Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2042302-Tuesday-May-19
Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #2042302
Flash fiction
"We never saw it again"

"No no no no," she screamed as her entire book disappeared before her very eyes. The computer bug had struck again Janet sighed sitting back. Even her saved work was gone. This bug really had to go. Eight out of the nine manuscripts she had written so far had dissapppeared puff. Gone from her computer, discs, and flash drive. Janet stood up and stretched. She went over to the coffee pot for a fresh cup, and noticed that the on button was dark. She'd been writing for awhile she thought. She poured herself out a cup, and took a sip. So what to do with a computer bug that was literally eating up her stuff. She knew that Mike the computer geek wouldn't know what to do. He had already tried, and the bug had disappeared entirely. He couldn't find any trace that it had ever even been there.

Janet sat down infront of the computer again. The screen wasn't blank anymore there was a mean looking face on it. All teeth. Kind of like the chesshire cat in Alice in Wonderland.

"Hello Janet," It said. Janet stared at it, and rubbed her eyes. Had she really heard those words. "Yes you did, and by the way my name is Sam,"

Allright I'll play along Janet thought. "Are you the one who keeps eating up all my manuscripts?" Janet asked.
"Only the bad ones. You still have two very good ones saved on the hard drive. I loved those, and I think the readers will too," Sam replied bobbing up and down.
"What are you?" Janet asked, and watched as the face smiled again.
"I am the internet author and have decided to help you with your writing. I live in the deep web, and bob up occaisionally to see what people are putting out there. Mind you some of it is pure drivel. But you have potential," The face replied.
Janet perked up. "I do," She said.
"Well yes, if you just keep working on those two manuscripts I left you might have a working book."
"And you won't make them dissappear?" Janet asked.
"Well, if I don't like it you'll never see it again," Sam threatened. Janet wasn't too thrilled with that threat but she decided to work with this thing being?
For the next several months they worked on the manuscript "We Never Saw it Again" Janet had come up with the title when she was reading about all the paranormal stuff she liked to read. This was as paranormal as you got she thought working with a being from the deep realms of the computer. Finally Sam said that the manuscript was ready for a publisher. And poof Janet never saw it again.
Dejected she went back to the typewriter in her basement. Several months later she was perusing her favorite bookstore for the latest best seller. She stopped her mouth opened, and she screamed. There was "We Never Saw it Again," standing on the best seller list, and she looked at the author. By Sam Janet.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2042302-Tuesday-May-19