Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2044299-Omega
by Nikon
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Dark · #2044299
Just testing something. Let me know what you think.
Two minutes.

I wonder how much time people waste waiting on things. It seems like an endless process. Constantly waiting on things. Waiting to get seen by the doctor. Waiting for your kids to be born. Waiting for your life to begin, or in my case waiting for it to end. Life is a game you play with everyone. You wait and wait and whomever might wait the longest wins the big prize. It's only to bad no one knows what the big prize is. I wonder what would happen if someone did know. Would it cause total anarchy? World peace? Would the world just dissolve into nothingness? The thought of the world melting away caused a smirk to etch its way slowly across my face. I couldn’t stop myself from thinking about all the people that had ever hurt me slowly diminishing out of existence. I watched my father decay into his own hatred starting with his feet. I watched as a molding glacier slowly encased his entire body. I heard my mother's scream cut short as I snapped my fingers, disintegrating her. Fire shot out of my hands and consumed every bully that had ever dared hurt me, every teacher that had ever doubted me, all of the bosses that forced me to work while they stood by. I was a god.

One minute.

Another smile crept across my face as I envisioned this world. A world spawned from my hatred and despair. This was a world where I was the top of the food chain. I was the alpha, the king. No one would dare speak a false word about me, or they would feel the blade of my wrath. Naturally this was all hypothetical. Once the timer went off I would return to being me, weak, pathetic, and lonely.

30 seconds.

I would return to being boring old me. I would recede into the world of the shadow, back into oblivion. I would return without triumph. I would come back a lonely soul with no one waiting for me. I would return with only my hatred and thoughts to truly call my own.

15 seconds.

I wanted so desperately to stay in this world of my creation. I needed to stay here. In this place everything was so much better. In this place I was the only one who had the last laugh. It was so close to ending now. So close to me returning to my horrid excuse for a life.

10 seconds


5 seconds.


4 seconds.

NO! No...I can't stop it.

3 seconds.

The inevitable is happening....

2 seconds.

Here it is, the end of my life....

1 second.

I pressed the START button on the bottom of the microwave to stop the timer with one second left. I didn’t want to disturb anyone in the dorm. The microwave door popped open with a satisfying clack. I reached in and grabbed the cup of noodles just as the scent of fake shrimp hit my nose. I ripped the lid already open lid the rest of the way off and tossed it into the trash can as I passed on my way out of the kitchen. I turned left on my way to my room, fumbling to pull my key card out of my back pocket. As I neared my room, the door across the hall from mine opened with a sudden jerk. A shirtless, half asleep male made his way into the hallway, his abs and v-cut glistening over his sweatpants. This Adonis proceeded down the hallway, in my direction, leaving his door cracked with a shoe. As he passed me his shoulder slammed into mine spilling the boiling liquid from the cup of noodles onto my hand. I stopped and watched as he continued down the hallway to the kitchen without a word. I had returned to the shadows. The burning sensation on my hand drew my attention away from him. My gaze drifted to my already red hand, where the liquid still settled. It wasn't a bad pain, in fact it was quite the contrary. I enjoyed the pain, even welcomed it. It was the only thing that allowed me to know I was actually alive. I licked the back of my hand where the warm liquid sat, just as a welt started to form. I continued down the hallway toward my objective, stopping only momentarily to glimpse into the adonis’s room just in time to see an immaculately formed young woman pull covers off the floor and over her delicate skin. I slid the keycard into the slot of the door to my room. The lock beeped and clicked open. I retreated into the darkness of my room, back into my own world. In this place I was the omega.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2044299-Omega