Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2040629-Pokemon-BV---Vergil-Vs-Tempest
Rated: E · Other · Fanfiction · #2040629
A retelling of mine and Tempest's battle from a few weeks back.
         Tempest glanced at the Team Preview for the upcoming matched. She had just enough time to heal her Pokemon and make a few quick swaps after battling Vergil. The Ace Trainer stood next to the Pokemon Ranger and smirked slightly. "Interesting, they chose to make a Team with a rep from each generation." He commented as he looked at the nervous Ranger. "Hey, you going to be alright?"

         "Yeah, just a little shaken up after our battle." Tempest replied as she looked over the team.

         "Haunter Haunt Haunt!" a shiny Haunter began as he rose out of the Pokemon Ranger's shadow.

         "Don't worry Spectro, I've got this." Tempest reassured as she picked her starting two Pokemon. "huh? Vergil? That can't be right." She thought when she saw the other trainer's name.

         "Spectro and I will wait out here and watch from the stadium cams." Vergil said as he walked over to the lounge area. The shiny Haunter looked at his trainer then followed the Ace Trainer.

~                                                            ~                                                  ~

         "Alright, let's see here. We'll need to think up a carefull stradegy if we're going to win this. I'll lead with Lon'qu and Gaius. And the rest will go from there." Vergil said to herself as she prepared her team.

         "Hey Vergil, got another battle going?" a voice asked, causing the Pokemon Ranger to look over.

         "Hey yourself Devin. Yeah, another day another battle. You'll be watching, right?" She asked as she looked at the Pokemon Maniac.

         "Course I will. My team and I will be in the lounge watching from the stadium cameras." Devin replied as he looked at the Team Preview. "Huh, interesting team. Looks like she'll give you a run."

         "That's what I'm hoping for. Tempest and I go a ways back, given I had a different name back then. She's friends with a Dragon Master I'm trying to track down to battle. My battle registration was late getting in for a battle against him but caught Tempest." Vergil replied as she finished selecting her team.

         "Well good luck out there, Vergil." Devin said as he walked to the lounge.

         "Hang on a second." Vergil called over catching Devin's attention. "Would you mind keeping an eye on Blackavar for me? Unless he's battling he can't enter the stadium." She asked as she looked from the Pokemon Maniac to the shiny Pikachu on her shoulder.

         Devin smiled. "No problem. Blackavar can keep me company while we watch your battle." He responded.

         The shiny Pikachu jumped off of his trainer's shoulder and landed on the Pokemon Maniac's shoulder. "Pika Pika!" The shiny Pikachu called to his trainer.

         "You be good for Devin, ok?" Vergil said to the electric mouse as she went into the stadium.

         "Come on Blackavar, we got a couple minutes to find a seat before the match begins." Devin noted as he looked at the count down timer then headed to the lounge.

~                                                  ~                                                            ~

         Tempest entered the stadium and waited. She fidgeted with her green jacket as she looked at the count down timer. It was not long before the challenger, another Pokemon Ranger entered the stadium. This Ranger wore a red jacket in place of the standard orange jacket that rangers were given. "So you're Vergil..." Tempest began as she watched the red wearing female Pokemon Ranger go to her corner.

         "Yep, that's me." Vergil greeted with a smile. "You must be Tempest, I've heard a bit about you. I wish you luck in our coming battle."

         "She so different from Vergil. He's cold and distant, and she's cheerful and pleasant." Tempest thought as she grabbed two Pokeballs. "Alright, let's go! I choose you Pyrrhon and Sequin!" She called out as she sent out her starting line up.

         "Talonflame and Illumise, interesting combo." Vergil noted as she tossed two Dusk Balls into the air. "Let's rock, Lon'qu and Gaius!"

~                                                  ~                                                            ~

         Devin looked at the large TV screen as he made himself comfy in the lounge. "Hmm... Knowing Vergil, Lon'qu will Mat Block and Gaius will Tailwind." He said as he studied the layout of the battle

         "Even if she does that, Tempest will claim one Pokemon this turn." an Ace Trainer commented as he glanced over at the Pokemon Maniac.

         "What do you mean?" Devin asked.

         "Simple really. With Gale Wings, Talonflame will go first and use Brave Bird to one shot Greninja. Illumise's Prankster will allow it to go next, assuming Greninja servives it'll be hit by Thunder Wave." The Ace Trainer replied.

         "Sounds like Vergil's got her work cut out for her." Devin thought.

~                                                  ~                                                            ~

         "Lon'qu Mat Block! Gaius Tailwind!" Vergil instructed as she watched the Pokemon closely.

         "Pyrrhon Brave Bird the Greninja! Sequin Thunder Wave the Greninja!" Tempest called out to her Pokemon.

         Talonflame rushed Greninja with a powerful Brave Bird before anyone knew what was happening. Greninja went flying backwards and was knocked out right off the bat. "Lon'qu!" Vergil yelled over, a sense of worry in her eyes. Illumise struck out with Thunder Wave but the attack did nothing to the remaining Pokemon, Flygon. Flygon's wings kicked up a wind to blow behind the team to give them a speed boost. Greninja was called back to his Dusk ball, forcing the red garbed Pokemon Ranger to think carefully.

~                                                  ~                                                            ~

         "A trainer must always be three steps ahead to win a battle." the Ace Trainer commented to the Pokemon Maniac. "Tempest had a hunch that the other ranger would lead with a support set and knew how to snuff it out."

         "Vergil's still got plenty of tricks up her sleeve." Devin replied as he watched the screen.

         The TV screen projected what was happening in the stadium. "Let's go Chrom!" Vergil called as she sent out a Lucario.

         "Lucario? What's this nut thinking?" the Ace Trainer questioned as he watched the screen. "She battles recklessly, much like someone I once knew."

         "Hmm... What's your trainer up to Blackavar?" Devin asked as he rubbed the shiny Pikachu's head.

~                                                  ~                                                            ~

         "Your Lucario won't get the chance to strike when my Talonflame burns it to the ground." Tempest noted as she smirked.

         "I wouldn't be so sure." Vergil replied as she  studied the battle.

         "Pyrrhon Flare Blitz the Lucario. Sequin Thunder Wave the Lucario." the green garbed Pokemon Ranger called.

         "Chrom return!" Vergil said as she held a luxury ball in one hand. "You played right into my prediction." She whispered under her breath. "Go Robin!" She called as a dive ball was tossed into the air.

         "CHAAAAAR!" The Charizard roared as he entered battle.

         "Gaius, Dragon Claw the Talonflame!"

         Illumise's Thunder Wave hit Charizard, slowing him down. Flygon slashed Talonflame with a razor sharp Dragon Claw. It was weakened and within knock out range but the Talonflame still managed to use its Flare Blitz striking Charizard. There was a wave of silence as Charizard smirked. Not a moment later the Talonflame collapsed causing the red garbed Pokemon Ranger to breath a sigh of relief.

         "Pyrrhon, return." Tempest said as she recalled the Talonflame to it Pokeball.

~                                                  ~                                                            ~

         "A trick play?" the Ace Trainer muttered as he shook his head. "Maybe not as reckless as I thought."

         "So that's what your trainer was up to, eh Blackavar. But trick plays like that only work once. If Vergil's going to win this, she' going to need to really focus in on this match." Devin noted as he glanced from the Pikachu to the stunned Ace Trainer. "Seems even Vergil can get three steps ahead when needed."

         "Don't put so much faith in her. Your friend still has a long way to go before she's a Pokemon trainer to be reconized." the Ace Trainer noted as he looked at the shiny Haunter hovering next to him. "Your trainer will prevail, I know it."

~                                                  ~                                                            ~

         "Not bad, Vergil. Can't I expected you to do something like that." Tempest commented as she reached for the next Pokeball.

         "Thanks, not bad yourself, Tempest." Vergil replied as she looked to her two Pokemon.

         "Go Junypr!" Tempest yelled as she sent out her next Pokemon.

         "Ninja!" the Greninja cried as it entered battle.

         "Ok, let's do this." Vergil whispered just loud enough for her Pokemon to hear.

         "Junypr Water Shuriken the Flygon! Sequin Swagger the Charizard!"

         "Our hearts are one, show what you've got. Robin, Mega Evolve and Heat Wave!" Vergil called as she tapped her necklace's keystone. "Gaius, back him up with an Earthquake!"

         Charizard roared loudly as he appearance was altered into his Mega Y form. Strong sunlight filled the stadium, forcing both trainers to cover their eyes. Greninja struck first with a priority Water Shuriken. The water frog's protean triggered making it a pure water type as it struck the Dragon/Ground Pokemon four times with the water move. Flygon smirked as he hung on with plenty of health. Illumise's Swagger hit the Mega Charizard, causing him to become confused. "Let's see your Charizard fight through two status afflictions." Tempest noted as she watched the confusion and paralysis set on the Fire/Flying Pokemon.

         Flygon lashed out with an Earthquake doing devasating damage to the Greninja but barely doing anything to the Illumise. Charizard shook his head as though trying to clear his mind and focus. "Our bonds are strong. Don't focus on anything else, just focus on my heart beat, Robin." Vergil whispered. Charizard stopped and closed his eyes as though focusing on something. He took a deep breath then slowly let it out. A surge of flames was unleashed from the Fire/Flying Pokemon. The Heat Wave struck both Greninja and Illumise, knocking both of them out.

         Tempest bit her lip as she called both her knocked out Pokemon back.

~                                                  ~                                                            ~

         "He fought through two status afflictions? Impressive." the Ace Trainer commented as he watched the screen.

         "Vergil and her Charizard are very close. He was the first Pokemon for that team she hatched and he helped her train and level the others. They trust one another greatly." Devin explained as he looked at the confused Ace Trainer. "Haha. You look more confused than Robin."

         "You're clearly close to Vergil if you know this." the Ace Trainer noted as he pushed his silver hair out of his face.

         "She and I are friends and sparring partners." the Pokemon Maniac replied as he looked closely at the Ace Trainer.

         "Haunt Haunt." the shiny Haunter said as he placed a hand on the Ace Trainer's blue jacket.

         "Tempest, will be fine. The only trainer she's ever lost to is me." He reassured. "And there was that other trainer. What was her name? It started with a T..."

~                                                  ~                                                            ~

         "Go Grave and Thanatos!" Tempest called out as she sent out two Pokemon, a Gengar and a Slowbro. "Grave, Disable the Charizard! Thanatos, Mega evolve and use Calm Mind!"

         "Robin, Heat Wave! Gaius, Earthquake!" Vergil instructed as she looked onward to the battle.

         The Slowbro mega evolved, it's tail shell practically consuming it. Flygon struck with his Earthquake, doing small damage to Mega Slowbro and not doing anything to Gengar.

~                                                  ~                                                            ~

         "A poor choice of attacks." the blue garbed Ace Trainer said as he smirked. "Those were attacks of desparation. Tempest has her in a corner all she needs to do is keep her prey there."

         "Battle's far from over." Devin noted as he rubbed the shiny Pikachu's head.

         "Pika, pik chu!" the shiny Pikachu exclaimed as he pointed at the screen and loked nervous.

         "Mind if I join you two?" a newcomer asked as he walked over.

         "huh, oh hey Azmo! Pull up a seat. Vergil's battling another Ranger by the name of Tempest." Devin replied as he looked at the standard orange garbed male Pokemon Ranger.

         "I take I've missed half the battle, haven't I?" Azmo responded as he took a seat next to Devin.

         "Roughly speak." the Pokemon Maniac replied.

~                                                  ~                                                            ~

         The disable from Gengar prevented Mega Charizard from attacking, leaving the window Tempest needed to set up. Mega Slowbro use Calm Mind, a flash of red indicated the increase of stats, Special Attack and Special Defense. Vegil gritted her teeth, knowing full well that this battle had taken a turn she did not want it to. "Gaius may have to pull the weight of this battle. He's already done far more than I thought he would." She thought as the wind blowing from behind the team subsided.

         "Good, her Tailwind's down. Means I get another turn to set up since she'll probably set that speed up again." Tempest thought as she smirked.

         Flygon turned his attention to his trainer, his eyes showing a deep sense of trust. "With Robin paralized we need that Tailwind. But I can't give another turn that she can set up." Vergil thought as she looked to her Flygon. The Flygon gave a reassuring roar as though asking something of the trainer. "Of course I want to win but we need to think up a strong plan." The Flygon nodded but gave the same reassuring roar. The Pokemon Ranger nodded her her head in understanding. Trust me. That's what the trainer heard in the roar. "Alright, go for it, Gaius."

         "Thanatos, Scald the Charizard! Grave use a Substitute!" Tempest ordered.

         "Robin, Solar Beam the Slowbro! Gaius, Dragon Claw the Gengar!"

~                                                  ~                                                            ~

         "She's not setting up another Tailwind?" Azmo looked slightly puzzled but smirked when he realized what was going on in the red Pokemon Ranger's head. "I get it."

         "Not enough time or cover to set up effectively, am I right?" Devin asked as looked over at the male Ranger.

         "Exactly. She wants the Tailwind boost but knows that setting it up at this point could cost her more than it'd be worth." Azmo noted.

         "Interesting. So she'll go on the offense instead of playing a bit of support." the Ace Trainer noted as he looked at the screen.

         "Who's he?" Azmo asked looking from the Ace Trainer to Devin.

         "Some Ace Trainer who's been watching the battle. Probably a friend of Tempest." The Pokemon Maniac replied.

~                                                  ~                                                            ~

         Gengar's Substitute went up but was quickly struck down by Flygon's Dragon Claw. Mega Slowbro spewed out boiling water, striking Mega Charizard and putting him within knock out range. "Dig deep Robin. I believe in you." Vergil thought as she watched her Charizard barely stay on his feet. Mega Charizard shook his head trying to focus on something. His vision was foggy from how injured he was, his ears were ringing from some of the water having gotten into them. It was hard for him to focus on anything. Flygon called out to his partner trying to snapping him out of the trans. No good. Mega Charizard could not hear the Dragon/Ground Pokemon and ended up striking himself in the confused state.

         "You did good Robin, sorry I couldn't help you through that." Vergil noted as she called back her Charizard. She grabbed a standard Pokeball from her belt and clicked it to full size before throwing it. "Let's go Lucina!" she yelled as a shiny Serperior emerged.

         "Oh wow, your Serperior is so cool looking! I want one of that coloration." Tempest replied as she stared at the shiny grass snake.

         "Took several days and eggs to breed her but well worth it." The red garbed Pokemon Ranger responded. "Lucina, use your Glare on the Slowbro! Gaius, Dragon Claw the Gengar!"

         "Grave, Sludge Bomb the Serperior! Thanatos, Psyshock the Flygon!" Tempest called.

         Serperior moved first and shot a nasty look at the Mega Slowbro. Glare, an attack that was would paralysis its target. Small jolts of electricity sparked around Mega Slowbro indicating the paralysis status affliction. Gengar opened his mouth and spewed a poison beam of sludge at the grass snake. Sludge Bomb, a high power special hitting poison based attack. The grass snake wailed in pain as she collapsed unable to keep fighting. Flygon looked to Serperior then looked to the Gengar. A deep growl came from the Dragon/Ground Pokemon as his eyes began burning a fierce red. He lunged at the Gengar and struck it hard with a Dragon Claw sending the Ghost/Poison Pokemon into ground leaving a small creator.

         "Grave!" Tempest called in worry. Mega Slowbro sparked with electricity unable to move due to the paralysis. "Grave return." She commented as she called back her Gengar.

         "You did alright, Lucina." Vergil noted as she called back her Serperior.

         Tempest held another Pokeball at the ready. "It's up to you now, Dusty!" She called as she sent out her own Serperior.

         "Tip the scales, Lissa!" Vergil hollared as she sent out an Espeon.

         Espeon and Serperior shot one another dirty looks as the assessed the battle. Flygon nodded to Espeon as though telling her it was up to them. Mega Slowbro winced from the sting of the paralysis setting further in.

         ~                                                  ~                                                  ~

         "Vergil has a small lead. She still has Lucario on reserve." Devin noted as he watched intensity of the battle.

         "True, but right now, Charizard would be proving more helpful." Azmo replied as he glanced at Devin.

         "Don't count Tempest out so soon. The Serperior has won her countless battles." the Ace Trainer cut in as he smirked. "A contrary Leaf Storm might be all Tempest needs to change the fate of this battle."

         "Chu!" the shiny Pikachu on Devin's lap scoffed at the Ace Trainer.

         "Haunt!" the shiny Haunter floating next to the Ace Trainer retaliated at the electric mouse.

         ~                                                  ~                                                  ~

         "Dusty, Leaf Storm the Flygon! Thanatos, Scald the Espeon!" Tempest ordered her team as she watched the Pokemon closely.

         "Lissa, Gaius, work together to take down the Serperior. Psyshock and Dragon Claw!" Vergil called out to her Pokemon.

         Serperior's Leaf Storm struck out and hit Flygon doing a sizable amount of damage. Espeon looked to her partner with concerned eyes, as though trying to reassure the Psychic Pokemon, Flygon gave a thumbs up. The grass snake flashed red indicating the boost to special attack from the contrary Leaf Storm combination. Espeson attacked with her Psyshock putting Serperior within knock out range. Flygon growled as he lunged at the grass snake and clawed him with his sharp Dragon Claw. Serperior cried out as he collapsed unable to continue fighting. "Dusty!" Tempest cried out upon hearing the Serperior's cry. Mega Slowbro struck Espeon with the boiling water type attack, Scald. Espeon shook off, the attack barely phasing her. "It's all up to you, Thanatos! Psyshock the Flygon!" Tempest called as she recalled her Serperior.

         "Lissa, Shadow Ball! Gaius, Dragon Claw!" Vergil quickly instructed.

~                                                            ~                                                  ~

         "Hmm... I underestimated the red one. It appears she knows her way around a battle after all." the Ace Trainer remarked.

         "Course she does. Vergil enjoys double battles and knows her way around them quite well." Devin noted as he rubbed shiny Pikachu's head. "Your trainer's got this, nothing to worry about." He said softly.

~                                                            ~                                                  ~

         Espeon hurled a lump of ghostly energy from the jewel on her head striking the Mega Slowbro with fierce power. Flygon quickly closed the distance and followed up with a Dragon Claw to Mega Slowbro's belly. The Mega Pokemon spun for a bit but recovered and launched out a powerful psychic based attack, hitting Flygon from every angle. Flygon screeched in pain as he fell to the ground. "Gaius!" Vergil called as she saw her Flygon finally collapse. "You did great out there, buddy." She added as she called him back to his Dusk ball.

         "I still might have a shot at winning this." Tempest thought as she watched Vergil click the Luxury ball and toss it into the fry. Lucario entering the fight. "Thanatos Psyshock the Lucario!"

         "Lissa, Shadow Ball! Chrom, back her up with Crunch!" Vergil instructed.

         Espeon's jewel began glowing as another lump of ghostly energy shot forth. Mega Slowbro was hit in the chest and sent twirling backwards, bumping into a wall. There was another wave of silence before the Mega Pokemon collaspsed. Vergil smiled slightly as she let out a sigh of relief.

         "I lost... But... Ah well..." Tempest murmured as she called back her Slowbro. "Great battle, Vergil."

         "Thanks, great battle yourself." Vergil replied as she called back her Espeon and Lucario.

         "Twice in one day, man that's sloppy." Tempest whispered to herself.

         "Twice in one day?" Vergil questioned as she walked over for a hand shake.

         "Yeah, you're the second Vergil I've lost to today." the green garbed Pokemon Ranger replied as she shook hands the red garbed Pokemon Ranger.

         "Wait, so then. You know him?!" the red garbed Pokemon Ranger stammered in shock.

         "Know him, he's my close friend, Dragon Master Vergil." Tempest replied as she and Vergil walked to the healing station and healed their Pokemon.

         "Found you at long last. I took up the same name as you to try to bait you out. This time we battle, things will be different, Ben."
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