Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2041439-Unfair-Part-Two
Rated: XGC · Fiction · Supernatural · #2041439
The injustice and misfortune Peter faces only gets worse.
WARNING ADULT CONTENT AHEAD, ALL CHARACTERS ARE EXPLICITLY ABOVE THE AGE OF MAJORITY. (As in none involved are minors, I explicitly state that Peter is in his final year of college and the magician is basically the same age) In addition there is some swearing ahead.

I tried writing something vastly different than what I would normally do. Though I have mixed feelings about the subject matter, it was refreshing to write something different. Let me know how I did.


Peter grunted and sat up. Rubbing his eyes, the memories of his fainting returned. “Augh!” he looked around the room, but recognized nothing. There was no furniture, just four black walls. Light streamed through a straight crack along the ceiling.

Fear coursed through Peter’s veins as he stood up. “H-helloo?” he called weakly, his voice echoing for only a second. With no response, Peter slowly approached one of the blank walls and started searching for an exit.

A few minutes later he came to his fifth corner. In a room that was obviously a rectangle this only meant one thing: he’d gone all the way around and found nothing.

Struggling to suppress his rising panic, Peter looked upwards again. “HELLOOOOO?!?!” he shouted. HEY, HELP!! CAN ANYONE HEAR M-“

“Shut up!” Peter recoiled at the harsh command. Though it had clearly been a whisper, at the same time it had been painfully loud.

A sudden quake sent Peter flying across the room with a scream. The ceiling vanished, allowing light to flood in. Peter gasped, clamping his hands to his eyes.

As the movement ceased, Peter was assaulted by a deafening voice.


“UNCOVER.” Peter slowly lowered his hands and was unable to suppress a yelp of terror. Something hard struck his head from the side, causing him to sprawl sideways.

“I SAID NO NOISE!” repeated the voice heatedly. Peter, surprisingly still conscious breathed heavily. What he had seen couldn’t be possible. It just couldn’t.

“STILL AWAKE?… SIT UP!” Terrified at another attack, Peter obeyed the command and forced himself to sit up.

In front of him was the magician boy. Only his head was larger than a car! Cold, gray eyes were fixed onto his vulnerable form. To his right, fingers as wide as trees were poised to flick him again. Peter, confused and scared, tried to push down the tears of panic that were welling up inside.

“I KNEW IT WOULD WORK!” the giant said, smiling. Peter, in spite of his throbbing head, glared upwards. “What are you talking about?!” he shouted angrily. This time rather than being flicked, he was nudged roughly.

“WHAT DID I SAY?” he asked pointedly, staring down at him. He paused for a moment before a cruel smile spread across his features. “THE SPELL, THAT ONE THAT YOU WERE SO DESPERATE TO SEE! IT WORKED!” he replied happily.

Peter however was not impressed. “Well then change me back to normal!” he demanded, in an admittedly quieter voice. The giant gave his unspoken approval when he didn’t attack again.

“I CAN’T,” the giant shrugged, as though simply informing a friend he couldn’t hang out.

An icy chill ran through Peter’s body. “What do you mean you can’t?”

The giant stared directly at Peter, “IT MEANS I ONLY KNOW HOW TO MAKE YOU SMALL.” He said impatiently.

Peter gasped and stared into the large gray eyes. He could tell, without a doubt, that the giant was telling him the truth.

“No!” he snapped suddenly. “You need to make me big again! Find a fucking way, you can’t jus-“

Peter hit the ground violently as the giant flicked him again. He groaned as he slowly sat up, his head spinning.


The pain coursing through Peter’s body was too much and he lay back down. He stared up as the giant above continued to rant.

“I WASN’T GOING TO DO ANYTHING AT FIRST, NO MATTER HOW MUCH I WANTED TO!” The giant paused, turning to look behind him. After apparently deciding there was nothing there he glared down into the box again. “YOU WERE SUCH A SHIT THOUGH! IF YOU HAD JUST ACCEPTED THE SHOW AND MOVED ON, YOU’D BE FINE! BUT NO! YOU NEEDED TO BE IMPRESSED! IT’S NOT MY FAULT I CAN’T—“

The giant stopped speaking abruptly. Peter only had time to moan in confusion before he was sealed in near darkness as the giant replaced the lid on the box. When the box suddenly moved sideways, Peter took a breath to start screaming. It got caught in his throat and he started coughing. Unable to hold it back any longer, he threw up onto the floor in front of him.

Trying to get away from the disgusting vomit, Peter could only bring himself to roll over and face the other direction. He realized suddenly that he could hear voices.

“Don’t lie to me, you little shit! You were talking!” came an angry hiss. “No, no! I was just practicing for the show!” came the boy’s voice, now completely lacking the anger and power he had used when speaking with Peter.

“You better perform damn perfect for me tonight! Those people need to walk away in awe! They need to tell their friends, family, and freaking boss’s sister’s ex-boyfriend’s second cousins to come in!” the voice demanded, clearly an older man. A mumble of agreement was the only response.

“Don’t forget who’s boss!” the man snapped. Peter flinched at the sound of a heavy-handed smack followed by a yelp of pain. ”I know what you’re capable of! You destroyed Linda; you can put on a fucking show!” The man’s voice was raising.

“I didn’t—“ the boy’s whimpering was cut off by the sound of a body hitting the ground accompanied by a grunt. “Shut up!” the man growled. “You were sold to me! Your master put you into my service because you’re the reason Linda’s a fucking vegetable! You’re here until you fix that!”

There was utter silence except for the muted sobs of the boy. The man started speaking again, in an eerily calm voice.

“It’s one year today. One year since you ruined her… ruined me! We’re not even close, not even a little bit, towards any progress.” The man let out a heavy sigh, “Just remember you only have yourself to blame. It’s only fair.” Peter heard footsteps as the man seemed to be leaving. “Clean yourself up!” he added indifferently as his footsteps faded.

Peter, finally feeling better, sat up in the darkness. He felt pity for the abused boy. As terrifying as he had been as a giant, Peter was certain he didn’t want to encounter the man!

A snort and cough echoed around the tent. Peter could hear shifting followed by quick footsteps. He couldn’t suppress a yelp of terror as the dark box moved abruptly upwards. The ceiling was torn away, again bathing Peter in blinding light.

After giving his eyes a moment to adjust, Peter gasped in fear. The boy had his steely gaze locked onto Peter’s tiny form. His eyes were watery and puffy; his right cheek bright red where he had presumably been hit. His hair was a mess, and his mouth was pursed. His expression was unreadable and Peter couldn’t help but feel a creeping sense of dread.

Uncomfortable with the extended silence, Peter decided to try to reason with the giant.

“.. h. hey…” he began waiting to be flicked again. When the boy didn’t respond Peter continued with more certainty. “um… I heard what happened. That was horrible, you don’t deserve any of that! If you get me back to normal, I’ll help you out of this, no matter what you did!”

The boy’s eyes narrowed at the last word. Without a moment’s notice he snatched Peter up into his burly right hand, holding him in a clenched fist.

“I didn’t do shit!” the boy snarled, holding Peter near his pond-sized eyes. Peter could see his horrified reflection in them. How had he ended up in this situation?

“It was all a lie!” the boy insisted angrily. “He was doing an experiment and when it fucked up, he blamed me! I was his apprentice! Totally innocent, and he used me!” he rumbled. “Now I’m here! All he lets me do his is his damned show! My power is worthy of more than some fucking tricks! I have to practice in secret, like a damned hermit! And it’s not fair!”

At this point Peter got the feeling the boy wasn’t even talking to him anymore. His eyes were glazed over, as if lost in the past. He continued chanting the last part repeatedly. “It’s not fair! It’s not fair!” At the same time, his grip on Peter started to tighten.

Peter panicked and started to squirm. “Hey you’re right! It’s not fair! Just get me to normal and I can help you—“

“You can’t do shit!” the boy barked, clenching his fist tighter. Peter shrieked in pain, feeling his ribs bend under the pressure. Peter found the pressure to be so great that he couldn’t inhale. As a result, when he abruptly moved sideways, he was totally silent.

His face smacked into the boy’s open left palm. Upon impact he heard something crack and struggled thru force induced trauma to maintain his grip on consciousness.

“You want to make this better?” the boy asked coldly, further tightening his grip. Peter’s only response was a labored groan.

“Yeah, you can help!” the boy laughed soullessly. Through the haze of pain, Peter heard a sharp zipping noise. He felt himself move downwards. “You’ll make it better!” came the boy’s voice again. Its sound echoed around his skull.

He felt his body hit something again, though this time the object was much softer. He felt his body move up and down as if he was being grinded against this soft surface. A strong, musky scent invaded Peter’s nostrils, sharpening his focus.

Though the grip on him had significantly loosened, Peter screamed and struggled as was still unable to free himself. Peter felt his stomach drop to his feet as waves of repulsion and horror flooded his body upon realizing that he was being pushed against the magician boy’s massive cock.

“No!” he protested. This only elicited a laugh from the magician boy, who kept his eyes locked onto Peter as he rubbed him on his dick. “The struggles make it better” the giant growled menacingly. Bit by bit he sped up the movement. Peter could feel it gradually harden and expand. Towering far above him was the bulging cock head.

The grip tightened abruptly, forcing Peter’s face into the soft flesh. He let out muffled groans of protest but he was ignored. Instead his movement became progressively faster and before long he was drenched in a layer of musky sweat from the heat emanating from the thick penis.

Honestly it was pretty good sized already, and it was only getting bigger. Not that Peter really cared about the size, especially at the moment. He coughed and sputtered, still attempting to protest his use as a masturbator. His body started to ache and burn from the rough and quick movement. Worst of all he felt a tingling in his own crotch. This whole thing was wrong on so many levels!

There was a groan and a sharp inhale from the boy above. “Please… no…” was all Peter managed to get out before an explosion of cum shot free. As the flow quickly slowed, some of it dribbled down the organ, settling itself onto Peter where the boy still held him firmly in place.

This was the last straw for Peter who stared sobbing uncontrollably. All he wanted was a magic show, and somehow that led to this?? He just wanted to forget this and go back to normal!

Above him, the boy’s breathing slowly returned to normal. He brought his hand up from his crotch and smiled down at the shrunken boy sprawled on his palm. “Yeah you were a great help!”

Peter suppressed his bubbling fury and despair. He needed to reason with the giant if he had any chance at escape.

“Please let me go” Peter pleaded weakly. “Please just turn me back to normal, and I won’t tell anyone anything.” He begged. After a brief pause, he added empathetically “Who would even believe me?”

The boy stared down at Peter as his smile slowly faded. “You’re right.” The boy said dejectedly. “As much of a help as you were, I can’t keep you.”

Peter chuckled feebly, his smile wide in spite of his physical and mental trauma. “Yes just put me back to normal, and I’ll be on my way.” Peter rasped. He would go home and sleep for hours, this was just too much!

“Oh I already told you, I can’t reverse this!” the boy said nonchalantly. Peter felt his stomach drop. “But you said you couldn’t keep me!” Peter argued.

“That’s right! And I can’t!” the boy said seriously. “I can’t let the magician find you! He would torture me in all new ways!” He paused for a second. “So I’ll just get rid of you and next time I need someone to… help me… I know what to do!” he added brightly.

“You can’t do this to someone else, this isn’t right! This isn’t fair!” Peter roared, drawing energy from his rage. Until he suddenly became aware of the first part of the sentence, “Wait! What do you mean get rid of m—“

He suddenly realized the boy had been chanting again, and before Peter could finish his sentence, he felt another falling sensation. It didn’t last nearly as long and he didn’t black out this time. When he felt normal again, Peter couldn’t help but scream.

Where the boy’s hand had been enough to enclose him before, his rough palm now stretched off in every direction. He looked up and shrieked, the boy’s mountainous face stared down at him. Peter felt he could drown in each eye alone. He was smaller than an ant!

“What are you doing to me?!” Peter wailed. His response was a gusting snort of a laugh that sent him tumbling. “I can’t hear you little speck!” the giant thundered. “The Magician will never find you like this!” He paused and grinned spitefully. “Hell, no one will ever find you like this. Especially once I dump you!”

Without waiting another second the boy closed his fist, sealing Peter in humid darkness. He could feel each crashing footstep through the vibrations in the giant’s hand.

Peter knelt on the ground, or rather the giant’s hand, and held his head. This has to be a dream! This can’t seriously be happening! I was walking onto the fair just over an hour ago! No amount of pinching or slapping would remove Peter from this nightmare.

Just as Peter stood to attempt to escape, the palm opened into blinding sunlight. “Bye-bye!” came a whooshing whisper as Peter was sent screaming into free-fall.
© Copyright 2015 silverwood34 (silverwood34 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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