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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2041167
Tale of three brothers in a magical land of mythical creatures. Bromance, not yaoi
Chapter 1

This is the land of Magic, Margenia. It was once heavily controlled by humans, but many different races of monster existed that rebelled. Thus starting the 100 year war. After so many deaths and battles, the next generation of leaders put aside their differences. The races became united under the banner of the Life Tree, which God used to give birth to the land all around. The Representative Races became Men, Vampires, Lycans, Fishman, and Elves, though these were only a few of the races. Of course, old hatred was not easily forgotten. The treaty was not agreed upon by all, forcing some races, including Humans, into civil war and others to split into smaller nations for themselves. To try and fix the discrimination across species the Representative Races combined the center of their lands together to form the land of New Haven, where the each races could live together in harmony without discretion. It has now been hundreds of years since the union. Progress has been made, but despite this there is still turmoil and discrimination between races. But that is not where our story starts. Our story starts with three boys living in this new era, and with the promise they made when they were young…

At the edge of New Haven to the southwest, there was a small town called Laros. It had a little over a thousand people. The people were nothing special, none of them prestigious or great heroes. The mix of races were small, consisting mostly of men, elves and a small portion of vampires, with a select few others. Most of the diversity in race was within the orphanage, which took up nearly twenty percent of the towns population. Because of this, many people visited the village simply to adopt the children. It was also a popular spot for children to be abandon at.

The housing of this orphanage was slightly poor, but it was held together by stone walls and wooden planks. The children played through the large dirt yard with a mix of games. One specific child sat at the edge of the yard, sleeping soundly under an oak tree. He was only the age ten, but his features were quite gruff. He was lightly tanned with jet black spiky hair. Next to him was a katana with designs on the hilt and scabbard, leaning against the tree at his side.

"Billy left this morning." A soft voice declared quietly. Another young child walked up to the sleeping boy. He was far lighter in skin tone and shorter than the other boy. His hair was brunette in a bowl cut and large spectacles sat on the bridge of his nose.

"I heard." The supposed sleeping boy answered. He cracked an eye open to look at his friend to see his expression. "They seemed like a nice family. Be happy for him."

"I know. I am happy for him, I'm just..." The younger of the two mumbled, hesitating slightly. "... Bummed he had to go so suddenly."

"... Most of us are going to end up leaving like that, you know." The raven haired boy sighed, finally deciding to sit up. He pushed himself to a sitting position against the tree. "That's just how it is, Adam. We all have to leave each other eventually, right?"

"Even us, Zaijirou?" The boy now identified as Adam asked, turning to look at the other boy in fear. The ravenette glanced back at him for a moment silently before smirking.

"Nah. We're brothers. We stick together no matter what." Zaijirou declared, shrugging off the idea. "Unless you're planning to leave me behind in this dump. And I told you to call me Zai..."

"Of course not!" Adam quickly retorted, a smile etching on his lips. "I'm stuck with you! You're pretty hopeless when you're not fighting or sleeping."

"Hey, that's a bit much…" Zai muttered indignantly. Adam merely chuckled before turning away.

"Then as brothers, we have to make a promise!" The brunette declared loudly, pounding against his chest. Zaijirou raised a brow in question, only for Adam to continue. "When we get older, we're going to to keep living as family together!"

"Huh?" Zaijirou blinked, leaning over in exasperation. "I don't know if that's possible. Eventually one of us will have to leave, right? What about if you get married or something?"

"We'll get a big house!" Adam quickly answered. "That way even if we have families, we'll always have room to live together!"

"Sounds like a lot of trouble…" Zai grumbled tiredly. "You're not really serious about this, are you?"

"Of course I am!" Adam said without hesitation. "I don't see why we'd ever have to leave one another. We can accomplish any goal together! That's what brothers do!"

Zai sits there in disbelief, unsure whether to take Adam seriously for a moment. He suddenly bursts into laughter, holding his stomach. Adam puffs out his cheeks poutingly, slightly annoyed that Zai does not seem to take him seriously.

"What's so funny, jerk?" He asks in irritation, slumping his shoulders.

"You are. Trying to look all cool." Zai says easily before smirking at brunette. "But I guess I can't say no after that."

Adam widens his eyes in shock before grinning ear to ear. "Really? Then it's a promise! And our word is our bond!"

"Always." Zai says, standing up and holding out his hand. They clasped their hands together, signifying the deal being struck. "We'll keep being family."

The two grinned at each other in assurance, letting their handshake go only to fist bump.

"You guys aren't forgetting me, are you?" The two heard from across the yard. They turned to see another boy, slightly shorter than Zai but a bit taller than Adam. He had blond hair that was slightly messy. He had a sly smirk pointed at the two, making Zai rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

"I figured you didn't really care, since you didn't wanna be our brother and all." The ravenette taunted, making the blond stick out his tongue in defiance.

"You guys seemed to be having a moment, so I didn't want to ruin it…" He muttered indignantly.

"Well if you want to be one now, just say so~!" Adam teased, walking up and wrapping an arm around his shoulders. "Come on, you know you want to. Then after that, you can live with us too. But we'll all have to pitch in for a big house, you know."

"Live with you? What are you talking about?" Jaden asks in confusion. Suddenly a bell tolls from the orphanage, making Zaijirou bump the two with his shoulder and pushing them forward.

"Tell him another time. We've gotta go get some lunch. The old lady will kick our asses if we don't hurry." Zai pointed out. The two boys blinked for a moment before Adam quickly followed after Zai.

"Hey, don't just leave me hanging! What are you guys talking about?" Jaden complained as he trailed behind the two.

This was the beginning of their story. A bond made between brothers. Each one had a role to play in the future of this land. It may lead to different paths for each of them, but the three would continue to be together no matter what.

9 years later…

In the land of Margenia, there is a place called Black Leaf Forest. It spreads far and wide across the land, and the trees leaves are black as tar, and the trunks pale as corpses. Many criminals use this forest as a hideout or an escape route, for soldiers dare not follow in too far because of the fear of getting lost or blindsided by traps. A small group of bandits was now camping deep within the forest, hiding after a successful raid on a small village. They sat around a fire, celebrating their new found riches with drinks and food.

"We had a helluva day, huh boys?" The leader of the group shouted. He was a large fellow, muscular in all senses of the word, with long hair to his shoulders and dark tan skin. The men around him cheered in agreement, holding up their cups. "That makes it the seventh one in two months! Seems like the Wolf's Skin able to make it to our lucky number after all!"

"Only because we've got you, Varkin! We all saw him take down that Minotaur soldier. The guy took a lotta hits, but soon as Varkin showed up-" One of the grunts exclaimed, making motions of the battle. His hand released claws, slashing out the air. "-he took out his legs. Soon as that happened, the asshole was done! Raise a cup lads! To our fearsome leader Varkin!" He cheered.

"Aye!" The men repeated, toasting their captain. Varkin laughed, taking a cup up and chugging down with them.

"Mind if I drink with you guys?" A new voice asked. Most of the men didn't hear it as they were focused on their own drinks. Varkin, however, paused in his celebration. He stood from his seat after setting his cup down, preparing himself mentally. His men followed suit after seeing him stand, suddenly grinding their teeth. Many of them started to show some of their lycan forms, either in their claws or their jaws. The man who spoke walked into full view, almost as if waiting for all the bandits to realize he was there. He was slightly tall, standing at six foot one. He had slightly slicked back spiky black hair. He wore dark blue jean pants and a black T-shirt under a dark blue jacket. On his hip, a katana sat with his hand resting on the hilt. On his left eye, he had a long scar, and unlike his dark brown pupil in his right eye, his left was white and dull.

"Who the hell are you?" One of the men growled, his claws released in caution. The man turned to him in acknowledgement, offering a small smirk.

"I'm a bounty hunter. I heard there was a bandit group in the forest near my town, so I thought I'd find out whether you're worth anything. Your boss seems to be worth quite a few jewels from the wanted posters I saw." He declared, and like that the wolves were ready to pounce.

"Stop!" Varkin ordered, making his men pause in their movements. Varkin walked forward, ignoring the looks his men gave him. He stopped several meters away from the bounty hunter, crossing his arms in front of him. "You wanted to drink with us, right?"

The bounty hunter raised a brow in surprise, but quickly replaced it with a chuckle. "I could go for one if you don't mind."

Varkin nodded, turning around and motioning for him to follow. "Alright then, this way."

"Boss?!" one of his men grunted in confusion. Varkin ignored him, grabbing one of the barrels of liquor and pouring two cups. He held one out to the swordsman after taking a seat on a log. The bounty hunter took it, nodding his appreciation.

"Thanks. Before we take a drink though, I think I should introduce myself. I'm Zaijirou." the bounty hunter declared, making several of Varkin's men tense in realization. Varkin didn't make a move, only smiling in answer.

"I figured as much. I'm Varkin, which I'm sure you knew before you came out here. Well, now that introductions are out of the way, let's drink." Varkin declared, raising his mug. Zai gave a small grin, nodding in agreement before both took a chug of the drinks. They took several gulps before finally setting their cups down, gasping in relaxation.

"Not bad stuff. Did you pick this up from the town you ransacked?" Zai asked curiously, no attitude or mocking tone in his voice.

"No. I used the jewels that we got from the raid to buy it myself. You'd be surprised how much security they put around those kind of stores. They don't seem to question customers much, though." Varkin explained with a chuckle.

"I'm betting there was more security there than any of the places you and your guys hit." Zai agreed, taking another chug. "So why so courteous to a guy who's about to take you in for a bounty?"

"I knew that they would send another bounty hunter eventually. I've fought and beat several by now." Varkin explained, burping after finishing a drink off. "All of them were cocky of course. They were new bloods trying to make a name for themselves. But this time someone with a bit of a name showed up, huh?" the Lycan gripped his chin in thought, putting his cup down for a moment. "I think you were called 'Red Blade Zai', correct? You're a little younger than I was expecting."

"Yeah, that's what I've heard. People started calling me that, though. I didn't come up with it." Zai shrugged as he set his own cup down.

"Interesting." Varkin grinned darkly as he let his claws slip out. "Why exactly are you called that? Do you leave the blood of your enemies crusted on your sword?"

"I think you'll find out why in a second. Now who is going first? You, or your boys?" Zai asked as his hand rested on the hilt of his katana. The bounty hunter didn't bother to look around at his enemies, who without warning transformed into full Lycan forms. Varkin was the only one to remain human-like.

"When I fight people strong enough to challenge me, I prefer to do it myself." Varkin stated as a matter of fact. "But the last few guys were disappointments. Mind testing him out for me, boys?"

"Not at all, boss!" One of the grunts growled before jumping forward without a moments hesitation. Zai's brow darkened, making it harder to see his expression. As the werewolf came closer, Zai drew his sword with unseen speed. A red aura surrounded the blade, and with a quick turn, he slashed the wolf across the chest. Blood spurted out from the wound and the lycan bandit coughed up blood. In that instant, Varkin's men suddenly backed down, fear suddenly overcoming them.

"Brand!" One of the bandits cried in surprise. He ran up and stopped him from falling on his back.

"You bastard…" Another said, overcoming his fear and getting ready to fight.

"That's enough." Varkin spoke, holding a hand up to his men. "Take Brand and go. Obviously this hunter is no joke."

"B-but what about you, Varkin?" One of his men asked fearfully. The Lycan bandit leader gave a small grin and chuckled.

"I'll take him down. Don't waste time here, men. I'll beat him and make sure he doesn't follow." Varkin stated, removing his jacket and cracking his knuckles. Most of his men were hesitant, but Brand whimpered in pain. They decided to rush off, hoping that Zai wouldn't take notice to them.

"Come back alive, Varkin!" One of them shouted before following the others out. Zai waited as the rest were finally gone, placing his sword on his shoulder.

"You've got quite the crew. Usually they wouldn't care much what happens to the boss as long as they get a cut." Zai commented as he flicked his sword, casting off any remaining blood. The blade of the sword, however, was still red. It seemed to be designed into the blade, and was no mere stain.

"I see how you got your nickname, now. Quite the beautiful sword you're carrying." Varkin complimented as he started to expand his muscles. "I'll make a deal with you. If I win, I'll let you live but I'll take your sword."

"I wouldn't deserve the sword if I lost, anyways." Zai said shrugging. "What do I get if I win, though?"

"My bounty of course. And the choice of whether to kill me. Not that I'll have a say should I lose anyways." Varkin said before his arms grew dark blue fur and fangs grew in his mouth.

"I guess you've got a point. So then, shall we?" Zai asked as a dark grin grew on his features.

"One last question." Varkin said, his voice now a deeper, gruff tone due to his nature. "Ki or magic?"

"Ki, of course. Magic's not as good up close." Zai declared as he took a stance.

"It's far more fun to use in a fight, too!" Varkin growled before launching himself with miraculous speed. Zai widened his eyes in surprise, but quickly regained his calm mental state. A large claw came soaring at the bounty hunter's head. Zai dodged by a hair, ducking under Varkin. He raised his blade to slash at the wolf's stomach, but Varkin quickly answered back by grabbing a hold of the blade.

"This won't go as easy as you expected, boy." Varkin growled as he came eye to eye with Zai. Despite this, Zai continued to grin anxiously, holding his ground.

"Good. I've been looking for a good fight for a while, now. Things get really boring if they're easy. By the way..." Zai responded, pushing Varkin off of his blade. A red aura surrounded his blade again as Zai raised it above his head. With a quick slash, he unleashed a powerful wave. Varkin widened his eyes in shock before narrowly ducking the attack. It flew past him, cutting down several trees upon impact.

He created a flying slash? Varkin thought in fear, quickly turning back to Zaijirou.

"... This won't be easy for you, either." Zai declared as his grin never faltered. Varkin grinded his teeth, launching himself again. This time he continually slashed with his claws, almost desperately trying to land a hit. Zai deflected each blow, able to keep up with the Lycan. He's every bit as fast as I am. I'm going to have to pull a risky move.

Varkin gripped the sword as his claws clashed against it this time. Zai widened his eyes as he was unable to break the Lycans hold.

"Shit…" Zai cursed as Varkin rounded with his other hand. He stabbed the hunter in the side, using enough force to cut down a tree in one slash. Zai had focused his Ki into his side as a shield, but was unable to focus enough to block the attack, only weaken it. He spit out blood as Varkin gripped his hand harder, trying to make Zai release his sword.

"Nice little trick, but…" Zai muttered as he gripped Varkin's shoulder. He lifted up his leg and focused ki into it, slamming it hard into the Lycan's gut. Varkin bent over in pain as he was sent flying back. His hand was cut into a bloody mess as he tried to hold onto Zai's sword, but failed.

My hand's basically useless, now… Varkin mused painfully, unable to even flex the appendage. Zai cringed as he felt his side, trying to use his ki to cover up the wound.

"My turn." Zai growled as he lunged forward, ignoring the pain coursing through his wound. Varkin quickly turned around, attempting to use his only hand to parry the sword. I paid the price for that attack, but I wasn't able to end the fight. This guy's tough.

Varkin attempted to slash him quickly, but Zai dodged to the side. He widened his eyes as Zai took advantage of the opening he left, and slashed his chest. Varking howled in pain, but his instincts were telling him to ignore the pain. Thinking he had an opening, Zai rushed in for another slash, but was shocked as Varkin quickly retaliated. The Lycan bit down on his shoulder with great force, causing Zaijirou to wale in pain and his eyes rolling back from shock.

"I'm not done yet, boy!" Varkin roared as he crunched even harder on the arm. Zai grinded his teeth as he fought through the pain. Even though Varkin had a hold on his right arm, he didn't have a hold on his left, which held his blade.

"Neither am I." Zai groaned as he let out a roar and slashed Varkin across the gut as best he could. The Lycan opened his jaw from the pain, unlatching from Zai's shoulder. Not waiting for him to retaliate, Zai quickly headbutted Varkin off of him. He stumbled back as he watched the bandit leader tumble, falling straight on his ass. The two were finally done, both men panting tiredly from their position. Zai readjusted himself to stand, forcing himself to stay on his feet.

"It's my win." Zai breathed out. He flicked his sword again and sheathed it. He knew his enemy was done.

"I have to hand it to you, kid…" Varkin panted out, not even bothering to try and get up, "That was a helluva fight... "

"Yeah, it was. Thanks for entertaining me a bit. I needed a challenge." Zaijirou said, finally pacing his breathing. He walked over to the Lycan, who now deformed back into a human state.

"Will you kill me now?" Varkin asked curiously, but Zai shook his head.

"Nah. I get more jewels for bringing bounties back alive sometimes. Plus I wouldn't kill a man who I sat and had a drink with." Zai declared as he sat the bandit up against one of the cut logs. "Besides, if I get more jewels, the better. I've got a big house I'm paying for."

"Big house, huh? Sounds nice." Varkin chuckled weakly, allowing Zai to move him up. "Got a girl back home to take care of?"

"Nah, nothing like that." Zai said waving his hand dismissively. "More like a couple of irritating brothers to take care of."

Back in the town of Laros, things had taken a bit of a turn in the last nine population of the town had slightly risen, and the land expanded to allow for more homes to be built. With the help of Adam, an expansive library was created. Using money he earned from shared bounties with Zai, he was able to accumulate enough money to help collect books and build a library that all in the town would wish to visit.

"Do you need any help, Erica?" Adam asked as he approached. He was almost a spitting image of his childhood days, only slight differences being the length of his hair, the maturity in his face and his height. The girl in question, Erica, glanced at him and gave a soft, appreciative smile.

"Sure, if you wouldn't mind Adam…" Erica nodded in appreciation. She was shorter than Adam by only a few inches, standing at a solid five foot five. She wore glasses like Adam, but hers were noticeably smaller while his large and round. Her hair was a bright lavender, straightened but only stopping at her shoulders. She had pale skin and sparkling blue eyes. She handed several books to Adam, soon after taking up a few of her own.

"I just need to put these away. Are you almost done for the day, Adam?" Erica asked softly.

"Well, I think my brother was going to be back later today. He went out for a usual bounty hunt. I'm most likely going to go home soon and make sure everything is clean for him." Adam explained, offering a curt smile. "How about you?"

"Me?" Erica muttered before tilting her head in thought, a small blush adorning her face. "W-well nothing really, I was just going to go home and try to progress further into one of my books…" She explained, trailing off.

"Oh, I see. Perhaps... tomorrow we could hang out after work?" Adam offered shyly, his cheeks heating up as he forced himself to act 'boldly'.

"Eh?" Erica squeaked as she nearly stumbled and struggled to keep her books in hand.

"Careful!" Adam said, unable to help as his hands were still full of books. Erica was able to steady herself and keep all books in hand. Her face was crimson in shame, embarrassed by her close call.

"I uh… I would love to hang out with you tomorrow…" Erica spoke finally, hoping to get back on track. Adam brightened visibly and grinned ear to ear.

"Okay, cool! You should come over to my house! I haven't exactly showed it to you yet, huh?" Adam asked, rubbing his head sheepishly. Erica blinked in surprise before tilting her head in question.

"That's true, huh? I have heard you live in a big house too…" She mused in thought before smiling. "Okay then, I'll be coming over. I hope I'm not intruding with your brothers."

"Oh they'll be fine with it. Jaden likes to show off our house to people anyways. Not that it's very extravagant or anything." Adam said waving his hand dismissively. The two soon reached the bookshelf they were looking for, setting the books down on a table. "Well, I believe I need to get going. I'll see you later, okay?"

"O-okay then. Goodbye, Adam!" Erica waved as the brunette headed out the door. Adam waved back, walking out. As soon as Erica was out of earshot, he sighed in relief. "Erica and I are gonna hang out tomorrow. I'm so excited!"

Thankfully, due to being a small town, the walk was only ten minutes from his house. He walked with a skip in his step, feeling that nothing could get him down this day. He finally arrived at his house that was big as the rumors had said. It was not a tall building but it was quite long. It was not terribly impressive on the outside, only a calm tan color and mocha roof. But inside it was far nicer, with dark black furniture and wooden floors. It had six rooms, three bathrooms and even a large backyard.

"I'm home!" Adam announced happily. He expected Jaden to be home, who for work did banking for the whole town, and was usually home before the other two brothers. But what Adam saw was partly what he didn't expect: Jaden was leaning over a woman on the couch, seemingly in a passionate scene. The girl in question froze along with Jaden as the blond looked back at Adam. The brunette's mouth was agape in shock, his eyes becoming large white plates.

"Oh… you're home early." Jaden said laughing nervously. The girl below him blushed a deep crimson, pushing Jaden off of her.

"I have to go! Sorry!" She squeaked in embarrassment. Her shirt was slightly unbuttoned as was Jadens, but she quickly corrected that. She didn't dare look at Adam, fear of judgement filling her. "Sorry for imposing!" She said before quickly rushing out the door.

"Great. You scared her off." Jaden sighed, starting to fix his shirt up. "And we were about to get to the best part…"

"You could have taken her to your room at least!" Adam scolded in defiance, his face red as a tomato. "Or left me a note at work saying you were… occupying the house with someone!"

"Geez, I swear. You and Zai are like little kids when it comes to women." Jaden blanched, ignoring his demands. "You know, someday you're both going to have to lose that V card of yours. No matter how much Zai likes to play the 'single loner ' asshole thing."

"You know he would have beat you down if it was him and not me who showed up…" Adam pointed out dryly, raising a finger.

"Yeah. And he probably would have used the excuse that it's because we were 'doing it on the couch'." Jaden said rolling his eyes, using his fingers as quotation marks.

"No. I would have done it because you're an asshole." Zai said from behind Adam, making the two jump in surprise. "I swear, isn't that like the third girl this month?"

"Zai, you're back!" Adam shouted happily, taking the eldest brother into a hug. Zai grinded his teeth in pain, for Adam squeezed where he was injured.

"Get off man, I'm injured there!" Zai groaned, pushing him off. Adam blinked in surprise, adjusting his round glasses.

"You're hurt? Usually it's not so bad that you're still worn out like this. Let me take a look." Adam suggested.

"Another time. I just want to sit down and relax." Zai grumbled, pushing past Adam and plopping down on the couch next to Jaden.

"Dang, did you get your ass kicked or something? Usually you're not so out of it." Jaden taunted, putting his arm over the top of the couch.

"No, I didn't!" Zai growled in annoyance. "The guy was just strong! It's been a while since I've had a challenge like that."

"Oh, so you're saying you didn't get the bounty? You're a loser." Jaden continued to tease, only to receive an elbow to the ribs.

"Put a sock in it, pervert. Obviously I got the bounty." Zai corrected, reaching into his jacket pocket. He pulled out a large bag of coins, dropping it on the table. "Sixteen thousand jewels. I got a big fish this time."

"Sixteen thousand?!" Adam repeated in shock, both his and Jaden's jaw dropped in surprise. "That's incredible! Usually the bounties you get are only around two thousand jewels!"

"I guess you can be useful every now and then, huh? Good job, Zai!" Jaden laughed, slapping his back hard and making the swordsman cringe further in pain. Zai punched him in the face, finally getting him to stop.

"Well you losers don't make enough to keep paying off this house! Someone had to bring more money in!" Zai growled in aggravation.

"Well, we did get a really big house. I told you guys that we should have started small and then move into something big once we all had careers set!" Jaden argued back.

"But if we start off early, we don't have to worry about it later. I'd rather get it out of the way!" Zai retorted defiantly. Adam grabbed their shoulders, bringing them out of their fight.

"Now, now guys. No need to get all upset. We should celebrate today!" the brown haired brother suggested. Zai and Jaden looked at each other for a moment before releasing collective sighs.

"Fine, sounds like a plan. Should we go out to eat or something? I'm pretty hungry." Zai suggested, crossing his arms and laying back into the couch.

"Well you're pretty injured, so I think we should stay home." Adam pointed out, rubbing his neck sheepishly.

"He's right. How about we get some steaks and cook them here." Jaden suggested with a sly smile. Zai didn't catch it at first, nodding in agreement.

"I could live with that. Who's cooking?" Zai asked. Adam and Jaden both stared at him expectantly, broad grins on their faces. Zai deadpanned before growling in annoyance. "What the hell? Me?! I thought the whole reason we were gonna stay home was so that I can rest!"

"Oh come on, Zai! You're the best cook in the house!" Jaden said, nudging him lightly. "No one can make a steak like you can!"

"He's right! Your skills are unmatched by us! It would be a mockery for us to try and copy your cooking abilities!" Adam pointed out wryly, only furthering Zai's annoyance.

"You guys are selfish bastards! You both cook just fine! Don't try and play me like that!" Zai shouted in aggravation. Both Jaden and Adam were on the ground before him, holding their hands together and giving the biggest pouts possible.

"Please~?" They said together. Zai groaned tiredly, his eye twitching in annoyance. Finally he conceded, sighing in defeat.

"Fine. Just hurry up and go get the steaks before I change my mind. Friggin' assholes…" Zai muttered, laying out on the couch. Jaden and Adam high fived each other in celebration, quickly getting up to leave to the store.

"No problem! We'll be sure to get the best cuts from the butcher! Don't fall asleep now~!" Jaden cheered as he quickly put on his shoes.

"We'll only be a moment. Love you, big bro~!" Adam added as he quickly sped out the door with Jaden right on his tail. Zai rolled his eyes at their excitement, turning over to face the couch.


To be continued…
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