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Being responsible and accountable while we are living
For my family and friends, young and old. Up early this morning after tossing and turning all night. Not sure why, but I have had a severe case of diarrhea and vomiting since church yesterday morning, and it has carried on throughout the night, and still here this morning. It has caused me to sit and think. Lie down and think. Get up and think, and think.

Life is not short, it is the now. We live one day at a time, but we live with the expectation of being here tomorrow. In truth, some of us will not see today, and most of us know that tomorrow is not promised to us. I am reminded of a parable that some of you may know -- Matthew 25, the 10 Virgins. “At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. 2 Five of them were foolish and five were wise. 3 The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them. 4 The wise ones, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps. 5 The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+25. Please read the entire passage.

But it goes on to say that five came prepared, and five did not, and while the five that were not prepared went off to buy the oil they needed, the bridegroom came, they went in with Him and he closed the door. When the other five returned, they knocked to get in, but was told to depart because He knew them not.

Many of us are living the lives of the five foolish virgins. We are not prepared to die, and yet we could be prepared. NO I am not necessarily speaking of preparing in the spiritual sense, but that would definitely be encouraged. I am speaking in the physical right here and now sense. In the past few years, I have witnessed loved ones and friends leave/transition with their personal lives out of order. (Mine is also not perfect, but I am working on it.) So this morning, I am asking my family and friends to take a few minutes of their time to read this, and then ACT ON IT.

Do you have a WILL (LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT) that tells folks what you want to happen to all of your worldly possessions? You may say, oh, I don't have anything that requires a willingness. Do you own a car? Do you have life insurance? Do you have children, grandchildren, great grands? Do you have jewelry (real or fake)? YOU NEED A WILL.

Do you have a living will (medical directive) that tells the doctors who can speak for you, if you cannot speak for yourself? How do you want to be treated on your sick bed should you be unable to communicate with anyone? Do you have written down the medications and dosage that you are taking?

Where are your most important papers? Who knows where they are other than you? How accessible are they in case of an emergency when everyone is running around trying to stay sane as you are lying there suffering?

Who will speak for you when you can speak for yourself and/or after you are gone? Have you considered a power of attorney, and/or an executor for your estate?

Whether we like it or not, we are going to leave here one day, and most of us will not have time to PLAN for it. On the other hand, planning for it now, DOES NOT MEAN we are getting ready to check out of here or that someone will kill us off just to get our possessions. It does mean, however, that you are being responsible and accountable.

All of us spout love for our children, grandchildren, other family members and friends, but think about it. Does your love transcend your passing? What kind of condition are you going to leave them in when you are no longer here? Will they be trying to find the needed papers and places where your information is stored? Or will there be at least one person that knows what your wishes are and where they can quickly and easily retreat your information?

Death is hard enough when everything is in place. Imagine how much harder it is for those you will be leaving behind, if they have no clue as to what you want and where your personal information is kept. Just imagine lying there in the hospital unable to communicate, and no one knows what medications you are taking or where they are kept? Carry a list of your medications in your purse, ladies are in your wallets gentlemen. NO ONE wants to steal them from you, but oh how happy your doctor will be finding the list if you are ever rushed to the emergency room.

Do you have life insurance policies? Where are they? Who are they with? Make a list. Yep, there is a need for lots of lists. They can all be on one list, but I suggest more than one, and given only to those who need to know.

Seems like such a simple thing to do. Makes good sense, right? Well, how many of us have such a list in our wallets right now? Do we even have a list of our medicines? Bless your heart. You don't take any medicines. You are perfectly healthy. Okay, I get it, but do you take vitamins or natural remedies? Doctors want to know this when they are trying to treat you. That list of vitamins and natural remedies would surely be helpful.

The other thing that just might come in handy in this day and age is a list of places that you have worked in your lifetime as well as some of the telephone numbers and addresses of friends and family that you would want to know about your passing or transitioning. Going through your telephone will certainly work, but how many phones do you have and where are they?

These are not things that we just think about, but surely come in handy in a crisis. Since I have lived this experience a few times without the benefit of any of this information, I just thought this morning would be a good time to share my thoughts with my family and friends on these matters.

Life is good. I am forever grateful that I have so many family members and so many friends, but I know how I am with these matters, and just thought I would share some thoughts about them with you. Please begin the process of being responsible and accountable for you. NO ONE can do this for you. Love your family enough to know that the more you do on this, the easier it will be for them in the long run.


P.S. After you have done all of this, give a copy to your doctor, a family member, and a friend. Place one in a safe deposit box at your bank. Then remember to update it as you continue to have life experiences.

I love you, so please take care of you for me. Thank you.
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