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Rated: E · Non-fiction · Romance/Love · #2045988
A man's wife cheats on him and is caught. Now he is alone.
I sit here in this room all alone wanting, no longing for the phone to ring. I'm waiting for the call to say you're on your way home. Finally, the phone rings and I sigh with relief.
'You'll be home soon', you say, 'you were just out with the girls and lost track of time.'
The rain begins to fall as I listen to your lies. If only your friends hadn't just called asking where you were. But, of course, how could you know that.. you were busy with him. If only you stayed true, if only you weren't you. As I hang up the phone I head to our (my) room. I will pack your things so they will be ready for the morning.
It's twelve passed two when your headlights appear in the window. I sit in my chair, in darkness, until the door swings gently open. I don't turn on the lights. Instead I simply speak in a calm, but stern voice. 'You've been unfaithful. I don't why, with whom, or for how long, but I know it to be true.'
'Where am I supposed to go?' you ask frantically while your eyes leak tears. They fall from your once beautiful face and when I see the sad look now bestowed upon your face I almost cease to speak any further. When our eyes meet one last time, I want to love; I want to forgive and forget. Yet, I hold to my wits and explain the future of us.
'You will sleep on the couch for tonight. In the morning, after you've arranged somewhere to stay, I'll gladly help you move your things.' I turn to leave for my bedroom, but you grab my arm.
You plea for me to reconsider, plea for a second chance. I kindly decline and inform you that my decision is final. I continue on to my bedroom as before, shutting the door behind me. I never thought it would come to this, but even a psychic can be fooled.
I fall asleep to the increasing sound of your sobbing. I don't remember my dreams by morning yet I know they were grand. I awaken with a smile on my face and a new life feeling.
'Would you like some breakfast?' I ask.
Your answer is only a groggy mumble, but I know it to be a yes. I make one final meal for the two of us while you shower and get dressed. We eat together as a normal couple would and laugh as we share wonderful memories of our lives with each other.
'Why?' I inquire just before I clear the table.
'I guess I just wanted a change...'
I scoff, 'I hope you understand that I never wish to see you again.'
You nodded hesitantly and called your friends. (The ones you said you were with last night) 'I have a place to stay, but I can't move it all today. I'll have to get a storage unit and move it there.'
'I understand. I'll finish packing the rest of your things later today so they'll be ready.' I jump in the shower as you wander around the house grabbing what you need.
Upon my return, you are nowhere to be found. I was taken aback a little, although part of me felt relieved. I didn't want to say goodbye, not really. I'm not sure I would have been able to do it had you not left when you did. You left a note on the kitchen table for me. I read it...
I'm sorry, but that should go without saying. I don't regret what I did. I do regret how I did it and I terribly regret how you found out. You don't have to worry about my stuff. Just sell or donate it or whatever appeases you. I've left the ring on our (your) dresser. You'll never see or hear from me again, as requested. I simply wish you happiness in the future and that you find someone who deserves the love you gave me. Love.
and I realize, I'm alone once more.
© Copyright 2015 Gene Fredderick (carlbarton at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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