Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2040633-Pokemon-BV---Vergil-Vs-Ryan
Rated: E · Other · Fanfiction · #2040633
Retelling of a Battle Spot battle I had a couple nights ago.
         Vergil rubbed shiny Pikachu's chin making the electric mouse Pokemon smile. "Who's my best traveling partner?" she asked as she rubbed his chin.

         "There you are, Devin said I'd find you here." a male Pokemon Ranger said as he approached.

         "Hey Mud, how's it going?" Vergil greeted as she looked up.

         "Busy, these school events have been keeping me on my toes and the recent promotion at Gym Rally has also kept me busy." Mud replied as he took a seat next to the red garbed Pokemon Ranger. "I take it you have a match coming up."

         "Yeah, I do. It's against someone by the name of Ryan. Doors to the preview room should be opening up soon." Vergil responded as she picked the Pikachu up and held him in a hug.

         "Devin and Azmo told me about your run in with the other Vergil. This is one of your battles to get a step closer to battling him?" Mud asked curiously.

         "Aye. That is it." She answered as the doors opened. "You can come in for the preview, if you'd like." She added as she walked into the preview room.

         "Can't pass up on that. Though I'd rather enter the stadium and watch up close." Mud replied as he followed Vergil.

         The Team Preview screen lit up, drawing the attention of both trainers to it. "Hmm... Interesting team, looks like they focus on high offense and low defense."

         "So high risk, high return." Mud paused as he smirked at Vergil. "Sounds like another trainer I know."

         Vergil simply smiled as she looked over the screen and ran a few situations in her head. "Ok I know my four." She whispered. "We'll take Tharja and Gaius for my lead and have Robin and Lissa for my back ups."

         "Wait, you're taking your Frogadier? What happened to having a Greninja?" Mud questioned, shocked that Vergil had the nerve to run a not fully evolved Pokemon.

         "Greninja got banned in the Gym Rally, so I swapped a Frogadier on in place of Lon'qu." Vergil noted as she watched the doors to the stadium open. "Mud, can you keep an eye on Blackavar, keep him out of trouble?" She asked as she held out the shiny Pikachu.

         "Sure thing, Vergil." Mud replied as he took the shiny Pikachu. "Come on little fella, we'll watch from the lounge. Good luck, Vergil." He said as he walked out to the lounge.

         Vergil nodded as she entered the stadium and leaned against a wall waiting for the challenger. "One hundred wins eh. No problem. I've already racked up fifty-two with my team." She thought as she waited.

         "Greetings Vergil, I must say, I expected a guy not a girl when I saw the name." the Ninja boy greeted as he entered the stadium. "Name's Ryan."

         "Sorry to disappoint ya, with being a girl and all." the Pokemon Ranger replied as she held two Dusk balls in hand. "But I assure you, my gender will have nothing to do with my battle style."

         "We'll see about that. Go Gardevoir and Scrafty!" Ryan called out as he threw two Pokeballs into the air.

         "Let's rock, Tharja and Gaius!" Vergil shouted as she tossed the Dusk balls into the air.

         The four Pokemon: Gardevoir, Scrafty, Frogadier and Flygon entered the stadium, each one exchanging looks as they readied for battle. "Nothing to do with your battle style and yet you dare bring a not fully evolved Pokemon to our match? Have you no respect for your opponents?!" Ryan yelled, utterly apalled at the female trainer's choice in Pokemon.

         "Wait til you see what she can do." Vergil replied as she smirked.

         "Gardevoir, mega evolve and Hyper Voice! Scrafty, High Jump Kick the Frogadier! Let's end this quickly." Ryan ordered as he turned away already planing his victory speech to his fans waiting in the lounge.

         "Gaius, Tharja, work together. Steel Wing and Gunk Shot the Mega Gardevoir!" Vergil instructed as she assessed the battle.

~                                                            ~                                                  ~

         "Your trainer sure is confident." Mud said to the shiny Pikachu on his lap.

         "Looks like Ryan's going to have another quick and easy victory." A few trainers were talking amongst themselves.

         "I wouldn't be so certain. Vergil seems rather certain of her team." Mud noted as he listened into the conversation.

         "Oh please, what kind of N00B brings a not fully evolved Pokemon to a battle unless it's tank build?" a lass laughed.

         "Let's just see what your trainer's got in store." Mud whispered the aggiatated shiny Pikachu.

~                                                            ~                                                  ~

         Gardevoir mega evolve and prepared a Hyper Voice. Flygon smirked at Frogadier as he rushed the Psychic/Fairy and lets loose a Steel Wing. Frogadier gave a wicked smile as she flickered purple indicating a type change to poison. She spewed out a blast of poison hitting and knocking out the Mega evolved Gardevoir. "No way!" Ryan turned in shock when he heard his Mega Gardevoir cry out in pain. Scrafty landed is High Jump Kick, hitting Frogadier in the stomach. The frog Pokemon winced but shook off the attack.

         "Never doubt a Pokemon." Vergil noted as she watched Ryan call back his Mega Gardevoir.

         "Let's go Goodra!" the Ninja boy yelled as he sent out his next Pokemon. "Goodra, Draco Meteor the Flygon! Scrafty, High Jump Kick the Frogadier!"

         "Tharja, Gaius, work together! Dragon Claw and Gunk Shot the Goodra!" Vergil called out.

         Flygon rushed the goo dragon and landed a Dragon Claw to the neck of the opponent. Goodra took a step back and before having the chance to recover was being blasted by poisoness burst. The large goo dragon swayed a bit before collapsing. Scrafty's High Jump Kick once again struck the frog Pokemon in the stomach but as before the frog shook off the attack.

~                                                            ~                                                  ~

         "That Frogadier is something else isn't it, Blackavar?" Mud noted as he watched the TV showing the ongoing battle.

         "Like no way! How's the little frog taking each of Scrafty's attacks and shrugging them off?" the same lass from earlier questioned a nerdy looking trainer within her group.

         "Well Fighting type attacks don't do much against Poison types. Seeing as Frogadier has become a Poison type and staying with that type thanks to Protean, the frog can take those hits. Though I suspect Vergil gave her Frogadier an Evolite to boost the defenses." the nerdy trainer replied.

         Mud smirked as he watched the screen. "Look like your hot shot Ryan is shaking."

~                                                            ~                                                  ~

         Ryan was in fact shaking, he had never taken these types of wounds from a not fully evolved Pokemon. He called back his Goodra and tossed his last Pokeball into the air. "Go Braviary! Braviary Brave Bird the Flygon! Scrafty High Jump Kick the Flygon!"

         "Work together, Dragon Claw and Gunk Shot the Braviary!" Vergil called out to her Pokemon, not even needing to call their names.

         Flygon struck the Normal/Flying bird Pokemon with his claws and watched as Frogadier followed up with the knock out attack, Gunk Shot. Scrafty's attack connected with Flygon's chest and knocked the wind out him but he recovered.

         Ryan called back his Braviary and shook his head. "Scrafty High Jump Kick the Flygon!"

         "Gaius, Dragon Claw! Tharja, Low Kick!" Vergil instructed.

         Flygon struck the Fighting/Dark Pokemon with his claws, wounding the opponent with his fierce claws. Frogadier flickered a pale brown, taking up the Fighting type. She slid down in a crouch and delivered a Low Kick to the Scrafty's shins. The Fighting/Dark Pokemon staggered but delivered a fierce High Jump Kick to the Dragon/Ground Pokemon. Flygon shook slightly before collapsing. "Ha! Claimed your Flygon!" Ryan exclaimed as he watched his Scrafty flash red indicating the stat boost for Attack stat.

~                                                            ~                                                  ~

         "Ha! Take that Ranger! Flygon dropped like the pathetic Pokemon it is!" the lass exclaimed bursting with happiness at the Dragon/Ground Pokemon being knocked out.

         "The Pokemon Ranger still has two Pokemon on reserve." the nerdy trainer replied as he assessed the battle situation. "Odds are based on team preview, she'll have Espeon."

         Mud smirked. "Espeon, one of the coolest and most elegant Psychic types around. And Vergil knows how to run that beauty." He thought as he rubbed shiny Pikachu's head.

~                                                            ~                                                  ~

         "Not bad, but I still got a few tricks up my sleeve." Vergil noted as she called back her Flygon and pulled out a Great ball. "Let's go Lissa!" she called as the Espeon entered the battle.

         "ah crap." the Ninja boy murmured as he saw what Pokemon came out. "Scrafty, High Jump Kick the Frogadier."

         "Tharja, Low Kick! Lissa, Dazzling Gleam!" Vergil instructed.

         Espeon struck first, the jewel on her head glowing brightly. A rainbow gleam shot forth knocking out the Scrafty. Ryan called back his last Pokemon and looked at the other trainer. "Your Frogadier is something else." he muttered as he left the stadium.

         Vergil called back her two Pokemon then left. "Fifty-three." she thought as she healed her Pokemon then met up with Mud.

         "Great battle out there. Tharja certainly is something impressive. And your Espeon, so cool." Mud said as he handed the shiny Pikachu back to his trainer.

         "Thanks Mud, I got the idea for Espeon from you." Vergil replied as she took the Pikachu and watched him run up onto her shoulder. "And thank you for keeping Blackavar out of trouble."

         "So that's fifty-three, right? Forty-seven to go." Mud noted with a smile.

         "Yeah, but that's still plenty to keep me on my toes." the female Pokemon Ranger replied.

         "So, hey, if you're not too busy, the Gym Rally is needing a new Elite Four member and the gym leaders are to battle among each other for the slot. Think you and Team Blaze can set aside time to battle over there?" Mud explained as he looked at Vergil.

         "Perhaps, though it's doubtful. I haven't battled with Team Blaze for some time." Vergil replied as she walked to one of the concession counters and ordered two drinks. "If I have the time, Mud, I'll take part but I don't think I can." she explained as she handed one of the drinks to the male Pokemon Ranger.

         "Aww... Come on, Vergil. I know you, it's not like you to not battle. I swear Pokemon battling is in you blood." Mud noted before taking a drink from his drink.

         Vergil sighed slightly as she rubbed the left side of her chest, wincing as she did so. "Pika! Pika! Chu Chu!" the shiny Pikachu exclaimed nervously.

         "Vergil? What's wrong?" Mud asked as he helped Vergil to a seat.

         "Just... It's just some chest pain." she replied as she reached into her shoulder bag and pulled out a small prescription bottle. She pulled out two small red pills and took them with a drink from the beverage she ordered.

         "You sure you're alright?" Mud asked concerned as he sat next to the other Pokemon Ranger.

         "I will be. Just need to sit for a bit." She replied as she looked at her watch and monitored her pulse.

         "This is why we haven't seen you at Gym Rally as often, isn't it?" Mud asked as he kept an eye on Vergil.

         She nodded slowly. "Yeah, I didn't want you guys to see me like this. Let alone anyone think I'm not fit to be a gym leader. When I'm gone for awhile, it's because my heart problems act up and I need to get it checked."

         "Don't strain yourself too much. We got worried when that Pokemon Breeder Leon showed up and didn't say much. He said you were having heart problems and went to a doctor but he didn't say much else aside from saying it wasn't anything too serious." Mud explained as he thought back briefly.

         "It's nothing serious, I just have to take some medication when it flares up like this." Vergil replied then smiled. "But thank you for your concern." She slowly stood and looked towards the registration area then looked back to Mud. "We should head over to Gym Rally."
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