Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2045983-Split---Chpt-1
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Adult · #2045983
His crimson eyes pierced right through me, as he slowly approached where I was sitting.

Terri Cleveland

Chapter one

His crimson eyes pierced right through me, as he slowly approached where I was sitting. Something about his smell made me long for his touch as it too grew closer. My body trembled with excitement. The moment I have been waiting for; at last.

Awaken from my dreams by wet dog kisses, I stretched. Feeling uneasy.

""That same dream again." I scuffed Tobi's ears, wiping my forehead with my other hand. For the last few months I've been having strange dreams and even stranger things happening. My eighteenth birthday, something that I dreamt of for years had finally arrived. Quickly hurrying about my morning routine, I made my way down to the dining room

"Morning babe!" My mother called out as I sat at the counter. She was a cheerful person. The kind of person who could see right down to every last inch of your soul and find the good in it. "I made your favorite! Happy birthday Matsu!"

In front of me now lingered the smell of bacon wrapped hot dogs,not something you would consider part of a balanced diet, but today is my day and I'll be dammed if I won't splurge a little. I munched my breakfast rather quickly in anticipation for the day ahead of me.

""Any big plans?" My mother looked over her shoulder at me while doing dishes.

""Um, I think I'm going out with Evie at some point." Scratching my head I slurred my words slightly. Trying to prolong till she lost interest. "Nothing interesting, I think were going back to her place to watch some movies."

"Oh; we'll have fun." She seemed almost disappointed in my lack of plans, but as you would guess she was quite un pleased under her mask

I ran out the door and started my journey towards "prison". It was a beautiful day my pace changed, I was early so I decided to enjoy the weather before I was locked up for eight hours. Again the strange feeling started that I woke up with, the same thing every time. Butterfly's in my stomach, dizziness and major anxiety.

""Hello Matsu." A deep voice crept up behind me. I shivered, but was relieved when I turned around.

"Oh, Hi, Donte." I smiled, wrapping my arms around the tall brunette who had snuck up behind me. Donte is my best friend. He's been in my life for as long as I can remember, he's our school council leader, head of the volleyball team and overall a really great guy.

"Erm, do you think I could borrow your notes from last night?" I pouted, batting my eyelashes at him.

"I don't see why not, what class do you need?" His Crimson eyes looked down upon me as his perfect jaw line was outlined by the sun. Distracted by his looks I wandered off mentally.

"Matsu?.." Uh, Matsu?" My eyes flickered as Donte waved his hand in front of my face. "What class do you need?"

"Oh!" I flailed around in embarrassment. My face grew hot once I noticed how close he was to mine. "Just math."

He started to dig around in his nap sack, flipping it over pouring out its contents.

"You would think you would be more organized!" I poked him, giggling.

"Yes, well with all of these extra activities I don't have much time to organize my belongings." Dante looked up at me smiling while passing me a few pieces of paper. "Here, if you don't get an A I'll let you draw a penis on my locker or something."

My first two blocks where art, I'm already super far ahead so I'll take this time to copy Dante's notes. Most of the time I was staring off into space, but two hours to copy three pages of work should be a breeze.

At the end of the day, I found my way back onto the same path I had started on this morning. The smell of fresh cut grass filled the spring air. I day dreamed while I strolled to myself. It seemed like I have been alone a lot lately.But hopefully that changes tonight! My best friend Evie has a small party awaiting me for my birthday, and quite frankly I'm super pumped. This girl is going to let loose!

Once home, I ran up to my room, I usually would come right home and pig out, but I have to find the right thing to wear and then make it to Evie's place to finish up. All without my mom knowing. I know what you're thinking, eighteen and still worried about what mommy thinks. Ha. My mom is a very fragile individual, My father died from brain cancer when I was two, for some reason she never tried to have a normal, social life, instead her mom instincts kicked into overdrive and she spent all of her time protecting and watching over me. There has never been a time I've lied to my mother, but I know that she would be worried about me getting hurt or something, so what she doesn't know can't kill her.Yeah I feel bad for it in a way but one times no big deal; right?

I threw a shirt and a nice tank top into my bag, I couldn't decide on flats or heels so that's going to be Evie's choice. I sat my things next to the door, I crept through the house looking for my mother. As always she was in the kitchen doing Sudoku puzzles, drinking tea from her giant cup.

"Hey mom, do you need anything? I'm going to be leaving here in a few minutes." I walked up behind her giving her a small hug. Looking over her shoulder at the puzzle laying on the table.

"No, you go have fun sweetie." She wrapped one of her arms around my shoulder, rubbing it abit as she took a sip of her tea with the other. "You have fun."

"I'll try." I giggled moseying over to the fridge. I pulled out a few bottles of orange juice, hugged my mother once more then made my way out.

"I'm glad it's such a nice night." I smiled, taking a slug of juice.

"MATSU!!!" A piercing female voice broke through the noise coming from the house in front of me. "Happy birthday!" Evie ran through a group of people towards me. She was one of those super bubbly, over energetic people. The thought alone that you could hear her over a whole party is enough of a explanation.

"Evie." I threw my arm around her shoulder, pulling her in for a hug, "You said small gathering. This looks like way more than a small gathering,"

My anxiety kicked in as we walked through the fence. The amount of people here, people I actually had no idea who they were. Had me beyond freaked. Inside was no better if not worse. Everywhere you looked people. This was a disaster I showed up in sweat pants and a pony tail. But any friend killing will have to wait my first priority is getting to Evie's room to do a ten second tidy on myself.First things first, cloths. I threw on my little black shirt, I brought along one of my Aqua silk shirts. These colors on their own complement each other, but together they complement my red hair perfectly, I sat In front of the mirror and curled my hair.My makeup was simple, a little eyeliner and lip gloss. Liking myself over one last time I sighed, turning to the door, slipping the heels on and making my way back out of the jungle of people.

"Look at you! All grown up I see." I looked over to where the voice had come from, there stood a rather tall blonde man, his eyes were such a bright blue I almost forgot to answer him while getting lost in them.

"You think so?" I looked down at myself, blushing over my numbness of the brain. " I don't feel grown up at all."

"Oh no?" He chuckled. There was a long pause before he spoke again.

"You don't remember me do you? Your body language says it all."

He leaned up against the wall, looking at me like a piece of meat. His eyes, the eyes that no more than a minute ago had me lost made me feel vulnerable. Running his hand through his hair, pulling it out of his face.

"Uh," I started to think."No, actually."

Who was this man. He was obviously enraged by my lack of knowing who he was. I continued to think about it, when a hand grasped onto my shoulder tightly. The pain from this unexpected assault brought me right out of my thoughts.

"How can you not remember me?" His face boiled with anger. At any moment I expected fists to start flying.

"Get off of her!" A familiar voice called out as the hand suddenly and violently was torn off of my shoulder. "Look buddy, I don't know what swine brought you up. But keep your hands off of a women."

Donte held the hand that was once causing me pain. The man who had just had a hold of me was now being held in place simply by a twist of the wrist.

"Leave." Donte's voice changed as his calm demeanor vanished along side of it. He let go of the man's wrist and he quickly vanished out of the house.

"Now then, let's enjoy the rest of the night!" He turned to me while smiling, holding a hand out." It's your birthday after all, come-on lets get you a drink."

Lead down to the kitchen, I couldn't think of the party around me just the beautiful creature's hand I was holding onto.

"Here we are." Donte passed me a few different bottles. "I assume you brought your mix? There is no juice here." He chuckled, back to his usual bubbly self.

"Duh! Who do you think you're talking to?" I poured my drink, taking a drink of it instantly to avoid awkward conversation. You see, this is one of those secret crush on your best friend type of ordeals. It seems like the more I like Donte the less we talk. I can't help but feeling like I'll say the wrong thing. I let out a gasp as I took the last chunk of my drink.

"Geeze,girl." He laughed "I hope you don't drink all of them like that tonight or you're going to be in trouble."

"Oh?" I turned my head while pouring another one. Raising an eyebrow I winked and walked out with my drink to look for Evie. After all, she probably thinks I'm still getting ready. I looked around the house for a while it seemed. Until I found her in the back yard, apparently it's a fad to have garage parties so a large chunk of the people migrated out here. There was a pool, so that's a plus.

"There you are!" She hollered over to me. "Get in here." Evie had herself draped over two different men. She was how should I say it; a whore. But nevertheless I loved her. I couldn't help but feel insignificant though in her presence, she was the perfect women looks wise. Platinum blonde hair, big perky breasts, a super toned, tanned body and big green eyes. She was the classic supermodel. But hands up for the fact she's not a back stabbing, lying whore. Just a I'll sleep with any single man whore.

"How do you like the party so far? See anyone you like yet? She winked at me. Sipping on her drink.

I wasn't sure what it was, probably strong though.

"Uhm, no, not really." I took some more anti conversation mouthfuls. Feeling a little claustrophobic.

"Common! With all these hotties around here!" She roared "You think She's cute?" She asked the one of the men she had under her.

"Yeah,sure." He smiled at me " Super cute."

I sort of felt disgusted that my friend would think I need a man so badly to be happy, but on the other side of the coin at least she cares. The night went on and as anyone would guess I got myself quite the buzz on. I couldn't help but keep a slight eye on Donte any time he would pass by. Flustered by my emotions I avoided him and any other man for the night. Apparently I was wrong and my streak of solitude would not be broken by one mere party. The next morning came all too quickly it seemed. For some reason, if you drink the amount of sleep doesn't always decide if you feel good or not when you wake back up. The migraine I had defiantly deserved an award and possibly a kick in the but. Like why couldn't I of been born with that thing where I can't feel any pain. The Torture the human body is put through throughout ones life, unimaginable. I sat around most of the day loafing in my pain watching Disney movies. Advil was no help. Sleep wasn't going to happen.

"I'm never going to party again!" I groaned. Sitting In front of my window. The breeze felt nice. Looking up to the stars I thought about my life. I kept reliving the crazy things that have been happening to me.

"Matsu, I won't let anyone else have you." Cold eyes looked down upon me. The split personality, I didn't know Donte had held me against the floor.

"D-Donte?" I stuttered.

His body against mine made me shiver, but not from fear. For a long time I have longed for his body to be so close to mine. He hovered over me starring in what seemed like forever. I looked into his eyes, the anger I saw within them was something I've never seen in these eyes before. Slowly the anger faded from those eyes and then returned to their sad self.

"Um, Matsu..Why are you under me?" He looked confused, while slowly asking his question.

It was then that I realized Donte's secret.

I stretched, looking out at the world around me, the Stars twinkled in a way that you would think they were dancing a crossed the night sky. This feeling I had deep in my chest, I hadn't felt anything like this before and who was that man last night at the party? That is something I will clearly have to look into. I flopped back onto my bed letting out a sigh, staring at the posters on my walls. Tobi was here, so I didn't feel all too lonely. I cuddled my baby for a while till I fell back to sleep.

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