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Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Fanfiction · #2042449
Things get complicated and Nico kind of puts Percy in danger...
Nico woke first the following morning, which wasn't surprising. Percy may not have felt like it, but not sleeping for three years takes a toll on one's body. Nico got himself ready for the day and ran down to the lobby to get food for when Percy woke up. If there was one thing Nico did when he got out of the Lotus after seventy years, it was eat. And he knew Percy would be no different.
He gathered a plate full of breakfast food and made his way back up to the room. Percy was just waking up when Nico came back to the door but that didn't mean his fear wasn't ready to kick in if necessary. And, apparently, it found it necessary because when he heard something outside the room again, he panicked. He jumped out of the bed and ran into the bathroom. He locked the door behind him and hid in the tub behind the shower curtain. His heart was pounding so loud he couldn't hear anything else.
Nico opened the door and laid the plate of food on the dresser before he looked at Percys bed. The blankets had been thrown to the side and a pillow was laying on the floor. Once again, Nico pulled a gun from the back of his pants, the gun that was always there, and cocked it. He had taught himself to be ready for any and all possible circumstances and that's exactly what he did. Even if there was nothing the matter, he needed to be prepared.
Nico crept through the room very slowly and looked in every crack and crevice for Percy. He looked beside the beds, where Percy had hidden the first time, he looked under them, he looked in the closet, he even looked in the doors in the television stand, but none showed signs of the son of Poseidon. Nico made his way through the room and stopped in front of the bathroom door. He tried to turn the handle but it was locked. He wasn't sure whether he should be relieved about the locked door, or scared.
Percy heard the rattling and he began to panic even more. He had no idea why he was panicking but he was extremely afraid. He was sitting on the bottom of the tub with his arms clutching his knees tightly to his chest, the shower curtain hiding him from the rest of the room. He could feel his heart beat through his entire body and small beads of sweat were starting to form on his forehead. He could hear something on the other side of the door that sounded like a lock being picked and a whole new fear welled up in him. He figured he would have been alright in the bathroom behind a locked door, but he had apparently been wrong. His fear became too much for him to take and tears started to flow from his eyes.
Nico managed to get the door unlocked and held his gun ready as he entered the bathroom. He looked around for a second and then focused his attention on the closed shower curtain. His first thought was that someone had broken into the room, snatched Percy, and was holding him behind the curtain at gun point as some sort of way to get Nico to do something. He knew he shouldn't have left Percy alone in the room.
The son of Hades' thoughts began to run rampid for just a few short seconds. He had a lot of information about people as well as a lot of people who wanted him dead because of the things he had been doing over the last three years. And if they had found out about Percy...
Nico stepped close to the shower and Percy cowered even more when he heard the footsteps get closer, once again trying to sink into the wall behind him. He buried his face in his arms as the tears started to flow faster and harder from fear of the unknown. Percy saw the curtain move as a hand brushed across it.
Nico latched a hand onto the curtain and pulled it to the side quickly, readying his pistol for whatever it was that was hiding behind the fabric. Percy heard the noise of the curtain sliding to the side on the metal rod and he let out a slight yelp and shoved himself further into the corner. Nico froze when he saw Percy in the tub.
They were both silent for a second. Nico stood just staring at Percy and Percy sat listening to the only sound that was being made: the beating of his own heart. Nico slowly lowered his gun and opened his mouth to speak.
Percy shoved himself further, yet again, into the corner and even sunk down the wall a little into the tub. Nico could see Percys fear and he crouched quickly.
"Percy it's Nico. Look at me."
Percy tensed as he heard the voice, his muscles shook and a cold shiver went sent down his spine. He let it sink into his ears hesitantly but he did recognize Nicos voice so he was able to relax a little. His fear hadn't quite vanished yet, though, and he was still leary about looking up.
"Percy. Look at me."
Percy managed to open his eyes and lift his head a little so he could see the son of Hades out of one tear filled orb. The image was blurry from the tears but the male was indeed Nico. Percy lifted his head the rest of the way and looked at him.
"What is it with you?" Nico scolded , although gently. "You hide every time I come to the door."
Percy sniffled. "I don't know. I'm scared, but I don't know why."
Nico huffed. "Unnatural and unreasonable fear isn't odd for someone when they've been stuck in the Lotus for as long as you have."
Percy wiped his tears away. "I'm sorry."
"You don't have to apologize for being afraid, Percy." Nico stood and held a hand out for the boy in the tub. Percy looked at the hand, looked at Nico, and then looked back at the hand. He unfurled his own from where it had been wrapped tightly by his chest and reached it out to grab Nicos. Nico pulled him to his feet and Percy climbed out of the tub before letting go quickly, a cool brush of air reaching it when the two let their skin leave one anothers.
They stood for a moment and just looked at one another before Nico motioned with a cock of his head that he was leaving the bathroom and he wanted Percy to follow him. Nico made it to the door before Percy even took his first step, but the son of Poseidon began to move when he could no longer see Nico. Back in the hotel room, Nico sat on his bed and dropped his head into his hands.
Percy felt his heart skip a beat seeing Nico look distressed. "Are you mad?"
Nico lifted his head with a raised eyebrow. "Why would I be mad?"
"I don't know. You just look mad."
Nico shook his head and stood. "I'm not mad."
"Are you annoyed?"
Nico sighed. "No, I'm not annoyed, either." He was starting to feel slightly annoyed, though.
"Then... what are you?"
Nico had never really taken time to examine how he felt at the time. He had never really done that all at before, ever. But now he did. "I'm...confused."
"Why?" Percy started to panic again for some unknown reason. Panic had become the only 'solid' in his life for the day. "Is it my fault? Am I confusing you? Did I do something? Did something happen in the Lotus?"
"Woah. Woah woah woah. Calm down, Percy. Nothing happened in the Lotus. Yes, you are partially to blame for my confusion but don't take it personal. I'm mostly to blame."
Percy had been non stop wondering about alot of things since he came to the night before, but this had found its way to the top of his 'what to be confused about' list. "I don't understand."
The son of Hades looked away from Percy. "Don't worry about it. Just eat." Nico was picking away at his own plate of food as he ended his sentence.
Percy didn't feel like eating, though. He still had a lot he wanted, and needed, to know. "No. I wanna know what's going on." He paused as Nicos hand stopped inches from his mouth. "Nico, I feel so lost. Please. Just tell me something."
Nico sighed, dropping the silverware. "If I tell you, will you eat?"
Percy nodded and Nico gestured for such to happen. The son of Poseidon picked up his fork and took a bite of eggs as Nico started talking. He started by doing a slight recap on what he had told Percy the day before, bringing everything to the front of Percys mind.
"So... your life is complicated because you're a hitman?" It did seem like a pretty complicated profession.
"That's only a small part."
Nico didn't plan on divolging into everything that had happened in the short time since he started hitting; there were a lot of details. But the look on Percys face indicated that he wouldn't be satisfied until he knew each and every one. Nico dropped his fork to the plate and set it beside him on the bed before he turned to face Percy.
"About eleven months ago, when I was staying in Santa Fe, a pimp came to me and told me he was having trouble with one of his girls' regular Johns. He said that he hadn't been paying yada yada yada and he wanted the money and wanted the guy gone to boot. When word of that got around, I got hired for another job, but that one went south. The job was a drug dealer that had pissed off an Albuquerque mobster. The mobster came looking for me in Santa Fe because he heard about what I could do and when he found me, he hired me. Things went pretty well until I got here. The mobster told me that the dealer was here in Las Vegas. When I got here, I didn't have much of a problem finding him. I did, however, have a hell of a time killing time. I seriously thought this guy was invincible. I mean, I shot him, I poisoned him, I blew up his damn house. But he wouldn't die. After two months or so, I managed to kill the guy and I tried to get outta here but one of his buddies found me and beat the living daylights out of me." Percy made a face that was a mixture of fear and wonder. Nico had to laugh at it. "I was in the hospital for a couple weeks but I pulled through. And that's when I thought about you and the Lotus. I wasn't sure if you would actually go in there again so I had to do a lot of work to figure it out. Surprisingly enough, the place has video cameras and I got a buddy to hack into them and I found you. That was a little over a month ago. And from then until yesterday, I worked on a plan to get you out of there."
Percy took a moment to process the whole thing. He had everything but one part figured out.
"Why did you go through so much trouble to find me?"
Nico had known this would pop up sooner or later but he just hoped it would be later since he wasn't ready to talk about it... He hadn't gotten what he wanted.
"Eat your breakfast and I'll tell ya later."
Percy had really wanted to know but he didn't push the issue. He ate a few bites of the food before he looked back up at Nico and opened his mouth to ask another question. Before even one word left his lips, Nico snapped at him.
"If you ask me one more question before you finish eating, I will personally take you back to the Lotus and leave you there forever."
Percy wasn't sure if he should take Nico seriously or not. He waited for a few seconds, wondering if the son of Hades would say anything more, and then went back to his breakfast. Neither boy said anything the entire time they ate and Nico was thankful that his little 'threat' had gotten his point across. He wouldn't have really done that to Percy but Percy didn't need to know that.
The two finished eating, thankfully in silence, and Nico made sure he had everything he would need for a day out on the town. He let Percy borrow another set of clothes; boxers, jeans, and a hoddie; to keep him clad in clean attire until he got his own clothes. When Nico saw Percy the night before, wearing his sweatpants and shirt, he had seriously thought the boy looked hot. But seeing him now in skinny jeans and a hoodie zipped up enough to cover his torso but not his whole chest... Nico felt like he might have died a little. He hadn't seen Percy in three years so seeing him again, and having him look the same as he had before, was an excitement in and of itself. And then add the fact he was wearing Nicos clothes into the mix... damn.
The two made their way out of the hotel and to the parking lot where Nico unlocked a black sports car and climbed into the driver seat. Percy just stood and stared at the automobile.
"You gettin' in or are ya just gonna stare at it?"
"This is your car?"
"Kind of. It's registered in a friends name and he makes all the payments, but I drive it."
Percy was at a loss for words.
"Percy. We got shit to do man, c'mon let's go."
Percy nodded his head and climbed into the car before Nico pulled out of the parking lot. He had no idea how much time had passed because he was so wrapped up in staring at the interior to pay attention so when they stopped, he was a little shocked.
"We're here?"
Nico stood from the car and Percy followed suit before the two entered the mall that the parking lot belonged to. Percy made his way to Macy's and Nico just kind of followed along at a safe distance and kept his eyes open. It took Percy about an hour or so to gather together enough clothes to last him a few days at a time and get them paid for.
"Um... Nico?" Percy said shyly. "I have no money."
Nico chuckled. "I didn't expect you to have any money."
Nico pulled his wallet from his pocket and paid for Percys clothes. Percy thanked him profusely until they left the store and Nico told him to shut up. Then he apologized, only once... thank the gods.
Nico asked Percy if he had a cell phone and the son of Poseidon gave him a look of fear. It was almost as if he felt he should have and that Nico would be mad because he didn't.
He took Percy to an electronic store and bought him a decent phone that he hoped would be hard to track. They waited for about another hour for the phone to be turned on before they left. Right away, Nico put his number into the phone and warned him not to use it to call anyone else.
"Not even my mom?"
"Not even your mom."
A look of utter disappointment spread over Percy's face. Nico had to turn away to keep the expression from getting to him. He didn't want to seem like the bad guy in the situation but he had to cover his ass. And, along with that, he wanted to keep Percy safe. He had lost him for three years and now he had him back. He needed to keep him safe.
It was well after noon by this time and the two made their way to the food court. Nico hated staying in public for as long as he had but there didn't seem to be any sign of danger, or even anyone he knew, so he figured they were alright. They got burgers and sat in the corner by the bathrooms. Nico sat facing the court and made Percy sit with his back to it.
"Nico I feel exposed. I don't want to sit here."
"Too bad."
Nico was so alert to everything around him, he didn't even think that he might offend Percy. And he didn't notice that he had, either. The thought Percy had had earlier, about him being part of Nicos problems, came back to his mind. He ate silently, just like he had at breakfast, and tried not to let Nicos words bother him.
Once they had eaten, they left the mall and went back to the hotel. They were stopped by the clerk at the counter, though, before they even made it to the elevator. She handed Nico a small piece of paper and said that a man had dropped it off only about fifteen minutes before. Nico thanked the woman, although he would have preferred not to have received what ever it was, and he and Percy made their way to the elevator. In the elevator, Nico unfolded the piece of paper and read the words written on it.
'Is that your boyfriend? He's cute. I'd really hate for
anything to happen to him like what happened to mine.
Keep an eye on him, or he'll end up with me. -Manticore'
Nico crumpled the note up and shoved it into his pocket. Percy had been watching him ever since he was handed the paper and was concerned at Nicos behavior.
"I-is everything okay?"
Percy froze. "What's going on?"
"I'll tell ya later. When we get to the room, get your stuff together. We need to get out of here."
"Please don't ask, Percy. Just do what I say, alright?" Nicos patience was close to gone.
Percy nodded. When the elevator stopped, they wasted no time in getting out and going to the room. Percy packed all of his new clothes into the backpack Nico had bought him and slung it on his sholder as Nico slid his gun back into the back of his jeans. Once they were sure they were ready, they went back down to the lobby and checked out. Percy really wanted to know what was going on but all Nico would tell him was to get in the car. Percy complied and Nico drove off like a madman. That's when he finally told Percy what was going on.
"That little piece of paper was a note from a guy that I really wish I didn't know and I wish even harder that he didn't know me."
Percy furrowed his brow a little. "Who is it?"
"His street name is Manticore."
Percy wore a confused expression that Nico didn't know whether to laugh or scoff at. "Like the mythological creature?"
"Yeah. He chose it because he thought it was intimidating."
...Body of a lion, head of a human, threee rows of sharp teeth, and bat like wings... That could be intimidating. "What does he do?"
"A little bit of everything; drug dealing, weapon dealing, hitting, hiring, he robs banks, he cleans up messes, he does whatever he has to do."
Woah. Processing that was a fun one. What kind of people did Nico know? Better question: "What does he want with you?"
"He wants me dead." Nico said flatly. "And he would have killed me a long time ago if I didn't have some very valuable information that he kind of needs. That information is the only thing keeping me alive. But now..."
Percy's panic increased. "But now what?"
"He saw us at the store today and he must have gotten an idea."
"I don't understand."
Nico sighed. "Percy that note was threatening you."
Percy thought he was scared before. "Me? Why me?"
"He thinks youre my boyfriend." Percy had almost forgotten Nico was gay... "And so, he will do whatever he can to get his hands on you and do whatever he can to you to get what he wants from me."
Percy tensed up. A ringing started to sound in his ears. He forced himself to speak just to keep his sanity. The fact this guy thought he was Nicos boyfriend didn't even register. "You must have made him really mad."
"I did."
Nico didn't want to tell Percy that but he might as well spill it seeing as how the boy would probably annoy the crap out of Nico until he told him. "I tortued his boyfriend for information and then killed him to keep him quiet. And now, The Manticore wants me for the information I got from his lover. He never figured out what it was and his life is in danger because I told who could possibly be his worst enemy in the whole world. So, I screwed him over and he will do the same to me. Using you to get the information he wants."
Percys mind went blank for a moment. He pulled himself together and tried to think all that through. It took a little bit to but, when he hoped he was done, and hoped he was wrong, he figured that his life was in serious danger. Only one thought entered his mind after that: 'Why hadn't Nico just left him in the Lotus instead of getting him out and pulling him into all this?'
© Copyright 2015 TheePhantomInkQuill (phantomquill at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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