Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2043212-Poems
Rated: E · Poetry · Children's · #2043212
My collected poetry, all by me
Dear me!
Dear me!
Dear me!
The clock has struck five, I'm losing my time!
My bows have untied, it's all gone awry!
Laces and buttons and leather, oh my!
Dear me!
Dear me!
I hope he won't see that my teeth aren't clean!
My lips are too red and my eyes are too green!
I look so immature, I could pass for fifteen!
Dear me!
Dear me!
How will I act, what will he think?
Should I give him a smile? Should I give him a wink?
Oh, how will I stop my cheeks from turning pink?
Dear me!
Dear me!
When he comes knocking I nearly drop dead
My face is a deep shade of cherry red
Although I'm relieved when I hear what he says:
"Dear me!"
"Dear me!"
"You look as lovely as ever can be."

Test Taking
Chewing on your pencil,
Tapping on your desk,
Filling in the blanks
As you're taking your test.
Certainly, you'll make a silly mistake
One that will cost you some points off your grade
But it doesn't quite matter, now that you see
You'll of course get an A, quite undoubtedly.
It's simple, it's easy, you know every fact...
But fractions? Wait, fractions? I forgot about that.

Prism Soul
Never fade into the background
The place where black and grays are abound
Instead, step out into the sun
Letting your colors dance and run
Midnight blues and fire reds
Daring as they race ahead
Don't be afraid to show the world
Your mauve and cyan swirl and twirl
Let them see your fullest spectrum
Rainbows flow in all directions
Show the hues that will amaze
Rose, chartreuse, spruce, marmalade!
Why would you hide such lovely shades
Mint, orchid, lilac, beige
No color is not to be seen
Purple, topaz, aquamarine!
Let them see the colors blend
Instead of merely fitting in.

Paint a picture in your head
Of lips, like candy, rosy red
Skin made from the finest porcelain
Dresses, white and pink and orange
Frills and lace on every seam
Petticoats as soft as dreams
Silky hair in perfect ringlets
On tiny wrists are jewels and trinkets
Her eyes as wide and shining bright
As the moon that comes at night
My dolly is my dearest friend
But when she cracks will be her end.

Queen Saccharine
The Candy Queen upon her throne
Surveys her land of sugar snow
Her crown is solid chocolate truffle
With lollipop rubies and fairy floss ruffles
Her hair is made from sour strands
Rainbow and elegantly grand
Aside from the childish color shells
Of her scepter in pastels
A candy apple gilted with
Golden honey as it drips
Her royal gown's a sight to see
Confectionary artistry!
With fabric pulled from luscious taffy
Stripes of fudge and cotton candy
Adorned with allsorts licorice
Buttons made from peppermints
Her skin is purely mellocreme
Smoothly white, lovely indeed
Eyes like cloying jawbreakers
Doll-like and delightful features
On her hands are gumdrop gloves
Decorated with hot fudge
Her robes are woven from chocolate silk
Mocha, white, bittersweet, milk
On her throne she sits and sees
Her joyous kingdom, saccharine.

Adorably printed stationery
Covered with flowers and animals cheery
Rabbits, fluffed with cotton fur
Puppies play and kittens purr
With lines for your heartfelt note
As on your favorite friends you dote
On papers with darling cartoon bears
Wrapped up in an envelope with care
And when your special friend receives it
When on decorated stationery they read it
A charming thing to find in the mail
With flowers and lace and delightful details
They'll smile at such a letter so neat
Stationary can make any message sweet.

Dry anger
Is when you feel like fire
Your blazing anger never tires
And your voice is a cutting blade
Cold, unfeeling, not afraid
You say you hate their every bit
And you don't mean a word of it.
Wet anger
Is when your throat is as clogged as a drain
And your tears are flowing like acid rain
When you're blubbering and sniveling
Sobbing at the horrid things
They laugh and point, snicker, sneer
Pathetic, useless, as you hear,
All you can do is shed your tears
And wish to disappear.

The patterns in the tiles
The green leaves on the trees
The whistle of a teakettle
The kitten's tiny sneeze.
The flowers in the wallpaper
The sky adorned with stars
The smell of brownies as they bake
The simple joy of counting cars.

Rain, rain, won't you stay?
The sun will come another day.
Come quench the thirst of trees and plants
Tapping on the roof in a gentle dance.
Rain, rain, won't you stay?
You've dyed the sky a lovely gray.
Thunder and lightning make a show
I really would hate for you to go.
Rain, rain, won't you stay?
The sun will come another day

Come feed the flowers and the trees
And take their thirst away.

Nation of Sugar
The nation of sugar is sweet,
The nation of sugar is sour,
And it's a lovely place to spend the passing hours.
For years it's attracted travelers
With stories, myths, and legends
Of white vanilla ice cream hills
And licorice garden hedges.
The trees there grow lollipops
Caramel sits in lakes
Lava falls of chocolate
And mountains of candy cake.
Everything is sugar here
From people to the animals
A shame: To have a taste of a native person
They'd brand you as a cannibal!

Haiku #1
I take my chances
Life is such a clever game
So worth being played.

Don't Try This At Home
I could fix the socket plug
If only I had a fork.

The computer's overheating
Some ice water just might work.
Nothing really does compare
To the zest and bite and zing
Of my favorite kind of candy:
A 9-volt battery.
Dry your hair while in the shower,
Hooray for ingenuity!
Shocking, it is, the crackle and fizz
Of electricity.

Music Box
Frozen in time is the dancer
Atop her music box
Twirling in her lovely way
Until the music stops.

Decent Humans of Society
I'm feeling a bit of anxiety
About decent people of society.
Specifically, their numbers fall
Slowly, then to none at all.
Today, instead of being rational
Talking things out and acting valuable
We're handling all of our problems by
Insulting and making others cry
Isn't it revolutionary
To think meanness isn't necessary?

Haiku #2
To the endless sea
Flows both the raging river
And the gentle brook.

Milk In Tea
Cream in coffee, milk in tea
Swirling into infinity
It spirals in intricate, elegant ways
And dyes your drink a milky shade.

You may think fairies aren't real
In fact, you'd be quite wrong
They fly with paper-mache wings
And sing sweet fairy songs.

They wear dresses made from buttercups
And live in homes of grass blade thatch
They ride atop the butterflies
With toughened acorn hats.
Fairies hide within the trees
And if you're quiet in the night
Their enchanting gatherings
Are the loveliest of sights.

Birthday Parties
On a paper in splendid handwriting
Is a notice that's inviting
You to a party, twelve o'clock noon
A birthday party to happen soon
What special words might you say
On the birthday person's special day?
Choose a gift sure to impress
When you present it in your party dress.
Wrapped up with flamboyant paper
Bows and ribbons for your decor
A handwritten card with friendly art
Has a simple message that's from the heart
If you can't do all that, then never fear,
Just help to spread the birthday cheer.

Beauty is Pain
I once met Alia St. Heather
The most attractive woman ever,
That the tides would collide
And the magnets would rise
Just to hit poor Alia St. Heather!

Glamour, glitz, and hollywood
So glittering, you think you would
Just love to have that famous life
Where money and luxury are rife
You get yourself up to the top
The recognition never stops
But every little thing you try
Is watched by a thousand little eyes.
Your every step and every move
Is measured with an attitude
Of criticism and scrutiny
Unbearable publicity
Your privacy has just been dashed
For a name and extra cash
And now your life's turned for the worst
Fame's no blessing, but a curse.

Why Do Your Poems Rhyme?
Free Verse is lovely to hear,
But to my heart, rhyming is dear!

2 AM In The Summer
In a room
At the end of the hall
Lies your room
Darkened and small
A faint glow comes
From the screen
Of your computer
As it gleams.
I hear some sounds
From your headphones.
Instant messagers
And cat videos.
You haven't noticed
That it's 2 A.M.
You've been staying up all night
Talking to your friends.
Your eyes have circles
Of darkness.
Your face looks tired
But blithe.
I won't tell you to go to bed
So you'll stay up all night.

Bus Windows
From the window of a bus
You watch the world pass by
Houses lined on familiar streets
Beneath a sunny sky
You watch the piles and puffs of cloud
Imagine them into shapes,
Whether you see towering skyscrapers,
Or grassy meadow landscapes,
The bus window is a place for daydreams
For getting lost in your own thoughts
For wistfulness and pondering
To organize and plot,
From a bus window you're given
A slideshow of scenery
Of black paved roads and yellow houses
Of lively leaves of green,
It's an unlikely quiet place
One free from busyness and fuss,
Alone with only the world and your mind
From the window of a bus.

The Irate Time Teller
Analog clock up on the wall,
I can't tell the time at all!
You tick and tock so mockingly
What do those lines and numbers mean?
Oh please, just stop confusing me!

Magic Skies
Red and orange give the sun a goodnight kiss
The moon rises from horizon to see what he's missed
The stars sparkle when I look at them
And night's just about to begin.

Dusted with glitter is the velvet sky
When you look up to see the airplanes fly
The day starts to fade
Goes down a shade
And all today is put away

You feel the heat start to relax
The blazing sun is tucked away to nap
The moon's a diamond
The world is silent
Just for a moment when
The summer night grandly begins.

Lorem Ipsum
Lorem Ipsum fills the page
With dummy filler text
Placeholders meant to take up space
So don't be perplexed,
When you see a website all laid out
With its colors, borders, and patterns
And try to read the messy words
All written in nonsense Latin.

Eyes embedded in their socket
Marbles, round and smooth
Filled with wonder and excitement
Able to convey your every mood.
A sclera white, littered with vessels
A pupil a dark abyss,
An iris comes in any shade
From gray to the wildest purple tint.
They can be a coffee brown
Dark and deep and kind
Or, they could be a deep-sea blue
Calm, turquoise, and maritime.
They can be a mottled hazel
Or sparkling emerald green
Eyes can show your happiness
Joyful as they gleam.
But eyes aren't always so cheerful
As they sometimes drip with tears,
Red and puffy, irritated
Or shocked with panic and fear.
Eyes are your ticket to a world
Of magic, sight, and color
Your eyes are unique and only yours
And not like any other.

Jewelry Box
In a drawer in the dresser
Is a box adorned with feather
With beads and ivory set in the lid
In careful paper wrapping it's hid
Open up the golden clasp,
Careful not to stutter and gasp
For this is my incredible jewelry collection,
Each trinket polished to perfection.
Watches made of solid platinum
Beaded gloves made out of satin
Necklaces with glittering pendants
Emeralds, rubies, oh, how splendent!
Sapphires and moonstone opals
Chains make the jewelry that more noble
The beauty is unimaginable
Too bad it's dreadfully fragile.

Summer Nostalgia
Those skies of pastel blue and white
With memories forlorn
They incite in me the deep nostalgia
That makes my heart feel torn.
When the sun set on the beach
Turning the water gold
How brilliant the world had seemed
How colorful and bold.
When I would run across the sand on scorching days
And felt the salty water, cool like ice
The world was a lucid, vivid place
How beautiful, how nice.
When I had pink-stained sunburned cheeks
And put my summer sundress on
When we grew lazy from the heat
When life didn't feel so wrong.
Now I have things to fret about
And have no more perfect summer days
Now my heart is filled with the nostalgia
Of summertimes gone away.

School Supplies
Notebooks with multicolored covers
Myriads of pencils and pens
Folders printed with puppies and kittens
Binders thick and thin.
A new graphing calculator
(Break it and you're in trouble!)
Highlighters, markers, colored pencils
All wrapped up in a bundle.
Protractors, erasers, crayons, too
Lined paper, college ruled
All this I toss in my new backpack
For the very first day of school.

Universe Sandbox
I wish I could leave this planet Earth
And be the universe's ruler
Galaxies spiral in stardust arcs
Around my little finger.
I stir up gas and dust to form
The planet of my choosing
In a blink of my eyes they fizzle with life
And I find it quite amusing.
I collapse the giant stars in on themselves
To form massive black holes
Watching solar systems sucked into oblivion
Oh, the poor helpless souls.
How fun it would be to play god for a day
The universe is your playground
It's all fun and games until
It's not all running sound and
Space is warped around
and around
and all

Deep Green Trees
If a forest were just like the sea
Instead of water, trees and leaves
At its beginning it's shallow and small
Tiny trees not very tall
Small grasses and patches of moss
On them, mushrooms and flowers emboss
With little squirrels and rabbits, chipmunks and larks
Few venture past the forest's start.
Walk on, daring to explore
The grounds blanketed with feuillemort
The trees grow more like ugly witches
Some dead and hollow, branches wicked
Careful not to disturb the bushes rustling
Or swat at the strange insects hovering.
The canopy grows thick and dense
And still you walk on, slightly tense...
The soil's made of decaying humus
The air grows damp, misty and brumous
You breathe in the scents of bark and moss
And suddenly you feel quite lost
Deep in the forest, murky and silent
Where it's eerily dark and deadly silent
Until there's a crunching in the leaves...
If the forest were just like the sea

Just when the spring has sprung in color
It feels like a lovely entrance for summer
A tree's leaves bud in all their splendor
Allergies are such a bummer...

Flowers are tied like bows onto trees
Flowing like ribbons in a warm spring breeze
They shoot up from the ground in spirited blossoms
From the rare and astounding to the modest ones, common
They give color to the mottled green and brown earth
As they cast off the gray winter and give the spring birth
In the shimmering sun they glisten and sway
Flowers give springtime a resplendent bouquet.

The Magic of Reading
Inside a cover, red and bright
Upon a page of paper white
Are words printed in plain black font
Books aren't flashy and haven't much to flaunt
But inside these covers lies an incredible story
Full of heartache and heartbreak and wonder and worry
You won't need to pack much, the only things you'll need
Are an open mind, imagination, and knowing how to read.

Tea Set
Painted with polka dots, flowers, and trees
Are the components of the crockery.
Little dishes for sugar and cream
Tea brewed with fresh loose leaves
Choose what you want: there's myriads
Of types like oolong, green, and black
Herbal teas, floral or fruity and luscious
Or peppermint teas, tasting like something precious
White tea, light, airy and pure
Chamomile and many more
There's a variety you'll love for sure!
Teacups and saucers and a stout teapot
Contain the tea, piping hot
Pour it into a dainty porcelain cup
Don't wait for it to get cold-Drink up!

The Challenger
Across these hills and cobbled paths
How far I've come to roam
The challenger awaiting you

With might as strong as stone.

Over the land they feel my cries
Make mountains quake and quiver
A true opponent standing proud
While cowards merely shiver.

"I accept, prepare to lose!"
I boast, but truly know
To accept a loss so gracefully
With heart of shining gold.

Ode To The Water Cycle
Undeniable, reliable
You are what makes our lives so full.
Oh, without you where would we be
With congested clouds and stagnant seas?
Carrying on endlessly
Without you, how boring it would seem!
With no rushing, gushing rapid streams!
Why, you're simply rife
Brimming with wildlife
Micro plankton, hulking whales,
Things with flippers, beaks, and scales
Rainbow coral, slimy snails.
And you let is all run seamlessly smooth
Oh, where would we be without you?
Where would we be without the rain?
Snow, sleet, hail, things that precipitate
You seem so beautiful, so complex,
That in such an ode, I only bet,
I've just gotten my feet wet.

Trypophobia's the fear of holes
That look like fungal spores,
Bubbles in a glass of milk
Or skin with greasy pores.
If you've ever seen a piece of pumice
Or a sponge, squishy and wet
And squirm and grimace in disgust
Or worry, jump, and fret
You may have trypophobia
The fear of cavities or spots
To see pockmarks, punctures, and other things
You'd really rather not!
(If you have trypophobia, lest you forget
Don't look it up on the internet!)

I have four legs but I cannot walk
I have a tongue but cannot talk
I have a face and hands but only gears
I cannot hear but I have ears.
I have eyes but cannot stare.
I have a heart but cannot care.
I take trips but never fall
I see up high but am not tall.

Rosy Cheeks
In the winter when the streets are lined
With crisp and stark white snow
Your cheeks turn a rosy rubicund color
As they're buffeted with winds of cold.
In the spring when a jolly sun
Wakes up from its winter dozing
Your cheeks are peach with the utter joy
From the symphony of your heart's composing.
In summertime when the blazing sun
Gives your cheeks a warm incarnadine glows
You spend hours upon in the verdant backyard
Where oak trees tower and green grass grows.
In the autumn when you wake up for school
And stuff your brand-new locker
You find yourself blushing over some new crush
And looking and feeling so awkward.
Rosy cheeks are always in season
No matter circumstances or reason.

You've made a mistake?
How awkward!
How discommodious, improper!
Why, you should be ashamed!
To make a  mishap, you wouldn't deign!
You're a failure!
A no one!
A dysfunctional flop!
Why, right about now you should just quit and stop!
You should give up on your dreams over one little mistake.
Because one little mess-up, that's what it would take...
If you were really a no-one and had no backbone
If you weren't so quick to have the towel thrown
Why, you're as determined and stubborn and rigid as stone
Go pick yourself up!
Go show how it's done!
You won't get anywhere by just trying once!
Let yourself get wiser, more resourceful and stern
A mistake is really the best way to learn.

Napping On A Cloud
If it was possible to nap on a cloud
It would be as soft as eiderdown
As lightweight and soft as if crafted from dreams
Bedizened with a show of soft sunlight beams.
I would watch the sun make its great daytime trip
And feel the raindrops as they drip
I would sleep under a moonlight like molten silver
And wake up to wave at the passing by villagers
The pillow-fluffed eaves of this mattress enshroud
If I could take a nap on a cloud.

Purple is enchanting
The color of wizards robes
Of thaumaturgy and sorcery
Of wands and staves and tomes.
Purple is extravagant
The color of squandering and excess
Like gaudy, overbearing robes
And incredible violet dresses.
Purple is the color of lavender fields
And sunset clouds above
Purple is the color of imagination
Of farfetched dreams and love.

Sorrow burns through your soul
With its black and vile flames
It turns joy and hope to dust and soot
And plays with your mind its twisted games.
Sorrow blazes on with a fire
Wicked and unforgiving
It grasps your happiness with fiendish tendrils
And makes your life feel not worth living.

Sorrow leaves you a shambling husk
Empty and hollowed out
That you'll ever return from its blackening burn

Seems a distant and forlorn doubt.

I Hope You Find Someone
I hope you find someone who makes you feel
Like the only person on Earth
Like you are are their only concern and care
And you are their universe.
I hope they wake you up with a smile
And make funny faces while you work
I hope they admire you and see
The beauty in your quirks.
I hope they treat you with what you deserve
And want to be with you forever
I hope they cuddle with you on the couch
And give you fuzzy sweaters.
I hope they love you every day
And every single night
I hope they understand you
If you get into a fight.
I hope you find someone who makes you feel
Like before you were incomplete
And that a life without them next to you
Is a horrible thing to perceive.

Goddess of the Universe
Her hair is woven from galaxies
Of nebulae and space
Draping in spirals of gas and dust
And framing her heavenly face.
Her eyes are a mess of elysian stardust
Restless like lost souls
Swirling and shifting every second
Into pupils like black holes.
With skin a sort of ivory
Impossibly smooth and white
It emits a soft and lucent glow
Like a burning star's radiant light.
Her dress is a simple deep black color
Sewn from space-time fabric
It falls to the floor in an elegant sweep
And seems mysterious as magic.
She wears an expression serene and calm
On complexion alabaster
It seems as though the secrets of time
Would be revealed if you asked her.

The sun emerges from a rain light and steady
Petals and pollen are nature's confetti
To celebrate a season so vivacious and bright
With efflorescence wherever touches the light
Chipper birds serenade, croon, and sing
In the flourishing fascination of spring.

In a sweltering heat like that of an oven
Joyous memories shape by the dozen
Where wasps and bees and mosquitos abound
Makes a season with charm and charisma profound
For in summer, you again are a child
Free to be reckless, unbridled and wild.

Browns, oranges, purples and pines
Help you to savor the bits of sunshine
That will fade into rarity in a month or two
So autumn benevolently gives you
A pallet of comfort in the hues of the leaves
As they tumble and topple on a house's eaves.

In a season sacredly white and austere
With only soft crunching of footsteps to hear
Come winds icy and stark, chilling you to the bone
Winter seems unparalleled and alone
In its beauty, severe and seeming eternal
In a silent white world, asleep and hibernal.

Origin Flower
An ethereal magic in the air you feel
Something lucid and lustrous but altogether unreal
As in peripheral you spy
Sparkling in the corner of your eye
With its petals unfolded in a bloom white and pure
Looking delicate, graceful, and somehow demure
A flower with petals unfurled, crisp and clean
As starkly white as could ever be
A white flower set on a background of green
With petals dreamily soft and so simply pristine
It seems wisened and steeped in the ways of the Earth
And yet seems as youthful and recent as birth.

His legs twitch with indignation
Plump with bitterness, fuzzy with fury
A mandible of seething rage
On the wings of hatred in a frantic hurry
Antennae jerk with resentment
His head is brimming with hateful things
A wasp is a truly odious creature
With its heinous and wretched sting.

A cute and wriggly caterpillar
Hatches from a tiny egg

Scampering and skittering
With a hundred little legs
He's striped like a friendship bracelet
Moving segments at a time
Munching at milkweed's fresh green leaves
Up plants and trees he climbs.
And when he's grown quite large in size
He'll spin to wrap himself up
And slowly but surely metamorphose
Over the course of nearly a month
And one day, when his chrysalis
Is ripped open and pried
He emerges an alluring and incredible insect
As a monarch butterfly.

With prickly stiff but harmless spines
Is a hedgehog, perky and cute
He curls up in a spiky ball
Or cuddles in a boot
His eyes are curious, bitty and black
As his little snout explores
He sees the world from his hedgehog height
Petite and on all fours.

A dachshund is long but very short
Quite the paradox, for sure
His paws could reach for miles
But his tummy touches the floor.

Joshua The Carrot
Josh Carrot grew up from the ground
By the farmer, he was found
Dug up with the iron shovel
But to the farmer's sudden trouble
Josh grew legs and hands and eyes
And didn't look a bit surprised
He stood up and walked away
While the farmer said, "That's enough today."

Josh made his way out to the road
He walked but stopped to think, and slowed
It would take him far too long
To walk to town all on his own
To a squirrel, fur gray and brown
He asked, "Could I have a lift to town?"

And so he rode on the rodent's back
With only sunlight as a snack
A traveler once saw them, and began to wonder
"Do I really need to see a doctor?"
But they rode on, even through night
Navigating in soft moonlight.

They approached the town gates with earnest and smiles
They'd been traveling for quite a while
So Josh stepped down from his furry friend
But his journey was far from its end.
The guards looked at him and stifled a laugh
A walking carrot, imagine that!
But Josh said "Excuse me, sir, just maybe,"
"You'd open up the gates for me?"

Josh marched on through the Central Street
Many people did he meet
A merchant tried to grab his head
"A quality carrot!" He had said,
But Josh squirmed and wriggled free,
Shouting, "Please, do let me be!"

Josh then had his dignity
No longer just a lowly seed
The townsfolk never pushed him off
The rabbits didn't take him to nosh
And then Josh was the main endearment
A carrot given sense and reason!

Eventually, it came to pass
He left the little town at last
He had grown into quite an icon
Townsfolk were sad to see him be gone
But he had intelligence and wit
And there were battles to be fit
So Josh rode on with his trusty squirrel
On his mission to save the world.

What Lies in the Dark
Lighting a candle, you watch as it creates shadows
Dancing and flickering on stone brick walls
Clammy brume surrounds you in a cloud
As you softly step down the narrow halls
A network of tunnels left underground
Labyrinthine and twisting, they follow no pattern
You walk on, anxious and uncertain
Of what's around the corner at every turn
Coming to a stop at a padlocked door
With its clamps and latches rusted tight
You try your key, to no avail
As you watch your candle dwindle of light
From the stairs come a squelching, sickening sound
Footsteps from terrors and monsters unknown
Coming closer, you hear their heavy breaths
Hot and sweaty, but chilling you to the bone
Your candle vanishes in a puff of smoke
Leaving you in darkness, empty and stark
But it's not the absence of light that scares you,
It's what lies in the dark.

© Copyright 2015 Josh Carrot (joshcarrot at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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