Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2043135-Deception
by pamela
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Dark · #2043135
Who is deceiving who?

Pamela Maunsell (984 words)

"So, what is it you want?"

Kate looked at her father through the security screen. She thought he looked absurd in his day-glow orange jumpsuit, the uniform of all Category A prisoners. She paused, knowing that her next words would commit her. "I want rid of Alex."

Her father looked up, careful not to let any emotion show. "I'm guessing you mean permanently or you wouldn't be visiting Belmarsh."

Kate nodded. "I can't see a choice. He's going to dump me for sure. He's out every night, no explanation, won't discuss anything. Five months now and when he's home it's like he isn't really there." She sighed. "He just says he's tired, mutters something about business and that's it."

"Business? I thought he'd inherited a stash. What sort of business?"

"I've no idea dad, and he's not going to be telling me."

There was a silence broken only by the sounds of the prison. Keys turning, clanging metal doors and a guard yelling at someone to, "Get a move on".

"And you think I can help from here?" He watched closely for her reaction, touched that she still turned to him for help.

"Of course, she answered. "You're my daddy."

"And you're my princess" he responded automatically.

A buzzer sounded somewhere deep in the prison recalling them both to business. He was quiet for a few minutes. "Okay, someone will call you before the weekend to arrange a meet. It'll take a few days to get the right bloke, so be patient. When he calls do exactly what he says. Be warned once you've made the arrangements you're committed. Understand?

"She nodded, "Understood".

The phone call came on Friday morning as she was making breakfast. The voice sounded Russian. "Do not interrupt me." It ordered. "Do not ask me to repeat myself. Listen carefully. These are the arrangements. You will be in The Swan on Carstair Street every day for the next week."

She started to object but he cut through her snapping "Be quiet."

"Get there at 2.30pm and sit in one of the alcoves near the main door. Stay for one hour. As soon as he is free, a man will arrive. He will call you Angela. He'll be carrying a book." He paused to think, "The Day of the Jackal, a yellow rose and a pint of milk. He will lay them on the table and offer you the rose. You'll take it and, in exchange, give him a recent photo of the target. He may ask some questions about the target's routine. Answer them fully and honestly. When he is finished he'll leave. Do not leave with him. Wait at least 15 minutes. The fee has been taken care of. Are you certain you wish to proceed?"

Although she didn't hesitate she could hardly get the words out "Yes" she whispered, "Proceed".

He hung up.

Kate put her phone down on the granite work surface and stared at it for a full minute. Everything felt unreal. Her senses were all on overdrive. She could smell the garlic from yesterday's dinner and hear the clock ticking in the lounge. Sitting down on the kitchen stool with a thump she forced herself through the logic of her position. He's leaving me anyway, if he leaves alive he'll take his money with him if he leaves dead I'm a rich lady. Simple. She tried for a grin but didn't quite make it. She felt sick.

On Monday she felt even sicker. She went upstairs to change and had the ridiculous dilemma of having to decide what to wear to meet an assassin. She rejected black and settled for jeans, tee and a baggy blue shirt. She could feel herself getting hysterical.

In the pub she ordered a tonic water and made her way to the alcove. She waited. She should have brought something to do. Next to her was a shelf of books, she picked one at random before noticing the title. "Murder and Murderers - True Life Crimes" she hastily shoved it back and settled for a three day old Metro. She could hardly bear how she felt. One minute impatient that he came and the next dreading his arrival.

He didn't come - anticlimax.

Tuesday she felt a little more confident and by Wednesday was beginning to get irritated. Where was he?

He came on Thursday.

She felt him before she saw him. His shadow reached across the grubby table covering that day's paper. It was happening. She tried to swallow but couldn't, her mouth was totally dry. He stopped a moment and she could feel his intense gaze running over her but she didn't look up until he said her name.


"Alex" she almost yelped "What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same."

"Just meeting a friend" she replied. Her heart was thumping way too fast and she was having difficulty breathing. " I must calm down, I must calm down." she muttered to herself.

Alex looked at her thoughtfully, his eyes seemed darker than normal and although he smiled it wasn't quite right. "Shall we talk?" he asked.

"What about?" She tried to bring her voice under control but it came out in a high pitched squeak.

"About my work."

"Well not now, I'm expecting someone."

"I know." was all he said before lifting his briefcase onto the table and taking out a hard back copy of the Day of the Jackal and a pint of semi-skimmed milk. The yellow rose he handed directly to her "For you Angela."

Kate felt the blood drain out of her face.

He blinked twice slowly and deliberately studying her all the time.

For the first time in her life Kate knew absolute terror. Her body had totally seized up; she could neither speak nor move.

He smiled gently at her.

"It's okay Kate, I promise it won't hurt."

© Copyright 2015 pamela (pamelamaunsell at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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