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Rated: E · Other · Fanfiction · #2040624
Story retelling of a battle between my Dragon team and my friend Tempest.
         Vergil smirked at Tempest, " 'bout time we get to battle. Let's see what you've learned." The Ace Trainer said as he held two Premier balls. "For you, Eva." He whispered to himself.

         Tempest knew Vergil specialized with Dragons, a heavily offensive type but not very defensive. She had packed two secret weapons to help her deal with those dragons, fairies. "Alright Vergil, let's see if you're as good as you claim!" The Pokemon Ranger called as she pulled out two Pokeballs and tossed them into the air. "Go Pyrrhon and Sorbet!" A Talonflame and a Slurpuff emerged and looked eager to battle.

         "You think a fairy will slow me down? Let's rock it, Nero and Dante!" Vergil yelled as he tossed the two Premier balls into the air. A Salamence and Garchomp emerged from the balls, both of which were always ready to battle. There was a blue flash from Talonflame and Slurpuff, indicating Salamence's Intimidate.

         "Sorbet return!" Tempest called as she quickly withdrew the cotton candy Pokemon. "Go Sequin!" She addd as her next Pokemon entered the battle, Illumise. "Pyrrhon use Brave Bird on the Salamence!"

         "Nero, Tailwind. Dante, Iron Head the Illumise!" Vergil ordered, he hadn't counted on Tempest making a switch so quickly but was able to work with it.

         The Talonflame lunged forward and struck the Salamence, doing some serious damage him, but taking serious damage itself. Garchomp lowered his head as he rushed the Illumise with a devestating Iron Head. While the attack did not do as much as Vergil would have liked, he knew they could easily remedy that. Salamence's powerful wings kicked up the Tailwind for his team.

         "Not bad so far Tempest, but let's see how you do when the Dragons put some real pressure on you." Vergil noted as he planned out his next orders.

         "Pyrrhon, Brave Bird the Garchomp! Sequin, Thunder Wave the Salamence!" Tempest instructed her team.

         "Nero, Dante, work together, Flamethrower and Iron Head the Illumise!" Vergil called out.

         Talonflame struck the Garchomp with a powerful Brave Bird, but took even worse recoil than expected. "He has Rough Skin..." Tempest thought as she noticed the barb like roughness of Garchomp's body. Illumise's Thunder Wave hit the target, paralyzing Salamence. Garchomp ignored the pain he felt from the Brave Bird and rushed the Illumise with his Iron Head, knocking it low enough that it ate its Sitrus Berry. Salamence smirked at Garchomp as fire lit up his jaws. The flames surged forward and licked the bug Pokemon into submission. "Sequin!" Tempest called out as she recalled her Illumise.

         "You should know by now, I hate Prankster." Vergil commented as he stood with his arms crossed over his chest.

         "Good thing I still have you on reserve." Tempest whispered as she threw her next Pokeball. "Go Magnus!" On cue the shiny Gardevoir emerged from the Pokeball.

         "Another fairy? How ammusing." Vergil noted as he assessed the situation. A smirk formed on his face as he calculated every possible outcome.

         "Magnus mega evolve and use Hyper Voice! Pyrrhon use Roost!" Tempest called out to her Pokemon.

         "Dante, Nero, work together! Hidden Power and Iron Head the Gardevoir!" Vergil yelled to his Dragon Pokemon.

         Gardevoir shone with a bright light as he mega evolved. Talonflame perched on the ground and flickered green indicating that it had recovered its health. Garchomp ran right at the Gardevoir and slammed into the Psychic/Fairy Pokemon with a devastating Iron Head. The Mega Gardevoir cried out in pain as it was launched into a wall before collapsing. "Magnus!" cried the Pokemon Ranger, fear gripping her as she watched her shiny Mega Gardevoir faint.

         Vergil smirked slightly, "Well I wasn't expecting a Mega to go down that easily. Excellent work Dante." He noted as his Garchomp smiled to his trainer. Salamence unleashed his Hidden Power striking Talonflame. The damage was small in comparison to what Garchomp had done but it was still enough to put a decent dent in the Fire/Flying bird. "That was meant to hit your Gardevoir in case Iron Head wasn't enough." The Ace Trainer added as he watched Tempest scramble for a Pokeball.

         "Let's go Celosia!" The Pokemon Ranger called as she tossed a Pokeball into the air. Out from the ball came a shiny Aegislash. "Phyrron use Brave Bird, take out the Salamence! Celosia use King's Shield, guard yourself!"

         "Dante, Dragon Claw the Talonflame. Nero, Dragon Pulse the Talonflame!" The Ace Trainer called out to his Pokemon.

         Aegislash's King's Shield went up first, blocking out any and all damage the shield Pokemon would be taking. Talonflame was up next, her Brave Bird struck Salamence with devastating force. Salamence fell to the ground, his eyes spinning in a daze. Garchomp snarled at the Talonflame as he rushed forward with his claws. Talonflame was knocked into a wall, leaving it very cracked as the bird Pokemon slid to the ground. "Pyrrhon!" Tempest yelled as she looked to her Talonflame. The bird Pokemon was in no condition to continue battling, forcing the Pokemon Ranger to call her back.

         "Dante doesn't like it when you knock out his nephew." Vergil commented as he called back his Salamence. "Well Tempest, what tricks do you still have up your sleeve?" He asked as he grabbed the next Premier ball from his belt.

         "Let's go Dusty!" Tempest called without any hesitation. A Serperior came onto the field and yelled out it's signature cry. "I'm counting on you Dusty." Tempest whispered as she watched Vergil throw the Premier ball into the air. A Hydreigon emerged from the silver ball and roared with the thirst for battle. "Dusty, Leaf Storm the Garchomp! Celosia, Swords Dance!" Tempest instructed, her voice showed a hint of nervousness.

         "Dante, Earthquake! Trish, Heat Wave!" Vergil called as he watched his dragons. Serperior was faster than either dragon and lashed out with a powerful Leaf Storm sending Garchomp into a wall. "Dante, can you still fight?!" The Ace Trainer asked as he looked to his Garchomp. The Dragon/Ground Pokemon smirked as he rushed back into the battle and attacked with an Earthquake. Hydreigon glanced at her partner and smirked at him as she let loose a Heat Wave. Serperior and Aegislash barely held on after both attacks but they managed to do such. Aegislash got off her Swords Dance, giving Tempest some hope. "I'm impressed they held on after being hit that hard." Vergil noted as he watched the Pokemon on the field. The wind that had been blowing behind the dragons came to stop. "Hmm... Guess my Tailwind's out."

         "Dusty and Celosia aren't going to take those attacks lying down." Tempest replied as she looked to her two Pokemon. "Our turn to go on the offense! Dusty, Leaf Storm the Garchomp, finish it off! Celosia, Shadow Sneak the Hydreigon!"

         "Odd choice for attacks but I'll humor you." Vergil thought. "Dante, Earthquake. Trish, Dark Pulse the Serperior."

         Aegislash struck first with her priority Shadow Sneak and hit Hydreigon. The three headed dragons smirked as though challenging the Aegislash to hit her again. Serperior was next with his Leaf Storm sending Garchomp into the wall of the stadium. Dust and debris went everywhere causing both trainers and the Hydreigon to go on edge. Garchomp emerged from the dust but was barely moving. He swayed slightly but collapsed unable to keep battling. Hydreigon roared in anger and blood lust as she rained down a Dark Pulse onto Serperior that ko'ed her partner. The grass snake was sent flying and crashed into opposite side of the stadium. Vergil and Tempest both called back a Pokemon that was unable to battle.

         "Alright, go Sorbet!" Tempest yelled as the Slurpuff from Turn one entered the battle once again.

         "Let's rock it, Kyrie!" Vergil called as an Altaria emerged from the Premier ball he was holding.

         Both trainers were wanting to end that battle soon. Tempest was down to her final two Pokemon, Slurpuff and a very worn out Aegislash. While Vergil still had four Pokemon, a damaged Hydreigon, an undamaged Altaria and from what the Team Preview showed, Dragalge and Kingdra.

         "Not the first time you've backed me into a corner, Vergil. We'll come back from this." Tempest said as she thought back to all the times she and Vergil had battled in the past.

         "True, but this time I intend to keep you in that corner." Vergil replied without an sense of concern nor worry. He tapped the keystone at was attached to the amulet around his neck. "My turn to show you a Mega Pokemon. Trish, Heat Wave! Kyrie, Mega evolve and strike the Slurpuff with Return!" He yelled as the Altaria's form was ovetaken by a bright pale blue light. The Dragon/Flying Pokemon became even fluffier as it mega evolved in a Dragon/Fairy.

         "Celosia, King's Shield! Sorbet, Wish!" Tempest called.

         Aegislash got her King's Shield up to block out damage. Hydreigon let loose a field blitzing Heat Wave. Vergil shook his head as he watched the Slurpuff avoid the Heat Wave and the attack bounce off the Aegislash's King's Shield. Altaria hummed to herself as she attacked the cotton candy looking Pokemon with Return. There was a red flash as the Mega Altaria was launched back into her Premier ball. "Red Card." Vergil thought as another Premier ball lit up sending his fifth Pokemon into battle.

         "Weren't expecting that now were you!" Tempest called. As her Slurpuff managed to get off its Wish.

         "It won't change the outcome! Morrison can fight just as well as any of the others." Vergil replied as he glanced at his Kingdra that had been dragged out by the Red Card.

         "Sorbet, Substitute! Celosia, Scared Sword the Hydreigon!" The Pokemon Ranger instructed as she readied for the turn. "Turn eight, I don't think Vergil's ever had a battle go this long. I might be able to wear him and his dragons down."

         "Trish, Heat Wave! Morrison, Flash Cannon the Slurpuff!" Vergil called out to his dragons.

         Slurpuff got behind the Pokedoll substitute before either attack was launched. Hydreigon's Heat Wave scorched through the stadium, missing the substitute again but succesfully ko'ing the Aegislash. Tempest called back her knocked out Aegislash, a look of worry on her face. "It's all up to you, Sorbet." She thought as she watched the Kingdra's metal beam, Flash Cannon, launch from the Water/Dragon's mouth. The attack hit it's mark and broke the substitute that Slurpuff had been hiding behind. There was a flicker of light as Slurpuff's health was restored from the Wish used earlier.

         "I told you, Tempest. The Dragons and I intend to keep our prey backed into a corner." Vergil noted. "Guess it's time to wrap this up. Trish, Heat Wave! Morrison, Flash Cannon!"

         "Sorbet, Play Rough the Kingdra!" Tempest called out.

         The Slurpuff hit the Kingdra like a truck but the Water/Dragon held on with about half his health remaining. Hydreigon's Heat Wave struck the Slurpuff leaving the cotton candy Pokemon with minor damage. Kingdra launched his Flash Cannon at the cotton candy Pokemon and sent it into part of the upper stadium wall. "Sorbet!" Tempest cried in concern as the Fairy type Pokemon slid down the wall and slumped to the ground.

         "Better luck next time Tempest." Vergil said coldly as he watched Tempest call the Slurpuff back. He pulled two Premier balls from his belt and called back both his dragons then turned to leave.

         "Vergil," Tempest began causing the Ace Trainer to look over his shoulder. "one day, I will defeat your Dragon team in doubles."

         "Keep dreaming kid." He replied as he walked out. "Eva, I won." He said softly as he walked to the healing machine and healed his Pokemon. "Looks like you've got another challenger coming. I'll be in the stands watching."
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