Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2042678-A-Dragons-Heat-Faith
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #2042678
An epic journey of an outcast allying with a Dragon to save the Dragon race of Elaria.
This is the Story Version, this Story is originaly used as a Script in a Custom Adventure map for Minecraft, some leftovers might be noticable.
this is also my very first Story i,ve ever wrote in my life, so it might get change slightly as time goes,
its far from finished, its supposed to have 6-8 chapters, and one is almost done.
any feedbacks are apreciated.

my Firefox zoom is set to 133%, so the text might not be perfectly place as mine.
i usualy put some fitting medieval/celtic music on to fit the mood.
( "-" :means the interlocutor is changed)

The Story starts in an intro scene,
showing sceneries and locations fitting to the description of Ryan Winter.
the first scene is a quill writing the first letters
onto a yellow piece of papyrus.

-"We are writing the 6th May 1238
My name is Ryan, Ryan Winter, i am a 26 Years old Writer as you might have guessed already, im living in the great Fortress Windrun south from the Highhills Forest.
i,ve got a lot to tell you about the Historical events that happened in Elaria many thousand years ago.
A time where myths and sagas were not hard to come across and heroic epics had a lot of meaning.
were the races of Elaria lived together in calm and peace.
were Dragons ruled the Skys of Elaria.
mankind just invented their tools, the elves built theyr stone Fortresses ontop of a giant Mountain, the Dwarves forge theyr irons in theyr fortress inside a giant Volcan, and the Orks wallow in the mud of the Swamps. even the Undead and tortured souls found a place to wander arround aimlessly.
and the most majestic species, the Dragons, they,ve settled down onto the Floating Islands of the East.
mistakes were not the case in the young innocent past, that was shortly after the golden age.
but the Harmony just seemed so, as the Undead
already forged a gruesome plan, to take over all races of Elaria. theyr first step was to conquer over the Dragons and abuse them by turning them into undead soulless monsters.
the undeath seem so aimless and quiet on theyr own, suddenly they akt so guileful and relentless as if someone even more evil controls them secretly. and so, the Dragons reacted to there cunning plans and fought back.
researches have proven that theese two races result in a great, inexorable and lossful War.
which lasted for several years over the firth of the Sea of Elaria between the dead Shores and the Dragon Islands.
the war was lossfull and harrowing, many lifes were ended in the process, the Sea ground ended up as the Grave for the Dragons and the undead, the remaining Dragons returned to their Floating home Isles. a false rumor has been released to the very Land of Elaria by the undeath. a rumor that states that the Dragons begun the war to prove theyr dominance, that they will do the same with every race on Elaria, even though Dragons would have never started a fight, they only defend them selves. this false rumor spread like a wildfire. the undead told it the cunning Orks, they told it the Dwarves, before they told it the Elves, and finaly the rumor reached the Humans.
untill now, thousands of years later, every one sees evil in those reptile eyes of them innocent yet powerful Dragons. typical for humans, but the elves as well? that rumor must have been very convincing."

the scene switches briefly to Ryans face holding his Quill onto his nose leaving a small inc mark on his nose, as he tries to think of how to write on.

"what i fear is that the Undead will attack us soon or later again, but when will it be? when should we prepair for it? why do we still hunt the Dragons, even though, studies prove that they meant us no harm at first? that,s what
im asking myself every day. at least the elves could,ve seen the truth clearly, but they didnt, and dont.
another exciting research by miself helped me finding out that a Dragon lives in the Highland Forest, north from Windrun. it seems to be a Female, measuring the claw length from the paw tracks, and the urinary chromosomes. i never realy met a Dragon in my life, nor do i want to, as they might attack as a defence reaction nowadays. what relates to that, sometimes i get these halucinations of beeing another creature wandering through the Forrest, these halucinations are happening at any time of day wherever i go.
that must have something to do with the Sword ...!"

your dream ends here and you wake up, looking out the window you notice that you are too late to your presentation at the market bazaar.

Chapter 1
Humans. (enlightenment)

The escape

"... oh, Oh my, im too late to my presentation, christ! im still sleepy. i shouldnt,ve wrote so much in my book last night, took me forever!"
you jump out of your Bed and get your stuff together.
"quick, quick, now where did i put them, they must be somewhere here, im too late!"

you search arround and eventualy find your documents that you have to bring with you.
prepairing yourself to go out into the alley of the market province, you stumple through your door and start looking arround you.
its noon, the sound of different Marketstall holders screaming their prices and offers all over the Market Province of Elaria, makes your skin crawl. not of cozyness, rather of fear that something wrong could happen anytime.
Medieval was a cruel and dark time, bad things were to expect.

the streets seems greatly crowded. your destination is at the bazaar, down the mainroad to the south.
"ex- excuse me, sorry, can i, - hng, can i pass through? thank you..."
suddenly a bunch of paperwork flies up into the air, and a young, black haired, woman tumbles to the ground moaning.
-"oohh~~, im so - sooo sorry, i - i couldnt see...."
you start picking up her stuff.
"i - i - i was, im soo sorry for that...!"
she interrupts.
-"hey, ...:"
-"you look at her. she tells you with a calm voice.
"its fine, i can pick up my stuff by myself, no big deal."
you stutter ahead.
-"i om so sorry, i am in a haste right now."
-"then im not alone anymore, im having a terrible time arround those appointments all over Windrun."
-"y - you too? i mean, uh, clearly."
-"slightly nervous of not talking rubbish, huh?"
-"h - how, uh, i mean..."
she calms you down.
-"look, its fine, i got my stuff back, just calm down, ok?"
-"im sorry, i might be a bit nervous from, uh .. my appointments. uhm, my name is Ryan, Ryan Winter."
-"Faith, the convenience is all mine."
-"how does it come that i never saw you arround here?"
-"i never worked in the Market province, its the first time i am working arround here."
-"oooh, ok... OOH Crap, im getting late, i - i see you soon."
youre already gone as she tries to scream a farewell at you.
-"SEE YOU . . . soon, . . . Ryan."

further down the road you make your way through to the bazaar, a few people already have taken seat and having a talk. you run through and reache the stage, there are stands and holds already prepaired, ready for your presentation.
you pull out your paper and try to find order in this caos as paper falls off your grab and onto the ground.
-"Ladies and Gentlemen, uwaaahh! what is it, to be a, hng! human, to be someone who doesnt know much. yaiks!"
but half way through your presentation, you stop talking, your stuff falls to the ground. your body stands there paralyzed on the stage. you see one of those visions again, your vision is slightly blurred, you see as if you are some kind of big creature that sneaks through a forest, you find a pathway cutting the forest, and right away some people with torches and pitchforks walking along the path. the fork crowd seems to notice you and runs at you screaming, you run as a big creature very quickly back into the deep darkness of the forest. the vision fades to black and vanishes slowly.
you hear a muffeld crowd noise afterwards.
wakeing up, the crowd wonders why you,re just standing there on the stage doing nothing, staring at the air.
the audience screams annoyed at you to go home. but you refuse, you explain them that you just had one of those visions and you want to continue the presentation.
-"n - no, wait, i can explain that ,i just had one of those visions...!"
-"you are making this up, you liar!"
-"no, no im not, please, listen..."
but the crowd starts throwing objects at you.
-"n - no, stop."
you get chased off the stage.
sadly you walk back home and throw all of your paper stuff onto the floor, depressed.
-"what is wrong with these people? they dont want to listen nor understand what im saying."

after a while of calming yourself down, you decide to take a walk to one of your Friends.
"sigh*, i,ll go to my friend, maybe he can help me out."
he lives in the City province south from here, closer to the Great Castle, further away from the Main Gate. taking your leather coat and prepairing yourself to step out into the alley, the sun starts to set slowly, less people stroll arround on the streets.
as soon as you step out your door.
people start recognizing you and tease you.
-"hey, isnt this the guy on the Presentation?"
-"yeah, hey you, great one, you realy made yourself look like a complete moron!"
the small group of people start laughing at you. as you talk to yourself quietly.
-"yeah, yeah, what ever!"
passing them just to meet another group of people teasing one more time.
as you arrive at the dividing gate between the Trading province and the City province, one of the two guards block your way with his spear, and starts.
-"where do you think you,re going civilian?"
the other guard, a bit younger fellow, starts.
-"just let him through, Barot. its not his fault."
-"i told you to keep your mouth shut when im talking to him, Morth!"
you talk calmly.
-"aha, so you planned this beforehand, huh? how ordinary."
the Guardian points his spear to you and warns you as you take a step backwards.
-"one ... little ... twitch, and youre shashlick on my lance."
suddenly Morth puts his hand on Barots left shoulder and tries to pull him back slightly. Barot looks at Morth and puts his spear away slowly.
he looks back at you and advises.
-"get through, before i change my mind."
you take a walk inbetween the guards through the gate and say.
-"thanks, *cough*moron*cough*!"
the guard didnt seem to hear that, and you continue your walk.
you arrive at the house of your Friend Sean and knock on his door.
but noone opens, you make shure that he isnt in his house at the moment.
"huh, where could he be? maybe my parents are at home, i,ll take a look."
you make your way to your parents home.
"the City province looks nice and astounding as always, if only the people arround here wouldn,t be the opposide."
deep hidden in an alley you find your Parents house and knock at the door. you notice that the lights in the windows shine bright, there must be someone athome.
after a while someone opens the door, its your 45 years old Mother Clarice.
she puts a surprised face on and says.
-" oh, look who is there, if it isnt my dear Son, Ryan."
-"hello, mother!"
-"dont stand there like doused, come in!"
-"thank you, mother."
your Mother starts calling her husband.
-"Darling, look who is here."
a rather loud, strong, manly and enthusiastic voice sounds from the room nextdoor.
-"what do you mean with *who is there*? another visiter?"
he peeks through the door with a wondering face, and starts as well.
-"now thats what i call a surprise, Ryan, wellcome home, son!"
another voice welcomes you.
-"hey Ryan, whats going on?"
its your friend Sean having an evening meal with your parents. your mother hints.
-"we,re just about having an evening meal, Ryan. why dont you join us?"
-"i would love to."
you keep low profile and agree. your Father adds.
-"take a seat, Ryan, i,ll be there soon, your Mother just has to finish something up."
-"shure. *sniff* mmh, smells good so far."
Sean asks you.
-"how have you been, mate?"
-"well, im still alive, i guess im fine then."
Sean giggles slightly.
-"hm-hm, hey, i heard about the presentation, was it ..."
-"absolute dung, mate. everything went wrong."
-"and they tease you for that right?"
-"yuph, but it doesnt bother me much. its their fault, not mine, when all goes down, they know they should,ve listened to me."
-"screw those jerks, Ryan, youre doing a great job out there, its your pride, hold on to it."
your father adds, rather cursing. your Mother urges him.
-"Carl! watch your language."
-"im sorry, but thats my opinion."
-thank all of you, you,re realy helpful, what would i do without you all?"
Sean answers funny.
-"i guess you wouldnt be alive i guess, hehe."
-"because you were not fine, got it?"
-"ooooh, that from before, yeah, i got it. *rolling eyes*."
your Mother brings the food to the table.
-"there you go, have a good one, guys."
the sizzle of the Meal drew your attention and the good smell of the food lowers your saturation by a fair bit.
-"wow, that looks great."
-"Bon, appetit."
-"me gusta!"
-"thats spanish, Sean!"
-"i know, ... is it realy?"
everyone starts laughing and having a great time.
the scene changes to outside the house and zooms out slowly as it fades to black.

the Sun sets entirely and the lights in every window go on.
you finished the meal. as you realize that you should go back to your house, you tell that your relatives.
-"it was nice to spend the evening with you, but its getting late and i need to get home now."
-"i just thought the same."
your Friend adds.
-"no problem, guys. it was nice while it lasted. i hope to see you soon again."
your Mother tells.
-"lets go Ryan, its time."
Sean advises as your Mother wishes you farewell.
-"take care of yourselves, guys."
-"see you again soon."
you walk out the door as Sean folows your steps.
-"didnt know your Mother is such a good cook."
-"she,s known for that."
you both small-talk a bit along the road. as some people start teasing you again.
-"hey, Ryan, great presentation, did you ..."
but Sean interrupts.
-"Shut the crap you,re giving off of you, Mark, youre not even having a workplace yourself, at least he is trying, not like you, moron!"
mark stopped teasing. and looks away silently.
-"thanks, but i would,ve told him that myself."
-"no problem, lets go that way."
he answeres sarcasticly and lead the way.
as you both arrive at Seans house, he starts.
-"here we are, mate. great times with your parents, and Ryan..."
-"dont let other people put you down, you dont belong down there, you belong far up where noone can reach you. ok?"
-"thanks, mate, but i think i can shake this by myself."
-"no matter, have a good night, Ryan."
-"you too, Sean."
you make your way through the dark streets to the dividing gate, on the way, you meet mark from earlier again, but this time he doesnt say anything, he doesnt even seem to look at you.
as you arrive at the gate, you swear.
-"uh, shit, this guard again."
you hear a snoring from the gate, you take a look and realize that the guard fell asleep on his lance, taking a nap, but the other guard, Morth, is wide awake and shows you with handsigns to get past quickly, you move on.
nights falls, and past some crates you hear guards rumbling about you in a scotish accent.
you hide at the crates and listen carefully.
"this guy, what,s he called, Ryan? he is shurely talking lies about the History and those bloody Dragons for my taste. if he continues with this, people wont listen to him anymore and he wont be able to pay his bills any longer. i will write a missive to arrest and throw him into the Dungeons, let him rot there!"
-"good idea, mate. he,ll pay with his life then!"
-"they will torture him to death for the crap he gives off!"
you heard that and think for yourself.
-"wh - what?? are they serious? how did they come to this stupid idea now?! well, to be honest, i knew this would happen. looks like i need to hide from those guards from now on! hope this doesnt escalate as quickly as i think it will."
you return to your house passing the other guards as they dont know about the missive yet. as you arrive at your house you walk up to the atic and search arround in your chests for something specific, as you find a sword that you had saved in one specific chest in the atic for many years. its your most precious object, its not any ordinary sword, it is rather special. you hold the sword in your hands and pull it out of its sheath.
a detailed description of it would be like this:
it has a nice curving blue blade carved from a single giant sapphire cristal. the blades sharp lower end coveres the handles front.
the handle is made out of a dark shock frozen lava, obsidian.
and the lower end of the handle is completed with a small sapphire cristal. the Sword sheath is made out of
a Dragonhorn of the elder Dragons with leather belts holding the sword inside the sheath.
The blade slowly starts to refleckt runes faintly, in a strange blue mythical glow in the moon light.
you remember that you found this next to a dead warrior more than 5 years ago,
the sword had a strong attraction to you, so you took it.
-"these runes on the sword mean something, this shurely isnt any ordinary sword, it has a purpose, i know it. i found it next to a gallant armored warrior in the forest anyway! eyther way, i have to hurry up now, i think i,ll take the sword with me, as well as my leather coat."
you put the sword back into the sword sheath, and hide it underthe coat so the guards cant see it, steping out into the alley.
meanwhile its midnight. all you can see are the lights of torches, oillamps on other house and street lamps.
the houses are designed medieval-ish, with woodplanks as frames and straw as roofs, mostly 2 floors but sometimes 3 and in all different variants and forms, sometimes they looks rather valuable and partialy built with stone and the second floor sometimes sticks out one or two meters over the streets, giving it a nice and enclosed feeling.

you pull your hood over, to prevent the guards from seeing you instantly. its late night and dark, you look arround.
-"i need to keep distance from every guard here, who knows how far this stupid idea came around already!"
suddenly you hear guards talking arround the corner of a house.
as you sneak at the corner you hear the guards clearer with an irish accent:

-"Hey, did you hear about the Missive? it says that we have to find a guy named Ryan Winter and throw him into the Dungeons."
-"does it? great, at least i can buy a loaf of bread for my children tonight."
-"same for me, Ron."
-"lets go get him!"

you heard that.
-"well there we go, it seems to be going arround quickly! this place isnt save anymore. i could,ve thought that they would betray me like that!
god damn people here!
ok, how do we manage this now? hm, the port has always Ships that hit sea after they get checked by the watchman.
i should be able to get there hide in a crate on a ship and wait untill the ship hit sea."

making your way down the streets, you notice that almost nobody is walking on the streets, hearing a lot of people sitting in the Inn,s and drinking, making a party, having fun.
but you have to leave quickly. otherwise you will get caught and put into the jail geting tortured to death, as cruel as medieval is. you make your way further down the streets of the market province to the East.
you eventualy arrive at the port. its dark enough, the guards can barely see you sneaking between the crates, you try to find a boat that is about to hit sea. suddenly you hear a couple of traders talking to each other in a british acsent:
-"these fishes are quiet stinky, you could have chosen some more fresh ones, i will have to shrub my ship clean for weaks!"
-"well, excuse me. thats the only fish i,ve got, but if you,re not interrested in them, i can take them back."
-"no, leave them now, at least the guys in the Santa Orea Barrack won,t hunger, my son works there!"
you heard that and think:
-"a Barrack it is? hopefully somewhere far from here."
the traders continue:
-"cut the rope, i,ll hit see soon then!"
you think:
-"perfect, just as i arrive, now where is that ship? it should be full of stink fishes, i guess."
the ship is at one of the wodden docks at the port, with the open spread sail. you sneak past the traders and head towards the boat. as you arrive you look into the crates and the smell of stinky fishes pierce into your nose, the sounds of thousand flys surrounding you makes your skin crawl.
-"*cough* yup, thats the boat!"
you hear the footsteps of the trader entering the dock. quickly you try to find a crate to hide in. but they are all full with terrible stinking fish. so you sneak arround the crates and eventualy find one empty crate. the trader is ready to hit the see. you notice how the boat get moving. the boat arrives at the main boat gates, and the gate opens.

after a while, you fall asleep in the crate.

you arrive at the port near the Barrack, where wagons and ships stop by. the noise outside makes you wake up. you aren,t shure if you realy reached the outpost yet. as you peek out of your crate, you see a lot of guards again.
-"jesus, is this ever going to end?"
you ask yourself, as you hear a voice from outside.
-"lets see if these crates arent smuggling illegals."
-"oh, steamy shait!" you think. out of nervousity you let the crate, youre in, fall over.
seems like the guard noticed the falling crate.
-"frack!" you yell quietly.
-"that crates seem to be unbalanced, let me take a peek
you hold the openable part with your hands, making it unpossible to open for the guard. as the guard tryes to open the crate, he leaves it be, finaly.
-"ok, take the crates over to the others!"
you talk quietly:
-"too close! now they,re about to carry me somewhere else!"
as you wait a bit untill they carried you over, it seems quiet outside. you slowly open the crate to peek out. noone there.

The outside World.

you climb out slowly to avoid noise, as there might still be someone near. you look arround and find yourself in a large inner courtyard with crates, lazaretts, and training dummys, all inside a high walled area.
-"looks like the Barrack they talked about, so thats how it looks in here. i shoud get the Hell out of here."
deciding to search arround, you find stuff like, armor, shields, lockpicks, valuable stuff to sell, and all sorts of gear, you could pick the armor up, but it would not be any benefit right now, it would weight you down and make too much noise, thats not what you are looking for, you are actualy trying to leave the place and hide from the guards, otherwise you get cought.

the main gate is closed with a large wooden grid gate.
your objective is to find another way out.
the gate is the only way out, so you,ll have to get over the
Walls, by sneaking upstairs, past all the guard.
in the training gear storage you,ll find a bow and some special arrows
these arrows have a little glass contianer at the tip, filled with water wich is under pressure.
when hiting a hard surface with those arrows, the container bursts open and releases water evenly on the target. these are perfect for disabling light sources like torches or Fireplaces. that prevents the guard from seeing you too early,
its vital for your survival.

as soon as you get to the highest floor on the Stone walls
you just need to find a tree to jump on.
as you managed to climb down a pine tree close to the walls, you continue walking allong the walls to the entrance, but still avoiding the guards.

so you head off, down the gravel road, towards the place where you found the sword of the warrior.

you think to yourself.
"congrats Ryan, you are now a thief, an outcast. that,s how quick it can get, but that was important, otherwise it would end up worse, i am surprised i made it so far without even getting noticed by the guards."
you pull yourself together and run off further up the road to the north into the forest of the Highhills. the road branches sometime to the left, you decide for random paths. as the road gets thiner and thiner, and the gravel way turns to dirt and then to just grassless pathways between the huge Pines. you almost get lost in the woods, as suddenly you hear a noticable muffled, deep growling hiss in the dark deep of the woods.
-"oOoOoOohh no, not yet, please, not yet, i beg you, just let me live, what ever you are,
probably a Wolf, ... a big Wolf, oh god please not a Werewolf!" you think.

trying to keep your direction as you reach several little things to explore, but then, a structure appears between the Pines. you reach the clearing and see a rather ancient looking ruin like building. there seems to be no entrance, but it looks rather interresting to you, all with moss and cracked stone and missing bricks, makes it look very ancient, you think to yourself.
-"how interresting, looks ancient to me, it must be important for something! huh, seems like there is no entrance to find on it."
you continue your way down the barely noticable pathway through the woods. crows, birds singing, and a faint sunlight through the treetops reaches you. you find one or two chests hidden behind the trees, some of them are trapped, and some of them can be found via treasure map, and some of them are hidden behind a clever mechanism or entrance.
they contain little things like golden rings lockpicks and other valuable things to sell. you decide to pick some of them up.

qontiuing deeper and deeper into the woods, you cant quiet remember anything of these areas, you seems to be lost in the pine forest now.
-"i ... seems to be lost in this forest, i dont know where i am anymore."
you try to find a place to rest. as if it isn,t uncompfortable enough, you hear a rather loud rustling in the bushes and behind the trees, like a creature following you. as if thats not creepy enough, you hear a rather quiet growling from the direction.
-"*sigh*ok, thats it, thats just getting ridiculous! im leging it now!"
you start running faster and faster into the woods.
suddenly you stumble across a wide clearing in the woods, it seems to be quiet familiar to you. you notice that this place is where you found the Sword, the warrior isn,t here anymore.
looking at your surrounding, you hear someone rustling in the bushes arround you in the woods. as you pull back your hoodie, suddenly a bunch of Bandits jump out of the bushes, they run at you, screamingly attacking you!
excitingness overcomes you, you swing out your Sword out of reaction and slice right through one of the Bandits. he falls over bleeding to death. but arrows are zipping right past you as the Archers pull back another load of arrows. you stand there paralyzed, knowing that these arrows are going to hit you shurely.
they release the Bowstring, and out of reaction you place the sword right before you like trying to block it.
suddenly a bright blue light appears off of your Sword and ricochets the arrows back to the Archers right into their Heads.
you try to realize what just happened with them, as a new Bandit appear from the woods, jumping right into your face! as you were about to swing your sword, you hear a loud growling shout from your left hand side.
a big bluescaled Dragon jumps out and lands right onto the Bandit pushing him to the ground, then throwing him into the air over the tree tops. the Bandit scream while he gets thrown far away
you,re just standing there, totaly shocked that this creature didn,t just do that with you.

As the creature ends his capitulation, it calms down and whipes the blood off its claws and snout on the grass,

The Dragons faith.

it turns arround to you with a rather noticable hiss.
a 3-4 meters high bluescaled Dragon with a skin colored underside.
the round snout tip, fitted with two openable nose slits, continuing to a wider headbase with blue shining
raptor-like eyes and two long, slightly curved Horns on the back of the head pointing backwards. short thorns pointing down, they begin under the chin and contiue along the lower jaw corner, getting bigger and more horizontal the more back they are, all that makes the Dragon look valuable on second glance. her wings are made of big very sturdy feather plates, like oversized scales. blunt thorns along the upper side of the tail and a feathery club at the tip of the tail for flight stability. the claws are similar to raptors claws, elbows provided with little thorns.
the Dragon has blue-ish mane on the back of its neck as well.

you are still shocked by the scene that you,ve experienced, you talk exited and scared as it turns to you with a loud hiss.
"no no nononoNoNONONO, for the love of gods, leave me be!"
the dragon screams at you loud, opening its mouth revealing her mouth innards.
you walk reverse and stumble over a little rock,
falling over.
A female laughter echos in your mind.
then you scream loudly.
-"Shit, shit , shit, im boned, im so going to die here, because of this thing!"
you think that the dragon would not understand you usualy.
but another female voice echoes in your head.
-"calm down, im not going to bite you!"
-"Wh-Who was that?!"
you try to speak stuttering, as you crawl back a few steps looking arround you.
"who is speaking?!"
-"take a guess, human."
the Dragon female answered you.
-"hang on a minute, ... that,s ... the dragon?
ok thats it, i am getting crazy, or this creature is talking to me!" you said loudly. and she replies
-"indeed, this 'creature' is talking to you! be happy that i do so, and not rip you into pieces like this Bandit!"
she threatens.
you explain to yourself:
-"o - ok im not crazy, it IS talking to me, .. get out of my head, dragon!"
-"im not "in your head" im telepathicaly comunicating with you, human. but if you refuse, then ..."
-"nonono, I ... I, im realy sorry. please, excuse me for my inconvenience, dear, uh, ... lady."
-"stop whining like a baby, where is your Pride? and yes, you,re having a female in front of you,
where did you ran off anyway, you don,t look like someone who would survive out here for much longer."
you look at your sword wich you still hold in your hands.
-"uh, traveling, why do you care anyway?"
-"can,t a dragon ask a human for the reason anymore? the sword tells me something else. it has a rather important purpose, i wonder why such a simple human like you layd hands on it."
you notice that this dragon is indeed not wanting to hurt you, just talk to you.
-"I uh, ... found it in this clearing. You ... you know this sword?"
-"indeed, its a Dragon-guardian-sword made by the Elder Dragons thousands of years ago, it serves as a symbol of protecting and allying with the Dragons, wich i think is hopeless anyway these days. i didn,t saw such artifacts in a long time, you found it here you say?!" she asks.
-"um, yes. that,s the reason why i came back here, you know, i lived in Windrun once."
-"i am, ... was, a writer collecting evidences of Histories about Dragons, write them down, and ,well, tried to sell those masterpieces, it contained evidences of the Dragons thousands of years ago, and that they mean us no harm at all."
she starts smirking:
-"huh, no harm? you are still talking about Dragons, are you?"
-"uh, i mean, not harm if we don,t provoke them to. anyway, i found this sword next to this ... warrior. first i had the idea to sell this sword, but it seems to be a bad idea now. i fleed to hide from the guards as they turned on me, i thought i could hide in the forest, but this here doesnt seem like a friendly welcome: creepy hisses in the bushes, bandits jumping at your face."
-"the forest is definitely not the place for you, also i was tracking you the whole time, remember you saying something about an ancient ruin?"
-"that was you making these creepy noises."
-"indeed, i had a little fun teasing you."
-"huh, very funny, well as long as you dont eat me."
-"not my intention, humans taste horrible..."
-" ... oh, excuse me, where are my manners. my name is
Ryan, Ryan Winter."
she lyes down on the ground.
you put your sword back into the sheat.
-"do you expect me to tell you my name?"
-"um, do you have one?"
-"yes, but i dont find it necessary to share my name with anyone."
-"why? its not like im going to steal it from you or anything."
-"look human, i dont like giving my name away, especially to someone easy to kill like you, and we just met not 10 minutes ago."
she judges.
-"oh key, fine to me."
-"i mean take a look at you, do you think a simple leather coat will save your delicate human skin?"
you look at yourself.
-"well, maybe youre right."
she start giggling slightly. she stands up before you, as you ask her.
-"so, what are you up to now?"
-"none of your bussines, human!"
you think for yourself:
-"she isnt trusting me, but i kind of trust her."
-"i heard that, human."
-"oh what? so you also can read my thoughts huh?"
-"whenever i want, human. you also should be careful who you trust.
i,ll go now, we might meet us again."

she flies off with strong Wing flaps towards the ground.
-"well, thats one of the stranges things that happened to me in my life, too bad she doesnt trust me enough, i kind of trust her anyways."
you look arround you and continue your journey through the Forest. but then you notice the trees getting fewer and fewer and stumble across a Wooden Barrier, you walk along the walls and eventualy find the entrance, it seems to be a Village in the middle of the Forest.

The Village Aleroth.

you go further into the village with careful steps, this place seems peaceful and quiet, still you walk carefully to one of the Village houses. the Doors are locket, and there seems to be no activity inside the houses when looking through the windows.
eventualy you find a house with an open door, as you step in, you hear a voice of a Dwarven Trader saying:
-"come in, come in, stranger. dont fear to look arround, if you like to trade, you might find something."
you see a rather short person standing behind a wooden Desc, the room is filled with armorstands and chests with weapons gears and tools of all sorts.
-"hello, Dwarf, can you tell me what this place here is?"
-"this is the wonderful Village, Aleroth, youre welcome to stay here as long as you want."
-"Aleroth, and youre the trader of this Village?"
-"indeed, my friend, if you would like to trade, my store is open at any time."
-"why is this place so far away from Whiterun?"
-"oh, dont speak this name here, we dont like the Fortress too much after what they,ve done to us, we ran away from this place and made our own Village out here, sadly not many people come along, so its rather lonely here."
-"how many people live here?"
-"4 people including me, we once had more than 5 people living here, but a few years ago our Argonian named Goemoe died from senility. there is an Elf named Lanilor, he is a nice Elf. and another Dwarf, but he is very rasist agains humans and other races, i advise you to not come across him, he won,t be comfortable with you. but i am fine with any race as i am not a racist, everyone can trade with me."
-"is there a healer in this Village?"
-"the Mage is able to heal, but he is in a very sick condition, he has halucinations of Demons arround him, i think talking to him might be a bad idea, as he has the force to turn you into a pile of ash."
-"oh, thats lovely, is there a way to heal him somehow? i think he needs the healing more than me."
-"we,ve tryed everything, but it doesnt seem to get better, i think there is more behind all that, but who knows."
-"im shure there is. lets see what you have to trade..."
as you finish trading with him, he starts talking to you:
-"you didnt tell me your name, stranger, my name is George."
-"Ryan, Ryan Winter, my Dwarven friend."
-"nice to meet you Ryan, i have to warn you about something."
-"what is it?"
-"it is very dangerous to wander arround in the woods like that, everyone fears a Dragon roaming in the Forest, some of us here tell that they have seen it.
i just want to warn you."
-"oh, ... ah..., ok thank you for the warning *i think i know which dragon he means*"
you think for yourself as
you continue to explore the Village.
as you come across the house of the elf, you notice some strange conversation inside the house.
-"Madeus, please take a seat, you,re talking nonsense again."
-"no, be gone slave of the demon Lord Galbator, or i will send you to the bottom of the ocean."
-"Madeus, please take your medicine, you have to lay down for a while."
-"i won,t take your stinking brew, take it back and get out of this village, you scum!"
-"this doesnt go anywhere, i am not a demon or a slave, i am Lanilor, L-a-n-i-l-o-r, do you hear me?"
you think for yourself.
-"oh my, this Mage is realy confused, i better leave him alone, i prefer staying alive."
the Elf suddenly walks out the door.
-"that is a hopeless case, ... oh, hello stranger, i ,ve never seen you before, are you new here?"
-"hello Elf friend, yes im new here, i just arrived at this Village, wondering why this Mage sounds so confused."
-"yes yes, Madeus is very sick, we could say: sick in his mind.
we,ve tryed everything, but nothing seems to help. i am Lanilor, by the way."
Ryan, Ryan Winter, nice to meet you."
-"ah its nice to see people not running towards you with a flailing axe or club at your face."
-"youre saying it, so youre an Elf, can you heal?"
-"kind of, i can heal with the power of the natur, meaning plants and herbs. you could say i am a herbalist."
these next questions only apear if you didnt met the trader before.
-"what is this place i am in, if i may ask?"
-"this is the wonderful place Aleroth, its quiet and peaceful for the most part."
-"is here a trader somewhere?"
-"yes yes, the very first house in the south-western part of the village, the Trader is a nice Dwarf, not like the other one at the far northern part, he is very racist against others, you might want to avoid him. also avoid the Dragon that is crossing these skyes every once in a while, and roaming in the woods."
-"dragon huh? *i think i know which he means*.
well then, thank you for your time Elf friend. i think i will resume my wandering arround."
-"it was a pleasure to meet you, Ryan."
you continue exploring the village, as suddenly you arrive at a dark
big 3 floored house. the entrance seems to be locked, and there is no other way in, so you continue exploring.
there is another house wich belongs to the Elf, its open and the elf remains quiet to your exploration in his house.
another house with a rather grumpy looking Dwarf laid on your path, the door seems locked but there is light coming out of the windows, so there are deffinitely people inside.
some other houses are abandoned and locked.
the Trader has something to say to you, in case you return to the trader, he starts:
-"Ryan, can you do me a favour?"
-"shure, what is it?"
-"i, uh, need some special plants for specific reason, to refine them into, uh, a smokable condition. the Plants are in this village, but i cant just go there and pick them, they belong to the other Dwarf here, and if he sees me picking his plants, well."
-"would you please pick them up for me?"
-"what?! so that i can get caught instead?!"
-"please, i will pay you well."
-"this sounds like a terrible favour!"
-"i know, but its a relationship matter, i cant, and i realy need those plants!"
-"*sigh*, ok, which plants though?"
-"its a Drudanae, i can show you, if you could folow me into my room please."
-"*oh jesus*"
you think for yourself.
-"there it is, next to the table, dont touch it, its very delicate.
-"so, it s a drug plant, am i right?"
-"yess, but please, dont tell anyone else that i take those, ok? i give you a rebate on my goods next time we trade together. the plants are located in the south-western part of the village, in the garden of the other Dwarf. but be careful, the Dwarf could catch you. just bring like 3 of them overhere, ok? the rebate will stay then."
-"*ok, i,ll bring you these plants."
-"be careful, the Dwarf could be arround patroling."
from there on, the door to the other Dwarven house isnt locked anylonger and can be entered, because the Dwarf is out of his house, and on patrole.
as you arrive at these plants, suddenly the Dwarf appears right behind you:
-"What the hell are you doing there Human?!"
he is rather upset about seeing a human stranger picking his plants right infront oh his dwarven eyes.
-"i uh, the trader was asking..."
-"get the f*ck away from my plants, you stinking thief or i,ll kill you barehands!!"
-"wait wait, its not for me, its..."
-"Shure, and whom do you picked MY plants then? huh? you just arrived at some village in the pines and think you can simply steal anything you see?
i,ll show you how easy it realy is. get tha f*ck out of this village, you thief!"
you run away so that he doesnt catch you.
but you managed to pick some of those plants for George.
as you enter Georges house, he immediately asks you:
-"did - did you get them?"
-"yes, here they are, get them away from me."
-"oh thank you Ryan, i cant thank you enough. did the Dwarf caught you?"
-"unfortunately yes, just as i was picking them, he saw me and kicked me away, luckly i had some plants in my bag already."
-"thats not good, he will probably search for you, you should leave this village as soon as possible."
-"great. so what are you gonna do with those plants now?"
-"none of your business, you should not stick your nose in other peoples business, human?"
-"ok, fine geez, was just asking."
-"excuse me, i can be a bit tempramental sometimes."
-"i noticed that!"
-"i wish you good luck out there, Ryan."
-"thanks, Dwarf."
you head off into the forrest once more, as there is nothing else to do here in Aleroth.
"i think, this Mage, if i find a cure for him, he could be realy thankful and might help me out a bit, huh."
you think for yourself.
eventualy you arrive at the Clearing where you met the Dragon female the first time.
as you look arround, you hear noticable hisses in the tress.
-"ok, i know thats you, Dragon, it is loosing its effect."
-"you could,ve at least twitched a little."
the Dragon female talks to you as she walks out of the trees infront of you.
-"very funny."
-"you,re still wandering arround in the forest, right? trying to find a home place?"
well, i found a village, but one dweller is realy racist agains the humans, so i had to run away quickly."
she starts giggling about it.
-"thanks for your sympathy, Dragon, realy appreciate it."
-"oh come on, its funny."
-"whats funny as well, is that they talked about a Dragon that threatens the village, what about that?"
-"that would be me, but im deffinitely not threatening anyone, i,m just flying over and arround, watching form above."
-"dont you think they get terrifyed by that?"
-"i think they,d know by now that im harmless to them."
-"they dont know that. well anyway, it seems that i am pritty much lost in this forest now."


Ryan is far from done, he just walked out the doorstep of human civilisation, he still hase to become an ally of the Dragon female. so that he can continue his journey as the chosen one, to save all reaces of Elaria from the undead, all just to prove the innosence of the Dragon race after thousands of years.

This was a very tiny Teaser of the first of many Chapters of my Fantasy Story A Dragon's Heat: Faith,
i will complete it as soon as i get more use to Writing.com.
please leave a comment as well as a rating. any feedbacks are appreciated.
more to come.
© Copyright 2015 Alexandrowich (alexandrowich at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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