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Rated: 13+ · Novel · Sci-fi · #2048652
Two girls in a post-apocalyptic world. They are different and special... and in danger.
Chapter 1


I wake up to the usual explosions that go off every morning. Small they are but they're real and loud. Not to mention dangerous. On the news every morning were told that it is just the toxic part of our state that make them happen. Others speculate some sort of revolution or war. Either way I know when they happen it's time to move. Otherwise you'll be blown up into millions of pieces... Well Maybe a missing limb...
I walk to the nearest market to offer a shirt I found yesterday for some water and a nice slab of meat. I don't question the safety of it. It's rotten as hell. But when cooked in a fire you learn to live with it. Besides, when you have two days without food to eat you appreciate anything. The police seem to be the only ones who aren't starving. Although they are never seen eating; which is a great mystery to the rest of us. They stay in shape and are never bone thin or armed with flaky plastered skin. The ones that look like that are the ones that are dying from lack of food and water, as well as spreading disease from the toxic air and liquid that have started to engulf our area.
But there are ways of surviving if you know how. If you know the right people. And Sometimes... If you are blessed with Cone. I learned when I was about five that this "Diagnosis," was an amazing gift. Both of my parents had gotten toxic slime all over their skin and they literally melted away before my eyes. Anyone in the world who would have witnessed this would be permanently damaged. But to watch it happen to your caregivers is unimaginable. I never cried once. Cone doesn't make you immune to emotion. It just keeps your mind stable constantly. Of course I was sad and inside my emotions tested my Cone syndrome in every which way to the breaking point. But my disease won over and I survived.
The next test was to literally survive by myself at only four years old. I really shouldn't have. The world in which I live is too dangerous for a thirty-four year old let alone a baby by itself. I should have died. And if I was cursed with The Disct. I would have perished as soon as I saw the green goo start to bubble on my father the moment it touched his arm.
The meat goes down quickly after I fire it up the best I can. It's got that old taste because that's what it is. It's old fettered meat that's been enhanced with a strong preservative. It is this way to save money and time for the people who produce whatever is left. I feel grateful for the timing of the clear sky. I was getting waterlogged. Not to mention the chaffing in other areas. I take the last bits of it into the market with me. I could live forever without eating. I did for a solid year. But... It feels wrong not to.
The Market is just that. A grocery store filled... (Well supposed to be filled), with food. And at many times it is halfway stocked. But I am late today. Usually there are lines that run almost all across the Circle. Most people have given up. As soon as you get there the food is already gone. But I have learned that the manager keeps a small supply in the very back. She Shares it with me and a few others. She generously fills the shelves throughout the day for wanderers who didn't get their fair share and are about to collapse.
Every morning there is a small truck that arrives in the back of the Market. It is supposed to be plain white and on the longer side. Long it is, but half empty... and filled with dust making it look almost black. These truck are rumored to come from the city, a place where there is always food, money, glamour, and happiness. Well it's not so much a rumor as they remind us every day on our huge T.V. At noon we are all awoken by a huge electrical charge and buzzing, that practically makes us incoherent for a few minutes. After that the T.V. starts up and we get the same story over and over. That we are getting a load of nothing and should be very grateful and humble today. Then the thing stutters and shuts off. In these last few years this slight news announcement has caused over several riots and countless fights. But we are fighting with ourselves. Not the people who "supposedly", have everything they could every wish for. Those are the rats that should be fought with. But our town has no other options.
As the slimy morsel enters my smaller stomach canal another explosion hits the earth. I fly across the market and bang my head into someone else's. It is a girl with strawberry blond hair and the brightest green eyes I have ever seen. We briefly look into each other's eyes before we collapse and fade far away from the pain.
When I come to I see the girl before me seizing. I know then that she is from the category Disct. I should have known. Category Cone is all but rare anymore. And once spotted they are captured and sent to the TSL, short for Testing Science Laboratory. They are getting needles shoved down their throats and being mentally pushed to the breaking point. They do break... and die. I look back at the girl. She should be dead but something has made her hold onto life. It would be surprising if she lived. She'd be one of those Miracle Beings. She would then be hunted down as well. I watch her helplessly as she struggles in and out of conciseness. She's the strongest Disct. I've ever seen. She's got something she's fighting for. It must be very important if she's still going. I suddenly wonder what it is. I know I shouldn't but I do.
Finally she gives in and her body goes limp. I feel so sad. I was rooting for her. I wished she would have made it just to defy the disease she was born with. She seemed about my age and it would have been nice to have a friend... maybe
I stand up and I'm a bit wobbly. I see the person from the counter is laid over it and she is clearly dead. She gave me half off on the meat. Deeds like that should be rewarded, not punished. I sigh and figure I'll grab some free food and drink before I head outside to see what caused such a massive explosion. To tell the truth, I don't really want to know. Unfortunately the way to the drinks is all the way back towards the girl and I dread going back. But I do. As I step over her body I almost trip myself. Her hand is moving. Is she... Alive? She couldn't be. It's probably her muscles spazzing out like most dogs do when they are put down. I open the freezer and grab a few drinks. I slam them against the freezer when I hear a strange noise. The noise is coming from the girl... and I am terrified.
I whip my head around to see her spluttering and coughing. She has awakened from the dead. She is real. She is a Miracle Being. Suddenly I feel the need to protect her and keep her safe. I can't let the officials and scientists get her. I wipe a bead of sweat from my forehead as I whip my head around. I look for any signs of life. I see one. But it is just a normal human. I wonder how in the hell they survived. They are most likely somewhat brain dead.
When I look back down at the girl she is stretching her arm out towards me. Her bloody hand, broken nails and cut upper lip defy the principles of her. She is from Disct. And she should not be fighting... She should be giving up. But I remind myself... She is now a Miracle Being. I cautiously walk over. I haven't been talking to anybody in while and my social skills are a bit awkward. She gets impatient and starts to wave her hand faster. I catch her seaweed green eyes dart to the left. I feel her fear. She knows there is someone here who is a threat. I have been cast into a bad situation. And the selfish part of my mind screams for me to run. I take her hand. I am no coward. I hear chuckling behind us and freeze.
Freeze Fight or Flight. That is what I have been told and witnessed many times in reactions from people in duress. In tight situations. I have frozen, yes. But my Cone starts to kick in and I feel calmer. I turn around and see not an official? But a boy. He could be one in disguise. I wait for him to speak. Then as the cackling becomes ever louder something stirs inside of me. It is not Cone, and it is certainly not human. Nor is it anything like Disct. It is from a category of ages past. I recognize it by text. And I know that if I am right... If I contain it, we might just get out of this alive.
I keep my calm and try to keep the girl down. She is trying hard to get to her feet. She gives me a horrified look, like I am now an enemy. She must have had an injury to the head. Not that she should know I am a friend. But those glassy eyes show shock and confusion. It's the same look we see in older people who are struggling to keep hold of their minds.
The boy keeps laughing and I wait. I will not let him win. Finally his eyes turn black and he has no iris. Only a darkness of pure evil. And I find a new type of category I've only read in text and I am not sure if my new one is stronger. He is turning quickly into the beasts I have only read about. Fully changed he is a three headed and black. The heads are similar to a panther and the body relates as well. The tail is different. It is barbed and has three black arrows attached to the end. In theory, they were made to hunt down whatever the owner of it wanted and were cursed by the Devil himself. No I cannot fight a Lyxen, but maybe I can confuse it. I let go of the girl and she screeches. The Lyxen is drawn to her terrified voice. I scream even louder and start to run. I am no match for him and soon I am cornered. The girl screams again and when the Lyxen is halfway down I start to wail. It is working. He is getting confused. I don't know if the girl has caught on. Is her mind even working? In unison we both start to screech as loud as we can. The Lyxen is shaking its head and growling. He is pawing at his ears. We continue of scream. And we take turns again. This time they are short bursts of loud noise. I let out my most deafening scream and the beast blows up and a mess of blood and other things fill the isle we were in.
I run over to the girl and I take her hand again. She pushes it away and tries to stand on her own. Is she confused? Is she mad? I don't expect recognition for my part, but I didn't expect refusal of help. I let her blunder around while I think about what just happened. My Cone Syndrome was totally replaced by not one category but two. The first one was The Fury, the second was The Wisdom. I know it was The Fury because I couldn't have fought without it. Cone keeps you calm and sedate at all times. My feelings and emotions went wild. I felt angry and acted it. I also formulated a plan to kill the Devil-Creature faster than I even knew I had the idea. Isn't that The Wisdom Syndrome I have read about? I have read all about the ages old categories my whole life and not many syndromes are deemed "real" or approved by Science nowadays. But it just all fits.
My head is spinning with confusion and I feel like screaming again when a hand trembles on my shoulder. I freak out and jump back. It is the girl. And she has a drink in her hand and a broad smile. She seems calm but she is still shaking.
"Thank you for saving me." She says and hands me the drink. I look down at it and am stunned. It's the same drink I come in for every day... Did she know? Or is this a coincidence? She takes my hand and says, "My name is Deligha, what's yours? Will you help me escape? Please? She adds with a certain mocking tone that doesn't fit this situation. She seems very wacked out as if she was high on Trap. I am all so confused and worried but I manage to answer,
"Sure, and my name is Sheba."
"I know a lot about names."
"Yes. Mine means weak. And yours means strength." And then she collapses in my arms. I laugh lightly. She is the funniest person I have ever met. My laughing stops when I realize she still has some Disct. Left in her. That's why she just fell, that's why she had been acting out of order. Her body couldn't take anymore, so it got to breaking point and shut down.
I let her lie in my lap for a while. I sit there for a little and stroke her hair. I whisper, "I will take care of you. But I can't save you from everything. And I am sorry." It's a big promise, and one she may or may not deserve, but she's strong and a Miracle being. And I will not let the Officials get her if I can help it. I feel a rather strange connection with her. I feel protective somehow. And now I question my sanity. I don't even know her.
I shake my head and try to get rid of these crazy thoughts. She turns over in my lap and her eyes close. She sleeps unlike any Disct. I have ever seen sleeping. Usually people with Disct. sleep tossing and turning while they're eyes constantly move inside of their lids. She is sleeping soundly with her mouth hanging open. Her eyes are unmoving. I wonder how long it's been for her. Does she finally feel the peace now as she sleeps? I may never know. But I know one thing... We are safe for now. I rest my head on a shelf but I know better than to fall asleep. With Cone I don't need it anyway.
Even though I don't need any sort of rest, Deligha's steady breathing lulls me into a soft stupor. When I awake fully she is by my side.
"How am I alive? Sheba what is wrong with me?" I shake my head.
"I don't know."
"But you have The Wisdom! You do know!" How does she know that? Again she is talking really fast and I am beginning to feel an emotion. But I can't quite place it. Or maybe my Cone is trying to hide it. Her eyes beg for an answer she knows I have so I say,
"I remember now, you are a Miracle Being." I begin to fully awaken and my Cone slips away to whatever category replaces it and fear floods through me.
"I'm a what?"
"Shhh!" I hiss, letting The Fury get the better of me. "Have you scouted the area?" I ask in a whisper.
"Of course I have! The manager gave me free Ice Cream. Want some?" She asks so kindly and I wonder if it's her Disct. I shake my head. She licks the frozen nut cream content but with guilt in her eyes. I know she hasn't scouted anything.
"We have to get out of here. It's not safe."
"Why!?" She is almost in hysterics because She's scared and I am too. There is never one Lyxen without another, they form packs. But unless there is more to her than her Disct. She is scared for a completely different reason. Does she know she's survived death?
My thought drift back to the Lyxen. He was here for a reason. How could I have been so idiotic to forget that crucial part of Lyxen History? I steer her towards the front entrance. The coast is clear.
But I take a moment to remember something crucial. I may be fine without food, but she won't be. Although I know of the impending danger, there are more out there besides enemies.
"Wait." I tell her and instead of looking alarmed she looks relieved. "We have to get some provisions."
"Good idea! Over here!" She says too much excitement in her voice. She doesn't seem to know that what might be hunting us, could be right in the next isle.
As I follow Deligha I look at her some more. Her skin is almost that of and olive and yellow combined to make a beautiful Asian authenticity. I stop short when we reach the Kooler Isle. There are a ton of drinks stacked and lined nicely through their cases. I notice that the food seems to be a bit more plentiful. And I get a nagging suspicion that it's not a good sign.
"Here! These are my favorite drinks, we can sneak some out. I've got a plastic bag." I look at her in shock. For two reasons. One she is at the exact part of the isle where I always go to get my drinks. The most hated but plentiful, Dr. Libson Kola are right before us. Nobody ever picks these, and I never see any missing except the ones I take. The second reason I am surprised, is because she actually feels the need to sneak out with food. Although not technically allowed, people always steal. There is never a real "price," on anything. I wonder if for a moment she has come from some other world. I realize I must have been staring for quite a while so I take action and fill the bag with Dr. Libson Kola.
She's getting very giddy and I wonder for a second if she just might not be okay. My thoughts take another direction though, like most people out here there usually isn't enough to go around. I guess a whole bag of your favorite drinks, and a person to help you steal them, is a godsend.
"Okay now follow me." I say and lead her towards the food that will last the longest and have the most nutrition to keep us alive... well her.
We pass the guy that survived the attack and he walks around aimlessly in a total live comma. I see he has an expensive red and black nylon backpack filled with some stuff already that I don't plan on looking at, right now. It's huge and perfect to steal.
I pick up some trail mix after a complete refusal of regular nuts. But I snuck some walnuts almonds salted peanuts in the very front pocket. I am just realizing how big this backpack actually is. Although I know we are running out of time, all of the stuff in here is so tempting.
In the next isle I find cured meats and dried fruit. I pack as many into the second and third pockets as I can. Deligha thinks I am so very funny. I feel like reminding her this is for her, not me. And for some odd reason I take it to heart and start grinding my teeth together.
We turn into the next isle and I cool off a bit when I see her licking the last bit of her ice cream. She looks so satisfied. Maybe I won't have to feed her that much after all.
I notice in this isle are canned foods and soups and I grab first all of Deligha's favorites first. Canned corn, asparagus, broccoli, and beans. She says no on the others but I refuse to not take anything I can. Lastly I take some random soups that I have never had and some canned broth in case she gets sick... And then it strikes me! Medicine!
But when I reach the isle there is only cotton balls and rubbing alcohol. All of the fever pills are gone. I curse the drug users and with a loaded backpack head for the door. I hear Deligha's breathing start to quicken. I smile at her reassuringly. She gulps down her fear and we step outside.

There are a few people about the streets. I am still cautious. I take a deep breath and say,
"Let's go." But I remember to be a little gentler. She needs a gentle hand. And I am here for her. I promised I would try to keep her safe, and I will follow through.
As we step into the rain Deligha puts up the hood of her sweatshirt. I grimace at what my hair must look like. I notice she's dressed well for living here. Her clothes are completely intact as well. Her grey-blue sweatshirt is thin but is a good fabric. I look down at my flimsy white T-shirt and shiver. I ignore the cold like I always have and as we walk I continue to study her. She has on a very expensive fabric for her pants. I think its called corduroy. It doesn't have any holes in it or anything! And her boots! They're made of fine brown leather. I look down at my own patched and worn denim jeans and then finally at my sneakers that are beginning to speak to me. I can't help it I just have to ask her,
"Where have you gotten such nice clothes from?" She looks down at her hands and begins to fiddle with her broken nails. I am cautious once again ready to stop any bad behavior. She starts to sob and I wonder if hugging her would do any good. Instead she leans her body into my shoulder. I wrap my arms around her. "What's the matter? Did I do something wrong?"
"No." She says and she keeps on sobbing. I let her. But soon we are attracting attention. "Sheba I don't remember anything!"
"Do you mean since the collision?"
"I don't know I don't remember." But I'm betting whatever transpired in her brain did the job of cleansing it too. I suddenly remember why she survived. She was holding onto something important. I feel like it would be a bad idea to tell her now. We are out in the street and we have to keep cool and collected. But I couldn't withhold that information from her, could I? I don't have to worry about it anymore as I see some officials strolling down the street stopping people. I think of going the other way. But it only leads to a dead end. I will tell her later.
"Listen, there are officials checking people. You'll have to stay calm as we pass." Her eyes turn wild and she starts to look around with fear. I grab her arms. "Did you hear me? Calmly." She just nods her head and keeps her head down. I keep mine up straight as we will look a little suspicious if I don't. As we are just about to pass unnoticed, an officer grabs us and asks,
"S'cuse me young ladies, but have you two seen this man?" And he flashes a paper in front of us of the...? What suspect? Or ally? I feel bile in my throat and I feel Deligha shaking. It is the beast we murdered last night. I squeeze her hand gently and reach within me for my Cone which I have never had to do before,
"No we haven't." But before we are let go Deligha starts to struggle and break free. I grab her horrified at what she is doing. "Deligha!" She's gonna get us caught!
"I need raw fish! I need it now!"
"Deligha stop it! And I tug her towards me but she is fighting hard. The officer starts to look at us suspiciously.
"What are your names?"
"This is Deligha and I am-" but I have to stop to heave her back towards me. I'm getting an idea though in my head of how this could all work out. If that is, Deligha can cooperate... and I doubt that will be the case. But I will try! I sigh exasperated and say,
"I'm sorry officer, but we haven't seen anything of the sort! My sister as you can see is diagnosed with Disct. She is having one of her spells and as you know it doesn't end until she gets what she wants! Can we go now?"
"Just a few more questions. What is your name mam?
"Thesisis." I take notice of the man in front of us. His hat and Shades keep his face very hidden. And his lands are covered in gloves. There is no way to tell if he is indeed, real.
"And what are your ages?" I answer quicker than ideas form in my head.
"I am sixteen and so is my twin.".
The Official starts to look even more suspicious as if we are playing a game. And I worry. I worry for the both of us. I stay quiet for as long as he does, continuing to fight Deligha's constant struggles to get to the Fish Market. The Officer's mouth twitches and I know we haven't gotten through. We're going to be captured...          
It seems I was wrong. The officer just wipes his hand across his nose and nods his head for us to go. When we are far enough away from him I turn Deligha around and grab both of her arms.
"Deligha! I promised I would try to keep you safe but I can't if you keep fighting me! I know you have Disct. But you're going to have to try and push it aside sometimes!" I take a deep breath trying to calm myself. She sighs as well.
"Sheba..." She starts. I just look at her waiting for an answer. She finally looks up at me with defensive eyes. I am perplexed. People diagnosed with Disct. Do not fight back. "I was acting alright! I was just acting!" I stare at her in disbelief.
I have been so suspicious about myself having other categories of heightened and intense emotions, that I never even suspected Deligha could have changed through becoming a miracle being or that she might have the same categories as myself.
"Well I guess when we conked heads I gave some stuff to you." And I start to laugh. But her face turns serious and thoughtful.
"Sheba, do you think!? Do you think that was it!? Maybe there was an exchange Sheba." She says more quietly. I give it some thought. And I have to agree with her that maybe there might have been... an exchange. We do seem to have some similarities now but the idea sounds far-fetched and I would have no clue how to find such evidence out without being tested by an official. The thought makes me shiver but I go along with her idea, if only to make her feel better.
"Maybe Deligha!" I turn serious again. "We have to follow through with our plan though. Let's go to the Fish Market. She smiles and I smile back.
At the Fish Market (of which I had no idea that it existed,) we find numerous filets of salmon and canned tuna, as well as a small portion of something called a Sniper Fish. It had a long nose of which looked like a Sniper gun. The woman behind the counter explains,
"A Sniper Fish, can shoot bubbles out of its nose at the speed of lightning, and only breed when a storm blooms in their area. And then the eggs only hatch when the next one occurs and it must be a thunder wave of exactly a mile!" I feel she's full of baloney, but I go along with her story. I know though that we aren't getting anything for free. "And I have decided to give all of this stuff away for just twenty two Kards!" Wow. A bargain I could never afford. I put the package I had been hoping to get for free back on the counter but Deligha stops and smiles at the lady ad says,
"Here! Twenty two Kards." I immediately try to take her precious Kards back but she just says, "They are mine!" I look at her in horrid disbelief. I can't believe her!
The fish lady named Trisha takes her Kards happily and Deligha takes the package and we walk off. I am fuming, but I move forward.
I have walked so far without thinking that it takes me a minute to figure out where I am. I recognize the spot and I wonder where it would be safe to go from here. I think of the abandon houses to the south of town. But that's a very rough area. Plus that's in the total opposite direction that we have walked. I strain my brain and come up with a few abandon houses to the north. I haven't been that way in a while but we need to hide somewhere.
As we walk to the end of Northern Town Deligha and I take a break. We must have covered at least two miles and she is sweating and hot. But it's getting dark and we need to find shelter fast. I am not even sure what direction would it would be to the broken down houses, or if they are even safe... I would have like to use those Kards for a gun maybe. Its no use. I have to get this out of the way or I'll blow. "What the hell Deligha!?" And I fear I have yelled a little too loudly. And I also notice my Cone hasn't been working in a very long time. I am scared I have lost it. She looks at me like I am an alien and starts to laugh hysterically. I go to the other end of the street and fold my arms over my head. I feel her presence like she's that of my shadow, but I feel defeated and I jus let her put her hand on my shoulder. I don't care.
"Sheba, do you think I am a mermaid?" She accuses. I am confused once again by her words.
"I don't need Fish." I whip my head around to give her a hard look, once again confused by her logic.
"Do you honestly not know what transpired?" She asked in disbelief. I shake my head, feeling a little stupid but thoughtful at the same time. Maybe she did something right. Something I didn't see or know about. She raises her eyebrow waiting for me to think. But I am tired. She folds her arms and I see ta couple of Kards in her folded hands. And I wonder if just for a second... Then the whole thing snaps together and not because I didn't know, but because I am so excited to have an ally that has this skill.
"You're a Pickpocket?" I ask this casually but she lights up like a bulb and is ecstatic. And I then can't hide my excitement. She nods her head and starts to explain her whole plan,
"Yes! When you went to the woman to ask her about the different kinds of fish I snuck around the side to look at the display case. Then when she was getting very excited about the Bubble snout thing I went in for the kill." I start to laugh at this whole thing.
"Go on," I urge.
"I whip around the back counter and when she bends down to take the Fish out I pluck the Kards from her big jeans pocket! Thought I would get caught but I was too quick. Ran around the other side of the stall so she would see me and get distracted form the "Slight," notion that she might have gotten."
"Genius!" I say. "So where are those Kards from?" I ask her. And she smiles dieviantly and says,
"Her purse." I laugh hysterically because Deligha is such an asset and she smart and talks funny, and I think we might just be good partners in crime.
"How much do you have?"
"Thirteen." She says and looks disappointed.
"We can work with that Deligha! You know most things around here don't cost such amounts! She was a sneak and a fool. And it bit her in the ass." I laugh and so does she.
Then we hear a sound that chills our bones. I recognize it as an animal, but there aren't many animals left that haven't been changed by the radiation of this land. But it could be true. We are far out from the middle of town.
"It's in trouble!" I shake my head.
"No Deligha!" But as much as I want to get us to safety I want to help those cries as much as her.
When we get to the back of an old beaten down farmhouse with a crisscrossed wooden fence we spot a chained up dog. I am already forming a plan. There is a break in the fence right next to us. But I take my time to evaluate the reward for trespassing.
I study the dog. I thought dogs didn't exist anymore. Certainly this one is somewhat mutated. But it looks fine. It's got a tall and long black body, perky ears, muscular legs and a long snout. Despite its situation it seems to be rather healthy. And then it strikes me as to why, and further more I see the reason before my eyes. A man appears out of nowhere with a gun in his hand. Deligha shrinks back but I have a small and idiotic plan. I whisper the lowest I can despite being so close,
"Trust me." Is the first thing I say to her, and I hold her face in my hands. I look hard into her eyes and she is forced to look back by my intense stare. "I will go up behind him until he notices me, when he lifts the gun run like a maniac to the field and I will go in for the kill." I wink at her but I keep my eyes firm. She gulps but nods. I am surprised how far I make it. I'm about five away when he whips his head around to point the gun at me.
At record speed Deligha is running for the dog. The man is confused and doesn't want to lose his meal so the gun turns to her. I strike him hard in the head and the gun goes off and I holler at the top of my lungs. I stomp on his face but he seems to be a strong survivor with a will to live. He knocks me onto my back, and all the air leaves my lungs leaving me temporarily paralyzed. I fear I have ruined everything. He goes to reach for his gun but it's gone. Deligha is standing over him with his gun pointed at his head. And then it goes off.

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