Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2045427-The-Immortals
by Bug
Rated: 13+ · Draft · Fantasy · #2045427
The immortals have to go save Earth from the most feared creatures ever known to man.

         The immortals line in front of the portal, prepare to fight off the most feared creatures that had been released. Breathing steadily, they stop in front of the portal that will be the mission of going to kill beast from the underworld so they can defend for their home and lives of thousands of innocent people from the worst creatures possibly known to man, man made creatures that will kill anything and anyone that their master tells them too. They all took one final breath and stepped through the portal, fearing for what's to come.

Chapter One - Unleashed

         Its early August, a warm evening in the late summer, a slight breeze that flows through the empty streets of Tennessee, most people are sitting on their front porch watching the world go by, but for Summer and Aurora that means to meet up at Magries for the monthly meeting for the immortals, which started ever sense they had gotten their powers two years ago.

         "Summer we have to go!" Aurora yelled frantically at Summer, knowing that Magries doesn't like waiting and has no problem letting her anger out on them.

         "Ok, lets go I'm ready." Summer says pulling the hood up over her head to hide her long fire red hair, and walking out the door into the streets of the small town of Ravenswood. Aurora followed her out the door to the park that was just two blocks from their little apartment that they found together.

         Once they got to the park they walked over to the old big oak tree that's been in Ravenswood for centuries now. Summer taps her foot twice on the knot near the bottom and a rabbit hole big enough for a human appears. "Well see you on the other side Aurora!" Summer said to her before jumping in. Aurora took one deep breath and jumped through.

         It takes an hour to travel through the hole before they get shot out at into Arches Island, where Magries lives. Arches Island is a small island out in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle, so that no human can find it. The island is rounded with a volcano in the center of the island. Most of the island Magries has explored, but the darkest parts that crawls with creatures that will attack anything with a heartbeat. The two walks up to the castle that Magries made for her self, used by her ability of thinking it up and it appears along with her sense of being able to control the weather to keep it from being destroyed, and knock on the door. A first no one answers and try again, then the grand oak doors slowly open up and instead of being greeted by Magries; a sphinx greets them at the door. "Well hello." The sphinx says sitting in front of them turning its head to the side.

         "Let us through sphinx," Summer said her patience wearing by a thread. Aurora places a hand on Summer's shoulder and tells her to breath and sees what it has to say.

         "Well I was just going to let you go on by, but I guess now you will have to answer my riddle," It says with an evil grin on its face. " Which creature walks on four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and three legs in the evening?" The two stand on the front step for what seems for a while thinking of the answer for the riddle when Magries walks up.

         "Well there you two are. I was beginning to wonder if you guys had forgotten what today was," Magries said glaring at the sphinx, "Shoo get out of here! You know who these guys are and I told you no riddles, and you should have let them in." The sphinx lowering its head in shame knowing that he disobeyed his master. He stalked off mumbling to himself and taking its front paw and hitting back behind its head as a punishment. "I'm sorry guys, he is getting better," looking down the hallway after the sphinx that she rescued four months ago, knowing that she will play with him later. "Come on in, Mina is already here."

         They walk down the dark and gloomy hallway, the only source of light being simple torches with fire that is only an illusion of the eye making the fire look purple instead of an orangey red. To Aurora the hallway seems like it goes on forever, a hallway that just keeps going on and leads to dozens of rooms that are empty. Empty rooms because Magries doesn't like company and her home is like a castle, with hundreds of rooms, tons of good food that is conquered by elves that live within the castle, and a millions of different secrets. After walking for what seems like hours, when really it was just a few minutes, they stop at an open set of doors that look into a room that is half a library and half a battle room. The walls go up so high that it looks that this room could be about three stories high, leading to an arced ceiling with beams that work their way down to the floor for support. The two wall that are on the left and right of the room are filled with bookshelves that go all the way up to the ceiling that is packed with books, while the back wall and the wall with the doors is lined with all sorts of weapons from swords, daggers, knives, wands, bows and leather bags that rap around your shoulder that holds one's arrows. Every time Summer walks in, it always take her breath away some how even though she has been here so many times that you would think that it would be boring by now.

         "Ok, now that everyone is all here we can begin." Magries stated. "I gathered us together because it's the first of the month and we have plenty to talk about -"She cut her self off looking at Mina to explain the reason that there was a meeting called.

         "The first order of business is that I saw a vision. This vision showed creatures that people fear and will be unleashed to come and destroy Earth. I couldn't see who is behind this, but we can figure that out later, and it is said to happen three days from now." Mina explained her vision to the others, hoping that they will see the danger behind the vision and hoping they will understand the first time so she doesn't have to dumb it down like she always has to do.

         "What your saying is that in three days basically demons are going to come and try to take over the world?" Aurora said feeling confused even though she understands every word that Mina was saying but just don't know who would do this to so many of innocent people.

         "So what are we suppose to do then? There is only four of us, and who knows how many demons there going to be!" Summer said with a little fear behind her eyes, knowing that even immortals can have fears and Summer is afraid of what lurks under people's bed, what people fear and calls them monsters, Summer shudder so slightly where the others didn't see it.

         The meeting lasts for two more hours, the girls not talking much about anything in particular but catching up with each other from what has happened over the month. Aurora sits in one of the chairs that is scattered around the room. She sits there for not for very long before drifting in deep thoughts on how she even got her powers. It was a cold December night when Aurora was walking home from a late movie that was old and classic from the late fifties. It was twilight and just below zero degrees. Aurora pulls her coat up over her ears and walking down the abandon sidewalk. Her hair going up on her neck with a feeling that someone is following her, she turns and looks but no one was there. Aurora turned around and a man was there. He looked drunk, eyes blood shot and clothing was stained with dark red spots that look like blood. "Are you lost? Do you need help?" Aurora asked the man, but he didn't reply and instead grabbed her arm and yanked it toward his mouth and bite down. "What are you doing!" Aurora yelled trying to pull her arm away. Then the man let go and ran off so fast as if he wasn't even there. After a split second Aurora screams so loudly that people run out of their house. A little old lady runs to Aurora lying on the ground and tells her to breath and then she hears sirens before everything goes black.

         Aurora sits up in the chair that she fell asleep in and looked up and Magries and Summer looking down on her with fear in their eyes. "What's going on? Did I fall asleep?" Aurora asked just a little dozy from her nap.

         "Yes you feel asleep! Then you started screaming, what was that about? Aurora are you sure that you are alright?" Magries bent down to be eye to eye with her.

         "Yea I'm fine I think Summer and I should be going since it's getting late and we have a ways to go." Aurora said standing up and grabs Summer by the arm and together they walk through the door, down the hallway, and out the front door. "Ok Summer do your thing." And after Aurora said that Summer walked to the edge if the island and taped a knot at the bottom of a tree and the rabbit hole that would take them home appeared. The two looked back at the castle which Magries lives and hops through, ready to go home and process the new information.

Chapter 2 - Corvus

         After jumping through the rabbit hole and arriving back into Ravens-Park, Summer and Aurora ran back to their little apartment on Rose Street. Once getting there Aurora and Summer walk through the door that leads into the building complex and take the stairs two at a time, knowing that it is late and the faster they get into their apartment the less likely a neighbor will not be able to ask a lot of questions.
"So you really think that Mina was telling the truth? About the demons coming to take over Earth?" Summer asked Aurora not wanting to look at her as she asked, knowing that it would embarrass her even more.

         "Maybe, but then again you can't always rely on the future, it always is changing." Aurora was pointing out, as she was grabbing the cereal box out of the cabinet so she could have a bowl and eat it.

         "That's true, well I am going to go get into bed." Summer says as she turns into a black silky cat and climb up the cat tree that is placed in the far corner of the living room. Once Summer reached the top to watch Aurora finish her bowl of cereal and watch her go to her room before jumping down and running to the big window seat on the opposite side of the room that opens out to the illuminated streets of Rose Street. Knowing that if Aurora caught her on there in her cat form would be forced to sleep on the door mate outside the door. Summer started to fall asleep to the sound of wind blowing thought the trees and the silence of the town letting her fall into a deep sleep.

         Back at Magries castle she paces her grand bedroom, white walls with gold framing the top and bottom. A mural that she paints over and over, now showing a picture of a breezy summer with a river flowing through, with people playing in the water and just let off a happy feeling. What am I going to do!! I know that Corvus is behind this. But the others don't know that... She was thinking of a plan to make sure that the others didn't find out that their last immortal that had turn on them is the one that behind this attack.

         Magries paces her room once more before she can't take it anymore; she walks out her door and down the hall to the kitchen that is on the right. When she arrives she walks over to Charley, the head elf chef, and asks him if she could have on of is homemade sandwiches.

         "Sweet pea, you know you don't have to ask. And yes that sandwich is coming right up." Charley says as he walks over to the fridge and pulls out everything for his famous double decker. Charley sets the plate down in front of Magries when he's finish and ask her, "Hun what is bothering you?"

         "Nothing," Magries says as she takes a bite and tries to shrug the question off with a nothing is wrong sort of answer.

         "Nothing my butt. Mags know you can tell me anything, I did raise you after all." Charley said making Magries remember that her parents died in a brutal attack because of the very reason she has to go fight off in three days when she about 5 years old.

         "Ok, well you know how they other immortals came by today and I knew you were outside the door listening," Magries begin, "about the demons being unleashed and they don't know who is behind this attack that will happening, but I know exactly who it is and I don't want to tell the others because I know it can end up causing a war, and you know Corvus is going to do this." Mags finish with tears in her eyes. She wiped the tears from her eyes knowing that it makes her look weak and can't stand looking weak. Magries is just surprised that Corvus, a once sweat and kind person that was helpful and nice to everyone and everything, until he decided to play on the dark side of things and that was when the immortals disbanded him to stay only on his planet three galaxies from Earth's about four months after their powers had formed.

         Charley walks around the counter and gives Magries a hug and says, "Honey everything will be alright, if they find out that your bro- that Corvus is behind this you can try and reason with them and tell the truth about him, ok?"

         "Thank you Charley, you always know what to say." And with that Magries hops down from the stool and walks back to her room, climbs into bed and falls asleep in an instant.

Chapter 3 - Orb of Athens

         Back at the home of Aurora and Summer, the two are peacefully asleep when there is a knock at the door. Aurora turns in her bed trying to turn off her alarm but realize that it is the front door. She springs out of bed puts on her slippers and goes out of her bedroom into the main room to see Summer the cat sleeping in the window seat. She goes over to Summer and picks her whispering, "I told to stop that, no go to the room and change into your human form someone is her." Putting summer down and watching her go into her room and close the door before walking up to the front door. She goes up to the door and look through the eye hole to find Mina on their front door step looking extremely anxious. Aurora steps back as she opens the door to see what Mina needed when she walked straight in, leaving Aurora at the door looking dumb-founded.

         "Do you still have to Orb of Athens?" Mina ask abruptly.

         "Ok, no hi Aurora, how are you? May I come in? Would be nice next time." Aurora says with a like anger behind it before going on with her sentence she softens her voice out, "Yes Mina I still have it, why would you need it?"

         "I don't need it, but I think who might." Mina says with not hints or details. Making Aurora look confused and at that same moment Summer walks in and looks Mina and then at Aurora. "Summer, Aurora we have to get back to Arches Island and tell Magries, I think she is going to freak out when she find out that we know who is behind this."

         "Hold on, their skipper, for one we don't know whom it is and how do you know?" Summer says putting her hands up and looking a little annoyed knowing that Mina's visions can change and her predictions are almost always wrong anyways.

         "Well look who you are talking to Summer, I am the one with the powers of looking to the future am I not. And I know that this is a work of Corvus, and I am accusing him because I spent all of last night thinking about it and all my predictions come back to him, which all makes since." Mina said with a little anger and sass in her voice from Summer not believing in her. Summer glares at Mina, thinking that she is just a know it all and turns back into her cat form and with her tail up stalks out of the room with her nose to the ceiling.

         "I'm sorry about her Mina. Summer is getting better about having a filter over what she says, but it takes time for someone to realizes when someone has betrayed them and as well as adjusting to all this." Aurora says pointing around the room at all the mythical objects that are in her room, and talking about Corvus.

         "No I understand, it took all of us to adjust to a friend going behind our back to steal a very powerful object that even we don't understand and to use Summer with a potion like that was absolutely morbid." Mina said with a sad look on her face.

         Aurora looks at Mina and seeing the frown on her face, she decides to cheer her up. "Hey Mina I am making some tea, would you like some?" Hoping she will say yes.

         "Um, maybe next time Aurora. I must be going, having plenty things to do today and have to get them all done today." Mina says getting up and practically skipping out the door, "Tata girls." Aurora looks after her with a confused but astonished face. What just happened? She ask herself before Summer walks out with a grin from ear to ear. Summer looks from the front door back to Aurora and back again, clearly proud of something.

         "What did you do?" Aurora says starting to catch on that something is up.

         "Nothing." Summer says before breaking out into laughter and fall to the floor clutching her side from it hurting. Aurora looks at Summer with a smirk on her face knowing that Summer was the one that changed Mina's mood from a sad to cheerful.

         "Now Summer, you know that I don't like it when you change someone's mood because they are not happy or whatever you want it to be." Aurora says to Summer, like she's her mother. Knowing that if Mina found out that Summer changed her mood would make her very mad. Summer just sighs and walks over to the refrigerator and grabs the shopping list, remembering that they are almost out of bread writes it on the list and tells her thank you before she walks out the door, leaving Aurora alone in the apartment.

         Aurora walks back to the living room flipping on the television, not really watching what is on the channel as more as thinking about what happened that year with Corvus and the other immortals. It was a late spring, just about to be summer when the five immortals were called into the home of immortals that were before them. They were called for a mission, there first mission, even though only having their powers for only a few months. Having to retrieve the Orb of Athens, which was an orb about the size of a rock that have golden light in the middle to show the power that it held, and to give it back to the Covenant, in a very little amount of time before the time limit. They were late giving it back to the Covenant. Corvus found out how much power that the Orb held and wanted it, going into a battle over it and finally getting it to the Covenant before telling them that they have succeed, even if they were late. They told the head of the Covenant, William Steinbeck, what happened and ended up telling Corvus that he was banded to the ends of the earth. William told the girls that they could have the Orb, since the power from it was put into a different object that would be protected from anyone that thought that should have so much power. So now it sits on a self in Aurora and Summer's living room sparkling in the sunlight, looking like it's just an ordinary rock that you pick out of the creek.

         By the time Summer had gotten home the sun was setting over the horizon. "I'm home! Sorry it took so long there was this chess tournament that I passed in the park on my way home and just couldn't resist." Summer told Aurora who was sitting on the couch while putting the groceries away. Aurora looked at Summer, tall, red hair, smart and the kindest person she ever met, wishing that this wasn't her life and she could have been normal, with a normal life, not a life where danger could be around the corner, a life that wasn't all about immortality. "What's wrong? Did I miss something, because I know I got everything on the list, except milk, because it was highly priced." Summer says looking over the list and at the pile of food in front of her.

         "No, nothing is wrong. I am just hungry. How about we order a pizza?" Aurora say getting up and walking over to the phone that hangs on the wall and dialing Papa Johns and getting two large meat lovers. After the pizza arrived the two put in a movie and just hung out one the couch each eating their whole pizza knowing that tomorrow they prepare for what will come the day after that. Tomorrow being the day they train up and gather everything that they will use to destroy whatever that Corvus has in store for them.

Chapter 4 – Sacrifice

When the sun just peaks out of the horizon the next morning, Summer and Aurora gets up and gets dress, knowing that tomorrow is the day that they go and protect there home from Corvus. When they are done and ready each grab a bowl of the best cereal, Krave, and slowly take their time. Knowing that the park doesn’t actually open till nine, so needing to be near the time it is open and not too early to be suspicious, but not where there are a lot of prying eyes of mortals. The two walk down Rose Street over to the park, over to the oak tree and Summer hits the knot with her foot and jump through the rabbit hole, ready to pop out into Arches Island.

When the two arrived on the island they walked up to Magries home and walk through the front doors. For it being a wide hallway when you walk in the doors, it looked small from everyone running around getting prepared.

Magries walk by and stops herself when she sees the two standing at the door, “hello guys just go into the battle room I will meet you there.” And then she walks back to the study and walks up to the fireplace and places a hand on the lion statue next to it. One of the bookcases open up, and a door appears. Magries walks through it and down the dimly lit small stoned hallway to a door at the very end. She takes a key that she wears around her neck and puts it into the lock and pushes the door open. Inside is a room about the size of a small library with books that looks ancient and have been sitting on the bookcases for centuries. As well as pictures that hang on the wall, pictures of Magries and a little boy from when they were just kids. There was a little basket with old toys in one of the far corners with a layer of dust on it. A few velvet plush chairs filled the space in the center of the room.

Magries grabbed an old book off one of the selves and began to flip the frail, soft, frayed pages. On the pages were pictures of Magries from when she was born until the day that her parents died and her family stopped putting pictures in it. She opens one of the pages until a picture shows her and a boy around the age of five wearing bathing suits with their arms wrapped around each other’s backs, while two adults in the background hugging the children and all of them smiling at the camera. In the background of the picture there is a simmering lake with a boat looking ready to set sail. Magries wipes a tear from her eyes; I can’t do this to my brother. Staring down at the picture Magries pulls it out of the book and tucks it in a pocket inside her jacket. She puts the book back on the shelf and walks out of the room, not looking back.

Holding her head high she walks back into the library where the other three immortals are and they all look at her wondering why her eyes are red and puffy. “Magries are you alright?” Summer asks stepping toward her.

Magries nodding says, “ Yes, I’m fine. Sorry about the inconvenience, I had a few things to take care of.” She walks over to the table in the middle of the room and looks at the map laid down in front of her, red dots marking the spot where the creatures should be showing first. “New York? Why would they start there?” Magries asks.

“I don’t know, I was going to ask you that. I mean you were the closes to Corvus and though maybe you would know why New York was a significant place to start a war.” Aurora said, her arms crossed across her chest, with what is up with you look on her face.

“I honestly don’t know why he would start there.” Magries says, knowing exactly why, it was the city where their parents were killed, but she didn’t want to tell the group yet.

“Magries you’re lying!” Summer says, “I can see your silver tongue, and I know that is when you’re lying. So tell us the truth.” Summer finishes a little anger behind her eyes, knowing that not only is she tried of the lies that Magries tells but the rest of the group as well.

“Fine you want the truth! He is my little brother! Our parent were killed there when I was five and he was only four, I want to say that this is a revenge mission!” Magries yells at the others and then storms out of the room with a frustrated look.

She walks out the doors of her home and charge for the woods that encircle the back of her house. She runs for a good twenty minutes before coming out into a clearing, a meadow. She goes to the middle of the encircled meadow and sits down in the tall grass and flower and puts her arms behind her head to look at the grey sky. Why does this have to happen, she ask herself blinking backs tears, not wanting them to come, showing a sign of weakness. While Magries was watching the dark clouds turn in to one other she her a snapping of a branch and bolts into a sitting position. “Who’s there?” She calls out, her breath a little shaky. When nothing but the wind blowing by response she assumes it was an animal and lays back on her back. I wish there was another way to defend this world, not with a war, battle whatever, this is. As she laid there thinking for the solution for their problem, Charley walks up next to her and looks down at her with an elfish grin on his face, “I though I might find you here.”

“Charley, how did you know I would be here,” Magries says getting up off the ground and brushing the dirt off her pants.

“Lets just call it a lucky guess.” He says with a smile on his face and grabs her hand and in a more serious tone ask, “Sweet pea what is wrong?”

“I don’t want to do this, I mean I want to save innocent people, but at the same time I don’t want to hurt my brother.” She explains.

“I understand that, but sweet pea sometimes people just have make sacrifices.” Charley says before walking back toward the direction of the house.

Magries calls out to him and asks, “What do you mean by having to make sacrifices?”

Charley turns around, and with a sad look on his face and says to her, “Honey sometimes people have to die for the greater good.” And with that her turns around and runs toward the house before Magries could ask anymore questions. Magries stares after him with a blank face, did he really say that I should sacrifice a city for my brother or my brother for the city? Magries lays back down thinking about what Charley had said before jumping up and running back to the castle with one though it mind; I will be the one to face my brother.

The other immortals all stand in the room preparing battle strategies when Magries burst through the door sweat making her outfit stick to her body. At that moment what she says afterwards makes the immortals confuse, “I want to be the one that fights off Corvus.”

“Um, why do you want to fight off Corvus? I thought you said that he was your brother…. What changed all of a sudden?” Aurora says. Aurora was a little agitated and hoped that the others will decide not to change the plan and let her fight him off for bring her the most harm in the last battle that they had. She has a sudden flashback to the damage of the war, Summer, her best friend in the whole world, was almost taken from her, Aurora still had scars down her arms where is whip had caught them when she jumped in front of the Orb of Athens so he wouldn’t be able to take it, and last of all nightmares of him coming back and doing the same thing but actually finishing what he started.

“Hello, Earth to Aurora, are you in there?” Summer says tapping on her head and making sure she’s okay. “Aurora, hey we were discussing who should revenge Corvus remember…” Summer looks into her eyes and sees tears starting to form. She gets closer to Aurora’s ear and says, “Keep the tears back, you don’t want to look weak.” Summer then steps back and conversation starts back up, Aurora staring at Summer and thinking to herself, I have to do it, I can’t let him get away for what he done to her.

Chapter 5 – Flakily

After fight with lots of chairs thrown across the room, a lot of book throwing, and a lot of debating, Magries finally won the battle. “I have to do it, he is my brother and I think I have every right to do at least that.” Magries says with a pain look in her eyes, knowing that her brother must pay for what he has done to this planet.

“Fine, but like you I do have a reason for wanting to be the one that went after him.” Aurora said before walking out of the room with all her gear that she is battling with tomorrow.

“I, um, better be get going as well, guys.” Summer said wave goodbye and followed Aurora to tree that would take them home.

“Well that was dramatic,” Mina says rolling her eyes and plummeting into a near by chair. “Tell Mags why do you want to fight your brother? And I want the real reason.”

“It’s hard to explain, but I don’t think that this is my brother’s work.” Magries puts her hand up stop Mina from interrupting and continues. “ What I am saying is that yes it is my brother, but I think that something is making him do this. I mean he was one of the nicest people we all ever knew, and then he goes and turns his back on us like that.”

“So you’re saying that you think that something is actually controlling Corvus? That’s a pretty big theory.” Mina says her eyes wide with focus and the need to know more. Mina then gets up and starts pacing the room. “This is incredible, I mean and this something is able to go inside someone’s brain and is able to manipulate what goes on.”

All of a sudden Mina’s eyes go wide like she figured it out, and she starts to dash out the door when Magries grabs her arm and says, “Um excuse me what do you think it is? I have every right to get to know, I mean he is my brother.”

The only think that Mina says to Magries before letting her arm go is this, “Come to my home and find out for yourself.” And with that Mina runs to the end of the cliff and jumps into the water, swimming into a portal that is at the bottom of the ocean that surrounds Magries’ island and it transports her to her home in the Himalaya Mountains.

When she arrives she breaths in the cold frigid air that floats around before tracking into the cave that holds her home. When she walks into the cave, its dark with a sound a crackling fire in the distance. She walks for about five hundred meters before coming to an ice building that block the rest of the way into the cave. She walks up to the door and pushes it open. On the out side it looks small, but Mina has done at least fifty enchantments to get her house to be huge on the inside and for unwanted eyes to be able to see the cave or the house.

By the time that Mina starts to make coffee there is a knock on her door. She walks over and opens it up to find Magries wet and shivering. “Oh my dear, come in, come in. Let me go make you some tea and get you a blank.” Then Mina dashes into one of the rooms that lead from the hallway and returns with a blank that would be big enough to cover a snow monster.

“I would say that your home is breath taking except for that it is in the middle of the Himalayan Mountains.” Magries says to Mina who is brewing tea for Magries. When the tea is done she walks over with a cup and gives it to Magries, who blows on it before taking a sip, then goes and sits in one of the chairs that fill her living room. “So what is it that you wanted to show me?”

“Oh, I will be right back.” Mina says getting up and walking down the hallway again and leaving Magries to herself and her tea. Mina walks to one of the last doors on the right and pulls a key out of her pocket and puts it in the lock. The lock clicks and Mina walks into a magical room, there are books flying everywhere, a cat in the far corner that sits up and smiles at Mina when she walks in, and in the middle of the room is a pedestal that has a book that is preached open on top. Mina goes and grabs the book and pick up the book is almost to the door when her cat says, “well am I allowed out of this room yet? I have been a good kitty.” And puts it paws on her legs and gives her the biggest little innocent cat eyes it can. Mina sighs and nods her head yes and the two walk out of the room together. Mina shuts the door and locks it before walking back into the direction of the main room.

“Well who is this beautiful creature that has visited us Mina?” The cat says jumping on to the table that is in between Magries and Mina’s chairs, and starting at Magries with delight in its eyes.

“Argon this is Magries a friend of mine. Magries this is my cat Argon, I found in an enchanted woods one day and I decided he could stay with me.” Mina says sitting down across from Magries again and start flipping through the book that she went to go get.

“Your… Your… Your cat can talk?” Magries studers with a frighten look on her face. Staring at the cat back to Mina and back to the cat again.

“Yea he talks its really no big deal, “Mina says shrugging the fact that Argon can talk off.

“Well if it makes you feel any better my princess, I think you are the most beautiful thing that my eye has ever set upon.” Argon says taking Magries’ hand and kissing it.

Magries pulls her hand away and wipes off the slobber that Argon put on it and turns back to Mina. “Um, Mina your cat is freaking me out! Can you hurry up and tell me about you theory please.” Magries said as she starts to bounce her leg because of nerves and hope that Mina hurries and tells her what she think that is controlling Corvus so she can go home and plan before tomorrow comes.
“Argon can you please leave, I’m sorry.” Mina turns to the cat with an apologetic and you brought it on yourself look. “Bingo!” Mina says flipping to a page near the end of the book and handing it off to Magries so she can see. “A flakily.”

“What is a flakily? Mina I can’t read this, this isn’t even English.” Magries says squinting at the words on the page.

“It’s written in Latin and that’s not the point. Besides a flakily is a creature that is microscopic which can get into an human’s mind and makes that human that it’s controlling fall into a deep sleep and can control the mind and let the body say and do what it wants, as well as being able to access memories. They’re normally good, but I guess that this one had and evil side.” Mina finishes taking a breath.

Magries sits back in the chair that she was siting in processing all this new information. Could my brother really be in there, asleep? All I know is that if this is true I have to save him. “Hey Mina I think I am going to get going. Thank you for the tea and the blanket and telling me this. You have a good night.” Magries says giving Mina a hug and walking out of the house, out of the cave and walks trough the portal that is just outside the cave that will transport her home.

Once she gets through the portal, she appears into the ocean and swims up, and climbs onto the beach walking toward her home. When she gets closer she see’s she sphinx and Charley on the front steps, waiting for her. “Mags!” Sphinx says running towards Magries and jumping onto her torso and burying his head into her shoulder. Magries hugs Sphinx back and putting her head into his fury mane, soaking his fur.

“Sweat pea is everything ok?” Charley says seeing that Magries was crying and went over to her and started rubbing her back.

“Yes I am terrific!” Magries says letting go of Sphinx and hugs Charley. “Corvus, this isn’t the work of Corvus. I could fix him, I could fix Corvus, Mina says that his mind is being controlled by a flakily. Meaning that if I bet that then he can wake up and I could get my brother back.”

Chapter 6 - The Answer

Charley lets go of Magries and looks into her eyes and could see the joy that is in them. “Honey I am very happy for you, and I knew that you would be able to see the good that is still in your brother. Only one problem, how are you going to kill the flakily?” Charley said extending his arms and holding Magries by the shoulder.

Magries puts her hand over her mouth with her eyes wide remembering what see forgot to ask Mina, how do I kill it…. “I’m so stupid, I completely forgot.” Magries lowers her eyes to the ground knowing that she was so close to having her brother back and that is know not going to happen.

“Follow me.” Charley says letting go of Magries and walking in the direction of the castle. Magries follow him willing having to see what Charley has to say. She follows Charley into the grand entrance and through a door that is hidden behind one of the decorative curtains that hangs on the walls. Once inside the room, Magries looks around, it’s just another library that she didn’t knew about. “Sweat pea this room has answers to everything.” He walks to a podium in the middle of the room and puts his hand on top of the book and says five words, “How to kill a flakily.” After he said the magic words the book flipped open to a page that had a drawing of a flakily and at the same time other books were flying off the selves toward Charley opening up and showing him answers to the question that he had asked. Magries walks over to where Charley is standing and looks over his shoulder at the information that the books are giving to him. Charley looks from book to book trying to find one that he is looking for, until after looking over and over again finally grabs one that was floating around his head and steps of the platform at the bottom of the podium and then all the books flew back to there original home and looked as they have sat there for years without being touched let alone flying around.

“The only thing it keep telling me was that it dies when the host wakes up from its enchanted sleep. The weird thing though is that the person that has to do it has to be very special to that one person otherwise it won’t work.” Charley says scanning the pages and looking awfully confused.

“What do you mean that the person that wakes him has to special to him?” Magries says trying to look at the book but ends up going crossed eyed from it being written in a different language.

“I mean that Corvus better really care about you otherwise your bother is lost. You have to talk to him Magries, and by talking to him I mean like a sister telling her little brother that this isn’t who he is, that he is a sweat, caring, and that this isn’t his doing. I also bet that since this was how he was the last time he attacked us that is telling me that this flakily has been in him for almost two years know, so I don’t how hard its going to be to talk to that boy.” Charley finishes shutting the book and letting it drop to the floor, before the book hits the floor it flies up and goes back to were it was on the self before Charley summoned it like the others.

Charley sees that Magries is still down learning that after all she might not get her brother back and pulls her into a hug and starts leading her to the door. Magries follows obediently knowing that she has a lot of work if she wants her little brother back and goes to her room for the night. When she walks into her bedroom she find Sphinx already on her bed looking at papers and scribing stuff down sloppily with a pen it his mouth. “Sphinx what are you doing?” Magries as a grin that goes from ear to ear and trying to fight back a laugh.

“I though I could help you, see I have already wrote down some things you could tell Corvus, like Corvus if you don’t stop this right now then I will come over there and make you answer a riddle.” Sphinx says with a serious tone. At that Magries breaks into a laugh and walks over to her pet and gives him a hug. “Oh I have plenty more where that came from see,” he hops down and climbs under the bed to grabs a lot more papers that must have fallen off the bed as he was writing.

“Wow, your so helpful Sphinx and I really appreciate this, but I don’t think that making my brother answer riddles is going to get him up from his deep sleep.” Magries says with a sigh knowing that he is just trying to help.

“Well if that doesn’t work you could always kiss him like in the books with the princess.” Sphinx points out.

“Sphinx I am sorry but I don’t think a true loves kiss is going to work but nice try.” Magries says climbing into bed and Sphinx climbs next to her rolling into a ball and both of them fall asleep in an instant.

While Magries had the eventful evening, back in Ravenswood, Summer and Aurora and sitting in their living room discussing about the turn of event that had happen that day. “Aurora I don’t mean to be rude but you are really over reacting over Magries getting to go to Corvus.” Summer says sitting on the couch next to Aurora handing her a cup of breakfast muffin tea.

“I don’t mean to seem like I am over reacting but I really wanted to revenge him. I have my reasons.” Aurora says starting deeply into her tea wishing that it would let Aurora being the one to kill Corvus. Aurora looks up and Summer and sees a well explain yourself look across her face and sighs, “I guess you should at least get an explanation. Summer you are my best friend and is almost like a sister to me and I almost lost you, then don’t even get me started on the scars that he left on my arms. My biggest fear is him coming back to finish what he started, that he might come back and try to kill you because I sent you to get the Orb from his lair instead of me the first time.” Aurora finishes and starts to burst out in tears. Summer wraps her arms around Aurora and pats her head and tells her that everything is going to be alright. Then Summer turns into her black cat with over sized green eyes and lays on Aurora’s stomach until the two falls asleep on the couch together. The two scared for what is about to come tomorrow.

Chapter 7 - The Mission

As the sun started to peak out from behind the horizon, Aurora and Summer already wide awake prepare for the days events. Getting what they need together, bows, arrows, swords, and potions that Aurora had gotten from Mina. Aurora finishes strapping the bag of arrows over her should when Summer walks in wearing a long sleeved dark blue shirt, stained from many battles, blue jeans, and bright purple converses. Aurora looks at Summer’s hair and sees that it is in a simple braid down her back, instead of being bright red, it’s a brownish red. Aurora looks down at herself, its simple, white blouse and the arms wide as the near the hands, sliver buttons line down the middle, jeans that have gold spirals on the sides, and brown leather boots that Summer had made for her. Aurora grabs a few throwing knives and puts one into each boot and two in the knife holder that she had strapped onto her leg. She then walks over to the bookcase and pulls down on the oldest leather bound books and flips to the middle, the middle has been cut out so you can hide something in it if you would like, and pulls out a small vial filled with pixie dust that she pours into a little pouch around her neck.

“Aurora, I know that you could probably think of fifty more things to grab but we really need to get going, the sun is almost all the way up over the horizon.” Summer says already walking to the door and turning the handle.

“Right, after you.” Aurora says following Summer but stopping in the door way and having one last look at their little apartment, before closing the door and the two running to the park.

Once the girls arrive at the park Summer quickly runs over to the oak tree and kicks it open, “remember Aurora since we are going to New York, your going to want to think of it, other wise you’ll land back in Arches Island.” Summer tells her before hopping through, putting every though out of her head and only thinking of one thing, New York City. She can hear Aurora has jumped into the hole when she is thrown out into central park. Summer stands up and brushes herself off and is amazed at how dark the sky is. Pitch black, like a demons soul, darker that the darkest parts on Magries’ island, darker that what a normal human thought possible. The only source of light is being simple lampposts that are positioned very thirty feet from each other. At that moment Summer turns around and sees that Aurora has just arrived.

“Oh my word, I guessing its about to start soon,” Aurora says, “Where’s Mina? I know that Magries is trying to find Corvus, but shouldn’t she be her with u-“

“Present!” Mina says cutting Aurora off and running toward the girls. When she stands in front of them they see that she is dressed in a dress that flows and splits down to flow behind her and shows jeans and black zipped up boots. Along with bows and arrows, and little vials filled with mystery liquids that are in pockets all over her outfit. Her pale blond hair is half in a braid that wraps around her head and then the rest of her hair flows down the rest of her back.

Just then before any of the immortals could say one more thing a low rumble blows through the air, then the sky explodes and a hole that is at least a hundred meters wide that is black and red appears into the middle of Central park. For mortals they would just see dark clouds forming into a deadly hurricane, but for the immortals they see earths most feared creatures. They fly up into the air, knowing that if they want to creatures to not come into Earth’s surface then they must go into the portal to destroy every last one before it reaches the hole.

The immortals line in front of the portal, prepare to fight off the most feared creatures that had been released. Breathing steadily, they stop in front of the portal that will be the mission of going to kill beast from the underworld so they can defend for their home and lives of thousands of innocent people from the worst creatures possibly known to man, man made creatures that will kill anything and anyone that their master tells them too. They all took one final breath and stepped through the portal, fearing for what’s to come.

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