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Rated: E · Novel · Other · #2047585
Im in for a girly time
I leaped out the other side of the table and ran for my life, I heard the girls shouting at each other behind me in unison “You let him get away!” I ran for the nearest hiding place I could find, Kirsty’s house. I knew her mum was probably away at work at this time of day, so the house would be empty.

I zoomed down the side of the house and into their back garden, the door to their conservatory was hanging open, so I quietly slid into the house and hid behind the sofa.

It took me a while to realise that I was now stuck in Kirsty’s house, I heard her closing the gate to the back garden, and her mum always kept the front door locked during the day. Kirsty and her mum were the only ones who had the key!

I was now trapped, and Kirsty was stalking around the house looking for me. She could do anything to me now, since I was technically trespassing.

When I began to think about what she might do to me, I became frozen with fear. She might pull off all my clothes and push me outside, or lock me in her sister’s room and tell her mum I’m a pervert!

I didn’t think to move and find a new hiding place, I was stuck in my own mind thinking of my fate. Kirsty had already snuck up behind me and had me on my back in seconds.

The lipstain was primed and ready, she had one hand clamped onto my chin to hold me still.

“It’s not so bad, stop being a baby” she said with an evil smirk on her face.

I closed my eyes and clenched my fists as she gently slid the lipstain over my lips, then used her thumb and forefinger to stretch my lips into a forced smile.

“There, I told you it’s not so bad”

“I’m a boy!” I shouted at her. “You look more like a girl” she replied coolly.

I had to admit, being only 12 and having shoulder length curly blonde hair, that she was right.

Kirsty smiled playfully and pulled me up to my feet with one hand, god she was strong. I knew she was just playing games, she didn’t do this because she hated me, I imagined she was just in the mood for some friendly humiliation.

I remembered this girl was one of my best friends, so I returned her smile with a shy one of my own, even if it was directed at the floor. She lifted my chin up with her thumb and jokily said, “You look pretty”.

I grunted.

We had about 2 hours before Kirsty’s mum got home, so we decided to go up to her room and watch TV. We must have been having so much fun that I forgot about the cherry taste on my lips.

“Kirsty, how do I take this off?” I asked when the advertisement break came on.
“It doesn’t come off” she replied quickly without looking away from the TV.

Now I didn’t mind watching Mean Girls in a girl’s room with a girl, but I was not going to wear lipstain forever, I had to put my foot down now.

“I’m serious, how do I take this off!” I wanted to shout but for the sake of all the fun we were having, I only raised my voice slightly. But before Kirsty could reply, we heard the front door unlocking, and the voice of Kirsty’s mum announcing she was home.

Kirsty didn’t talk, she just went into overdrive as she sprinted about the room gathering supplies.

“Your mum can’t see me like this! She’ll tell my parents and I’ll never be able to go outside again!” I whispered at her in a nervous and hysterical tone.

“No she can’t, boy’s aren’t allowed in my room!” she squeaked at me in the same tone.

I decided what I would do immediately, I ran for Kirsty’s closet. My thinking was this was a girl’s closet, so there will be tons and tons of clothes to hide behind.

Kirsty was still rushing around grabbing things, whilst simultaneously cleaning up the room and somehow managing to grab the back of my shirt just as I was about to hide in the closet.

When my momentum was gone, she turned me around by the shoulders and commanded me to put a pink t-shirt on which she held in front of me. I put my foot down again and declared sternly that I would never, but Kirsty was already pulling the t-shirt over my head and pulling my arms through the sleeves. A girly pink and tight fitting t-shirt quickly covered up my green army shirt, with a yellow flower print on the front.

This was not going through my head when I was thinking of things Kirsty might do to me.

By now I understood what Kirsty was trying to do, she wanted her mum to think I was just another girl in the room so she wouldn’t get into trouble. I thought the pink shirt was enough but she thought otherwise.

She led me over to the closet that had a mirror on the front of the door. I studied my reflection closely whilst Kirsty stood behind me. She was at least a foot taller than me, but I wasn’t looking at her. In my pink flowery t-shirt, green shorts, my curly blonde hair and my glossed pink purple lips, I looked girly enough to pass as a maybe a 12 year old female version of myself.

I wouldn’t have to worry about Kirsty’s mum, Suzanne, recognizing me, or even Kirsty’s sister Maddie. Suzanne was at work most of the day, and only got home when most of us had gone back inside, Maddi and I have never even talked once, she always spent her time playing with Samantha's brother Will.

Kirsty began brushing my shoulder length hair vigorously until it was devoid of knots and smooth, then gathered it together and tied it into a girly ponytail at the back of my head. She made sure to tie my hair closer to the top of my head, so it was clearly noticeable, but much more painful for me.

I raised my hand to try and loosen it slightly, but Kirsty batted my hand away.

“Don’t, it makes you a more convincing girl” she said in a rushed voice

I pouted and looked down at the ground.

“I need you to smile and be a good girl, Jaiden” she continued.

I looked at her in the mirror and gave her a confused look, she gave me a quick look in the mirror and smirked for a millisecond, she was still rushing.

We heard footsteps in the kitchen downstairs.

“Kirsty?” her mum shouted.

“I’m busy mum!” she shouted back through the door to her room.

Kirsty placed another pink item, a hair clip with a red plastic flower, on either side of my ponytail to keep any loose hairs in place.

There was still the short hairs on my legs, I didn’t think girls as young as 12 shaved their legs, but Kirsty wanted to make sure her mum didn’t see anything to make her think I was a boy. She turned me around again and told me to raise my shirt, or shirts since I still had my boy shirt underneath the pink one. I crossed my arms and whispered “No!”

She muttered something about boy’s being stupid and raised my shirts up herself, then reached for her deodorant and sprayed my bare chest for a good few seconds. For a moment all I could smell was a flowery fragrance similar to what Kirsty always smelt like. She dropped my shirts back down and pulled me over to her vanity desk, right next to her bed and the window. She grabbed a glass bottle of another pink liquid spritzed each of my wrists and my neck. Now the flowery smell was gone and all I could smell was a soft fragrance of coconuts.

Without loosening her grip on my hand, she pulled the bed sheets back, sat me down at the end of her bed and threw the sheets over my legs.

“Good, now we can’t see your hairy legs” she said in her rushed voice as she walked over to the door and quietly closed it. I heard the footsteps of her mother coming up the stairs and so did Kirsty, she sprinted over to her desk and gathered a bunch of small bottles and a small table, the type of table people use when they have breakfast in bed.

In a matter of seconds, the table was sitting across my legs and covered in all these different bottles of nail polish, Kirsty was sitting at the other end of her bed with her legs under the covers barely touching my own hairy legs. We were sitting opposite each other, half our bodies under the covers, with this table of more cosmetics sitting between us.

Kirsty took a few breaths to calm down, then grabbed my left hand and began filing my nails. I had to take a few breaths to relax myself.

This was the first time I was able to actually study the situation I was in. Back when we were watching TV, all I really focused on was the TV. I didn’t seem to notice the fact I was in a girl’s room with another girl until well, now.

At this point I think I should say that Kirsty is a very girly girl. And her room only helped to reinforce that. I looked at surroundings carefully. The room looked like it hadn’t been redecorated since Kirsty was around 6 or 7, the walls were pink, but lined with paintings of bunnies and rainbows at the tops and bottoms of the walls. Her bed was a queen size canopy bed with light purple curtains, the sheets were plain white, but with white lace around the edges, the pillows too. All her stuffed toys were pilled on the bed behind Kirsty, and I’m sure that every single type of animal in the world was in that pile. The carpet was a very fluffy white material, and the furniture, including her vanity table, was all painted a glossy white. The only window in the room was above her vanity table, and looked into the back garden, the curtains were also light purple to match those on the bed. All in all, a very girly room.

Kirsty was busy trying to smooth out my nails when I came back to the present, I chewed my nails regularly so she certainly had a tough job cleaning them up. I looked across the room at the mirror on the closet, I desperately searched for me in the reflection but all I could was two girls doing their nails in bed. I honestly felt like I’d fallen into someone else’s life here, but was brought back to reality when Suzanne opened the door.

If she saw what I could see in the mirror, then we were going to be fine. And I was right. As soon as she entered the room, a wide smile engulfed her face as she spotted me.

“A new friend Kirsty darling?” she asked as she gave me another quick smile and began searching for something in her bag.

“Yeah, Mum this is Jaiden, we met today in the park” Kirsty replied.

Suzanne looked to be in her late thirties, tall and curvy, long brown hair, an everlasting smile and a face that was only just starting to show signs of aging. She was truly beautiful.

I waved at Suzanne with my free hand and uttered a quiet and shy hello to her.

“Nice to meet you Jaiden, I’m glad you met my daughter, she needs another girly girl like herself” she grinned.

I went red in the face, feeling utterly humiliated by that.

“Mum, did you get what I asked for?” said Kirsty, ignoring her mother’s comment.

Her mother was already walking towards the bed and pulled out a blue package from her handbag. She handed it to Kirsty who quickly hid the package behind her.

Suzanne gave me a quick look and asked “Oh Jaiden, do you need any? I bought spares.”

I smiled to distract her whilst I looked at Kirsty in the corner of my eye, I’m told I have an infectious smile, so Suzanne would be too distracted to see that her daughter was shaking her head vigorously.

I took the hint from Kirsty and shyly spoke “Oh no thanks Mrs Allingham, I’m okay for now”

“Oh please dear call me Mum, all Kirsty’s friends do, only the girls though.” She said.

“You know where to find me if you need these, then” she continued as she pointed at another blue package poking out of her bag, which I guessed were the spares she mentioned.

I nodded with a little smile. ‘Mum’ leaned over the table to look at what Kirsty was doing with my nails and gave me a little “tut tut”

“Pretty girl like you shouldn’t be biting her nails” she smiled knowingly as she put a hand on my shoulder to give it a gentle squeeze.

“I get nervous a lot, Mrs Allingham” I replied

“Mum” she corrected, “Make sure you paint her nails in the Fuchsia pink polish that you have dear, it’ll match her t-shirt” she said confidently.

“I know mum, I’ve done this before” Kirsty replied, giving her mum an unimpressed look before continuing to file my nails.

“So am I making dinner for two or three?” She said as she gave both of us looks, clearly she wanted me to stay for dinner, she looked so excited to see a new face.

One of us had to answer, I would of said no and so would Kirsty, but I guess we were just confused as to who was going to say it.

“Three mum, Jaiden is staying the night.” Kirsty blurted out. Her mother nodded excitedly.

“Dinner is in an hour, make sure your ready by then girls, alright?” She smiled at us both and gave my shoulder another squeeze before she walked out of the room, closing the door behind her.

“What! I can’t stay here over night and pretend to be a girl! I can’t!” I shouted at Kirsty, she just grinned at me.

“You don’t have a chance of walking out of this house dressed as a boy and looking like a boy Freddie.” She said.

“My mum will see you and she’ll go nuts, she’ll be angry with you for being in my bed room and wearing my clothes, she’ll be angry with me letting you in here, and she’ll be angry with both of us for lying to her.”

“And if you really want to walk out of this house dressed as a girl, go ahead, just know that you’re parents will see you dressed as a girl along with everyone else who might recognise you.”
“Besides you’re always talking about how your parents don’t care about you, and don’t even notice when you’re gone, I thought you might want to get away from them for a bit” she finished.

Kirsty was right, I didn’t have a chance of getting out of the house dressed as a boy. And even if I did manage to sneak out, spending the night with Kirsty was much better than spending it in my own house with my parents. I took every chance I got to get away from my mum and dad, they’re always insulting me and making me feel worthless. All I look forward to when I get home is playing with my neighbours.

“I’m sorry, for shouting at you, you’re right as always.” I said dejectedly as I slid out of the bed and stood up.

Kirsty smiled up at me and nodded. “You’ll have to pretend to be a girl for now anyway, you can dress as a boy again tomorrow and leave when Mum is at work.”

“Now sit down and let me finish your nails, Jaiden” she finished, adding extra emphasis on my new name to try and get me into character quicker.

“But I don’t want to have Fuchsia pink nails” I moaned at her like a baby.

“Mum will be disappointed if you don’t come down looking pretty, now sit and shush.” she said with a grin.

I grunted.

“Sit down or I’ll give you a full makeover!” she commanded.

I sat back down on the bed and slid my legs under the covers once again. Kirsty went to work painting my nails a fuchsia pink. I began to think about how the evening was going to go, what we would talk about at dinner, where I was going to sleep and all that.


“Yeah girlfriend?” she snickered at me; I just gave her a serious look. “What?” she asked.

“What are we going to do tonight? I’m scared I’ll do something wrong and your mum will be onto us…what do we do?” I asked, my nervousness almost exploding in Kirsty’s face.

“Just be polite, think girly thoughts, be girly you know, things will be fine and Mum wont find out.” She replied.

“I’m a boy, I don’t know how to act girly!” I blurted at her, she was obviously becoming more agitated by my nervousness.

“Jaiden, just shush, you’ll be fine, just be polite to my mum, take really small bites of your food, think about pink, think about unicorns, puppies, you know, you’ll be fine, I promise!” she encouraged me with a gentle stroke down my arm, then continued painting my nails in that Fuchsia pink polish.

“And don’t forget to smooth your dress before you sit down, do that and Mum will never suspect a thing.” She said with a slight smirk.

“But I’m not wearing a dress.” I said, confused.

“You will be.” Kirsty finished, her grin growing even bigger.

Part 2

It took half an hour for Kirsty to finish painting all my nails Fuchsia pink, she decided to add little mint green flowers onto each of my nails so that her mum would be even more impressed when she saw them. By then it was dark outside and we could smell the food cooking downstairs.

“You cant go downstairs in those shorts, Mum will see the hair on your legs, even if they are quite short and hard to notice. We have to cover them up” Kirsty said, her hand on her chin as she examined me up and down.

I stood there nervously, waiting for Kirsty to say something.

“I think a dress and some leggings will be best” she said.

“I don’t want to wear a dress” I replied petulantly.

“It’s either a dress or a skirt, a pink and ruffled one.” She replied whilst she had her head buried in her closet, searching for the clothes.

I grunted and lowered my head, I had no choice but to do everything she told me to do.

“Now for the Dress to look right, you’ll have to wear these.” She held up a pair of white cotton panties.

“No, no no no no, definitely no!” I said defiantly, for now I was fine wearing girly shirts and that, but not panties, hell no.

“Do I have to hold you down and do it myself?” Kirsty asked angrily, dinnertime was getting closer and closer and I was just holding things up.

“Put them on or Mum will find out!” she continued.

“Look, I’m okay wearing these clothes for one night, but not panties.”

“Put them on now!”

“Make me!”

That was the wrong thing to say, Kirsty was definitely being serious when she said she’d do it herself. She put on her angry face and quickly had me cornered. I tried opening the window to escape, but luck was not with me, the window was jammed shut and the lock was out of my reach. The window didn’t matter anyway, Kirsty got her arms around my waist and lifted me up of the ground like some little baby.

She threw me onto the bed and within a second had my shorts removed, and then my boxer shorts too. I wriggled about on the bed, but it was not use, Kirsty was holding both my legs together and was already sliding the panties up my legs. She then pulled me to my feet, making sure to stand behind me.

“Now are you going to be good and pull them up yourself or do I have to do everything?” she asked politely, but with sarcasm. I could tell she was enjoying treating me like a baby. I crossed my arms and didn’t reply. She pulled the panties up all the way and patted me on the bum before she slowly turned me around to inspect my front.

“Good, not a big bulge so Mum won’t see anything through your dress. Now please put these on?”

She handed me the leggings, they were a very soft and stretchy material, but the colouring was pink and white horizontal stripes going all the way up the legs. I nodded slowly in resignation and began to struggle to pull the leggings up my legs. Kirsty stood beside me shaking her head, tutting.

“Okay forget what I said, from now on I’ll dress you myself, okay? Now sit on the bed and stay still.”

I did as I was told whilst Kirsty pulled the leggings off, turned them the right way around and quickly slid them up my legs until they were perfectly positioned around my waist.

We began to talk more about what would happen at dinner.

“Jaiden, I was thinking, when you’re at the table, ask Mum lots of questions, that way she wont have time to ask you any questions about where you’re from, you know? And if she does ask you a question, I’ll help you out okay?”

“Okay, but what if she asks me about my parents? What do I say?” I replied.

“Just tell the truth, but don’t say they live next door, Mum will love you even more when you tell her how your parents treat you” she answered confidently.

“Slid this on.” She held a blue and white polka dot dress in front of me, and I stepped into it without argument. Kirsty slid the dress on and adjusted it to fit.

“Now you need some shoes, how about some converses?” she asked.

“Great! Some boy shoes.” I nodded excitedly, she grinned back at me and left the room to get them. While she was gone, I gave the room another look over, I checked out all of Kirsty’s shoes, some were girly, some were for sports and the others were for school, those were all black, some had flowers, all very girly. And then I saw them, Converses. But they were pink. I totally forgot they came in pink too.

Kirsty soon returned holding a smaller pair of pink converses.

“Mum bought me and Maddie matching shoes.” She smirked at me and gently sat me back down on the bed. With expert care she fit each shoe onto each foot, whilst having this content smile on her lips.

“Are you enjoying this?” I asked her as she tied my shoelaces like a mother would tie a toddlers shoe laces.

“It’s fun, it’s like dressing a baby.” She snickered.

“Hey, I am not a baby!” I shouted at her.

“Jaiden, honey.” She finished tying my laces together into neat bows and then gently stroked my arm. “You’re acting like one right now.” I pouted at her and she just grinned back.

“Now turn around, there’s one thing missing, essential for a girl your age.” I grunted and turned around on the bed. Kirsty pulled my shirts off and walked out of the room again.

I looked around again, this time at all of her toys stuffed animals that were sitting on the bed. There I noticed the blue package that Suzanne had given to Kirsty earlier, I reached out for the package and read the labelling.

‘Tampax Pearl – plastic – 36 Tampons’

I was still reading the box when Kirsty returned, she snatched the box away from me and hid it in her cupboard.

“What are those?” I asked in my 12 year old’s innocent and confused voice.

“Don’t worry about those.” She replied.

“I bet its sweets made just for girls.” I added coolly, I knew my candy.

“Not even close, they are for girl’s hygiene and if you’re not careful I’ll make you use one, now hold your arms up.” She made me go silent with that.

I held my arms up and immediately felt a soft material around each arm sliding down to my shoulders, the same material passed over my face and settled around my chest. I felt Kirsty come closer and fiddle with something behind my back, I could smell the coconut perfume she was wearing, and similar to the one I was forced to wear.

“This sports bra makes it look like your boobies are starting to grow, girls your age wear these.” I nodded slowly, at least the sporta bra was just a plain mint green and honestly what was the point in fighting her now. I accepted the bra much easier than I accepted the panties for sure.

Kirsty slid the pink shirt with the yellow flower back over my head. She pulled me up off the bed and into a tight embrace, into my ear she whispered, “Whatever happens tonight, I want you to know that we will always be friends, no matter what.” I nodded slowly in reply.

Just a few moments later, we heard Suzanne shout up the stairs “Girls! Dinner is ready!
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