Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2041655-Dear-Skinny-Figure-Obsessed-Teenager
Rated: E · Letter/Memo · Young Adult · #2041655
A letter to all teenagers out there who think they are "oh so fat."
You were not made to look like a doll. Who you are, as a person is more important than whether you have a nice figure. I'm sad, so sad, to hear you constantly pull yourself down.
You have ONE thing to focus on now; your grades. Don't even think about boys! Who cares what they think? Instead, think of the day, when you'll be successful. When you'll be happy. To quote a movie, "Amber, a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle." Now what's more important to the fish? Water or a bicycle?
If you're sad because others have a better body than you, don't even give it a second though. Shove it out of your head because it is poison.
I don't understand why you have to fit into society's ideals. We set unbelievably high standards for ourselves. A girl must be thin, fair, intelligent and have long, luscious hair. She must be petite and soft spoken. She must have a nice figure. Her blouse must not be tight. She must not drink or smoke.
To hell with their stupid standards.
Why not be different?
Why not be fat? Why can I not dye my hair lime green? Why should I be soft spoken? I don't think its written in any constitution that women can't shout.
You will wear a dress fat or not. You will wear a skirt fat or not. You will shout- fat or not. Shout against what? Against the person telling you to "sit properly." Against the person who looks apprehensively at your figure. You will flick a finger at them and walk away, more confident than you were the second before.
And if you really are hell bent on becoming skinny, then cutting down food is never an option. Exercise! Riding a cycle won't get you killed, I promise.
You don't deserve anyone who won't accept you for who you are. I promise, there is someone who will love you for all your ideals, for your despair, for your hate and for you.
You are beautiful for your messy hair, for your crinkled shirt, for your tired smile, for your words and for your ideas.
You are not what others think of you.
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