside his belly! He had to let him out! But he couldn't... or could he? As his mind raced, his hand automatically reached down, past his meat-filled belly, and seized his erection. A movement from Kurt sent a jolt running through his body, and he started pumping away at his dick like there was no tomorrow. The struggles caused his belly to rub up against his cockhead, and for the longest time that was all he could think about. He knew Kurt could wait until after this was done... meanwhile, Kurt sobbed in the belly, rocked from side to side and coated in Ryan's gross, burning juices.

Ryan roared as he finally came, his cock spurting ribbons of cum across his huge, bloated gut. He panted heavily and settled back; he really had meant to let Kurt out as soon as he was done, but he had forgotten what always happened to him after he shot a load... His eyes grew heavy, and his limbs suddenly felt like lead. He heard Kurt's muffled pleas for help and tried to respond, but only managed a slight mumble before he drifted off to sleep. Kurt grunted painfully as the stomach closed tightly around him. He endured a few more minutes of painful squeezing and itching before Ryan belched mightily in his sleep... and then Kurt was asleep, too, rising and falling with Ryan's gentle breath as he was slowly digested.

Ryan woke late the next day. It was a Sunday, after all; he was entitled to sleep in a bit. He tried to roll out of bed, but found it difficult to move. The unexpected weight in his gut and the stickiness of his crotch suddenly brought the memory of last night rushing back. Not daring to believe it, he looked around for any evidence of Kurt... and there were his clothes, still on the floor where he'd left them. His black boxer-briefs were still hanging off the end of the bed where Ryan had tossed them before their night of passionate fucking... and now Kurt himself was nothing but Ryan's latest meal. The big man sighed and sat back again, gently rubbing the much smaller bulge in his gut. He thought he would have been crying at this point, at the loss of the man he thought he'd spend the rest of his life with... but he was too used to the way the hunger worked by now. This was how it would always have ended up.

Ryan forced himself out of bed as Kurt pressed insistently on his backside. He ambled awkwardly into the cool bathroom, catching his own eye in the mirror on his way to the toilet. The bulge that was Kurt was bunched up in his lower belly, making him look weirdly bloated and off-balance. Ryan jiggled himself a little, eliciting a weird groan and more pressure from his gut. Frowning, he settled himself down on the cold toilet seat and let nature take its course.
© Copyright 2015 bobo (13brandons at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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