Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2045559-The-Bright-Side
Rated: 18+ · Novella · Dark · #2045559
When everything seems to go wrong can anyone ever find the bright side?
Preface: Mika was an only child, due to her parents elderly age she was considered a miracle. Her father had been an accomplished surgeon and upon her parents death she received a substantial inheritance. At only nineteen Mika was the youngest billionaire in Willow Creek. Mika had been away for some time now, and that time had given her more perspective on life in general. She decided, at the age of 23, it was about time to start hers.

Mika tapped away on her computer while listening to her favorite music. "Finally!" She exclaimed, waking the sleeping cat on her desk. "The blog is finished and the advertisements are out! Finally get to start my photography business. Things are gonna get better for us, isn't that right, Corso?" She nuzzled the black cat. Corso mewed and purred. Her computer dinged twice. "Oh, messages already." As the week carried on Mika received even more messages and booked several photo-shoots. She finally felt like sh was accomplishing something.

One day Mika was sitting at her desk editing a recent photo-shoot when her phone rang. She didn't recognize the number. Thinking it might be a new client she answered.
"Hello, This is Mika Wade."
"Hey Mika.. It's Kitty."
"Kitty!?! Oh my god, how have you been?"
"Good, been thinking about you a lot lately. Found an old photo album of us. You still living in willow creek?"
"Yup. Same old town, same old people. Are you in town?"
"Sadly, no. I'm actually living in Newcrest now, working at the hospital. Living with some crazy roommates, you would like them. You, uh, you should move up here, if nothing is holding you down there."
"I think I heard about Newcrest somewhere. Bunch of new housing developments going up or something. I probably shouldn't move right now. I just started up a photography business and it's going really well."
"Well, at least come visit me.... please!"
"Okay, okay. I'll come visit you soon."
Mika hung up the phone. She couldn't believe she had just talked to Kitty. Kitty was her BFF in high school. They were inseparable. Nothing could pull them apart. Then harsh reality struck. High school was coming to an end and Kitty decided to go to a fancy Uni to study medicine. Mika, having recently lost her parents, was only interested in partying, having fun, and drowning her feelings in alcohol. She was unsuccessful in convincing Kitty to stay. Before Kitty left, though, she told Mika how she felt. She had been in love with her for the past couple years now and had been too scared to say anything. Mika had felt the same way, and now it was too late to act on the feelings they had for each other. With their first and last kiss, they parted ways. With Kitty away at Uni their friendship began to slowly fall away. It went from frequent video calls, to occasional phone calls, till it was nothing.
The recent phone call from Kitty had Mika feeling things she hadn't felt for a long time. She knew she had to at least visit Kitty and see where it took her.

Kitty stared at her phone in silence. I shouldn't have called her, she thought. I don't know why I even did. If only I hadn't found that photo album of us, if only I hadn't seen her face. A hand on her shoulder her broke her concentration.
"You coming to bed, Kitty-cat?"
She looked up at the handsome face and nodded, "In a minute." She sighed. He kissed her cheek and retreated to her room. Kitty put her head in her hands. How was she going to explain Damien to Mika. She had loved Mika a long time ago, surely Mika didn't still have the same feelings she had. She was with Damien now, she couldn't think about Mika like that. But Damien didn't give her butterflies the way Mika always had. She walked down to her room trying to shake off her thoughts and put them out of her head. Damien was already asleep. She plugged her phone in and threw her clothes off before sneaking into bed next to her boyfriend and falling asleep.

Mika zipped up her last suitcase. Corso mewed and jumped on top of it, "Think five suitcases are too many?" Corso mewed and gave Mika a sad look. "I know, baby." She picked up the purring cat. "I'll only be gone for a little bit. Besides, you love Lois, remember?" Just then Lois walked in. "Hey Mika!"
"Hey girl." She handed Lois Corso. "Make yourself at home and take good care of my baby. I'll give you a heads up when I'm on my way back. Should only be gone for about a week tops."
"Sounds good!" Lois cuddled Corso, "We will have lots of fun!"
Mika smiled and pulled her phone out to text Kitty.
-OMW soon!! Can't wait to see you! *Heart*-
She heard a horn honk outside and dropped her phone in her purse. "Cab is here!" She called out. "Bye Lois! Bye Corso!" And just like that she was off to see her old friend.
Mika had finally reached the train station. After purchasing her ticket and checking in her luggage, she grabbed her carry on and took a seat at one of the many benches.
"Mind if I sit here?"
Mika jumped, "Gees, you scared me."
"So sorry." The man smiled.
Mika narrowed her eyes at him. "That's fine, you can sit."
The attractive man took a seat beside Mike, "I'm Cole, Cole Handler."
Mika looked at him curiously, "Oh, I'm Mika.
"Pretty name for a pretty girl.
Mika blushed and looked away.
"Where you headed? If you don't mind me asking."
"To Newcrest. Visiting an old friend there. How 'bout you?"
"I'm actually headed there as well. Found an Ad online, someone looking for a roommate. Figure I'd expand my business." He smiled a little at her. Mika couldn't read this man. His posture and face felt stern and cold, but there was a kind glow coming from him as well.
"Looks like you packed light for a move." Mika pointed out, noticing his lack of luggage tags or a carry on.
"Already moved out there, been there for about a week. Just came back to willow creek to tie up a few loose ends and check on my associates."
The train whistle sounded.
"Looks like that's us." Cole stated looking at his watch. He stood up and winked at her. "Hope to see you again, Miss Mika."
Mika blushed again and watched as he walked off towards the train. Who was this charming Cole Handler.

Mika found her seat easily and settled in with a book. After a few minutes she heard a familiar deep voice and looked up. Cole was standing in the aisle smiling. "What do you know, looks like we are sitting together." He laughed softly.
"Or you are stalking me." Mika turned her attention back to her book.
Cole cocked his head and sat down across from her, "Or fate is trying to tell us something." With that he started tapping away on his phone.
Mika tried to ignore him, but she was a firm believer in Fate. Maybe he was right.

- One Hour Passes -

"Thirty Minutes till Newcrest." An announcement dinged over the intercom waking Mika up. She looked up at Cole. He was still glued to his phone. "Someone is popular." She gestured towards his phone.
"Nah, just business." he slid the phone in his suit pocket.
Mika nodded, "I see. So do you like your roommate?"
"Roommates." Cole corrected, "But yes, they are quite lovely girls. There is Chasta, Quinn, and Kitty." He proceeded to talk about them, but Mika barely heard.
"I'm sorry, did you say Kitty?" She asked.
"Yes. Pretty girl. Sweet too. Too bad she's already taken."
"What's the address of your house?" Mika questioned, not hearing that last bit.
"Oh, now look who is stalking who." He teased, then relayed the information seeing that Mika was not amused.
"My god." Mika rubbed her forehead, "We are going to the same place."

Cole looked at the pretty girl sitting across from him. "No way, that's crazy." He exclaimed.
"Yea, crazy and weird, maybe you were right about Fate." Mika laughed nervously.
Cole smiled, "Hey, it's not like we've suddenly fallen in love and are getting married tomorrow, this isn't a Disney movie, and I'm pretty sure you aren't a princess, unless you forgot to mention that. You're not a princess are you?"
Mika laughed, "No I'm not. You're right. Nothing to get worked up about, crazy things happen.. So how is Kitty?"
"She's good. She's happy, I think. Works a lot."
"That's good. She was my best friend in high school. We were in love, though. Didn't know we felt that way till Kitty had to leave for Uni. Teenage love." Mika giggled, "Silly, I know. I am excited to see her, though, who knows, right?"
Cole smiled, "I'm sure she can't wait to see you."

Cole and Mika shared a cab to Kitty's house. Mika dropped everything and hugged kitty tight when she saw her.
"I didn't know I missed you so much 'til just now!" Mika held on to her friend.
"I feel the same!" Kitty reassured her as she squeezed her back. Looking up Kitty saw Cole getting bags out of the cab. "Cole?"
Cole nodded in Kitty's direction, "Hello Kitty."
Kitty gave Mika a quizzical look as she pulled away.
"So funny story...." Mika proceeded to tell Kitty how she met Cole.
"Wow! That's insane. Crazy coincidence! Why don't you come inside, I want you to meet everyone."

After meeting everyone, including Damien, Mika settled down at the kitchen table with a cupu of coffee. Kitty had work and her roommates were watching a cooking reality show.
Cole walked in, "Oh hey there. Why you all alone?"
"Reality shows aren't really my thing." She smiled.
Cole grabbed himself a cup of coffee and sat down with her. "You doing okay, Mika?"
"I've been better. I just... eh, never mind."
"I'm a good listener."
"I just thought things..." Mika trailed off as Chasta and Quinn entered the room.
"I KNEW cooper was gonna get kicked off! I so called it!" She laughed loudly.
"Yea, yea," Quinn replied, "I'll make us some food. Any requests? No? Okay I'll make Mac n Cheese."
"Heyyyy!" Chasta pouted, " You didn't even give me a chance to choose! I don't want that!"
Cole shook his head and looked at Mika, "Would you like to continue this conversation in my room? Much more quiet... and private."
"Ah, um. I don't know." Mika struggled to find the words.
Cole got up. "Well, If you want to, you know where to find me." He smiled and squeezed her shoulder before walking off. Mika watched him go, then continued to sip her coffee in silence as Chasta and Quinn argued.

Later that night Kitty showed Mika where she was to sleep. "Good night, Mika." Kitty said as she closed the door. Mika sat on the small twin bed and looked around. The only room left to stay in was their storage room. It was a decent size, but it was full of boxes, clutter, and unwanted furniture. Mika sighed and looked at her phone. 10 pm, she should try to sleep. She plugged her phone in, settled under the covers, and fell fast asleep.
Gasping, Mika sat up quick. ugh, she groaned inwardly. Just a dream. She didn't want to dream about kitty anymore. She picked up her phone and turned the screen on, 1:12 am. She sighed, no way was she going back to sleep now, just to ream about Kitty more. She needed to talk to someone and wondered if it was too late to talk to Cole. Gathering up her courage she tossed on an over-sized shirt and headed upstairs to Cole's room. She knocked and waited, not expecting a response. She was about to walk away when she heard, "Come in." Mika hesitated, then walked in, closing the door behind her. Cole was sitting on his bed, shirtless. Mika suddenly felt exposed and wished she had put on shorts. Mika tugged at the hem of her shirt, "The invitation to talk still open?"
"Of course, though I charge extra for late night chats." His serious face broke into a smile, and Mika smiled back. Cole motioned her over, "Come sit."
"Uh, how bout we sit on your couch instead."
"Scared of me?" He grinned.
Mika laughed nervously, "A little."
Cole got up. They walked over to his couch and sat down.
"Nice room," Mika looked around. "Ooo, is that wine?" she picked up the full bottle, "Can I have some?" She glanced up at him, he was smirking.
"Go for it."
Mika grabbed a nearby glass and filled it up full. After chugging the first drink, she poured another and downed it just as fast. She was pouring her third when Cole touched her arm, "Woah there, Tiger. You okay?"
Mika finished pouring, gulped down her third drink, and set the glass down. Dropping her head in her hands, she replied, "No, I'm not."
Cole sat in silence waiting for her to speak when she was ready.
Mika eventually poured her heart out to this man she barely knew. All the while drinking. Not only did she open up about her feelings for Kitty, but she talked about the death of her parents at an early age. After her little speech, Cole grabbed the wine bottle, which was nearly empty now, and finished it off.
"Doooo, youu... Do youu haave mooree?" Mika slurred and grinned at him.
Cole smiled at her goofy grin, "No more wine, Missy. But, I have these." He reached in a bag nearby and pulled out a bottle full of pills. "They'll make you fell better and help you sleep."
Mika grabbed the bottle from him, poured a few in her hand, careful not to spill, and popped them in her mouth. "I am not..." She hiccuped, "I am not sleeping with you." She declared.
Cole laughed, "Don't worry, M'lady. I am a gentleman. You can take the bed if you'd like." He looked down at her, She had already passed out on the couch. He smiled and covered her with a blanket, then climbed into bed.

Mika woke up with her head pounding. She moaned and looked around the room. She forgot where she was for a second, then remembered she had passed out in Cole's room. He wasn't here, but his pills were, she had noticed them right away. She poured some in her hand then poked her head out the door. The coast was clear, so she rushed to the guest bathroom, locking the door behind her. She slid to a sit on the cold floor and stared at the pills in her hand, struggling with her conscience. Deciding she wouldn't have a conscience after she took them, she popped a few in her mouth, putting the rest in her t-shirt front pocket. She closed her eyes and combed her hair back with her fingers. Shaking off her thoughts she hopped in the shower waiting for the pills to take effect.

Cole heard his door open then close, and hurried footsteps towards the guest bathroom. Sounded like Mika was up. He put the finishing touches on the scrambled eggs he was making and started brewing some coffee. After about twenty minutes, Mika wandered into the kitchen.
"Hello there, pretty lady." Cole greeted her.
Mika giggled, "Stop it! Mmm, is that coffee I smell? I need some!"
"All for you m'lady." Cole mock bowed, making her laugh again. "Feeling any better?" He questioned.
Mika's eyes went suddenly empty. "I feel good." She said.
Cole grabbed her chin and looked at her. "How many did you take?"
She tried to look shocked and played innocent, "T-take? What do you mean, I wouldn't take anything."
He raised his eyebrows and gave her a knowing look. Mika pushed his hand away and looked down at the counter.
"Three, I took three." She sighed.
Cole held out his hand, "Give me the rest, now."
She slowly and guiltily dug the rest of the pills out of her pocket and dropped them in his hand. He put them in his pocket and sighed. He turned around and began filling up her plate with eggs.
"Your life isn't that bad, Mika. You know, you could always go back home and forget about this place."
Mika didn't say anything as he set a plate of food in front of her and filled up a coffee cup.
"I'm not going to judge your choices, though." He stated. "But if you want to start taking my pills, you're gonna have to start paying for them, just like everyone else. I wouldn't have a business if I just gave free drugs to every pretty girl who wanted them."

Mika was sitting cross-legged in front of her suitcases. She'd stayed a few more days after getting drunk in Cole's room. But kitty had still been distant. So she had packed up, and here she sat. All she had been thinking about were the pills, she wanted more. Cole had been right, she could just go back home and forget about Kitty. A knock at the door snapped her out of her thoughts. Thinking it was Cole she called out for him to come in. Instead, Kitty walked in the door.
"Hey, Mika." Kitty closed the door and walked over to the small bed. "Sorry you have to sleep on this crappy thing." She sat down and patted next to her on the bed. "Come sit with me."
Mika looked down at the floor wishing she had some pills to take, it would make this so much easier. She stood up but kept her eyes on the floor. "I think I'm gonna go back home."
Kitty remained silent.
Uncomfortable, Mika sat down next to Kitty and stared at her hands, "Well, say something."
Kitty let out a little sigh, "I understand, I mean, I don't want you to go. I'm sorry, I should've told you about Damien. I just didn't know how. I thought you might not come if I told you. I'm just so confused with how I feel." She put her hand on Mika's leg, "I've missed you." She said as she scooted closer. She tilted Mika's head to look at her, "I've missed you so much, and..and I've wanted to do this since you got here."
Mika squeezed her eyes shut as Kitty leaned in to kiss her. But before their lips touched Mika spoke, "You're right."
Kitty stopped short, "About what?"
Mika turned away, "I wouldn't have come if you had told me about Damien." With that she stood up and walked to the door. "I'll be leaving tomorrow." A tear ran down Kitty's face as she left the room.

((More to come))
© Copyright 2015 Chelsea Cross (c_cross at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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