Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2040640-Pokemon-BV---Vergil-Vs-TJ
Rated: E · Other · Fanfiction · #2040640
Retelling of a single battle I had with a friend named TJ while at Toysrus.
         Vergil paced about the Team Preview room, Blackavar lying on the ground watching her. "The battle is to start in a minute and a half and I've no one to leave you with." She said the to shiny Pikachu. "What am I going to do?"

         "Hey, there, if you're wanting to burn some cals, should really take up hikin'." a Hiker greeted as he entered.

         "Been a long time Alex." Vergil replied with a smile. "You busy?"

         "Naw, just strolling and observing battles." Alex, the Hiker, replied.

         "Good, then can you watch Blackavar?" Vergil asked as she quickly handed the shiny Pikachu to him.

         "Ah... well, sure I guess, T---" Alex began.

         "Vergil, the name's Vergil."

         Alex sighed as he scratched his head. "I don't know why you took up that name but whatever." he grumbled as he took the Pikachu. "We'll be in the lounge."

         "Thanks bro." Vergil replied as she rushed into the stadium.

         "You know when someone sees the name Vergil, they think of a guy." the male red garbed Ace Trainer said as he watched the Pokemon Ranger enter.

         "I get that a lot." Vergil replied as she held Dusk ball.

         "I'm TJ and I'll be your opponent for this match." the Ace Trainer greeted. "Go Fiona!" He called as he sent out a Florges.

         "Let's go Gaius!" Vergil exclaimed as she sent out her Flygon.

         "I was hoping you'd lead with that. Fiona, Toxic!"

         "Gaius Tailwind!"

         Flygon flapped his wings kicking up a wind storm behind him to increase his speed. Florges spewed purple gunk, Toxic, at the Flygon, hoping to poison him. The crafty Dragon/Ground evaded the attack and looked at the Florges smirking.

         "Fiona Toxic again!" TJ exclaimed.

         "Gaius Steel Wing!" Vergil countered.

         The Flygon glid right into the Florges with steel coated wings. He got a direct hit, bring the Florges health down to less than half. Florges managed to avoid being knocked out and struck back with Toxic, this time hitting the Flygon. Flygon shook from the stinging of poison. "Fiona come back. Go Reap!" TJ hollered as he recalled his Florges and sent out an Umbreon.

         "Gaius, Earthquake!" Vergil called.

         The Flygon nodded as he struck the ground, shaking things up and doing massive damage to the Umbreon. "Reap, Dark Pulse!"

         "Gaius Earthquake again!"

         Flygon slammed into the ground, using a second Earthquake. Umbreon winced but fought back with Dark Pulse, sending Flygon to low health. The wind behind Flygon died down. Both trainers knew their Pokemon on the field was getting exhausted. "Reap come back. Go Sedin!" TJ called back his Umbreon and sent out his Heracross.

         "Gaius Earthquake!" Vergil had not predicted the switch and chose Earthquake as an all round cover move. Heracross while not taking a lot of damage from Earthquake still took a fair amount. Flygon winced again feeling the poison worsening. "Stay with me Gaius, you still a little more fight in ya." Vergil said to her Flygon trying to get him to dig deep.

         "Sedin, Close Combat!"

         "Gaius Dragon Claw!"

         Even without the Tailwind boost, Flygon was faster and struck the beetle Bug/Fighting type with sharp claws taking it down in an instant. Unfortunately the poison was too much for Flygon and he collapsed as well. Both trainers called their Pokemon back. "Great work Gaius." Vergil whispered as she withdrew a Great ball from her belt. "Go Lissa!" she called as her Espeon took the field.

         "Go Desl!" TJ cried as his next Pokemon, Blastoise, took the field.

         "Lissa, Grass Knot!"

         "Desl, mega evolve and Dark Pulse!"

         A bright light shone around Blastoise as he mega evolved. His twin cannons on his back became one mega cannon and he grew two more cannons on his arms. Espeon was faster and struck the mighty turtle with a Grass Knot attacking, sending it below half health. Mega Blastoise fired a lump of dark energy out of his back cannon, hitting the Espeon and sent her into the low red.

         "Desl, come back. Go Reap!" TJ called as his Mega Blastoise went back into its ball and Umbreon emerged.

         "Lissa Grass Knot"

         Again with not predicting the switch, but Vergil's Espeon knocked out the Umbreon with easy thanks to the damage Gaius had done earlier in the battle. Umbreon dropped to the ground causing TJ to call him back. "Go Fiona! Use Toxic!" He called out as he sent out his Florges.

         "Lissa strike it with Psyshock!"

         Espeon was nimble as she attacked using the built up psychic energy within the jewel on her forhead. The fairy Pokemon collapsed unable to keep battling. TJ was down to three Pokemon while Vergil still have five. "Go Tyrantrum! Use Crunch!" He yelled as he Rock/Dragon entered battle.

         "Lissa Dazzling Gleam!" Vergil countered.

         Once again the nimble psychic fox out sped her opponent and struck with built up fairy energy from her jewel. The large fossil Pokemon went flying backwards and crashed into a wall before collapsing.

         "Your Espeon is strong." TJ noted as he called back his Tyrantrum and grabed his next Pokeball. "But it's greatly weakened from my Blastoise's attack. Go Scout! Use Ice Beam!" He ordered the Marowak that entered battle.

         "Lissa go after him with Grass Knot!" Vergil was quick to instruct her Psychic Pokemon.

         Espeon struck out with Grass Knot, putting the Marowak in low health but unable for her to knock out. The Ace Trainer smirked as his Marowak shot an Ice Beam from its thick bone club it was holding. Espeon was hit and while she tried to will herself to stand, her legs lacked the strength. "You did great Lissa." Vergil whispered as she called back the Psychic fox. She grabbed the plain Pokeball from her belt and tossed it into the air. "Come on Lucina!" the shiny Serperior appeared on the battlefield, ready to fight.

         "Scout, Ice Beam!"

         "Lucina, Leaf Storm!"

         The shiny Serperior let loose the high powered grass move, knocking out the Marowak. There was a red flicker from the grass snake indicating the stat boost to her Special Attack.

         "It's all up to you Desl! Go and Ice Beam!" TJ called as he sent out his final Pokemon, Mega Blastoise.

         "Let's finish this. Lucina Leaf Storm!"

         The shiny Serperior let loose another high powered grass attack and successfully knocked out the Mega Blastoise. TJ let out disgruntled sigh as he called back his Mega Blastoise. "You're strong I give you that, Vergil. I've never seen a girl battle the way you do." he noted as he held out a hand to shake.

         Vergil smiled as she called back Lucina and approached the other trainer and shook hands. "Thanks, you're not half bad yourself." She said before having issue breathing.

         "Hey, you ok? What's wrong?" Tj asked nervously.

         Vergil reached into her bag and grabbed her inhaler, taking two deep puffs before letting out a slow breath. It took a few seconds but her breathing returned to normal. "Nothing, I'm fine." She replied to TJ. "Just a mild asthma attack."

         The two trainers went their seperate ways and Vergil met up with Alex. "Saw your battle. Little Espeon, huh. I always pegged ya for Umbreon."

         Blackavar leapt from Alex's shoulder to Vergil's and grinned excitedly. "I thought about Umbreon but considering the rest of the team, Espeon is a better fight."

         "I'm surprised you went into Lucina instead of Robin against his Ice Beam Marowak." the hiker noted as he adjusted his lab coat.

         "I knew he still had Mega Blastoise, not sure how well Robin would've faired against that big guy." Vergil replied as she healed her Pokemon. "Fifty-four."

         "Fifty-four?" Alex asked confused.

         "Fifty-four wins. Forty-six more then Dragon May Cry will accept my challenge." Vergil explained as she checked over her Pokemon.

         "Wait! So, B---"

         "Yeah, I encountered him. He's changed, a lot." Vergil interrupted.

         "So have you kid, so have you. Seems like just yesterday you didn't know squat about battling and were just a Pokemon Breeder." Alex thought as he watched the Pokemon Ranger.
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