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by bobo
Rated: 18+ · Other · Other · #2049397
this is the fourth story
Blaine swore. He had completely blown his routines and now he was paying for it. The crowd cheered, but not for him. His name would not be announced back home with applause, and likely the networks would barely even show his performance. He had to admit, he had been off. Something was distracting him, an odd aching desire centered deep in his gut. It might almost have been a sexual need, but he had filled that last night so as to be as focused as possible. Whatever it was, that feeling in his gut had obviously distracted him enough that he had done badly, even on his best event, still rings. And to top it all off a muscle in the back of his shoulder was beginning to cramp up. His muscles were so strong nothing would get it out, he resigned himself to a lot of rather irritating pain. With another muttered swear he shrugged on his USA jacket and spun around to head for the locker rooms.

He was so distracted he ran straight into a solid wall of muscle. He looked up to see Aleksei Nemov, the all around champion smiling down at him. Aleksei was only three inches taller than Blaine and a little heavier but he always managed to make Blaine feel in awe of him. He would never understand how Aleksei had managed to have a picture taken of him kissing another male gymnast and still get married, have a son and a VERY succesful career. Aleksei smiled and held out a hand, “Don’t worry Blaine, you looked good, just not your best. I notice your shoulder’s giving you trouble. I’ve got the same problem, try these, specially formulated muscle relaxants, I had them specially made for me.” He held out a small brown bottle. Normally Blaine wouldn’t accept anything even remotely druglike from anyone. But the Olympics were over, he hurt, and for God’s sake it was Aleksei! So took the bottle, “Thanks man. You know Aleksei, I think you’re the only guy I don’t mind losing to. You were beautiful out there. Look, I gotta go, thanks for the relaxants.” Aleksei smiled his dazzling smile, “No problem. I’m sure I’ll se you around before we head home. You know where to find me.” He slipped past and went to join his teammates and Blaine headed for the US locker room.

He got to his locker, sat down on the bench and looked at the bottle Aleksei had given him. Damn his shoulder hurt. He didn’t think it had ever cramped this bad. The bottle had hand written direction to take two pills with or without water. Blaine opened the bottle and spilled out the contents, exactly two pills. As he didn’t have any water he downed them carefully, augh! They tasted awful! His shoulder almost immediately began to relax though and he smiled, good stuff. He stripped off his warm up suit and began to remove the tight pants and leotard that made him look so sexy but was NOT the most comfortable thing in the world. As he began he heard someone come up behind him. He half turned to see it was Paul Hamm, the high school hotshot who had tried to show him up at what he considered his game. He turned back to changing.

Paul spoke as he sat on the bench and began to strip as well, “Hey Blaine, weren’t at your best tonight were ya?” Blaine ignored him finishing stripping off his sweaty, stinking leotard. “You seemed a little distracted there hot shot.” Paul continued to taunt, “What’s the matter… Last night’s hot date gone bad? Too busy blowing aussie lifeguards to concentrate on gymnastics?” Blaine froze, boxers swinging in his hand. No one was supposed to know about that. Paul laughed as he continued to strip, “Yeah I know about the bar. I think I might just tell some people too.” Blaine turned slowly, “You dare to tell anyone you little shit and I will rip your arrogant little ass limb from limb! And no one will believe you anyway. You have no proof.” At five-six Paul was taller than Blaine but Blaine was still bigger. Paul smiled and finished pulling of his own leotard, leaving them both naked. He remained sitting on the bench and smiled up at Blaine, “I think not Blaine. Think about it, you just broke off your engagement, everyone knows you’re a rebel. You got your ear pierced for goodness sake! And besides,” he said, reaching into his bag, “I’ve got a picture.” He held up a glossy photo which showed Blaine at a local gay bar (it wasn’t hard to tell with all the men kissing each other in the background) necking with a bronzed muscular man, naked from the waist up.

Blaine’s face fell. What was he going to do? If he had won the gold he might have survived this, but now? He was sunk! It didn’t matter that Paul had to have been there to take the picture. He had probably followed Blaine there anyway, and no one would care. Paul’s grin grew even wider as he watched the thoughts flicker like shadows across Blaine’s face. “Of course…” he said, pausing dramatically, “It doesn’t HAVE to get out. I could keep the picture and not tell anyone.” Blaine ground his teeth, “What do you want Hamm?” Paul grinned evilly and his dick began to stir, “You obviously like men. I haven’t had a chance to get with a girl since home. You’re going to give me a blowjob, cocksucker.” Blaine’s head fell. He didn’t have a choice, what else could he do? Paul twisted sideways and lifted his feet up onto the long bench. Reluctantly Blaine moved to his side and straddled the bench. He crouched over Paul’s feet and bent forward a little. Paul laughed, “Oh I am going to LOVE this. The mighty Blaine Wilson, reduced to my bitch.”

Blaine looked at Paul’s dick. It was a modest pole at about six and a half inches and of decent thickness. Blaine had only ever given a blowjob once. It had been his first year in college and he was experimenting. After that he realized he really preferred to make guys suck HIS cock and fuck their brains out. Unlike Paul, Blaine had a huge nine inch monster he could barely wrap his hand around. He loved to pick up tall guys who thought they were going to push around this “little” five-three guy and teach them a lesson or two about size. He closed his eyes, and prepared himself. Not only was he going to have to give a blowjob, he had to give it to a kid who was still in fucking high school that he could beat the crap out of any day of the week! Paul was getting tired of waiting and sneered, “Come on Blaine, you’re not scared of it are you? What worried it might split that cute little mouth of yours?” Before Blaine could burst out laughing - something he couldn’t have helped doing - Paul put both hands on the back of Blaine’s head and pulled him down onto his dick.

Blaine managed not to gag out of shear will. He wasn’t going to give this piece of shit the satisfaction of thinking he had a big dick. As he slowly began to get into a rhythm he filled his mind with images of trapping Paul in a corner and splitting his virgin hole with his huge tool. That shit would learn what a real man was. These images served as well as could be expected to block out Paul’s ongoing patter, “Yeah, yeah! Damn you’re a good cocksucker! I could get used to this! Hey maybe I’ll make you suck my dick every day ‘till we get out of here Blaine! Yeah, take it! Hey, my girl at home really likes it when I give to her up the ass. You like it like that? Yeah, I bet my Blaine Bitch here loves to take it up the ass, doesn’t he? Bet he wants to take my big dick up his tight little ass. I bet he wants to take me all the way up there, doesn’t he? Let’s see who he’s been letting up there huh?” He lifted his foot a little and poked with his big toe at Blaine’s tight hole, suspended, vulnerable above the bench. Blaine grimaced as he continued to work Paul’s cock, he wasn’t good at this, and he had never had anything larger than his own finger up his butt. He simply was too dominant a personality to put himself in that situation. He tried to keep his butt loose, knowing Paul was going to stick his toe in whether Blaine like it or not. He just hoped he could stay loose enough not to get hurt.

Paul poked a little at the tight ring of muscle. The tip of his toe settled into the indent, “Let’s see how tight you are Blaine.” He pushed. To his surprise, his toe sank all the way in, “DAMN Blaine!” Blaine gasped at the intrusion. He could feel himself stretch, but oddly it didn’t hurt. However, he had expected a much slower entry and the feeling of having something up his butt so quickly surprised him so much he lost his balance (something he never did) and fell backwards, sitting down hard on Paul’s feet.

Paul was sitting with his feet together, one slightly raised to intrude on Blaine’s ass, so when Blaine sat down already impaled on one big toe, the first thing his spasming sphincter met was Paul’s other big toe. His significant weight prevented there being any pause as Paul’s other big toe joined the first. Blaine’s butt wasn’t stopped there, however. There was the briefest of pauses as Blaine’s weight shifted backwards, pulling him up and off Paul’s dick. This, of course, shifted him backwards settling his weight entirely on his butt and consequently on his ass hole pressing on Paul’s feet. Blaine’s eyes flew open and he gasped as he felt his ass stretch incredibly and slide over Paul’s feet. The back of his ass contacted the cold wood of the bench. His ass and sphincter, unused to intrusions like this, spasmed and Paul’s heels joined the rest of his feet as Blaine’s over stretched sphincter wrapped tightly around his ankles.

Blaine was breathing hard as Paul spoke again, looking at him as if he had grown another head, “Shit Blaine! What the hell do you put up there, footballs? You’re ass is useless! How can I fuck that? … Fuck, this is disgusting!” He pulled at his feet and his heels slowly began to emerge from Blaine’s ass. Blaine barely heard what Paul was saying. His body was overwhelmed by the wonderful feeling of fullness. However, as soon as Paul began to pull his feet out, his toes moved and the feet slid across the inside of Blaine’s ass. Waves crashed over him and his ass spasmed again. He was not anchored very well and so when his butt tightened around Paul’s foot and pulled his heels back in, Blaine slid forwards, again encompassing Paul’s ankles. This time, though, the waves continued, the intense pleasure from Paul’s feet sliding out combined with that of them sliding back in and Blaine’s muscles tightened over and over.

Blaine skidded forward on the bench, his distorted ass now surrounding Paul’s knees. Paul nearly shouted, “What the hell do you think you’re doing? Get the hell off me!” Blaine barely heard him, he was thinking. “So maybe those were some damn strong pills Aleksei gave me, let my muscles loosen up to the point of being able to take Paul’s feet. But he’s in me up to his knees! His feet should be ripping apart my intestines now, no matter how much muscle relaxant I have in my system.” Vaguely he registered Paul trying to get his attention. He ignored it, “No, there’s something else up here. Those must have been more than simple relaxants.” His mind spun into overdrive, “I suppose I should take advantage of it though. I’ve got the little fuck mad now. I wonder if I can take enough to get him scared?” He looked at Paul, steadied himself and flexed his ass. It was Paul’s turn to slip across the bench. Blaine’s ass had now expanded again to slip over Paul’s knees.

Paul was livid, “What the FUCK do you think you’re doing? Let me out right now! This is fucking gross!” Blaine just smiled back, “You said it yourself Paul. I want to take you up the ass. I didn’t realize it before, but I want you Paul. I want to take you all the way up there.” Paul’s face turned white, “You can’t! I mean, it’s fucking impossible!” Blaine’s face clenched and Paul’s butt skipped across the bench, sinking him into Blaine up to his hips. “No Blaine! You can’t! You wouldn’t! Please!” Blaine flexed again, groaning as his ass stretched to accommodate Paul’s own muscular butt. Paul’s dick and balls rested against Blaine’s own in the crack between his straining cheeks. Blaine laughed derisively, “You thought your dick was big? THIS is a real dick Paul. Big enough to choke a man! Your puny thing doesn’t even deserve the name dick!” He reached down to pull on Paul’s package, “Well you wanted to get your pathetic little prick in my ass, I suppose I should humor you. Though I doubt you meant me to take your balls and the entire lower half of your body!” He groaned and Paul’s genitals vanished into the hot darkness.

Finally realizing Blaine wasn’t going to just crap him out and let him go and seemed perfectly capable of the impossible feat of completely drawing him in, Paul began to push against Blaine using all of his considerable strength to pull himself out. Blaine laughed, “Now, now Paul, none of that! I didn’t get to be the powerhouse of the team for nothing!” He bent into a full pike (an easy task) grabbed Paul’s wrists where he pushed against Blaine’s cheeks, and pulled. The odd angle prevented him from using his full strength and Paul succeeded in pulling his prick back into view. Blaine had had enough. He was a gymnast, the best (besides Aleksei maybe). His stomach and butt muscles from rings were unparalleled. He pulled on Paul again, this time simultaneously flexing his inner muscles to the utmost, tightening his butt until he was sure it would split Paul in two.

With a great groan and heave, Paul’s hands slid down to his waist and his abdomen vanished after his lower half. Blaine paused, Paul couldn’t escape now, he had no leverage. “Damn, there’s no way I can take much more of him. He’s taller than I am, and I don’t know how I’ve taken this much of him already! And how far out can my poor butt stretch? But God, this feeling is so incredible! I wish it could go on forever! I’ll pull him in just a little farther, then I’ll ‘find mercy’ and let him out.” Paul had begun to beg, “Please Blaine, the deal’s off. I won’t tell anyone. Please Blaine, I didn’t mean it, really!” Blaine knew he was lying, he had meant every word. He sneered at Paul, “You lie.” He grimaced again and groaned in effort.

Blaine was now stretched impossibly around the largest part of Paul's chest. Paul's nipples, erect from fear, poked and tickled the wrinkled skin of Blaine's sphincter, initiating a brief contraction that brought him in to the base of his shoulders. Blaine could barely contain himself. His nine inch cock was harder than it had ever been, the head beginning to turn purple from strain. His insides caressed Paul's muscular body and every small motion as Paul continued to struggle sent waves of pleasure rocking through Blaine's brain. For nearly a minute he just sat in rapture. Finally he realized he had to finish this.

A perfect plan began to form in his mind as Paul continued to beg, "Ok Paul. You say you'll do anything right?" Numbly Paul nodded. Blaine smiled, "Good. Give me a blowjob." Paul's face fell, "B... but... I... I can't! I'm straight! I've never..." He looked into the obviously uncaring Blaine's face, "You don't understand! I CAN'T! it's too big! I'll choke!" Blaine's only response was to wrap his hands around the back of Paul's head and pull upward. Paul's face was mashed into Blaine's huge cock and balls. The smell of sweat and ass and dick nearly overwhelmed poor Paul. Gingerly he stuck his tongue out and licked the tip of Blaine's huge monster. Yuck. He didn't know how he was going to do this. Blaine's dick tasted of sweat, urine, and man. That's what it was, Paul realized. He had eaten out women before (albeit not often), but Blaine smelled like nothing so much as MAN.

Before he could think how to approach this, Blaine jerked his hands further and Paul's lips were shoved open and stretched to their limit by the tip of that horridly masculine thing. Paul tried to pull back but though slightly smaller, Blaine was significantly stronger, and would not let him. Instead Paul found himself being forced to swallow more and more of that vile member. He tried to gag, he had never had anything this large in his mouth, much less the male genitalia! But Blaine would not relent, he was horny as all hell and he would have his blowjob. Finally - when Paul thought he would surely die on this thing, Paul's nose met Blaine's dark wiry pubic hairs. Here the smell was even stronger and Paul thought he would faint. He could feel the sweat of Blaine's routine and recent exertions, smell his masculinity, his ass, his dick.

Blaine smiled. He had had to pull Paul back out to just below his pectorals to bend him over far enough, but finally he had the fucker right where he wanted, with his obnoxiously loud mouth where it belonged, on his dick. Ever so slowly Blaine lifted Paul's head, until only the tip of his member remained in Paul's mouth. Just as Paul tried to mumble something around the invading object, Blaine pulled back down, again burying himself in Paul's hot wetness. He had to laugh inwardly, Paul was buried in HIS hot wetness, just not quite the way he had planned! Slowly he began to pick up pace, barely allowing Paul to breathe, pistoning himself into Paul's mouth by bobbing Paul up and down.

He couldn't contain himself very long, he had laready been about to blow and now the feelings surrounding his dick and the renewed struggles inside him sent him quickly over the edge. He pulled almost all the way out of Paul's mouth, leaving just enough of his dick in that Paul could neither speak nor breathe. Then, he exploded. Paul was going to know what it was to suck a man and there was no way he was going to get out of swallowing! Paul struggled mightily to pull off as Blaine shot over and over into his mouth, but he had no leverage and thus was completely trapped. Finally, he was forced to swallow or drown. Shooting fire from his eyes, he swallowed.

Blaine held him there for a moment and then released him. Paul reared back and gasped for air, "I hate you Blaine. Now I gave you your goddamned blowjob, let me loose." Blaine simply smiled at Paul, "Now why would I want to do that Paul?" With a great heave and grunt his ass squeezed around Paul again, first re-engulfing his chest then quickly slipping down over his shoulders to wrap around his neck. Blaine's pendulous balls now hung in his face. "Suck them, bitch." growled Blaine. Reluctantly Paul complied, what else could he do? He was in a position that should be physically impossible!

He could only fit one of Blaine’s horse balls in his mouth at a time but even the taste of that was enough. God it was rank! Here even more than before, his senses were overwhelmed with the stench of man and ass. Blaine grunted and heaved himself up off the bench. He staggered over to the full length mirror on the end of the lockers. He nearly died laughing.

He looked at his own reflection, oddly not distended at all, except a strange stretch below his crotch, where Paul's head hung incongruously upside down with half of Blaine's sack in his mouth. Blaine flexed, admiring his powerful body and how it had subsumed Paul's own. He swiftly became hard again and began to jack off, slowly squeezing his ass cheeks around Paul's head, smiling at the look on the man's face. Damn this was power! With a bellow, he came again, cum dripping down on Paul's face. He knew he would have to let Paul out soon, but it had come this far, why not see where exactly the limit was? His face strained and his entire body flexed.

Paul's chin vanished between Blaine's rock hard glutes. "Please Blaine, you can't! I'll die!" Blaine almost relented, this really wasn't right... "You NEED me! I'm going to be the best Blaine, and the US NEEDS that!" That was it, "We don't need you, you little shit! You're a high school hot shot who thought he could go all the way! I've watched you. You're done. This is as good as you'll get. And besides... I don't like you. You're arrogant."

As Paul began to beg again, Blaine groaned and Paul's protests were cut off as his mouth was pulled into Blaine's seemingly limitless asshole. Blaine smiled slowly, it was time to end this, one way or another. A mighty heave rippled through him and his entire body tensed. And again. He turned to the mirror, to watch and let Paul watch, that annoying brown haired head vanish silently between the rock hard trunks of Blaine's thighs. Blaine felt his distended sphincter slip slowly closed over Paul's head. He could feel Paul inside him, filling him. He could feel him struggle fantastically and for the third time the sense of power and pleasure overwhelmed Blaine.

Cum hit the far wall. He could feel Paul, deep inside him. Finally he felt the struggles within him slow and cease. It was over. He had taken a man taller than he was entirely into him through his ass. For several minutes Blaine stood, catching his breath. He had never come so much in so short a time. The whole episode had only taken half an hour. Shaking his head in disbelief he toweled himself off and pulled on boxers and warm-ups. It was time to go see Aleksei about those pills.

He headed for the Russian locker room, where he knew he could find Aleksei. Aleksei was sitting on a bench in his warm-ups and smiled as Blaine approached, "So he tried to blackmail you like I thought." Blaine gaped, "You knew? But how? And why? And, what am I going to do about this man in my butt? He won't exactly flush down a fucking toilet!" Aleksei smiled, "Blaine, Blaine. Feel yourself, can you feel him in you?" Blaine stopped, Aleksei was right, the feeling of fulness was gone, "But..." Aleksei wrapped an arm around Blaine's shoulders, "Relax Blaine. I will explain it all in time, in time. For now, simply revel in the power, and look forward. To the future."
© Copyright 2015 bobo (13brandons at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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