Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2047482-A-Compromising-Situation-3
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Adult · #2047482
A young wife becomes the sex toy of a man she met on the internet
Let me start by introducing myself for anyone who hadn't read my first two entries. For the sake of my privacy, and my marriage I’ll say that my name is Kellie. My husband and I have been married for 6 years, and we get along together great. Both of us enjoy the same activities, and neither of us are the jealous types. When we go out with friends, we are free to have a good time and have fun. Usually in our group tits popping out of shirts and ass’s being grabbed are the norm, and unlike my first marriage, I don't have to worry about a jealous husband situation.

I am in my early 30’s, white female, with some American Indian heritage. I am 5’6” ,black haired, 34c cup breast, with a trim build and followed up with a perky bottom. I’m overly critical of myself, but I will admit that I get my share of looks, and flirtations where ever I go, from both men and women. My husband is in his late 30’s, white male, with an average build, and I think, distinguished features.

Lately, due to these hard economic times, our work schedules have been changed to suit the needs of the company, and although I still get to see my husband for several hours a day, it does leave me with 4 or more hours of alone time on my hands. At first I started by watching lots of TV, but that soon got boring, so I turned to the internet. I was amazed at the diversity of all the different stuff you could find on the internet. I particularly found that I liked looking at pictures of black men with large cocks fucking white women.

This is how I met my friend Mark. He's a handsome, smooth talking, single black man, who was a member of one of those yahoo groups about black men with white women, and he has a large, thick, black cock. At first all we did was web cam chat with each other, but that gradually progressed to undressing on cam, and then masturbating together on cam. Surprisingly he lived very close to me, and we found we even shopped at the same place. He finally talked me into meeting him in the Wal-Mart parking lot one day before shopping, and he manipulated the situation to the point where he had me naked in his SUV and sucking his cock. After that incident I felt so guilty about what I'd done, and I planned to never see him again in person. Unfortunately Mark wouldn’t be so easily discourage, and after a week or so had coerced / blackmailed me into letting him come see me at my house, under the threat that he was going to give his friend JJ some naked pictures of me to have for himself. Reluctantly I gave him directions, and let him come over, but unknown to me he brought his friend JJ with him and both of them made me their sex toy for the evening.

It was the next day that Mark was e-mailing & messaging me. Mark set over a large set of pictures that he had downloaded to his computer of me with him and JJ fucking me in several very graphic positions. Although the pictures made me dizzy at the though of all the nasty things I’d allowed Mark and JJ to do to me, my sober side reminded me that if my husband ever saw these he’d divorce me immediately. I responded to Marks e-mail telling him that I thought if best if we cooled things down for a little bit, but he wrote back telling me to calm down, and that everything was all right. No one knew that I’d done anything, and it was just my guilt making me worry. It did make me feel a little better having someone else reassure me, but I knew that if I kept up this behavior sooner or later I would get caught. Mark said that if I came to his apartment, then no one would know me, and the risk would be less. I told him that I really hadn’t planned to get into a relationship, and that the first meeting at Wal-Mart was really all the excitement I had planned on. He quit pushing the issue, but it wasn’t long before we were chatting again, and everything seemed fine.

Things were pretty normal for a week or so after that, and I had gotten over my guilt and fear of being caught. Mark and I chatted often, and although he didn’t get pushy or threatening, he did persistently ask me to stop by and see his apartment. He told me his apartment complex was in back of a subdivision, off the main highway about 5 miles from Wal-Mart. I knew exactly where it was, actually I used to know someone who lived in that apartment complex .... and now I found myself looking at the subdivision entrance every time I passed by it.

I got home from work, one Sunday evening, a little after 4pm, which was just in time to grab a bite with my husband before he left for work. After picking up the dishes my husband kissed me bye and I waited for him to pull out of the drive before I hopped on the computer to check my e-mail. Sure enough Marked saw me online and instant messaged me asking me what was up. He also opened up a picture sharing window and popped up a picture of me, naked on my sofa, with my lips wrapped around his big black cock while JJ was pounding my pussy doggy style. It was quite a sight, and it made me a little tingly looking at it while we chatted. He asked me if I was ready to do it again,.

I told him “Not Yet, but I’ll let you know”.

He begged a little, telling me he just got a 47” flat screen in his living room, and wanted to watch our homemade porno on it with me…..or he slowly said, “Maybe all my friends would like to come by and watch it”. He also mentioned that his apartment complex had a nice pool and hot tub which was located close to his apartment, and that I could stop over and do some harmless cooling off.

I told him I may stop over one day, but not if he showed my pictures to anyone. Then to change the subject I told him I had to go run a few errands, and had to go.

He asked if I was going to Wal-Mart, and I told him yeah, but I needed to run a load of clothes first. He said ok, and said he’d catch me later, then we both logged off. I put a load of clothes in the washer and jumped in the shower to rinse off the smell of work.

After getting out of the shower, I didn't really dress to impress. After all, I was just doing laundry and running a few errands. Down to the bottom of the underwear drawer I slipped on a some white panties and a leopard print bra, my black jogging shorts, a pink t-shirt, and running shoes. With my hair in a pony-tail, I pull on a ball cap and I was off to Wall-Mart. I guess I should have suspected that Mark would show up at Wal-Mart since I told him I was going, but since I didn't tell him an exact time I was surprised when he walked up with a big smile on his face. He gave me a little hug, and asked if I minded him walking me around while I shopped. I looked around nervously like I was expecting camera's or something, but of course there were none, and I told him it was good to see him again. He complemented me on my outfit and we both laughed. I told him if I knew he was going to be here I would have worn my high heels and mini skirt. He smiled and told me that I looked good in whatever I wore, and besides if he got me alone it wouldn't stay on long anyway. I told him with him, that's the truth.

We walked around for 20-30 minutes as I did my shopping. He even picked up some beer and soda, and threw them in my cart. Mark was a perfect gentleman, and didn't trying anything that could have gotten me in trouble during our shopping session, although he did ask me about coming over to see his place. I told him that I had been busy and hadn't found the time. He asked "What about today?, I'm sure your husband just left for work a couple of hours ago."

I told him that I was still doing laundry, plus I had several packs of steak in the shopping cart that had to be refrigerated.

He smiled and told me that he just wanted me to see where he lived so I wouldn't be nervous about coming over for fun and games on another day. He told me that he had already shown his friend Ben the video that him and JJ had made with me, but that if I wanted to keep him from showing it at his buddies sons 18th birthday then I had better drop by his place soon. As we walked up to the check-out he whispered in my ear how hot I looked, all naked and full of black cock on his big screen TV.

I told him that I would make it over someday soon, then we quit talking as we got our groceries all bagged up.

The sun had just set as we walked out of Wal-Mart, and Mark said that he would walk me to my car. He asked me how I liked having him and JJ tearing me up last time. I told him that it was quite an experience. All this talk was having its effect and I could feel myself getting turned on as I thought about being naked between 2 strange black men. Mark told me to tell him what I liked about it, and I looked around to see if anyone was near before answering. Mark sensed my hesitation and smiled as I told him that I enjoyed having my body rocked back and forth, between his and JJ's big cocks. He smiled have succeeded in making me talk dirty to him. Arriving at my car I popped the trunk and Mark began helping me unload the buggy.

Before I could close the trunk Mark pulled the bag with the packs of steak in back out and threw it the buggy with his beer and said "bye" as he started walking towards his SUV. I called "Hey..what's up with that?", and he told me that I could have it back if I followed him over to see his house. I just kind of stood there for a second, frozen with indecision. Then with a little trepidation I hopped in my car and pulled down the isle toward to where Mark was parked. Mark faked like he was all surprised "Wow...I didn't expect you so soon. Are you coming over today?" I told him to drop the sarcasm and lets go. I figure I'd get this over with, then go home. Certainly I'd have to give him a Blow Job and get naked, but in and hour or so I'd be heading home. Besides after all that talk in the store I wanted to feel his big black cock pounding me from behind. He laughed a bit, then began telling me where he lived. I told him that I knew where his apartments were, but that I just didn't know the apartment number. He smiled as he got in his car and said "follow me", and off we went.

It took less than 10 minutes to get to where he lived. Mark's apartment was in the back of the complex, but it was a spacious road and the apartments were well kept. After parking and securing my car I walked over to where Mark stood on the sidewalk holding his beer, soda and my groceries. He was engaged in a conversation on his cell phone, and was smiling, and laughing as he motioned me over with his head. When he disconnected he turned and pointed toward his building. Sorry he said, but I'm on the third floor. I asked him who he had been talking to. He kinda frowned a little and smiled.."Oh, I see. You think I'm calling people to come over."

I kept looking at him as we walked to the stairs. "Well?", I asked him.

He shook his head "No. Not this time. It was a buddy asking if I was going out tonight to a club in Gulf Port" I told him that I would have to see how things went, then Mark gave me a lecherous smile, and winked at me.

There were 4 apartments on each level. Mark indicated a door on the first floor and told me that it was Ben's apartment. He said that JJ lived almost directly across the street on the second floor, but it faced the inside of the complex overlooking the pool. He made a couple of more comments about his neighbors, but I was nervous on the inside thinking that this was the first time that I was going to another mans apartment without my husbands knowledge. The odds were favorable that Mark would be expecting me to have sex with him no matter what the pretext was for getting me over here. As we got to his apartment, Mark put down the bags and opened the door. Motioning with his arms he said "Ladies first". and I stepped inside the cool, dark room.

Surprisingly, Mark had a very sparse, yet tastefully decorated living area. His large flat screen TV was prominent in the room as it was a little to large for his entertainment center. He also had 3 large ivy plants in a baskets hanging from rings set in the ceiling over his counter. The ivy really made the room look nice, and helped to separate the living room from the kitchen. He clicked on some recessed lighting over his counter and went about putting up the groceries My steaks he left in the bag and set in the middle of his frig. "Don't forget to take your meat, after you take my meat" he laughed evilly. I stuck out my tongue at him and plopped down with my purse on his leather sofa.

He excused him self saying that he'd be right back, and he headed down the hallway. I looked around and found his remote and turned the TV on. As the screen lit up the DVD player must have been on because it had a blue screen with a prompt displayed in the middle saying hit play to continue. I looked around a little more and found his DVD remote sitting on the entertainment center. Unsuspected to me when I hit play, the first thing I saw pop up on the screen was me laying on my back on the coffee table, and my tits bouncing like mad as JJ fucked the shit out of me just before they left my house. Of course Mark picked that moment to walk back in and reach down my shirt to grab one of my tits as he headed to the kitchen,." Want a beer?" he asked.

"Sure" I replied.

"I love that scene", he stated, referring to the home video of us. "It never fails to get me off seeing your tits bouncing all over as my boy is stretching your pussy out".

"Did I really have a choice?" I asked.

"We all have choices" he cryptically responded.

Mark brought in the beers and asked if he could see my tits again. I paused the video, and told him "I thought you just wanted me to come over and see where you lived. I said that his apartment was really nice, but I only had time for about 1 beer, because I had laundry and cleaning to do before my husband got home.

"Bullshit" Mark said. "If I remember correctly your husband went in to work tonight at 6pm as usual, and won't be home until 2am.....that gives you plenty of time to let me see those tits.....right?"

Although I didn't mind showing him my breast or giving him a blow job, I didn't like the thought of losing control over every meeting with Mark. It made things dangerous for my married life. I told Mark that he could see my tits, but after this beer I was going home.

Mark got all serious suddenly. "Look Kellie", he stated. "I know where you live, and your home phone number and cell phone number. We aren't having a hot heavy relationship, ......but we are having some sex . . . that I'm sure you want to have, but you are just too scared to admit it." He took a sip of his beer as he let that sink in. "You are not going to tease me online, then not give it up.....understand?" I just sat there waiting for him to finish. "You do as I say for the next few hours, and I'll let you get your groceries and go home in time to do plenty of laundry." Mark paused again. "However.......You leave now, and I'll let my buddies post naked pictures of you sucking and fucking black cock all over the internet". I must have looked shocked or upset, because he added, "After this if you don't want to have anything to do with me, then delete me from your messenger list, and you won't hear from me no more......and I'll even make sure none of your pictures get out to anyone."

I relaxed some after hearing that. I took another sip of my beer and told him that it sounded like that was the best deal I was gonna get.

Mark told me I was damn right that it was a good deal, and that if he wasn't such a nice guy he would have pimped my white married ass out and made some cash.

I sarcastically told him that I was glad he was such a nice guy.

He agreed, but said that for the next few hours I was his to do with as he wanted, so hurry up and finish my beer, because he had a job for me.

With that he got up off the sofa and walked back down the hallway to the bed rooms. I took a big gulp of my beer then went to the kitchen to get me another one. When I turned around there was Mark with his hands on his hips frowning at me. "I didn't tell you to drink all my beer. I told you to finish the one you had", he said as he walked over and took my beer away. This was quite different from the way my husband treats me and it felt a little dangerous and excited having this strong black man take charge of me in an unfamiliar environment.

Setting my beer on the counter Mark said "Lets get those clothes off Kelly". I got up and kicked off my shoes as walked sexily over to him. Grabbing me by the back of my head and giving me a quick kiss, he reached for the bottom of my t-shirt. Pulling it up over my head, I could feel my pussy start to tingle as I thought of how nice Marks cock would feel between my legs. Not wanting to stop and think about what I was about to do, I hooked my thumbs in the side of my panties and shorts, pulling them both down at the same time. I felt a slap on the ass, then probing fingers between my legs as another hand fumbled with the clasp of my bra. "Girl you have dressed to impress today baby . . .none of your shit matches", he laughed. "I told you a was doing laundry today . . and I'm down to my holy underwear" I demonstrated by sticking a finger through a small hole in the crotch of my panties and twirling them on my finger. Holding my bra teasingly over my breast, I let it slowly slide down my arms and drop to the floor. Pulling my socks off and tossing them at him one at a time, I finally stood completely naked in front of Mark.

Smiling that "dirty boy" smile he quickly scooped up all my clothes and brought them back into what I assumed might be his bed room. Hearing the door shut securely, Mark came back informing me that I would not be seeing any of my clothes till he was satisfied. I stood there with a hand self-consciously covering my pussy and the other on my stomach, wanting to cover my breast, but not doing so. I was so turned on at how controlling and authoritative Mark was.

Leaning on the armrest of his sofa , Mark looked at me with a smirk on his face as he pulled his own shirt up over his head exposing his beautiful flat stomach and nicely defined chest. "Crawl your naked, married, white ass over here and take my pants down so I can fuck the shit out of you." he ordered.

Shivering inside, I slowly dropped to my knee's, and crawled over to Marks feet. Sitting back on my heels and spreading my knees a little I stared up into his eyes as I rubbed my hand across the front of his bulge. I could feel the heat of his cock radiating through the jeans. Tugging his belt loose, and unsnapping his pants, I was getting so excited knowing that he would soon be using my body for his pleasure.

Things began happening faster after I got his pants down. Mark kicked off his shoes, and had me pull his socks off. He then kneeled down and pushed me over onto my back on the floor and began mauling my breast with his hands and teeth. He sucked, bit and pulled on my nipples, and squeezed them real hard making them start turning purple.

Although in the back of my mind I kept waiting for a knock at the door, no one interrupted us as Mark fucked my pussy raw. We fucked on the floor and with me bent over the back of his sofa, then again in the kitchen when Mark sent me for drinks, but followed me there anyway. He said he couldn't resist the sight of my sexy white ass. We stayed naked as we drank another 2 beers in the kitchen, and he has his fingers in my pussy at least half of the time. I asked if we could go to the his bedroom and use the bed, but he said since he didn't know if I'd ever come back, he didn't know if he wanted me in there.

At one point he was sitting on the sofa and had me crawl over the top of him and lower myself down on to his hard pole. Making me do all the work, he alternated between watching my tits bounce as I fucked myself, to squeezing and pulling on my breast. He was obviously paying attention to my moans and sighs, because as I could feel myself nearing orgasm he suddenly stopped me mid stroke. After a little bit he let me start up again, but as soon as I got near to orgasm, again he pushed me off. I thought I was going to go crazy . .I begged him to please let me fuck him a little more because I was so near to cumming. Rolling over on top of me, Mark pulled my legs up over his shoulders and slowly sank his cock a few inches into my pussy. He didn't start fucking me, but instead held it inside of me and asked me if I loved his cock? I told him, "O God yess". He told me to tell him. I smile and told his that I loved his big, black cock buried in my white, married pussy. He smiled , and sank his cock down until it hit the back of my vagina, and I could feel his balls slap against my ass. He stayed there and began squeezing and kneeding my breasts for a bit before asking me if I planned to come see him again. So close to orgasm I told him that I would if he wanted me too. Mark drew his cock back out and slammed it into me hard, which made me gasp. He said that he didn't like fucking with a bunch of women and if we did this I would need to come over at least once a week to service him. He held my arms at the wrist and pulled me to him, pounding me a few times in rapid succession, and watching as my tits bounced with each thrust. He asked "Will you do that for me?" I was going crazy with the need to cum, so I told him that if he would fuck me good, I would be his to do with as he pleased at least once each week. "Well alright" he said as he began rhythmically pounding my pussy hard. God it felt so good. . I was like "Oh God. . I will do what ever you want. . .Oh yeah. . fuck me with your hard cock . . make me your whore". Crying out, I closed my eyes and arched my back as my orgasm shook my body. Mark, seeing that I had begun cumming started pounding me in a frenzy. I thought he was going to push me through the cushions of his sofa. Finally he gave one hard push and held it as I felt him fill my pussy with his hot cum.

Laying on top of me, he exploring my mouth with his tongue for a few minutes, before pulling his cock out of me and standing up. With his cum mixed with my own juices dripping from the head of his penis, he stepped over me and positioned himself over my chest with it aiming at my mouth. "What do you want me to do with that?" I asked, afraid but knowing what I knew the answer would be. Predictably enough Mark stated, "I expect you to clean this up for your man". Grimacing inwardly, and possibly outwardly as well I opened wide, to which he inserted his gradually deflating cock into my mouth. Although shrinking, it was still large and I sucked as much as I could, swallowing what cum and juices were still there. I pulled an arm free and milked his cock getting another small load right into my mouth, then pulled him out and licked the sides and base to get it clean. Smacking my lips I opened my mouth wide and I told him "All clean my master".

Good to his word Mark gave me my clothes and reminded me about my groceries in his refrigerator. I could feel Marks seed leaking out of my sore pussy for the whole ride home. I stuffed a couple of Burger King napkins down the front of my shorts to keep things from getting too messy. In total I think I was over at Marks house naked and fucking for about 3 hrs, but I made it home in time to get laundry done, put everything away and clean up before my husband got home. . . and that's how I became Marks little, married, white, sex slave.

As I agreed I go over to his house at least once a week. Sometimes twice if he really put the pressure on me and sometimes we skipped a week if my husband was off and it was difficult to meet, but he makes sure that I made up for any lost time.

Next time I'll tell you about the time Mark gave me to his friends son as a 18th birthday present. Thanks for reading :)
© Copyright 2015 Finneas Macabre (finneas at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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