Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2041442-Unfair-Part-Four
Rated: GC · Fiction · Supernatural · #2041442
Peter's unsure how much more he can take. It's undeserved. It's unprovoked. It's unfair.
Warning: Vomit, graphic crushing, some gore, and plenty of swearing ahead.


The sun was starting to set in the distance as Rhett, Ben, and Derek all jumped into a single car on the bobsled ride. It was their third time on it that day, since it was one of the more intense rides. The machine hummed to life and before long they were spinning in rapid circles, jostled by a few bumps in the track. Blaring music, screams and laughs of other riders, and the hum of the machine swirled together. Derek and Ben let out whoops of joy as they were thoroughly enjoying themselves. Rhett however was finding the sound and spinning to be too much. He concentrated on trying to find balance amidst the chaos surrounding him.

Finally the ride slowed to a stop, and Rhett was amongst the first to stumble off the ride. He didn’t find reprieve off the ride either as the world spun. The bright, colorful lights, the smell of machines and popcorn, and the warm, sticky air was overwhelming Rhett. Taking two steps further, Rhett leaned over and spewed.

Ben finally exited the ride behind the bulk of the passengers, followed almost immediately by Derek. They could only see the top of Rhett’s head as they approached. A slimy splat halted Ben in his tracks, so that Derek nearly ran into him.

“Augh, these are my new fucking Nikes!” he groaned unhappily. Derek frowned at the mess of chewed fries and other stomach contents. Rhett was still doubled over coughing violently. Derek grabbed him by the shoulders. “You good?” he asked. Rhett flashed a thumbs-up but remained hunched over, still wheezing.

Derek sighed, “C’mon dude, you look like shit, let’s go.” Rhett started to protest before he was cut off by another gagging fit. Rhett managed to keep the rest of it down, and when he stopped, Derek walked him through the crowd.

Ben followed a few steps behind, grumbling as he scraped his shoes on the grass. “This isn’t fucking fair… I just bought these…”


Peter incredibly remained conscious despite the violent storm within Rhett’s stomach. Faced with the events of the past couple hours and his inevitable fate within the stomach, Peter was truly defeated. However he couldn’t help but fight to stay afloat. A small part of him, the part that was angry over how terribly unfair everything was, clung to the belief that his luck would change for the better somehow.

As Rhett joined his friends on ride after ride, Peter found himself constantly jostled around. Sealed in total darkness within Rhett’s stomach, Peter could only feel the mountains of soggy chewed food surrounding him. He was quickly becoming exhausted, and losing the will or ability to continue fighting within the hellish pit. As Peter felt the last of his strength draining away, he noticed a change in the environment.

The air had become noticeably humid, and it was starting to hurt to breathe! It didn’t take Peter long to realize Rhett’s stomach was starting to digest him and the food! He closed his eyes (though in the darkness it made no difference) and awaited his end. However there was more than the increasingly acidic environment. The stomach was rumbling, and shifting awkwardly.

His surroundings continued moving, though much less violently than before. Peter didn’t realize it, but his massive friend has slowly stumbled to an open area and doubled over. Peter was still trying to figure out what was going on when he was violently expelled from the stomach.

Peter screams in shock, trembling in the much colder outside air. He inhales gratefully, squinting as his eyes adjust to the light. Though the sun is starting to set, it is many times brighter than the total blackness within Rhett’s gut.

A booming cough causes Peter to snap his head upwards. He screams, finding himself staring directly into Rhett’s gaping mouth. His tongue is u-shaped, and thick streams of saliva are pouring to the ground. Peter can see the walls of the throat shaking violently as Rhett coughs violently. Peter abruptly becomes aware of the disgusting mess of chewed food around him and its equally revolting smell.

Rhythmic pounds come out of nowhere, shaking the ground. Peter whips around to discover the source, before a shoe sole dotted with grime slams down.


By the time Derek had driven them back to the dorms, Rhett was feeling slightly better. He pushed through the heavy main doors of the aged brick building and trudged up a set of faded, creaking stairs. Lumbering down the poorly lit hallway, Rhett dug in his pocket for his keys. He unlocked the door to his and Ben’s dorm allowing it to swing open and roughly slam into the wall.

“Well this blows” he sighed as he dropped onto a tired, beat up sofa. Derek and Ben entered through the doorway, unconcerned with the messy room. Not watching their step, they unintentionally crushed the various trash strewn about the room.

Derek shrugged as he dropped next to Rhett, not noticing the crushed soda can he roughly kicked under the sofa “Dude, you’re a freaking vomit machine when you’re sick. If we hadn’t left, it would’ve never stopped!”

“Exactly. Fucking unfair,” Rhett grumbles shortly. His stomach let out a long growl, reminding Rhett that since puking the fries up it demanded to be filled again. He figured his options were to either get up to leave for food or to attempt to make a pathetic meal here. Both sounded like effort Rhett was currently unwilling to make. His eyes settled on an opened bag of chips resting on the floor. Rhett stretched his hand out to retrieve it, grunting from the exertion. The bag crinkled loudly as Rhett closed his fingers around it, pulling his prize upwards. He started munching on the chips while Ben settled into a flimsy desk chair.

“You know what’s not fair?” Ben asked unhappily. “Stepping in Rhett’s nasty ass puke with my new Nike’s!” For added emphasis he lifted his leg, the shoe sole facing his friends. Rhett made a face, “Dude I just started eating!” he complained, spewing crumbs from his mouth. Rhett popped another chip into his mouth, failing to notice the two stray ants clinging to its surface; explorers unluckily trapped when Rhett had snatched up the bag.

“You act like you’re more careful than anyone else with new shoes!” Derek snorted. Ben’s only response was a confused grunt. Rhett, clearly done with Ben’s shoe, turned to face the ceiling.

Derek pointed at Ben’s exposed shoe sole. “Dude, other than the dried puke, there’s a ton of shit under your shoe. It doesn’t matter, but don’t act like you made any special effort not to step on anything!”

Ben grabbed his shoe, twisting his leg to allow himself to view its sole. His eyes scanned the tread. Derek was right, other than the multi-colored dried puke, there was plenty trapped within the tread of his shoe. In addition to a clump of gum there were dirt and pebbles mixed with what looked like some smashed ants and possibly the remains of a sizeable spider.

“Damn, I thought I was paying attention!” he muttered. He didn’t lament the death and destruction caused by his careless step, but rather the idea he hadn’t kept his shoes as clean as he thought he had due to his inattentive eye.

He let his shoe fall to the ground with a thud, before roughly kicking it off his foot. It bounced before landing on its side, the sole facing Derek. Rhett remained staring up at the ceiling, never noticing the occasional passenger as he dropped chip after chip into his hungry maw.

Derek stares at the scuffed hardwood floor, the sound of Rhett’s chewing serving as a backdrop of noise. Crumbs of dirt shaken loose from Ben’s shoe had joined the prevalent minuscule debris spread across the floor. Amongst the grime though, was something else.

“Dude, this little ant just fell off the bottom of your shoe!” Derek laughed. Rhett turned his head to face the floor. “It’s still alive!” Rhett added, his voice muffled by the half chewed chips. Still laying down he pointed at the writhing thing for Ben to see.

Ben replied with an uninterested grunt as kicked off his other shoe. “Ooh look! Bugs!” he said sarcastically as he fished his phone from his pocket.

Derek looked at Rhett, “Maybe you ate that ant, and that’s why you got sick.” He suggested.

Rhett rolled his eyes, swallowing before responding with a confident “Bullshit!”

“It’s possible,” Derek insisted. Rhett shot Derek a look of disbelief, “Yes, the little ant got caught in the cheese fries, then I ate it. It didn’t get chewed by my teeth but it was swallowed whole. Then it stayed in my stomach for a few hours with the food until it made me throw up. Then Ben stepped on it and brought it here. And it survived ALL of that,” he replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

“Sounds about right” Derek nodded, feigning sincerity. Rhett sighed and shook his head. He replied with an exasperated “Whatever!” before returning to his surprisingly appetizing chips.

“Good enough reason for me! This fucker is why we had to leave early. Not fair, not fair at all…” Derek said darkly. He moved his feet so that they surrounded the ant, staring at it intently.

He slammed his shoe at random, watching with delight as the ant continuously changed direction in its fruitless attempts to flee. After a while he poked the toe of his sneaker at the helpless insect. He started pushing the thing around, watching as its movements became more and more frenzied. Ben and Rhett watched with a morbid curiosity.

Derek stopped pushing the ant, as though to give it a break. It twitched, but was unable to move due to some broken and missing limbs. Derek raised his shoe, lowering it slowly over the ant. Just before his shoe met the floor, Derek lifted his shoe up high, smiling sadistically at the immobile bug. He leisurely dropped his foot, allowing it to hit the floor lightly. He lifted the shoe, momentarily surprised to see nothing on the ground where the ant hand been.

“Lucky motherfucker” Ben jokes, prompting Derek to start shaking his foot. A couple pebbles and clumps of dirt rained down from the sole. Finally their eyes followed the bug’s fall from Derek’s shoe to the floor. Its convulsions indicated it was still alive.

Derek grunted. Having finally grown bored, he used his shoe to bisect the bug and easily smeared each half across the floor.

“Took care of that pest!” he said brightly.


Peter had long since stopped screaming. After Ben’s ship sized shoe had crashed down, Peter had been adhered to the sole, along for a jarring ride underfoot. Sealed in darkness, followed by soaring through the light before once more being sealed in darkness. He had watched as Ben’s foot crashed down onto impossible tall stalks of grass and eventually the unforgiving asphalt.

An attempted warning proved pointless for a meandering beetle who met its end, unnoticed, with a gruesome crunch. He had watched as for a few steps after that the beetle’s mangled carcass stuck to the sole, swinging as the shoe soared through the air. Eventually the shoe lifted away, leaving the beetle behind.

Peter was given an up close view to the carpet in Derek’s car. Crumbs and hairs were scattered throughout the faded fibers, totally invisible to the giants above. As invisible as he was.

“Rhett ate me, and now I’m stuck to the bottom of Ben’s shoe!” he roared. “Was I Hitler in a past life? How is this fair? Is this a fucking cosmic joke?” Rather than being a given an answer, Ben’s shoe abruptly swings sideways, before slamming down onto concrete. Dirt being grinded between the ground and shoe was simply deafening. Ben’s rushed steps up the stairs were just as bad, each pound shaking him to the core.

Finally the jarring footsteps stopped, and Peter was finally able to sigh in relief. He wasn’t sure why the rough movement hadn’t made him sick, though maybe his responses were tougher as a result of what he had experienced over the last few hours.

He remained trapped in darkness. The only sign of movement was the groaning of the rubber surrounding him as Ben shifted his mountainous weight. He was both thankful and terrified for having made it this far. Thankful because he was still among friends. Fearful because he was still firmly glued in Ben’s shoe tread, in spite of a long distance of jolting footsteps.

Peter was sure that once he had their attention, his friends would be more than happy to help him. However their oversight and ignorance of his presence had nearly cost him his life already. They were so incredibly huge. How could he possibly get them to notice him? They didn’t even pay enough attention to notice they were eating more than just some cheese fries and stepping on more than just the ground.

Peter is wrenched from his thoughts as his world abruptly lurches forward and up. His terrified scream catches in his throat as he is bathed in blinding light. Peter coughs and wheezes, blinking rapidly as his eyes adjust.
“DUDE!” a nearby voice rumbles like approaching thunder, “I JUST STARTED EATING!” Peter gaps as he sees Rhett sprawled across the couch like a mountain range. The crunches of chewing food were clearly audible as Rhett’s jaw rose and fell. His eyes seem to be locked on Peter, his handsome features twisted in disgust.

Nearby Derek towered upright, easily several times taller than any building Peter had ever seen. His broad chest loomed like a distant cliff, covered by the thick fabric of his billowing shirt. His deep blue irises also seemed to be locked onto Peter’s vulnerable form.

“HEY!! RIGHT HERE!!” Peter screams, waving his arms desperately. Peter sees no response from his titanic friends. There is no spark of recognition. Instead he watches Rhett bring a broad chip towards his lips. The surface of the chip looked like rocky ridges in an arid desert. As Rhett stretched his mouth open, Peter noticed movement in the landscape of Rhett’s snack.

“NO DON’T-“ Peter is cut off by an earth shattering crunch as Rhett snaps his jaw shut, obliterating the chip. His gaze remains unnervingly calm as he casually chews, totally oblivious to the two ants that he had just devoured.

Derek’s voice roars monstrously, though Peter fails to discern the words as he’s unable to focus on anything but Rhett’s shifting lips as he chews. Rhett remains stony faced as he swallows. Peter can’t help but shudder as he watches his massive friend condemn the hapless bugs to his horrific digestive system. He had no interest in ever seeing that again!

He is pulled from his thoughts as an airplane sized finger hovered directly in front of him. Peter noted that the short, pitted nail was basically half as thick as he was tall. He could see dirt trapped in the nail that was bigger than him! Unnoticeable at normal size, smears of grime were spread across the ridged surface.

His observations were out of mind in under a second, because more importantly Derek was pointing at him.

“YES!! I’M RIGHT HERE!!” he cheered in relief. Derek’s thunderous voice crashed over him “… THERE’S A TON OF SHIT UNDER YOUR SHOE!”

“NO!” Peter howled in disappointment. Derek was so close! He was so close that it hurt! And still he didn’t notice Peter. “Derek, please see me!” Peter begged, tears streaming down his face.

Without warning the shoe abruptly jerked backwards, like the start of a roller coaster. As Peter let out another fearful yelp, he couldn’t help but think that, if not for the mortal danger, this part would’ve been pretty fun!

Peter had to squint in the direct light before something huge blocked it out like a solar eclipse. Once again in shadow, Peter gasped in surprise. Ben’s thick arm seemed to stretch from the shoe like a part of the landscape, the hair dotting its surface looking like stalks of wheat in a field. His rippling muscle strained from holding the shoe at an awkward angle.

More importantly though Ben was staring down at him. He was directly staring at his own shoe sole, and there was no way he was looking at something else. Peter began to yell and wave his arms, watching as Ben’s massive brown eyes twitched as they seemed to be scanning the entire shoe.

“BEN I’M RIGHT HERE!! YOU’VE GOTTA HELP ME!!” Peter pleaded, his throat burning from the exertion. He was so close; surely Ben would see him now!

Peter stared up past the slope of Ben’s nose, pleading with all his might to be seen. However Ben’s face didn’t light up in recognition nor did it show surprise. Instead his shadowed features crumpled into an expression of disappointment.

“DAMN, I THOUGHT I WAS PAYING ATTENTION!” Peter watched Ben’s massive lips twist so precisely to form each booming word. “WAIT, BEN! YOU’RE STILL NOT PAYING ATTENTION! I’M RIGHT HERE!” Peter cried. “BEN PLEASE!”

Instead he was attacked by G forces as he felt himself falling with the shoe, Ben and the giants’ world above swirling out of sight. All he could see once more was the filthy and worn hardwood floor.

The heel of the shoe contacted the ground with an earth-shattering quake, painfully jarring Peter’s body. It rested like this for a moment, thankfully allowing Peter to remain in fresh air and light. A groan of shifting rubber preceded the next movement. The world was a blur as the heel of the shoe swung forward, leaving him perfectly vertical before it free-fell to the side.

The shoe crashed against the floor with reverberating thud. Peter screamed as he joined a storm of debris knocked loose from the shoe. He hit the floor and rolled several times before finally coming to a stop.

Peter groaned, blinking slowly. Though his entire body throbbed in pain it seemed that somehow he hadn’t broken anything. Perhaps an advantageous side effect of the boy’s magic? The boy. Peter, given a moment’s reprieve felt his mind and soul light up in flaming hatred. This was entirely that creepy magician’s fault. He deserved this hell a whole lot more than Peter did. It was unfair!

As Peter’s eyes focused on what was in front of him, his thoughts of the magician boy faced. He gasped, realizing he was faced with Ben’s upturned shoe sole. Crammed into each crevice was some form of dirt or grime. Peter could recognize the disgusting splatters of dried vomit he had been trapped in, but that was only the freshest layer. A flattened piece of gum, darkened by gum covered part of the Nike logo. Boulders many times his size deformed the tread where they were trapped. Limp bodies of small insects hung loosely from the shoe. Worst of all were the crushed remains of what looked like a spider. Even with its body squished and deformed it was still obvious the thing would’ve towered over him. And Ben had squished it.

“DUDE THIS LITTLE ANT JUST FELL OFF THE BOTTOM OF YOUR SHOE!” the surprising statement was punctuated with a monstrous laugh. Peter turned to face upwards in confusion, where once more Derek’s eyes were locked onto him. “I’M NOT AN ANT! IT’S ME PETER!!” he wailed, standing up to jump and wave his arms desperately.

Rhett, facing downwards again, had his eyes focused on Peter’s tiny form. “IT’S STILL ALIVE” he boomed, sending a storm of soggy chewed chips raining down. Peter wasn’t even fazed. He was thrilled that now two of friends were staring right at him!

“YES I’M RIGHT HERE!! I’M NOT AN ANT!!” Peter cheered still jumping up and down. He twisted around to see if Ben was also staring down at him, but his other friend remained uninterested. Until they realized he was more than a bug, he wasn’t yet saved.

“MAYBE YOU ATE THE ANT AND THAT’S WHY YOU GOT SICK” Derek proposed to Rhett. His response was a loud gulp followed be a thunderous “BULLSHIT!”

Peter stared up at his massive friends, breathing heavy from the jumping and screaming. Peter wasn’t sure if he had caused Rhett to throw up, but Derek was coincidentally correct about Rhett eating him!

Peter listened silently as Rhett shot back a sarcastic narrative of “the bug’s” journey into his digestive tract and back out to Ben’s shoe and finally their dorm. Though he was trying figure out a way for them to recognize his actual identity he couldn’t help but be amazed by Rhett’s nonchalant description.

He was ironically spot on about everything, from being swallowed whole, staying in the stomach, and being stepped on. Rhett clearly found the story ridiculous, never once stopping to imagine how truly horrific it might be to go through such an experience such as being eaten or stepped on by an oblivious young man.

Derek’s purposely fake affirmation of the story earns a gusting sigh of “WHATEVER” from Rhett as he continues to chow down on the chips.

“GOOD ENOUGH REASON FOR ME!” Derek’s crashed over him like a tsunami, “THIS FUCKER IS WHY WE HAD TO LEAVE EARLY. NOT FAIR, NOT FAIR AT ALL…” Derek’s voice had taken on an ominous tone. His eyes, still fixated on tiny Peter, glinted threateningly. Peter instinctively took a step back, realizing his friends still thought he was a bug and he had no cover.

Each of Derek’s shoes, easily larger than a football stadium, crashed down on either side of him. This, coupled with Ben’s upturned shoe, boxed him in so that the only means of escape was towards Derek. Peter nervously scanned the scuffed and stained rubber walls of Derek’s sneakers. What was Derek doing?

One of the shoes soared upwards with a whoosh, crashing down a split second later right next to Peter. The displaced air and quaking step knocked Peter off his own feet and sent him flying. In a panic he immediately began to flee, only to be knocked backwards as the ship sized shoe cut him off.

He screamed wordlessly as he repeatedly jumped up to try to escape the mountainous shoe, only to have it abruptly slam down and send him randomly flying. Peter couldn’t help but start to sob. Derek was one of his best friends, and also one of his nicest, why was he doing this?

In response he felt something heavy contact his back, sending him sprawling face down across the floor. Peter gasped having had the wind knocked out of him as he flipped over to see what new torture awaited him. His behemoth of a friend towered high above him, a mischievous grin plastered across his enviable features. Ben and Rhett also stared down at him, curiosity and a vague interest obvious on their own faces.

Peter screamed as his focus was ripped from his friends’ faces high above by Derek’s hovering shoe. The monstrous thing easily floated towards him. It swooped downwards, so that the toe of the shoe could contact him. Though to Derek it must have been a gentle nudge, for Peter it was like being hit by a truck.

He flailed uselessly while shrieking in pain as Derek’s massive shoe continually connected with his minuscule body. He found himself roughly shoved across the coarse surface of the floor. He could feel bones breaking and before long he was coughing up blood.

“Derek, why are you doing this to me?” Peter asked weakly. As though in response, everything mercifully stopped. He stared up, groaning in total pain. He attempted to wave his arms, but found that he now only had one. And it stubbornly refused to move for him. He couldn’t even sit up, though if he could his crumpled legs were now useless.

“Do you finally see me?” he asked feebly, barely able to hear his own voice. Derek’s eyes still glared down at him. His expression remained cold. His shoe soared upwards, first blotting out his face, then the ceiling, and finally all Peter could see was Derek’s shoe sole.

The tread was much like Ben’s. Trapped in every crevice were hills of compacted dirt, and torn stalks of grass. Of all things, a small screw glinted near the heel. Almost directly above him were the frantic movements of an actual ant, somehow still totally intact under Derek’s massive shoe.

Peter sighed and closed his eyes, waiting for the final thud that would put him out of his misery. It never came and Peter was met once more with light streaming through his eyelids. His eyes flew open and he was greeted with the sight of Derek’s picturesque smile, showing off his set of perfect teeth. “You guys finally saw me!” Peter croaked. Derek made no move to retrieve him, and Peter noticed the smile wasn’t normal. It reminded him of a predator about to make the final kill.

The shoe dropped down like a landslide. Peter was surprised when he merely felt the jarring quake, rather than the agonizing pain of being squashed. Sealed in darkness he felt himself rising. Was he going to heaven?

His eyes adjusted to the darkness and Peter realized with a frustrated screech that he was still alive. “Why won’t it end?” he lamented silently. His dark world shook roughly and Peter let out a hoarse scream as he free-fell back to the distant floor. He landed with a crack, howling as pain coursed throughout his entire body. He may have been blessed with durability by the magic, but after Derek’s abuse, he clearly wasn’t indestructible!

Peter struggles to face outwards, unable to hold back his tears of agony. Ahead of him he could see the ant had also been shaken free of Derek’s shoe. It squirmed and writhed to get its footing so it could escape. A snarling grunt sounds from above, though Peter is unable to lift his head to see its source he assumes it is Derek.

Just as the ant gains its footing and begins to flee, Derek’s shoe slams down at an angle. Peter gasps as the ant is gruesomely sliced in half. As the shoe flies upwards Peter can see the bug’s pained writhing.

Derek, callous to the unprovoked suffering he had caused the tiny life, brought his shoe down again. Random pieces of dirt and crumbs were piercingly grinded between the shoe and floor as Derek carelessly smeared the innocent ant.

“TOOK CARE OF THAT PEST” Derek’s thunderous voice had a cheery ring to it, as he remained unsympathetic to the plight of the beings unfortunate enough to be caught at his feet.

“He’s too huge to understand! Too huge to care” Peter thought to himself. Upon realizing that Derek’s colossal shoe remained in place over the ant’s smeared remains, Peter had an even worse thought. “Derek thought that ant was me! He’s done! He put me through hell, and he’s not even going to end it!”

He suddenly remembered the fortune teller from when he first arrived at the fair. Everything she had said now made sense. She had seen this coming, but inexplicable said nothing.



Rhett laughed, “Glad I’m not that size. Then you would smear me for making us leave early!”

Derek gave Rhett a bemused look. “They’re just bugs!” he shot back, letting their implied insignificance speak for his sadistic actions. Never once did he consider the ruthlessness of his unwarranted torture of the random insect.

“Aren’t you’re supposed to be the nice one?” Ben asked, half-jokingly. Derek laughed, “Calm down! Like I said, they’re just bugs!” he paused “Besides, Peter can be the nice one instead.”

“Where is Peter anyway?” Rhett asked exasperatedly, glancing at his phone. “You guys hear from him? Did he make it to the fair?”

“Nope, never heard anything back,” Derek replied with a shrug, double checking his own phone.

“Probably went without us, and after realizing how unfair that was, decided to avoid us!” Ben grumbled, swinging his socked feet in annoyance.

Derek looked at Ben with an unentertained expression. “Went without us? Maybe. Avoided us the rest of the day? Peter’s not that stupid, he knows we’re not that unreasonable. We’ll talk to him tomorrow.” he said decisively.

A glance downwards revealed another wriggling speck. Derek laughed, “Ben not only did you manage to step on everything and not know it, you didn’t even kill any of the bugs you stepped on!” He started poking his shoe towards it, ignorant to its agony. Rhett and Ben became distracted by their phones, uninterested in another bug show from Derek.

Due to the bug’s lack of response to his taunting foot, Derek quickly grew bored of the new bug and assumed it was dead. Focusing on his own phone, he allowed his shoe to blindly drop to the floor, barely missing the tiny speck. Unbeknownst to him the bug was still alive, twitching painfully. He didn’t notice it’s pathetic struggles by his massive shoe before he stood up to head to his own room and see if Peter got back.

Rhett also decided he was done with the day. He took two steps to his bottom bunk and collapsed onto the creaky mattress. With the couch now open, Ben stood up to sit there for a while before turning in as well. Oblivious to the unseen speck’s anguish, a final screech of terror failed to reach Ben’s eats. His monumental shoe slammed down onto his minuscule friend, finally finishing him off.

The shoe shifted as Ben settled onto the sofa. Half of the speck was visible splayed across the wall of the shoe. The other half remained trapped beneath the gigantic sneaker.

Ben sighed as texted his favorite cousin, all about how unfair the day had been.

He honestly didn’t even have a clue.
© Copyright 2015 silverwood34 (silverwood34 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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