Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2043775-poem
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Other · #2043775
Poem for english
I Am Poem
I am in a slum
I wonder how my life will turn out
I hear gunshots
I see nothing but death and loose ends
I want to leave and never return
I am in a slum

I pretend I’m superhero
I feel invincible
I have no one to save
I worry I will be alone forever
I am in a slum

I understand I am forgotten
I say I am never going to do it again
I dream of a better day
I hope I live to see it
I am in a slum

The quick little man runnin down to be slick to
the little girly trying to play a trick
He has never been in love
Blind to all the games played on him
it had never assumed that they had
something to gain through his pain
He was always there with open arms slang to a dope game
then a woman rang and he answered and fell in love
Venom hit him quieter than A dove pigeon with a gang out diseases
aiming for his heart

Free verse
The wind crisp like a brand new soda has never felt so fresh
I cant breathe but i dont need to breathe with this much freedom
Life has never felt so good with this much O2 in my lungs
can’t believe i could ever go this fast
No one can catch me now except her
she would beat in any race cause I fall in love with her every time
I run past everyone and they get scared
I will never stop running because I love it

Track I life I will never stop running
in a game of life we run and jump past
everyone they can not match us we are the
unstoppable people, that people will talk about for
many years to come because what we do will never b
lost in time. This feeling can not be matched in every sense we hear that gun we turn into beasts that can’t be tamed
and we jump off that board we soar higher than anyone in the whole field can see and we disappear into a place like no
other. we are simply not human in every way a extraordinary people with many levels that can’t be reached by any
normal human child wanting it like us we are the sprinters,distant,throwers, jumpers, and crazy men that people ideal
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