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Rated: E · Draft · Inspirational · #2043946
Basic summary of something new I'm writing. Based on true events. not the entire story.
A boy was orphaned at only 9 years old. He went to live with his father's parent's but they soon died, grief stricken over the loss of their only son. Then the boy moved in with his mothers parents. They too, passed away. With no other family to take him in, the boy was moved into an orphanage. Here he stayed until he was adopted by a couple who believed the boy looked like their dead son. As the boy grew into a man, he never gained a sense of family. And years later he found himself with a daughter and no idea how to even try to raise her himself. He was a kind enough man, but he was in no shape to be a father. The girl grew and had two step mothers who came and left. The father had found the women and believed they would be great mother's, but they mistreated their new daughter, upset that they had to take care of a child that wasn't their own. The little girl grew up poor, always moving. She'd never had friends before and as her short life had played out so far, it looked as if she never would. Then her father got a girl pregnant. He told his little daughter the new mother was 19, and soon, after a quick change of cars, they left the state. Needless to say, the new mother hadn't yet reached adulthood. And soon enough, there was a new addition to the dysfunctional little family. A baby girl was born, and the older sister loved that baby more than anything in the world. The little girl was everything to her. And two and a half years later, they were torn apart. The sisters' father had an affair with a 21 year old and soon enough the minor and baby were gone. The father's lover become a step-mother as her new daughter lost the one thing that mattered most to her. This girl began to hate and loathe herself with a passion. She turned her anger at the world for taking her baby sister, on herself. She blamed herself for everything and convinced herself to never let herself love another person again. Although their was one thing she did love. and that one thing was focusing on her hatred and self-pity. She made she she was constantly lonely, trying to make herself suffer more. She enjoyed making herself suffer so much that on her 12th birthday, her entire family forgot her birthday and as afternoon became evening she began to worry that her father and step mother would suddenly remember or throw her a surprise party as a prank. A few years later she came to a realization. If she truly hated herself, which she did, she wouldn't spend so much time focusing on herself. She wanted to loathe herself properly. So she stopped thinking about herself completely. She focused her every effort on making others happy, because it was the exact opposite of thinking of herself. She started high school and she started by smiling, at everyone. She noticed that everyone loved talking about themselves so she listened. And they couldn't get enough. She was absolutely terrible at small talk, so anytime that she had free time, she practiced and practiced over and over, until she felt like she was born to do it. She couldn't crack a joke if her life depended on it. So next she practiced being funny and using sarcasm. And she was working so hard to make others happy and make herself fun to be around, all because she hated herself. Four years later she graduated, being elected the senior's most popular girl in the school. All of those people that voted for her, adored her, thought of her as their best friend, and she didn't care about a single one of them. She'd just loathed herself so much that she didn't want to think about herself. And she still kept her promise of never loving anyone. Then her father died. She didn't go to his funeral. She didn't shed a tear. She didn't even understand why anyone was crying at all. Everyone dies. It happens , it's just part of life. They shouldn't have gotten so attached to something so temporary. She'd grown up in this sort of realism that she'd turned her own heart into this untouchable thing colder than the arctic and harder than diamonds. She went off to college, just to give her something to do. She kept being that amazing likable person that everybody thought they knew. She knew eventually all of the people she kept pleasing and make smile just for the hell of it would eventually get married and have kids, and she would be alone. So she decided that on her 25th birthday, she'd kill herself. There was nothing else for her to do, and she had no more reason to live. She enrolled in an Art class as she waited to turn 25, and she instantly soared to the top of the class. She was a natural with a brush and acrylics. But she didn't want to be part of a class with no competition, where she out-shined everyone without trying. She dropped the art and signed up for Philosophy. She kept painting on her own time, but only as a hobby. As she was taking the Philosophy class, it struck her. Her life was meaningless. She was wasting it, throwing it down the drain for her petty self- hatred. The only way for her life to mean anything at all was to learn to love, which started with loving herself. She became an amazing artist with paintings in local museums and a published book filled with her works. She began visiting Haiti twice a year, where she felt at home with all the suffering and pain around her. Eventually she became a high school English teacher, whilst continuing her trips to Haiti and her art. Whenever she'd see a girl in class talking about how much she hated or felt sorry for herself, she'd tell them, " If you really hate yourself, do it right, and ignore yourself. It won't fix everything, but it's a start."
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