Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2046479-Walking-Through-The-Woods
Rated: E · Short Story · Nature · #2046479
Entry for Sunny's Monthly Calendar Contest - June - 524 words
Walking Through The Woods

I stand at the edge of the woods, anticipation fluttering in my stomach. This is one of my favourite places to go. It feels special the moment I climb over the old wooden gate.

Even though it is simmering June outside, as soon as the trees cover me, the atmosphere becomes cooler, damper, less oppressive. It’s like the opposite of a sauna.

Twigs crunch as I step further inside. The air is musty, it smells of soil and growth. I feel a shiver run delicately up and down my spine. I think it’s because I never feel quite alone when I am here. These woods are home to deer, foxes, badgers, rabbits and all manner of creepy crawlies.

When I stand still and listen carefully, I feel many tiny eyes on me, weighing up whether or not I am a threat. The trees are rustling high up in their crowns, whispering coded messages to one another. My friend Jon says he can decipher their magical words. It depends on the direction the wind is blowing. East, for example is a happy direction, but north just makes them cross.

As I walk on, my face is assaulted by a sticky spider’s web. I recoil as I imagine being cocooned by the silky strands and coming face to face with a giant, hungry spider. My spine shivers once more at the thought and I keep walking.

It is not long before I come to my favourite trees; the tall, gentleman oaks. It is summer at the moment, so their leaves are vibrant greens. It was a different landscape when we walked here on my birthday, last October. The leaves were an array of autumnal hues; oranges, browns, reds. The woodland floor was littered with those that had fallen and they rustled from below, rather than above.

I sit in my favourite spot, underneath the oldest oak. I lean against its rough trunk and scan my surroundings. I hear the whoosh of wings from up above the trees, then the familiar cry of a hawk who has just missed out on dinner. I look up and see the brown, black and gold of the buzzard.

Tranquility fills my senses as I sit, watching and listening. I hope I will see an animal, maybe a red deer, or a monk jack. It is such an honour to be graced with their presence.

I lose track of time, although I know I have been still for a while. The sun has moved a little further west and is poking though a hole in the regal canopy. My head feels hot and I decide to make my way back to the gate.

As I climb back outside, it strikes me how contrasting these two worlds are. The peaceful retreat within the trees envelops you, leaves you protected and connected. Once back in civilisation, life is hot and stuffy and full of noise and bustle. It sometimes feels like your brain is frying with so much information.

I am glad for my walk through the woods today. My mind is clear and my body relaxed. I think I’ll come again tomorrow.

524 words
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