Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2046835-Unnamed-Book-Chapters-1-3
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Sci-fi · #2046835
when a alien like race takes over planet earth Kade has to figure out how to defeat them
}Chapter 1
Today is December 4, 3034. Another night staring off into the dark black empty distance. I don't sleep, I don't dream, I don't think and I most importantly don't move. I lay on my hard cot with black sheets. I wear a white shirt and black jeans just like I do every other day. The same clothes, job, and people. I mine coal and whatever else I am told to get. My skin is constantly covered in dirt or smoke from mining down in the deep caves. We only get to shower once a week. We get fed two glasses of water during the morning and after work. We get a piece of bread to eat and one slice of "meat". My friends and I are sure it's comes from the people they kill, but whose not going to eat meat when it's the only thing on the menu. It looks like the kind of meet that my mom described she used to get from the store when she was a kid, but she's gone and so is my dad. I have no idea where my sister is. All I have left is my two friends Casey and Michael. I have about two years left to live just like Casey and Michael. That's how they group us together and put us into the tents. We live in giant white tents that are probably 50 feet tall. A huge black steel gate with a long bright hallway connects the outside to the tent. The gate shuts every night and opens every morning. There are four parts of the tents. The first part is sector 1, which contains the cots where everyone sleeps. Sector one is in the middle of the tent and connects to the outside by a long hallway. Next is sector two, it is connected to sector 1 by a giant steel gate that shuts at night and here people shower and talk if they have anything to say. Sector three is connected to sector one also by a similar steel gate and in this sector is the dinning hall. Sector 4 is connected to sector one like the rest. This is a mysterious part of the tents. No one has ever gone in sector 4 and came out alive. THEY live here. We don't really know what to call them. I on the other hand am sixteen years and two months old, which means I have one year and ten months left to live. You might be asking yourself why are they dying at the age of eighteen. It all started twenty-five years ago when they came to our planet. They came on June 4th, 3010. We all learn that when we are little. It's part of our history that is past onto the next generation and the next.

}Chapter 2
         When THEY came my mother said it was very unexpected. Although it had been posted all over social media about Aliens and how we were going to be invaded soon. NASA and the government said that we shouldn't worry and they had it all under control, which was a big lie. It was a normal day not special or anything. The war started in Space with them attacking all the satellites and other space crafts. There was no news, TV, radio, and Internet that day. THEY first invaded the USA because we had the biggest and most powerful artillery and firepower. They attacked quick and where undetected until minutes before reaching land. Their vehicles were all a silver metallic color and looked like a gigantic submarine that could fly and levitate with little effort. THEY were quick and agile, but not your typical alien fantasy characterization. THEY weren't slimy with sharp teeth, but almost human like. THEIR skin was a dark green and very hard. They had indentations along their long legs and arms. They also were very tall and skinny. They had a mouth with no teeth and small oval black eyes. They looked like tree trunks. They attacked the major military places like The Pentagon, Fort Hood Texas, Fort Campbell Kentucky, Fort Benning Georgia, St. Louis, Fort Rucker in Alabama, and Fort Linggett in California. They all went under and were completely gone within two hours and the US was left undefended. Any military weapon was reflected and nothing could take down their ships. They were unstoppable. No ally or the UN could help us. THEY came down fast and were killing anyone who fought back. There were huge heaps of dead bodies and everyone was being captured and relocated into areas that were flat so they could watch us easier. Two days after capturing the US the tents and working areas were built. THEY spoke in weird clicking noises in the backs of their throat, but also could speak perfect English. They were very intelligent beings and they could study things and learn them very quickly. You couldn't get away with anything and if you were planning something they soon spotted you out and killed you. The rest of the world was conquered in a matter of time. The US was the world main force of defense and without it the world had no chance. THEY must have been studying earth and the humans for years before coming to the planet. A couple of years ago, all adults over the age of 18 were killed because they were seen as a threat I guess. My mom was taken away from me. Everyone was separated by age at which they were able to tell by injecting us all with a chip into our brain. Parents and children never saw each other again. The adults were all shot with some electric laser type gun THEY must have engineered and then taken up to the sky and then who knows what. They had disintegrated every human structure to make room for whatever THEY had planed. The world went silent and THEY took over, no rebellions had ever formed because THEY were too smart for us. All the technology humans had engineered was gone probably forever. The religion was gone. There was no god to us. If there was one, he or she didn't care what happened to us. People had stopped having hope and praying a year after the invasion. The artists and all their music were never sang or thought of again. It seemed like they knew what we were thinking and going to do... maybe they know the future. If they do then things will never be able to be rebuilt. The human life had no point any more other than working for THEM. They had created a system for us. There were groups of people called the workers, the breeders and caretakers, and the teachers. The workers were taught by the teachers on how to perform jobs they would later take up and do for THEM. The breeder's only job was to repopulate humans. No one ever saw the breeders but only would see children eight years old taken out to begin easy jobs and work up to harder jobs as they got older. To this day we can't figure out what THEY want with all the coal and other minerals we mine every day. It could be what they eat or they need it for their home planet where much more of them live.

}Chapter 3
         A loud horn sounds every morning to signal that everyone get out of bed and wake up even though most people didn't sleep. If they did sleep they had nightmares that would wake them up screaming and others around him or her. I get out of bed and go straight to the cafeteria in Sector three to eat bread and water. A second horn sounds twenty minutes later to signal everyone that they have twenty minutes to report for their duty. Casey, Michael, and I wake up and go to breakfast together and then to work. The sky since They came is a reddish haze. The earth is increasing in trees and dark green grass though. Casey is a teacher and Michael and I are miners. We work and talk with each other every morning. Us three are basically brothers. We don't really know how brothers were back then but we are as close as we can get to that.
         "I miss my mom Kade," said Michael.
         "So do I bud," I replied.
         "What are we going to do," Michael asked.
         "What do you mean Mike."
         "We aren't just going to let them kill us."
         "No of course not. I'm thinking of a plan."
         "Good because it is kind of scary thinking about dying in less than two years."
         We were at our job and went to receive our job duty from one of Them.
         "Michael and Kade you guys are mining coal in area 13 today," one of them said out loud. We walked to the cave. Area 13 was really deep down in the cave. It was a good ten-minute walk to our area. There were guards watching us and circular black drones flying around picking up our materials constantly. Michael and I walked with a couple other people down to our area. We got down to our area and we started our job. Michael and I always work together to make sure we get enough so the drones or guards don't get angry. If you stop mining or don't mine enough they don't feed you that day and put you in a cellar. People who go into a cellar do not come out the same. A guy named Seth worked near us was in a cellar and has never said a word after coming out.
         "Hey you guys." I hear whispered to my left. I look and a guy and girl motion us to come closer to them.
         "You guys know where your chips are in your head." He said to me. Right now I am thinking yes I know where it is, but what does he want with it.
"Aren't they just for tracking us," I ask the guy.
"No," He replies, "They want you to think that but they actually can read your thoughts. Every day you go back to the dorms they upload all the information. I can cut yours out. We have a plan to escape and if they can't read your mind then they won't know." This guy was crazy but if it's true then we have to get them out since he just told us. Mike and I could die if they read what we just heard.
"Okay. Mine is right behind my ear," I say.
"Mine is in the back of my head," Michael tells the guy.
"Okay. In about ten seconds that guard is going to go talk to the guard in area 12 and then we have to do it quickly," He says, "by the way my name is Nico." The guard walks away and we run over and the guy grabs a knife out of his pockets and slits into my skins and he grabs the chip and smashes it and does the same to Michael.
"Cover that bleeding and make sure they don't see it," Nico says," if they see it they will get suspicious." The guard comes back and he yells at us to get back to work. We hurry back over to our spot and the drone comes by and picks up our ore. The horn for the end of the work day blows and we walk back up.
"Okay. Meet me by my bed when all the guards go into the room okay? They can't hear us because we disabled the cameras by us." Nico tells us.
"Okay. We will, but you got to tell us what you are up to. How do we know this isn't some trap set up by Them," I say.
"We have a way out of the camp. I heard there is an underground military camp somewhere north of us. If we can get out we can get there and get out of here." Nico says. This is the most mysterious news Michael and I had ever heard. We get back to the dorms and the gates shut. I hop into my own bed and lookover to Michael's bed that is right next to mine. The guards leave to go into their room and that gate shuts. I go over and hop into Michael's bed. We sometimes sleep in the same bed since we were eight years old. It's a thing we just are used to. We talk all night or just stare into space.
"So." I say.
"So.. what?" Michael asks.
"Do you think this guy is crazy?"
"Well I don't have that weird chip in my head anymore so... yea I do."
"Hah. Yea. I think he might be really smart. What was his name again?"
"Nico I think. How do you think he plans on getting out of here?" Mike asks.
"I have no idea. Lets go to his bed which I have no idea where it is." I see I light flashing at me from a distance.
         "Let's go see what that is. It is probably Nico." I tell him. Mike and I crawl on the floor towards the light. We creep closer and closer to where the light was and we get to the bed and Nico is on it. He hops onto the ground with us.
         "Look under my bed," he wispers. I see a metal plate placed over what looks like a hole.
         "You expect us to go in that!" Michael says loudly.
         "SHH! Don't wake the others. Yes. I dug it to go out of the tent. I got into a little bit of a jam though..." Nico says. Then an alarm was going off and red lights were flashing on the walls. Michael and I ran scared for our lives back to his bed and hoped into it quickly.
         "What do you think is happening?" Michael says scared and shaking.
         "I don't know but lets hope it's not about us.." There were three guards and they quickly yelled for everyone to be in his or her beds. The guards walked over to Nico's bed, which Nico wasn't in. They lifted the bed and the metal covering wasn't over the hole anymore.
         "GET HIM!" Yelled the taller guard. Drones flew over to the hole and went into it. Everyone heard high-pitched screaming and then it went silent. The drones dragged a limp and lifeless body out of the hole. The body looked fried. The drones must have shocked him to death.
         Michael leans over whispers to me, "Now how are we going to get out of this place."
         "I do not know bud. I will figure something out. Okay? Don't worry?" I said nervously. I had no idea what I was going to do. Michael and I decided that we needed to sleep this off. We needed to move on and focus on what's our next move. The only thing I was thinking about was maybe it was time we go inside of Sector 4.

© Copyright 2015 Zach K. R. (walkthemoon at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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