Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2041945-The-Voices
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Dark · #2041945
A story of a man lost in his mind...and sanity.
The sound of screams echoed through my head. Red blurred across my vision, and I’m sure there was more to it than that. A warm feeling, relief probably, rang through me, even though the shrieking voices didn’t cease. They told me things-things a normal man would’ve killed himself for hearing, but I understood them. Please them, and they would stop for a time. Each time, they came back faster and stronger. They were like razor blades scratching, gnawing at the inside of my head.

The things they shout, they could drive a person mad. Insane. But they are fine-fine with me. They-they tell me how to live, how to survive. This world is brutal, and they only help. Survival of the fittest……they taught me that. And what I could do to make the world better. So much better, that I’ll be noticed.

The women below me looked…helpless. Her tears rolled down her face, running from her dull, lifeless eyes. She had scars, scars on the inside and out. She use to worry about them, I mean, anyone with those scars would. She was stressed with kids, work, and pleasing her man. I was just helping her.

Blood raced from her torso, riding toward puddles on the floor. It was fresh and the smell, oh the smell, it was of iron. Sweet and sour, all at the same-same time. She looked happy now, and I couldn’t help laughing. It was so beautiful!

The room was quickly turning from white to red. The lights, they flickered, which only made the lighting that much better. It was like a movie, only each flash told a story of its own. I could see each metal bar shielding all the windows in the room, and the soft floor curved to allow her body a nice resting place.

But she was incredibly irritating. She came to stab me with some…needle. Imagine-imagine that! A needle! What kind of sick-o does such a thing? They threw me in here to rot! This made me furious, but that’s not even the worst part! They put me in this…thing that makes it hard to use my arms! Luckily, I got out of that when the last person left.

Who would’ve thought ridding the world of its-its human underclass, its filth, that they would toss me in this scum infested hole. I mean, I was doing them a favor! A. Favor. Less people to feed and give them jobs! It’s not like they were worthy of it anyway! Everyone else has the easy jobs where they get promoted quickly, where-as mine is unappreciated. R-really?! Maybe I should just slightly jolt their necks to the side…all of them. Just a thought, but would the voice’s approve? That’s all I care about, I serve them.

I got up and left her there. She was peaceful; I shouldn’t disturb her. As I left the doorway, red lights flashed and sirens rang. The darkness closed the halls, making them difficult to navigate. I still-still needed to try, though. It would make many people happy…Master included.

Oh! I had forgotten of Master for a while! He hasn’t closed my mind for a long time, ever since I was placed here. He’s heroic, cunning, intelligent, and strong. He’s the only person that gets me! He-he told me the Voices told-told him things too! Why, they spoke to everyone once in a while! He’s smart…

I knew the way back to the front, top, ground level. I could feel its pull, its call. I was safe now. Nothing would-could hurt me! It was fate!

Just then, I saw someone running toward me. He was tall, well built, and it-it was Master! I could tell by his prideful strides and stance.

“Master!” I called. “Master! I-I knew you’d come for me! I just knew it!” I laughed. High-pitched and sincere. Some might saw…evil. That only made my smile wider-bigger.

“Shhh! Follow me.” He whispered, and his forcefulness startled me. I just paced behind him quietly, like he said to

We reached a stairwell soon, and the Voices started up again. Were they coming from the stairs? Were they telling me to rid the moment of Master? Surely, they couldn’t be saying that!

But then, as the door closed behind Master, the Voices only stayed loud. They controlled us both, so he must’ve seen this coming. Surely…?

I grabbed a shard of shattered glass from the floor. While it cut a deep gash in my palm, I opened the heavy door. Master burst from the hall, right into my-my glass. He knew! Yes-yes, he understood the command!

“I-but-uh-why…Maliki…” As he spoke his last word upon the floor, his breath slowing. I rolled Master’s body off of mine, and onto the cold marble. His blood flowed into my hands, and I smirked. This was what my final mission was! The Voices had to be pleased! I did as I was told, and this pleasure only made that more prevalent! Cackling, I watched the lights burn white again. My cackle turned into a scream as Master grabbed my neck.

He slammed me into the wall, and scrapped my face against it. The man, I could tell, wasn’t Master. He-he wasn’t Master! That faker!

I regained sanity, and overtook the man once more. I tossed him through a window, which he broke and tumbled through. Glass beakers collided with his skin, burning him. Giggling, I watched him leave. I couldn’t stay-stay long, so I left.

I returned to the stairwell, and a huge bang sounded. Hurt-bubbling pain rose through me, and I once again smiled. The Voices automatically left. This-this was the cure? Death? Wow, I thought my job was the cure. Oh well.

Then the white turned black, my blood ran cold, and the Voices remained gone.

© Copyright 2015 ImMortalAmy (immortallove10 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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