Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2044092-Saving-Grace-One
Rated: GC · Chapter · Romance/Love · #2044092
recovering from recently escaping from her abusive father is pregnant and falling in love
June 23rd, 2015
I’ve finally gotten a day off in what seems like forever. I got to sleep in or at least what’s counted as sleeping in when you have a two kids and battling morning sickness. My work schedules usually never line up to give me the same day off. Most days I’m housekeeping in the mornings and waitressing right after. Sixteen hour days’ making a little over minimum wage just barely keeps us going though. No one was around to prepare me for what it’d be like on my own. When I escaped I only had enough time to grab clothes and the essentials. Thankfully my mother had taught me how to drive behind dads back.
We got lucky in the beginning finding the shelter. That was our home for a couple nights until they helped me find a place that housed women and kids. It’s only Bartholomew and Morgan currently but there’s another on the way. To tell you the truth I’m completely terrified but relieved that I won’t be raising my children under my father’s command. Bartholomew has seen some fucked up things in his life and he’s only 12. He deals with it like a champ though. He had to gain a certain maturity level very quickly. When I’m not in the condition to watch after Morgan he watches her for me. He’s my little man of the house. Morgan doesn’t cope as well which isn’t a huge surprise she’s only seven. So far she’s woken every night with nightmare’s reliving the scene of her grandmother’s death. So much has happened recently that I don’t want to tell them I’m pregnant again just yet.
Today we are going out to get some clothes for Morgan who seems to outgrow her clothes every time I turn around. I saved up all my tips from the past week for this. She wants more dresses, which is good you can make dresses last longer as they grow. Maybe if we have enough I’ll take them for a treat. They haven’t had anything good in a while.
Bartholomew has been going to a classes at the place were living in. It’s nice that it’s so convenient. Morgan goes too and then to an after school program because her classes only last half a day. Soon I’ll be able to take night classes to get my GED.
“Hey Barth, are you ready to go shopping?” I asked him while I finished strapping on Morgan’s last shoe.
“I just need my coat.” Bartholomew replied, he wasn’t very talkative so this long of a response was a cherished rarity.
“Can you get Morgan’s for me?” I ask and was met with silence. He usually did what I asked so I didn’t feel the need to repeat myself, and sure enough, a few minutes later he handed me her coat. I helped her get hers on then put on my own. We locked up and walked out to the car. As I buckled Morgan in she asked where we were going.
“The shopping mall, honey, we’re going to get you some dresses.” I smiled when she realized what that meant.
“Spinny dresses?” She barely squeaked out in her excitement. I giggled and nodded as I got in the car and started for the mall.
© Copyright 2015 Lucy Madison (lmadison23 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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