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Rated: E · Column · Activity · #2046524
One can learn a lot just taking a walk. Entry for the ~Monthly Calendar Contest~

I was walking through the woods one misty afternoon, and stopped to take a look around me. I mean really, look at the wondrous eye feast that nature has to offer. Soon, I forgot the dampness and concentrated on a dragonfly resting upon a tiny branch. Its budding leaves were perspiring droplets left behind from the earlier rain shower.

I don’t know how I managed to do this without frightening it away, but I moved ever so close to where it sat, and it didn’t fly off. Its wings were outstretched sporting a most unusual pattern -- well for me at least, as I have never seen this particular type of dragonfly before. I managed to get a quick click of the camera out, but only at the precise moment it had already departed.

I felt a little conflicted emotionally. I saw its beauty and could hold on to that memory forever. Yet, if I tried to describe it to people, they would not have that vivid memory to rely upon. Would the image in their mind’s-eye have the same impact just from my verbal description? Impossible, I surmised. Nothing but the actual sight of this spectacular creature could color in such a perfect snapshot.

I finished my walk about an hour later. The sun had broken through by then, glinting off the trees and catching the misty leaves, making them appear bejeweled by the hand above. It filled my heart with joy and uplifted my spirit magnificently. Nature does have a way of doing that. It can rejuvenate body, mind and soul.

Walking back from the woods and into the village where I live, I burned the image of its patterned wings and light blue body, in my mind, trying desperately not to forget it. I believe it had a special message for me. I know we all have spiritual guides that cross our paths throughout our lifetime, whether we notice them or not. Recently, I was worried about getting a list of things done in the house that needed repair, especially after the particularly harsh winter. When I saw that gorgeous creature for only a brief minute or two, it seemed as though all those worries vanished. The dragonfly with its delicate wings and powerful flight couldn’t help but give me a peaceful feeling and at the same time renewing my strength so I could handle each project one at a time, and without stressing over it.

Then it finally dawned on me, that was it! That was the message this little totem delivered to me. We all know this of course, worrying over things that cannot be changed is a useless waste of time and wreaks havoc on our attitudes and health. It is far better to face the problems needing addressing, and then take them on one day at a time, one moment at a time.

As I look back to that day, I realize that several projects have already been completed. I feel a sense of accomplishment in all the hard work done. It was the direct result of getting back to nature and spending one afternoon walking in the woods, although that would not be my only afternoon spent there.

Since then, I've thanked God many times for nudging me into those woods on that particular day, and removing the shadows that clogged my mind and paralyzed my resolve.

Today was a good day to rest. I sat out on my rocking chair on the front porch, watching in amazement how beautiful the front garden on the walkway looked. Spring had worked its magic and the flowers were blooming vibrantly. I kept my camera in hand, snapping pictures of the birds and blooms all around. A moment later, I had an unexpected guest. I looked down at the granite slab on my walkway, just a couple feet away from me was that very same patterned dragonfly.

This time I snapped its picture.

beautiful dragonfly

WC 648
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