Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2040782-Sarah-and-Cockzillas-Rampage
Rated: GC · Serial · Erotica · #2040782
(WIP) [2] Sarah, a futa girl, plays with her shrunken captives in a miniature city
[_] <-indicates a POV change

"Time's up! You lose! But you did get pretty close... Why don't we all just play in the little city Megan ordered online?" Sarah easily grabbed you and Megan from between her balls. She dropped you both under her foreskin and went on setting up the town. It came with its own tiny people, vehicles, and buildings. When she finished, she peeled back her foreskin and dumped you and Megan along with a massive heap of smegma into the street. She shrank you both again so you would fit in with the other tinies. The scale of the tiny city was that 5 feet were about 1/4 of a centimeter. You and the other tiny people were the size of ants. "Before I lose you two, I'll drop some of that medicine on you. I don't wanna dissolve you on accident if I go around stuffing things in Mr. Penis! I feel kinda bad for the other shrunken people though, 'cuz since they were made in a lab I can actually smash them."
Sarah then left the room and returned with condoms, sex toys, tape, and dental floss. These seemingly random items were all for her amusement. "Let's play a game! It's called 'Cockzilla'. Mr. Penis will be Cockzilla, and he has to smash up and eat the city. You little people only need to run away. Got it? Ooh I know! I'll paint Mr. Penis green so he looks like the real deal!" Sarah excitedly ran off. Her colossal penis bobbing and nearly slapping her face. She returned several minutes later with I huge, green dick. It looked like it would belong on the hulk, but instead was on this teenage girl. "Fe, fi, fo, fum, I'm gonna turn you into cum!" She picked up an office building, only a few inches tall to her, and easily slid it down her urethra. The people inside panicked and had no escape. The building was nothing more than a small lump on Sarah's massive "cockzilla"
"This feels really nice, but I think Mr. Penis is still hungry. I'll change the size of a few of you, just for fun!" Sarah took her shrink ray and set it on reverse. She grew a group of about 20 people to an inch tall, rather than 1/4 a centimeter. She tied her dental floss around half her victims, creating a chain of tinies. "Get ready, Cockzilla's gonna gobble you all up one by one!" Since the tip of her dick was just below her face, she could see each and every squirm. She dangled the chain above her penis. Her foreskin was long and stretchy, and a face was painted on the floppy phimosis tip, a scary sight for anyone as tiny as they were .The opening of her foreskin would have already looked like a mouth, but with a tiny mouth drawn on it looked... Alive. She lowered the chain until the first person slipped under the skin. With precum trickling out, her urethra was still nice and slick. The person's kicks did nothing to stop his feet from sliding down, then his waist. The hungry penis scarfed them down, leaving no trace but the temporary lumps visible from the outside. When they slid all the way down they landed with a splash. They all felt a warm, tingly sensation. It soon became apparent that they were becoming cum.
"Man... I haven't cum all week, and my balls are already bigger than my head. You guys are just making things worse! How should I punish the other 10..." Sarah pondered, staring at her handful of tiny people. "Maybe I'll just save you for later!" She grabbed the cock ring off the floor next to her and adjusted it to fit around the base of her cock and huge sack. "Careful not to suffocate! Lefty and Righty might accidentally smash the life out of you... I'll play with you later!" At that not she released her huge balls and ten tiny victims were instantly hidden from the world.
"Now onto the smaller ones..." She looked toward the ant sized specks in the miniature city to her right.
[Citizen's POV]
The massive... Girl? Appeared once more. Her huge phimosis cock still had its face painted on, (slightly smeared by her precum) but there were visible lumps in her sack. They were nearly 10 times the size of the us, but they were moving... We're those people? They would surely be drowning in there! After staring for a moment the lumps moved less and less, until they weren't visible anymore. "AAHH. THEY'RE DONE MELTING. NOW MY BALLS FEEL EVEN MORE FULL." The giantess said. She stood up to straddle the city, giving a perfect view of her enormous balls. There was a piece of metal just barely visible between the base of her sack and her taint. I saw... Legs? Were those more larger tinies? Most of them weren't struggling, most likely snuffed out by the wrinkly wrecking balls. She swatted down, her balls mere feet (our size) off the ground a huge crowd was under the shadow of the giantess, and I could tell they were doomed. "WHAT HAVE WE HERE? IS THIS A CROWD OF PERVERTS? I'LLJUST SMASH YOU!" The giantess boomed.
She lowered slightly, allowing her mountains of flesh to press into the concrete and flatten the crowd. Most people were instantly obliterated by the weight, but some were caught along the edge of her destruction, barely alive. When she lifted her sack off the street there were hundreds of blood stains on the massive testicles. To her they were barely noticeable, but at my size it was a gruesome sight. The few "lucky" survivors, who were only slightly hurt by the edge of her sack, were lifted into the air. They were glued to the balls by her sweat. As the balls continued their climb upward the wrinkles showed again. Dozens of people were lost in the folds of her massive scrotum. They weren't even visible anymore, and I had no intention to dive in after them.
Under the cruel giantess was a wide crater. The crushed concrete was stained with her ball sweat and, upon closer inspection, even showed the wrinkles of her sack. "WHY DON'T WE PLAY? I'VE KINDA MEAN, AND I WANNA MAKE IT UP TO YOU..."
[Sarah's POV]
"I know I've been pretty cruel so far, so I'm gonna give you all a chance to live! All you need to do is reach a safe place! There are 3 safe locations. One is between Lefty and Righty, but they move around a lot so you might get crushed... The second is a guaranteed safe zone. It's in Mr. Penis, or Cockzilla's jacket. There's plenty of food and it's nice and warm! The 3rd is in my nipples. They're inverted, so there's plenty of space for you! But since it's so high up, I might need to help some of you up! " I said to the tiny people. I sat down, resting my heavy balls in the street. They sank into the concrete a little, and they completely blocked the street off, making a ballsack barricade. As soon as I sat down I felt small tickles on the front of my full sack. Several people were already attempting to scale my balls. Behind them was a crowd of hundreds of people who wanted their chance at a safe place.
The front was like a rock climbing wall because of the slight wrinkles and veins. The ant people were so small that my balls were each bigger than their average house. In fact, I could easily cover 3 houses with my bloated sack. My balls were extra slippery with sweat and precum, so when they got on top they slipped and slid. Dozens slid straight into the canyon between my balls. The gap between my flesh boulders was like cleavage, and it must have smelled terrible between them. My sack's victims would never see the light again, and they'd most likely be smashed when I started moving again.
After a few minutes passed I could feel hundreds, maybe thousands of minuscule footsteps on my balls. I could barely even see them, and I knew there were now at least 100 people in between Lefty and Righty. Some of them slipped in a puddle of sweat and precum, or tripped on a vein on the surface of my overflowing sack. Others jumped in, hoping it would be a safe have from my destruction. It felt so good having all those tinies on my sensitive balls that I almost came!
They finally reached the base of my huge dong. It was taller than the biggest sky scraper in their tiny town, and many times thicker. Mr. Penis still had his Cockzilla paint on. The paint was smeared because of all my precum. It trickled down like a sticky waterfall. "Aww, look at you guys! You did so good climbing the twin hills. Now just climb Cockzilla and you'll be safe! There's no way you'll make it all the way up to my tits, so I don't advise that route..." I said.
I saw crowds gathering at the base of Mr. Penis and I could tell only some of the would make it up. Seeing tiny people attempting to climb my behemoth reminded me of ants climbing a tree. Only an inch or 2 up my cock the weaklings began falling. Some of them landed in the mess between my nuts, others landed in my forest of pubes. After several more minutes of climbing, tiny people were evenly distributed along Mr. Penis. They found places to stand on like veins and clumps of paint.
Some unlucky ones were knocked off by my stream of precm and splashed into the pool of it that gathered between my balls near the base of my cock. It had a greenish tint to it due to my paint. "Hey, good job!" I cheered. Some of the ant people finally reached the summit of my cock. A few of them tripped and sunk into the folds on my phimosis foreskin. I had so much of it that it piled up on the tip like a little hill. As the tinies climbed my green tip they reached an opening.
[Climber's POV]
After what felt like hours of climbing, I finally reached the top. I watched a few other people get lost in her foreskin. I would help, but that would most likely end with me in the same position. I continued my trek until I reached a large opening. Light steam floated out, proving that it would be hot inside. I looked down at what I was standing on and I noticed a large, crudely drawn face. Between the paint and putting us on her genitals, i'd say this girl thought it was all a game. Before jumping, I waited to see how other people turned out.
I watched a few people jump straight into what appeared to be a wide urethra. They clearly wouldn't survive.
[Sarah's POV]
I felt tiny people hesitating to jump at the tip of my foreskin. Several of my little toys decided to jump down Mr. Penis's throat. The sensation of tiny people tumbling down my urethra felt great. They were so small that they just fell straight down into my sack. "Careful tinies! Lefty and Righty are hungry, and if you mess up the jump you'll be their next meal."
[Climber's POV]
"CAREFUL TINIES!! LEFTY AND RIGHTY ARE HUNGRY, AND IF YOU MESS UL THE JUMP YOU'LL BE THEIR NEXT MEAL!" The cruel giantess boomed. I leaned forward a little further and I saw massive heaps of a slimy looking substance clinging to her cockhead. "IT'LL BE OKAY LITTLE PEOPLE. AS LONG AS COCKZILLA DOESNT EAT YOU, IT WILL BE NICE AND WARM WITH PLENTY TO EAT!"
Eat? Were we supposed to survive off her sweat, smegma, and precum? I began having second thoughts when my decision was made for me. Her massive cock twitched, throwing my into the massive opening. The strong smell became unbearable the deeper I plummeted, until my fall was stopped.
I looked at what I landed in, and confirmed that it was smegma. I couldn't move, and my body was mixed into a sticky mix of smegma and precum.
[Sarah's POV]
There were still tiny people sitting at the base of Mr. Penis. It was clear that they had either already tried and failed or had no intention of climbing. It felt good already, but I didn't want my little toys just sitting around. "Come here, tinies. I'll help you reach another safe spot! And if you don't all climb on, I might just feed you all to my butthole!" I was trying to encourage the tinies. Most of them climbed on, but a few party poopers tried hiding. I picked them up with my other hand and slid them under the edge of my sack. Not enough pressure would be applied to kill them, only enough to punish them.
I brought my party of several hundred any sized people up to tit level. "Tehe... The will be your final stop!" I lied down and sprinkled the group on my areola. My movement flattened a few people under my cock against my stomach. Others were smashed between my nuts. It was much easier to climb me now, so the cock climbers wandered from their initial task and explored. The people between my balls were still immobilized, but I could feel tiny struggles.
Over the past year or so, my inverted nipples became somewhat stretchy. I've been able to finger them for guide some time... Every once in a while I find milk trickling out of my slits. Today was one of those days. "You tiny people might feel a slight splash, but don't worry! My breast milk isn't nearly as thick as Lefty and Righty's milk. Have fun!" I spread my nipple and pushed a portion of them into the opening. They tumbled down, stimulating my nipple. I released the opening and it slapped shut. People that didn't fall all the way down to me nipple were crushed by the walls of nipple flesh.
"If you don't make an effort to join your friends, I'll crush you in my cleavage!" I threatened. They began scrambling to get into my nipple. A few of them slipped and landed in the canyon between my breasts. They would be fine there until I sat up and my tits closed around them... But that's later! I'll enjoy what's happening now! "*sigh* You tinies are so pathetic. I'll help you" I reached over and grabbed a train. I tore off both ends, leaving an open tube. It was only about as thick as a pencil, so I easily stuffed it into my nipple. I pushed down lightly, until only half of one train car stuck out.
"Hop in!" The tiny people climbed on the train and jumped in. There were so many that my nipple filled up. I pulled the train out with a pleasing *slurp*. "Nhh, struggle more for me! My nipples are really sensitive!" From the way it felt, my inverted nipple was filled to the brim with ant sized people. A few limbs stuck out of the slit, the only evidence of their existence.
I brushed the remaining tinies into my cleavage and smashed them. Their only impact was tiny, ant-sized red dots left between my boobs. I felt their struggles and realized my other nipple was lonely. I plucked up a handful of cars and a small building. The building crumbled as I tried stuffing it in, making it easier to fit. When I dropped the cars in I could feel the passengers trying to drive. The friction felt amazing inside my nipple.
"I thin Lefty and Righty are getting bored. They're so full, and ready to destroy!" I cheered. I turned back towards the city and eyed a small neighborhood. I lifted one huge, swollen testicle and dropped it. Righty tore through the house and the ground around it instantly, leaving a crater in its place. When I lifted my nut there was nothing but stinky, muddy debri. I looked at the underside of my ball and found several tiny red dots along with dirt and pieces of the house. I let it go again, causing a tremor that all the tinies could feel.
Crushing the house felt so good that I had to have more. I got up on my knees and started moving forward. My plump balls dragged through a neighborhood, demolishing everything in their path. Everything that was crushed either got partially buried or stuck to my sweaty wrecking balls. It felt so good that I almost came. My balls swelled up even more from my arousal.
[Ball Crush Victim's POV]
I was sitting on my front porch when I felt ominous tremors. The atmosphere became stuffy and the smell of sex was in the air. The earth started shaking again and I could feel where it was coming from. I looked down the street towards the shaking and saw the biggest balls in existence. They had just smashed my neighbor's house, and were dragging up the street. I knew my life was in danger so I started running. I turned back to see that each massive ball was many, many times larger than my whole house. As they dragged closer they destroyed everything in a path at least a block wide. Imagine that. So much ball flesh that it could easily cover an entire block with just the bottom of it. I watched as dirt and debri stuck to the wet, musky balls. As it mowed over my house I closed my eyes, expecting death. I opened them again to see that I was glued to the destructive sack. I was perfectly fine until they expanded with cum and crushed my, leaving nothing but a small red dot.
[Sarah's POV]
I was so hard, and crushing tinies with my balls wasn't enough to let me release. I lifted my sack off the devastated neighborhood that reeked of my scent. I heard a faint train sound, and realized the subway was only about 2-3 feet away. When I found the stairs that led to the tunnels I knew what I had to do. I thrust my massive cock down the hole. Destroying the street around it to make it fit. I jus kept fucking the concrete tube until I felt an intrusion. The train plowed right into my urethra, and it was stuck. I pulled out, and the train was somehow still intact. I watched it dangle from my hungry dickhole.
"You guys may have gotten in the wrong train. This is a one way trip to Sarah's nuts! You know, I could make this more fun..."
I grabbed the anti-digestion spray and the shrink ray. I reverted the size so the train was about as thick as my index finger and about a foot long. I also sprayed it with the spray so my cum wouldn't melt it down.
[Megan's POV]
I got on a train in hopes to hide until Sarah got bored. Unlike the other people here, I knew this wasn't a real city. There was no true escape. As we waited for more people to pile on, we felt rumbling. I looked out my window to see my sister's massive, pulsating cock plow through an opening clearly made for smaller beings. The train on the opposite side of the subway was partially smashed, and the cock slid further in until it was gone. It could have gone under her foreskin, doomed to sink into the mountains of dick cheese. Sadly, it most likely was smashed under the sweaty beast.
After a few more moments of Sarah destroying the subway with her King Kong Schlong, it turned slightly more toward the train I was on. When she thrusted forward again, the train slid into her hungry slit.
I knew this was the end. There's no way a train this small wouldn't be turned to cum in Sarah's mysterious sack. Luckily I couldn't be dissolved because of the spray she used on me to make the "fun" last longer. She pulled out of the tunnel, and surprisingly the train stayed in one piece. After a few moments she enlarged our train and its passengers, and made us immune to her digestive balls.
She started sliding the train farther and farther down her huge urethra. Surprisingly, it wasn't a very tight fit. It was loose enough so that the train wasn't smashed be the walls of her cock. Precum steadily poured past us as we continued sinking.
[Sarah's POV]
I am not sure if I will continue this story. Please don't hold your breath waiting for future updates

I wasn’t too happy with some of my early writing so I took two stories down (the Megan and Sarah stories) but after seeing how some people wanted them back, here they are!
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