Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2046189-Splt---Chpt-4
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Relationship · #2046189
I couldn't move, My body, my mind had no idea how to react to what had just happened to me
Chapter four

The sound of the bushes rustling broke the silence I was enjoying and my heart began to pound. This place I was at, Donte hadn't clarified if he was the only one who knew about it or not. Whoever or whatever was going to come out of those bushes was a complete surprise.

"Somehow I thought I'd find you here." A familiar voice called through the leaves. The sound soothed me at first, but the butterflies in my stomach had me uneasy.

"I went to your house, you know. Your mom said you ran off." Donte emerged from the bushes. His attitude was bitter and his words sounded as though he was stabbing me with them. "She said you had a guy in there. A blonde guy. Do you care to tell me what's going on?"

Donte was basically snarling at me while he stood there speaking to me. The feeling I was getting, it was the same feeling I had when Donte held me down. Who is this Donte I'm looking at? Is this what he meant by head issues?

"I thought I told you I wouldn't let anyone else have you!" His crimson eyes pierced right through me as he slowly approached where I was sitting. Something about his smile made me long for his touch as it too grew closer. My body trembled with excitement. I've loved this man for so long, but today he seems different.

"I'm going to have to teach you a lesson." Donte's words where spiteful.

He grabbed my wrist, pulling me to my feetI, just to be thrown back down again. The pain searing through my body from the ground hitting my back left me unable to move. Weight pressed down on my body as Donte laid on top of me. Brushing the hair out of my face, he leaned closer and closer to my face. My body once again became uncontrollable, but this time due to sheer force. I longed for Donte to hold me down like this, but not this angry hate-filled Donte. The events from a few weeks ago popped into mind as he stared down upon me. What did his other half intend to do with me?

"Someone as fragile as you," he chuckled while looking down upon me, "it's almost a shame."

Donte planted his lips firmly onto mine. My body completely opened itself up to his touch. The pain I had felt was completely blocked out by euphoria. But as fast as it had happened, it had ended. Donte broke his lips from mine allowing himself to hover above me.

Something about him changed all of a sudden, I didn't feel scared. All of a sudden he was choked up. His body began to quiver. Right before it seemed like it would give out he looked up at me. His eyes were no longer the angry eyes that caused me pain. They were the eyes that I longed to look at me the way I looked at them.

"I'm sorry." A single tear rolled onto my cheek from his as he pushed himself off of me, running into the bushes.

"Donte!" I reached out for him but my words where ignored.

My body was now broken in two ways, physically and mentally. I laid in the spot he left me in. The sun started to set. Eventually I got my legs to work so I could make it home before it got too dark. Alone again, I thought about more things than I ever had in one walk. The events of the last few days had me overwhelmed. Donte's personality disorder, This Kagura guy who is frankly really creepy and my mother’s overall secretiveness lately. Once home, I went straight to bed, I didn’t think I could handle any more human interaction, even if it is just my mother. My bed felt like a cloud, sleep [claimed me quickly].

The sound of barking broke through my dreams and awoke me from my slumber.

"Ugh, Tobi." I groaned, rubbing my face.

Grabbing my house coat, I made my way over to my mother's room. I didn't sleep much due to the events yesterday and I realized I didn't take any time out to ask her why she let him up into my room. Her door was closed which was rather strange, by now she's usually up and folding laundry in here.

"Mom? Are you awake?" I called in, knocking on her door.

I waited a few moments but got no reply. Worried and slightly curious, I slowly turned the knob in preparation of opening her door. I mean I didn't want to open it too fast and have it make noise? Wouldn't want to wake her up. My mother was nowhere in sight. I scratched my head, making my way downstairs. It really is odd that she's not around. But I suppose it's not all too often I get the house to myself. I decided to invite Evie over. I hadn't the slightest idea how long I was going to be alone for. So might as well make sure I'm not actually alone.

It wasn't long before Evie was here, she brought over a few movies and a bag of chips. I was rather surprised actually, usually when I tell her my mom’s gone, she tries to convince me to throw a party. Or as she likes to call them, "social gatherings.”

"Hey, beautiful!" Evie threw the movies on the couch, making her way past me into the kitchen. "Did your mom leave you anything good to eat? Mine’s out of town, too."

"I'm not sure, I've yet to look actually." I murmured.

Evie took it upon herself to go through my kitchen, pulling open anything that looked like it may contain food. The concoction she put together was definitely not something you would ever see in a restaurant. Evie threw in one of the movies she brought with her and plopped onto the couch.

"Narnia?!" She threw a fist into the air with excitement as the opening credits came on. Sometimes I wondered myself what the world in my closet would be. Perhaps there would be unicorns? Who knows.

Evie patted the couch inviting me to watch with her.

"So, I heard you had a little date the other day?" She ruffled my hair around. "I can't believe you didn't mention anything to me."

"I'd hardly call it a date." I spat, fixing my hair. She knows I can't stand having my personal life invaded. But to mess with my hair while she does it?

"Well, whatever you call it, how did it go?" Evie's eyes grew big as she waited for the answer to her question.

"It went fine," I whispered. Looking down at my feet, I couldn't help but think about Donte's crumbling mental state. One minute he's a loving, caring individual, the next he's an abusive jerk who basically tries to rape me and to top it off the Donte I'm mad at is never around for me to let him have it.

"Matsu, when are you ever going to get serious?" She playfully shoved me, laughing. Evie got a rise out of how shy I was sometimes. It was quite annoying to have it pointed out all the time. After a few movies and relentless prying, Evie eventually went home. I decided to tidy up a bit since my mother still hadn't decided to grace me with her presence. The place was rather easy to do, though, it's not like it was much of a mess to begin with.

Lying in my bed, I played with Tobi's ears. I was thinking of Kagura. As persistently creepy as he was, I couldn't get his eyes out of my head no matter how much I tried. I tried to remember as much as possible about him and my old town. But let's face it, how much are you really going to remember between the ages of two and five. Nothing of significance ever came to mind. Just simple things. I couldn't help but wonder if he remembered something I didn't and how important is this thing?

The next day was a busy one, I was on my way to the Higarashi Aquarium to study the marine life for a school project. We are supposed to pick a marine creature and make up a slide show of information about it. I have yet to pick. Usually I was pretty ahead of my classes. But my mind was starting to slack off with the lack of sleep I've been having. I explored for a while until I came across the Gourami's. These fish were so beautiful. Blue and gold danced around the tank as these fish swam throughout it. Mesmerized, I sat on the bench beside it and watched for the remainder of our time at the aquarium. I took the bus home today. It was miserable outside and I have yet to get a new umbrella. I didn't really feel like getting soaked and adding to the misery of my day. The bus came to a stop about a block from my house. I noticed the lights were on as I got closer. My feet moved a little faster with the thought of my mother being home. She really had me worried. Not once has she ever gone out without telling me where she was going. Let alone the whole night.

"Mom?" I yelled into the house as I flung the door open. "Is that you?"

A uneasy feeling took over my body once again as I began to enter my house. I stalked around for a moment downstairs until I reached the bottom of the stairway.

"Hello?" I hollered up.

Slowly I forced my foot to make its first step toward the upper floor, then the next one until I made it to the top. Quickly I skimmed the rooms. Nothing, not one thing out of place. Relieved, I leaned up against the wall, wiping my forehead.

"When is she going to get home?" I asked myself making my way into my bedroom. I flopped onto my bed, smashing my face into the mattress.

"Hello Matsu." Kagura's voice muttered behind my ear as weight crashed onto my body.

My heart stopped, fear set in quickly. I couldn't move, I couldn't say anything with my face being held into my mattress. I squirmed a little, hoping my body would find the strength to push him off of me.

"Now, I was a little hurt that you would run off on me like that yesterday." His voice grew seductive as he leaned in closer to my ear. Anyone else would seriously punish you over that."

He ran his fingers up my body as he spoke, my body quivered as it rejected his touch. My mind went only to one thought; Donte! Why couldn't he bust through the walls or something?

"You really have no idea?" Kagura laughed, pulling my hair, lifting my face from the mattress. "Your mother didn't bother to remind you every once in a while!" His eyes were stabbing me, his words were bitter.

"You're mine, Matsu." He licked his lips, flipping me onto my back. His weight on my chest made it hard to breath.

"Kagura!" I gasped. "What're you…. ?" Before I could finish my sentence, hands had invaded my jeans and were wandering around my lady parts. I tried to fight off my attacker, but was overwhelmed.

"You need to be quiet!" Kagura bore his teeth at me while driving his forearm into my mouth. Tears formed as my innocence was being tarnished. His hand wandered all over the place, touching places I hadn't even touched myself.

"Matsu! I'm home!" My mothers voice broke though the nightmare, Kagura moaned removing his hand from my pants.

"We will finish this." He whispered into my ear before he pushed himself off me, sneaking out the window.

I couldn't move, My body, my mind had no idea how to react to what had just happened to me. Do I go running down stairs to my mother? Or do I keep this bottled inside? I clenched my chest, wiping the tears from my eyes, looking at myself in the mirror. I cleaned up.

Mother had already started to make food in the time it took me to put myself back together. I sat at the table, looking over at her. It was everything I could do not to break down and cry at her feet. But, in all honesty, I don't know if I want to tell anyone.

"Sorry I didn't tell you I was going out last night dear." She spoke over her shoulder, "I ran into some old friends of mine and I couldn't help but go over, one thing lead to another." She laughed.

My mother seemed more pleasant than usual. Could these old friends be some of her friends she had when dad was alive? Once supper was finished, she sat with me and ate. For the most part the rest of the night was normal, calm. My mother made cookies and we watched some movies. I was getting rather tired, so I decided to take a bath and call it a night. I gazed upon myself while I blow dried my hair, the face I saw looking back at me, I was no longer satisfied with. The reflection I have always seen was tarnished with hate. As tired as I was I almost couldn't sleep a wink that night. Why would Kagura do something like that? What has mother not been reminding me of?

"Tobi, I'm glad you wont hurt me." I ruffled his head one last time, before I gave into my tossing and turning.

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